MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 927 heart turbidity

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Seeing that the knife was about to stab the two gods, the copper coin sword in Li Huowang's hand instantly became longer, and the copper coins were connected into a line, and the huge rusty knife was thrown away like a long whip.

"Wait!" Li Huowang, with a very solemn expression, rushed over quickly and stopped between the two groups of people, "Everyone! She is not in a bad mood! She is a wife!"

Ji Xiang put down the rotten wood Ruyi in his hand, and asked with some doubts: "Your wife? Our family doesn't believe it! You ask your wife to take off the red hijab, don't be muddled and want to get away with it."

Before Li Huowang agreed, Shentu just tapped the leather drum at his waist with his hands, and the two gods also tapped in response, the drum sound reverberated, as if they were negotiating something.

When the drumbeat stopped, Ershen took off the red hijab immediately with one hand.

"Oh, my dear mother! What is this! Brother Erxian, is this really your wife?" Looking at Ershen's horrifying face that blended human and animal faces, the others were obviously startled. Jump.

Li Huowang didn't care about them, but after pulling the two gods away a few steps, he asked solemnly, "Why are you here? Where's Miaomiao? Has she followed?"

The two gods shook their heads first, then leaned forward tremblingly, wrapping their hands around Li Huowang's waist and hugging tightly. The feline eyes, which are three times larger than normal human eyes, reveal paranoid love. "My husband... I miss you"

The sharp fangs bit Li Huowang's neck thinly, and the two tongues twisted and drilled out from inside, licking Li Huowang's neck continuously.

"There is no end!" Li Huowang straightened her with both hands, stared at her solemnly and said, "I don't have time to talk to you now, this place is very dangerous, get out of here immediately!"

"Sir, are you worried about me?" Ershen's **** mouth was cracked to the back of the ear.

Li Huowang, with an unusually dignified expression, took a step closer and held her head first, then stared at the biggest eye on her face and said word by word: "Get out of here! Immediately!"

"Okay..." His long tongue licked Li Huowang's face, and Ershen with a weird smile on his face turned and left the village.

"Mother?" The voice in his ear made Li Huowang's face even more ugly. "Shut up, she's not your mother!"

"Brother Erxian, is she really your wife?" Tuoba Danqing was so shocked that he didn't even take the two pulped walnuts in his hand.

Before Li Huowang could stop talking, the great dancer named Shen Tugang spoke, with a very bad tone. "What? You **** have a problem?"

After finishing speaking, Shentu just raised his chin towards Li Huowang. "Big sister is not bad, don't let me down."

"Ouch, it's alright, it's alright, let's go, are you here for errands or for an outing?" Ji Xiang with an anxious expression began to urge impatiently.

Li Huowang glanced in the direction where the two gods disappeared, put his mind away and followed Ji and other people towards the village.

The golden abacus that remembered the picture started to fight again, and the sound of Tuoba Dan's plate of walnuts echoed continuously in the village.

Li Huowang let go of his distracted thoughts, and was always on guard for possible turbidity.

As they walked, a collapsed dirt yard appeared on their left, and a few figures stood under a fruit-laden pomegranate tree.

After careful identification, Li Huowang found that it was not a person, but some vines and weeds gathered into a human shape, and the side was modified to be spotless.

Just when Li Huowang was wondering if these people were made out of their minds, Hong Da threw the two small rusty knives over, directly twisting those humanoid plants into pieces and flying them all over the sky.

"...Ah..." An extremely sharp scream sounded from the depths of the village.

"Go! Keep up!" Shentu, who hadn't done anything all this time, just started to move, and he rushed towards that side with big strides.

While rushing, he slapped the skin drum on his waist with his hands, and began to dance like a big god.

And the help he said was completely different from Li Zhi and Bai Lingmiao before, and his tone was extraordinarily domineering.

"The ghosts and gods from above go down to the capital, devouring demons and devouring demons, and the world is peaceful! Please let the immortals respond, and invite the gods to listen!"

Suddenly, Li Huowang seemed to feel that all the colors around him began to fade.

Goosebumps appeared on Li Huowang's body involuntarily. He knew something was coming, but he didn't know what it was.

This great **** called Shen Tugang is obviously not ordinary, maybe he has the strength when Dan Yangzi was alive, and he doesn't know where he invited him.

"Erjiu! Credit my knife!" Hong Da brought a rusty knife in front of Li Huowang, Li Huowang nodded, and quickly took it.

The screaming stopped, but Ji Xiang and Shen Tugang were clearly focused on Xinzhuo, one beat the drum, one made the plan, the sound echoed continuously in the whole village, and the whole village seemed to start to distort.

Although the heart still didn't show up, it could be seen that they were already fighting.

In this case, Li Huowang's ultimate ability is obviously useless.

Instead of being in a hurry here, Li Huowang decided to try the only thing he could do now. He bit through his fingertips and danced on the turmeric paper.

He didn't know if the divination of the talisman would be effective in this situation, anyway, a dead horse should be treated like a living horse.

After remembering the split cracks on the skull he brought, Li Huowang began to look around constantly, trying to find similar lines.

Accompanied by all kinds of noise, Li Huowang watched, and suddenly his eyes focused on the rusty knife in his hand.

At this moment, the direction that its knife tip is pointing at is exactly the spider web on a stone well in the distance.

And the spider web that was smashed by something happened to be exactly the same as the lines that I had divination.

"Could it be that the rusty knife given by Hongda has the ability to improve divination?" Li Huowang took out his weapon, and slowed down his pace to move towards the well.

Carefully picking away the vines and thorns with the rusty knife in his hand, Li Huowang looked down the well.

The next moment, his child's hole instantly shrank to a very small size, and there was a person standing in the mud in the well!

Just when the man noticed that the light above his head suddenly raised his head, Li Huowang quickly looked away to avoid the other party's approach.

Li Huowang, whose heart was beating faster, turned his head violently, and shouted to the others: "Quick! Here are..."

Speaking of this, Li Huowang was stunned, "What did I just want to say? What do I have here?!"

Hearing the sound, the others turned their attention to Li Huowang, at this time Tuoba Danqing spoke, and he asked in surprise: "My dear brother Er, what are you doing standing by the well with a rusty knife?"

"Rust Knife?" Li Huowang swept Tuoba Danqing, Ji Xiang, and Shen Tugang one by one in front of the three.

"Yes, where did this rusty knife come from? When was it in my hand?"

Read The Duke's Passion