MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 861 to visit

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On the 13th!! Someone visited the prison! "Li Huowang, who was a bit haggard, was led by the prison guards to the visiting room, opened the stool and sat down."

With an indifferent expression, he raised his head and said to the prison guard who was unlocking him, "I'm not a prisoner, I'm not visiting a prison or visiting relatives, I'm in the psychiatric unit, I'm a patient."

"I know, everyone in the White Tower doesn't know you, Li Huowang, you are much more difficult to deal with than a prisoner. You made a mistake, your points cannot be deducted, your sentence cannot be increased, and you have to take good care of you. How can you be a patient? , you are the emperor."

Squeezing down heavily, the other party turned and walked out. "Be honest, there are surveillance ones, and they are taken away to make your family feel better."

Although the handcuffs and shackles were removed, the self-harming things on the head were not removed.

Li Huowang stretched vigorously and rubbed his wrists. It was really uncomfortable being handcuffed every day.

"So who is going to visit the prison today?" Li Huowang thought to himself.

Yang Na is impossible, the biggest possibility is her mother, Sun Xiaoqin, and her father, Li Jiancheng.

"My mother is here?" Li Huowang looked towards the door with fear and anticipation in his heart.

But just when his eyes were getting brighter, an arm covered with thorn tattoos made his expectations come to nothing.

"What? Are you disappointed to see me?" Ban Nanxu, who was chewing something, picked up the phone and asked Li Huowang on the other side of the glass.

She was still dressed in the gothic outfit, no different from what she saw in the tattoo shop before, but the tattoos on her body seemed to have changed.

"No, I'm already very happy to have someone come to see me, thanks, Ba Fei."

"What happened to your eyes?"

"It was detained by me."

"Is it raw?"


"Hehe, yes, you're a man. I'll buy you a drink when you come out."

Li Huowang had just chatted with her here, and he was slightly taken aback. He looked at the woman in front of him with a very shocked expression.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head abruptly and looked at the camera with the flashing red dot. "Let my attending doctor, Yi Dong, come here! Hurry up!"

Li Huowang pointed at Ban Nanxu, and shouted excitedly: "Yi Donglai! Look! Did you see it! She is real! She has come to visit the prison! How could it be fake!! Not a hallucination!!"

"What nerves, sit down!"

Li Huowang sat down again, looking at the woman in front of him with a very excited expression. "Let me ask you, when I dealt with those people before, when Qian Fu died, you were there, right? Those are all true, right?"

"Don't leave today, I need you to help me explain to my attending doctor and tell him that all this is true!"

Bananxu glanced at the camera, put his hand into the pocket of the words and pressed the button lightly, "Now they can't hear, I don't have time for you to go crazy here, I just ask you a word, do you want to go out ?”

Li Huowang could understand the other party's meaning, but he declined the other party. "I want to go out, but I don't want to use your method. I want to go out through the front door openly."

"Since you are real, then I am not sick in this aspect. I am only sick with the hallucinations. As long as I cure the hallucinations, I will be discharged from the hospital soon."

Ban Nanxu looked at Li Huowang with crazy eyes, "Huozi, do you really think so? You really think you have done so many things, and you can still come out?"

"To tell you the truth, there is no play. You are not afraid of bothering others, but you are afraid of trouble. Even if you are cured, you will stay in the hospital for observation for a lifetime if you don't pay the money."

"Compared with the things you have tossed about before, the food expenses are nothing worth mentioning. They would rather spend some money than make trouble again, otherwise the performance will be lost from top to bottom."

"No! I don't believe it! You are lying! I am cured, why should they lock me up!"

Bananxu slightly moved his body backwards, and then leaned forward slightly. "I lied,? Kid, I did", cut. "Have I ever lied to you?"

"I told you to beware of Qingwang, but now you are locked in, what about others? You didn't say he lied to you, but now you say I lied to you?"

After Li Huowang calmed down for a while, he began to seriously ask Ban Nanxu about the origin of the news.

"Don't ask where this news came from. You can judge it yourself. This is not the first time. As the saying goes, there are only three things. Think about whether they have a reason to do this? This is human nature. "

"We can help you, we can help you out, but the price is that you and Qing Wanglai are completely separated, come to our side, Yin."

Hearing this, Li Huowang finally understood what the other party wanted to do when he came to him this time, it was here to pull people.

Although a little moved, Li Huowang decided to try again. "You always say that Qingwang is unreliable, UU Reading, so Zhao Shuangdian can be relied on?"

"Where were you guys when Bai Yujing was in crisis last time? If Qingwang came, you wouldn't be there either. It would be the same for you if Qingwang came."

"I don't understand what crazy words you are talking about. I just want to tell you that you are not with us. How do you know that we didn't do anything? It is only possible that what you see with your own eyes exists. On the earth Doesn’t everything that happens elsewhere doesn’t exist?”

"No, I don't accept." Li Huowang, who was dubious about the other party's news, declined the other party's invitation.

"I'm sick, I'm mentally ill, and I need treatment. Now that everything is over, why should I go out? I won't go out until I get better."

Ban Nanxu dragged his tattooed cheeks with his hands, parted his tongue out of his mouth, shook it quickly a few times, and then went back. "Is your girlfriend not worth it? I heard that she has been discharged from the hospital and is recuperating at home, and her condition is improving."

Li Huowang clenched his hands and shook his head slowly, blinking his eyes. "not worth it."

"Fuck, you're a **** scum."

Bananxu stood up after speaking. "Well, since you don't agree, forget it."

"Since it's not worth it anymore, it doesn't matter if your Yang Na is in the hands of Qing Wanglai now?"

Li Huowang's pupils shrank to extremely small in an instant. The veins on the back of the hand also popped instantly. "What the **** are you guys doing! Do you really think I can't get out? I can save Bai Yujing, and I can also destroy it!!"

"Don't be mad at me. I didn't do it. Keep this anger in your stomach, and wait for Qingwang to come out."

Ban Nanxu left after speaking, she didn't say when to do it, and she didn't say how to cooperate with Li Huowang.

But both Li Huowang and Bananxu understood that the two sides had reached a consensus.

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