MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 863 meet (yesterday)

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Li Huowang continued to walk forward, and as he kept moving away, Yi Donglai's voice became smaller and smaller.

Li Huowang heaved a sigh of relief and was safe when he went out of the second door and could not hear Yi Donglai's voice at all.

After quickly changing into casual clothes, Li Huowang walked out from the main entrance, and a black car was already waiting not far away.

After taking one last look at the off-white Baita Prison behind him, Li Huowang walked towards the car.

As soon as he opened the car door, he saw Ban Nanxu sitting there with his legs crossed, without looking up, brushing his cell phone. It was her younger brother who was driving.


At this time, Li Huowang didn't have any hesitation, just bent down and got into the car.

The first thing he did was to reach out and tear off everything on his face. It seemed that glue was used inside, which made his face hurt from sticking.

"Is Zhao Shuang's network wider than Qingwang's? You brought me out so easily."

"Hehe, to tell the truth, it might be difficult for us to rob the prisoners in the prison, but it's not too difficult to rob the mentally ill in the prison. After all, they didn't expect that there are still people who are willing to go to such a trouble for a mentally ill."

Li Huowang raised his head and said to Ba Chengqing who was driving: "Do you know where Qing Wang came to Yang Na and the others? Find them, the sooner the better!"

His legs began to shake involuntarily, and his emotions gradually became excited. "Got a knife? I need a weapon!"

Ban Nanxu moved his body, raised his leg covered with thorn tattoos and pressed it on Li Huowang's trembling knee. "Why are you in such a hurry? Let's talk about it later. The situation may not be as bad as you thought."

"When it's over, you should hold back your temper. Although we win you over, we don't want you to become enemies with Qingwang. In fact, Qingzi and we are also friends on the face. Don't make it too ugly."

However, Li Huowang didn't listen to these words at all, he was completely immersed in his own world.

He didn't know how long it had passed, but every second was so difficult.

Finally, after waiting for days and years, Li Huowang opened the car door and rushed out like a cheetah when he heard the sound of brakes.

This is a villa area in the woods, which pays great attention to privacy and looks very high-end.

A European-style villa came into Li Huowang's eyes, and the site in Qingwang was obviously different from other places. The high foyer and imposing gate, round arch windows and corner stone masonry, white plaster walls combined with black roof tiles are full of elegance and luxury.

After quickly scanning the yard, Li Huowang jumped into the pool in the garden, picked up a palm-sized stone from it, and rushed towards the entrance of the villa.

"Touch!" Li Huowang kicked the door open with one kick, startling Chen Hongyu who was eating snacks in the living room and watching the projection.

"You're going to die, can't you be quiet?"

Li Huowang rushed in front of her like the wind, and asked in a trembling voice: "Where is Qingwang coming? Where is Qingwang coming from!"

"It's on the third floor. He stayed up all night with Zhao Lei last night, so he's probably trying to catch up on sleep."

Hearing this, Li Huowang immediately rushed towards the stairs, and when he reached the third floor with the stone, Qing Wanglai had already come out of the house.

After all, it was hard not to hear such a big commotion just now.

When he saw Li Huowang rushing towards him with a stone in his hand, Qing Wanglai asked in surprise, "What's the matter? Don't get excited, don't get excited, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you okay?"

But compared with that caring tone, his actions did not match at all. At this moment, the black muzzle of the gun in his hand was already pointing at Li Huowang's head, forcing him to stop.

"Where is Yang Na! Where is Yang Na! If you dare to touch Yang Na with a finger, I will never end with you!"

Qing Wanglai's tone was still so relaxed. "First of all, I want to make it clear that Miss Yang found her here by herself. I don't know where you got the news, but I really don't mean to tie her up. She can leave whenever she wants."

"But she didn't go, because she thought you'd be here, she's been waiting for you."

"Then I can answer your question. She is now at the third door on the left behind you. These days, Wu Qi is with her. Although she is not good at neurology, she is also a medical staff after all."

Li Huowang stared at him fiercely, facing him like this, and retreated towards the third door on the left.

"Bang bang bang." Li Huowang knocked **** the door, and it was Wu Qi with a mask on his face who opened the door. "Who? It's so noisy."

"Oh, Li Huowang? You came out? We were planning to save you. What's wrong with your eyes?"

Li Huowang quickly pulled her away and rushed into the house. In the corner, he saw Yang Na curled up and holding her head.

"Nana, Nana" Li Huowang walked over and took her into his arms.

Smelling the familiar smell, Yang Na, who was a little dull, slowly raised her head and looked at Li Huowang's face.

Extremely haggard, she reached out her hand to touch Li Huowang's hollow eye sockets, her eyes were full of distress. "Huo Wang, UU Reading What happened to your eyes? Where did your eyes go? Is it because of me? Is it because of me that you are like this?"

"No, it's not because of you. It's all my fault. It's all my own fault. It has nothing to do with you. You must not blame yourself."

Li Huowang repeated it side by side, to avoid Yang Na's additional psychological burden, which is what she taboos the most now.

After comforting for a while, Yang Na smiled softly again, she leaned forward, and their faces were lightly pressed together.

"Huowang, I believe it! I believe it all! After that, no matter what you say, I will believe it, and I heard their voices. That's right, I am also a commanding officer like you. You are a season disaster. Then I am a lifeless mother."

Li Huowang's face trembled uncontrollably, he seemed to want to cry and laugh at the same time.

Regardless of whether all this is true or not, he only wants to bear it alone, and he does not want or want others to suffer the same torture as himself.

6 Papa Papa!! "The applause rang out, and it was Qing Wanglai who was applauding with a smile on his face." Good, very good, let us applaud to welcome the new comrades to join.

"Fuck!" Li Huowang rushed out, punched him in the face, and knocked him flying.

Seeing Qing Wang coming from the ground, Li Huowang was about to rush over when he was stopped by others.

"Forget it, Li Huowang, don't do this."

"It's not true, everyone is their own."

"Oh, what is this for, pull them away quickly."

Pulled by the rest of them, Li Huowang finally didn't meet Qingwang for a second time.

After shaking them away vigorously, Li Huowang walked up to Yang Na and gently hugged her.

"Where are you taking her?"

"Take her home! She's sick, she's mentally ill, she needs to rest, she needs to get away from...incentives..."

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