MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 869 fraud

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In the empty hall, a scholar stood in front of Li Huowang, bowed directly to Li Huowang and made a big salute, "Mingluntang Liu Yifang has seen the immortal master, and the Tianchen people secretly contacted their subordinates yesterday, they said Tianchen Guo There is no conflict with Daqi."

"As long as the people of Daqi are watching the show, no matter how much food the immortal master sends over, Tianchen Kingdom will always give three times more."

Divorce, but also openly and openly conspiring.

Before Gao Zhijian wanted Da Qi to be a thug, but if Da Qi became a thug of the Tianchen Kingdom, it would be a big trouble.

"Is it just to alienate you?" Li Huowang's voice was very indifferent.

Seeing Li Huowang on the stone seat speak, Liu Fangfang quickly explained: "It should be so. If other colleagues know about it, they should also report it."

"No, since Tianchen Guo divorced, I definitely won't just alienate you. It's just that you are the only one who told me that the others are either sitting on the fence, or they have been successfully alienated by Tianchen Guo!" Li Huowang, who was suddenly furious, raised his hand With a hard hit, the stone seat was smashed open.

"There's more to come!"

As Li Huowang raised his head, he saw the giant of the Mo family walking towards him. "Immortal Master, don't worry, the ancestors' ancient methods, the Mohists will never break their promises!"

Li Huowang's expression was indifferent, neither happy nor sad, which made other people in the hall feel a lot of pressure.

After pondering for a moment, Zen Du at the side said, "Benefactor Li, it may not be what you think, and the Tianchen Kingdom may not separate everyone, there must be many people who don't know about it, at least no one in Zhengde Temple has contact with Tianchen. "

"It's okay, I'm not angry."

After a long pause, Li Huowang said again: "I was just thinking about how they will solve this time."

"Both of you, if someone contacts you again, you agree to their request and agree to Tianchen Guo's divorce."

"What?!" Everyone present thought they heard it wrong.

"The two of you sneak into it and talk to Tianchen and the others. No matter what excuses you can make, you can talk about it, but there must be one requirement, that is, let them bring the food over first."

Liu Fang looked at Li Huowang hesitantly, "After the food is delivered..."

"The food has arrived, so why worry about it? Of course it's a direct sneak attack. It's best to find a way to catch their hearts!"

If it's not good to directly dismantle it, then it's better to simply follow the trick.

Li Huowang didn't know if there was another way to cross two different worlds besides Xinpan.

But it's not wrong to deal with Xinpan first, at least after I have Xinpan's backbone, I can go to heaven, and I won't always be so passive.

After finally understanding what Li Huowang wanted to do, the other people in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.

"But this is against the rules." The Mohist giant frowned to express his dissatisfaction.

"Don't you know that soldiers never tire of cheating? Besides, there are two rules that conflict now. Which rule do you think is more important?"

Seeing that the giant had stopped talking, Li Huowang waved his hand, "Okay, go down, and wait for them to contact you again."

"Yes!" As the two went down, the whole hall suddenly became empty and deserted.

"I'm tired, let's take a nap for a while." Li Huowang stood up and walked back.

Zendu hastily followed up two steps. "Benefactor Li, I have an idea about dragon veins."

"Don't tell me, I've said it before, I just want to eat enough, the matter of Da Qi Longmai is the matter of you Da Qi people, I don't care!"

"Seeing Li Huowang's back gradually disappearing, Chandu sighed softly, and continued to turn the Buddhist beads in his hand. Hey, I always feel cold. If it weren't for Chen Guo's enmity with him that day, I'm afraid he would have returned to Daliang long ago. Alright."

But thinking about it with a heart-to-heart, Zen Du can understand it. After all, Li Huowang tried his best to help before, but now he is betrayed by the people of Daqi with his backhand, which is a bit too chilling.

"No, I have to find a way to keep this season's disaster."

Although Da Qi had no time, the time still passed by. Half a month later, the spies from Tian Chen came to Liu Fang again.

"Follow me quickly." A group of black shadows climbed onto Liu Fangfang's shadow from under the shade of a tree nearby,

Liu Fang didn't say a word, and walked out of the city silently listening to the command of the shadow on the ground.

Because there is food, there is now more than one city in Youdu, and four small cities have been built around it. These small cities are used to resettle people who have fled from other places.

So it's not enough to leave Youdu, continue to move forward until you reach the real wilderness, and then stop.

The grass outside has grown quite tall, and some dwarf trees have also appeared. Liu Fang walked through the waist-high grass, heading towards a valley.

There was no sun in the valley, and it looked very dim. From the depths of the valley, indistinct music came faintly.

Liu Fang saw the other members of Supervisor Tiansi, although they covered their faces, Liu Fang could still see who they were.

As we walked further in, the number of people gradually increased, and the voice became clearer.

It was a kind of pleasant string music, which could be played out by the gurgling spring water, the crisp birdsong, the jubilant sheep and the galloping hooves of the horses.

When he came to the depths of the valley, Liu Fang saw the source of the music.

It was a graceful woman with waist-length hair and a transparent tulle face. Sitting there, she was holding a strange black musical instrument with a slender stem and a scoop-shaped speaker in her hand.

What's more special is that both of her fingers are wrapped with thin strings, and the two thin strings pass through the center of a round stool and are tied to two small wooden sheep.

Following the strings of the musical instrument plucked by the fingers wrapped in filaments, the two wooden sheep on the round stool were jerked and moved.

The two sheep, following the sound of the music, began to make all sorts of weird and strange movements.

Liu Fangfang has traveled to many places, but he has never seen such a weird musical instrument.

As the music accelerated, the two wooden sheep also accelerated, and blood began to ooze from their bodies.

Finally, amidst the music of the storm, the two wooden sheep slammed into each other and intertwined each other, forming a weird twisted blood tree on the stool.

"Have you all come?" The woman's voice was surprisingly pleasant, as beautiful as that juanjuan spring water, refreshing.

Liu Fang quickly looked around and found that there were twelve people in total.

"Although there are not many people, you are all heroes who think about Daqi. UU Reading"

"Da Qi is the Da Qi of the people of Da Qi after all, and should not be taken over by others, and the lives of the people of Da Qi should be gambled."

"Your Majesty's decree, as long as the people of Daqi do not act, the Kingdom of Tianchen will never attack the people of Daqi."

Hearing this, Liu Fang couldn't help it anymore, "Girl, is it true that Chen Guo will send Daqi three times the amount of food?"

"Yes." As the woman plucked the string lightly, a door in the nearby mountain instantly opened, and the white grains inside gushed out like sea water.

Looking at Mishan Mihai in front of them, everyone trembled.

With so much food, Daqi is really alive!

"Wait!" There was a loud thunder.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Liu Fang, only to see that he opened his hand, and any rice in his hand slipped from his fingers.

Immediately after he pulled his face with his hands, Li Huowang's angry face appeared in front of everyone. "You liars who kill thousands of knives!"

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