MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 910 to grow

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"Brother Li, how are you? Are you not injured?" Bai Lingmiao, who was blindfolded with white silk, came to Li Huowang, stretched out his hand and tugged at his sleeve, and asked worriedly, looking very worried.

Li Huowang looked at Bai Lingmiao and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment. Naturally, he could recognize that the Bai Lingmiao in front of him was not her at all, she was pretended by Dice.

Dice's disguise was perfect, everything else was fine, but the only thing he couldn't disguise was the grudge buried in Bai Lingmiao's heart because his whole family was killed.

Maybe others will be deceived by the dice's acting skills, but after dealing with Zuo Wangdao so much, Li Huowang has already seen through the opponent's tricks.

Dice obviously knew that Li Huowang had seen through, but no matter what Li Huowang thought, his play was still going on. Bai Lingmiao took a step forward, standing between Li Huowang and Zuoqiu Yongzhijian

As she frowned, she yelled at Zuo Qiuyong angrily, "If you want to touch Senior Brother Li, you should get over my corpse first!"

Zuo Qiuyong looked at Bai Lingmiao in a daze, and soon the corners of his mouth rose slightly. At first it was just a slight smile, but gradually it turned into a big laugh.

He patted his thigh, pointed at Bai Lingmiao and said with a smile: "Hahahaha! Double Happiness! Isn't this a coincidence, isn't it? I was afraid that it would be difficult for you to find a random place, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself!"

As soon as Zuo Qiuyong finished speaking, the surrounding army and some bandits surrounded Li Huowang and Bai Lingmiao one after another.

Li Huowang clenched the spine and hilt of his sword, and glanced at Bai Lingmiao's silver hair in front of him. He couldn't figure out what Dice's plan was, but since he came, he probably came to help.

Otherwise, from the perspective of a liar, I really can't figure out why this guy ran to the encirclement to die.

"Be careful, don't be careless, these guys will bring out everything in your body, and that Zuo Qiuyong might still be able to use the Heavenly Dao of Wu Sheng's old mother." Li Huowang seemed to be saying to Bai Lingmiao, but he was actually reminding the dice .

"Senior brother Li is fine, I know that Wusheng's old mother has already told the details of this thief through the oracle."

Hearing Bai Lingmiao say this, the smile on Zuoqiu Yong's face gradually subsided, and a trace of sullenness began to appear. "Stubborn, I'll see how long you'll be so stubborn!"

He waved the pink handkerchief in his hand, and the translucent handkerchief spread out instantly, divided into strands of filaments, and flew towards Li Huowang like slender needles.

Li Huowang stomped his feet and rushed towards Zuo Qiuyong. When he and Bai Lingmiao missed the moment, he quickly said, "I'll stop him. If you come here, do whatever you want!"

Before Bai Lingmiao could make a move, Li Huowang had already met those people's fissures.

With a strong swing of the spine sword, the crack flew out quickly, and the edge of the crack of the double history collided with those lines.

But to Li Huowang's surprise, instead of cutting it off, he actually made a sound of gold and stone. This is the first time Li Huowang has seen this situation.

The long lines in the air fell quickly, falling from the sky like heavy rain on Li Huowang's body, but so many lines did not seal Li Huowang at all.

His body flashed quickly, and he got closer to Zuo Qiuyong. Just now his body was already staggered, and it was only Li Huowang's staggered color that was pierced.

Between lightning and flint, the two were getting closer and closer. At the moment when the two were about to collide, Li Huowang's body sank and sank directly into the soil. The sharp spine sword drilled out of the soil and pointed at Zuo Qiuyong's legs. cut off.

Just when Li Huowang, who has experienced many battles, just felt the feeling of the blade cutting through the flesh and blood from the touch of the hilt, there was a sound of "Dang", and a huge force came, and Li Huowang's spine sword was so shaken that he almost dropped it. .

Li Huowang poked out half of his head from the soil, looking at Zuo Qiuyong who was slowly falling not far away.

He was just sure that he had cut off this guy's feet! But this guy didn't get hurt at all, just like he had inserted himself into his chest before.

"Hey, Li Huowang, are you just playing tricks like this? Then I really want to look down on you." Zuo Qiuyong sneered at Li Huowang.

Li Huowang glanced at Bai Lingmiao, who was fighting with the army, and gritted his teeth, cursing: "You are a dead eunuch! Stop talking nonsense and beat me if you want!"

Zuo Qiuyong was not angry at Li Huowang's counterattack, and had a contemptuous smile on his face. "Eunuch? What happened to the eunuch? Now the **** can also be called the emperor, and now the **** can also be called the king!"

"You need to carry on the family line because you will die. As long as we live forever, there is no need to carry on the lineage."

When Zuo Qiuyong said this, his face was full of complacency, as if he was satisfied with his identity.

"Well~~ that's enough~ let's stop the gossip, it's time to get serious." As Zuo Qiuyong raised his right hand, Li Huowang realized that there were three withered dragons carved with phoenixes on the three fingers at the end of the other party. Crafty white jade finger cots, the kind of slender and sharp finger cots that only empresses in the palace would wear.

When he saw that the other party raised the fingertip and pointed at him, Li Huowang dodged and avoided the other party's pointing.

However, just when Li Huowang was about to fight back, something happened to his body. His body scorched by the flames was healing at an extremely fast speed.

Before he had time to be happy, his body began to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

The beard on his chin, the hair on his head, and even the nails on his hands and toes were growing crazily at a rapid rate.

"This is the way of heaven controlled by Wusheng old mother back then?!" Li Huowang watched the fast-growing nails twist and twist, wrapping around the spine and sword body like vines, and UU Reading became extremely obstructive.

"The yin is solemn, the yang is magnificent; the solemnity rises from the sky, and the grandeur rises from the earth; the traffic is harmonious and all things are born~~" Looking at Li Huowang with long hair mopping the floor, Zuo Qiuyong showed a smug expression on his face, It seems that he has completely eaten him.

"That's it? That's all you have?!" With Li Huowang's roar, his nails, hair, and beard all broke instantly, and Li Huowang, who was restricted by the growing things, regained his freedom.

He rushed towards Zuo Qiuyong with a sword in his hand, but after a few steps, he suddenly felt pain in his hands.

Li Huowang glanced quickly, and was shocked to find that the fingernails that had just grown wildly began to retract quickly, and the ten fingernails quickly retracted into the fingers, and Li Huowang's nails instantly became bloody.

It's fine if it's just the fingernails retracting, but more importantly, Li Huowang actually feels that his newly grown skin is rapidly thinning! Everything in his body, as long as it grows, is retreating at a fast speed.

All the old injuries that Li Huowang had suffered on his body began to reappear, and all the broken bones in his body returned to the moment when they were broken again.

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