MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 840 Buy news

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The most indispensable thing for Li Daochong is the military exploit. Under the guidance of Mu Rongrong, the three people came to the No. 2 Emperor Trading Fair.

Since entering the Jiu Xuan gods, Mu Rongrong has almost always been mixed on the No. 2 emperor, and he is familiar with everything here.

The name she was looking for was Wei Youliang, and she was affiliated to a Sanliu Lingwang company.

In the outside world, I am engaged in buying and selling news, acting as an informant, and I am also doing my own business here.

By selling the news, without a finger, you will earn enough.

I don't know what channel behind Wei Youliang. In short, you didn't ask, no one didn't know.

Of course, Wei Youliang is not omnipotent. His message is only on the 2nd Emperor.

Beyond this range, Wei Youliang knows very limited.

Li Daochong followed Mu Rongrong to an inconspicuous shop, where the color was old and the light was dim.

There are a few monks who are doing nothing in the doorway. These monks are different in color, like a street gangster, and they look like people with different colors.

This piece is mixed with fish and dragons.

Li Daochong walked on the street and looked out of place.

Several burly monks who gathered together and were cruel, when they saw Xiaoying and Mu Rongrong, could not conceal their greed.

If it is not Mu Qirong's strong breath, I am afraid that someone will come forward to find a way to stop.

As for Li Daochong, all the way has been treated as air, a monk who has not been repaired by the gods, and will not be noticed wherever he goes.

Although Xiaoying’s breath is convergent, she has a strong murderousness on her body. Many monks obviously feel this **** smell, and they are somewhat afraid of this petite and pleasant female repair.

At the end of the block, Mu Rongrong and a monk at the door whispered a few words. The monk nodded slightly and opened the door to let Li Daochong enter.

In the moment of entering the door, Li Daochong flashed a shimmer in his eyes, and Xiaoying also changed his face.

The mentor and the teacher looked at each other.

"Master, there are weird." Xiaoying immediately passed the voice.

"Standing on the change, the surname of Mu's dare to play tricks, for the teacher can be a big kill." Li Dao rushed to kill the machine.

This inconspicuous small door is actually an extremely powerful entrance to the spiritual array. Once it enters, it enters the spiritual array.

This spirit array is extremely strange. Even Li Daochong cannot fully detect it completely. It seems to be vast and boundless.

The order of the spirit array is extremely high. In addition to the double dragon array left by the Yaozu on the black wooden star, Li Daochong has not seen such a deep spiritual array.

Inside the small door is a narrow aisle that stretches for dozens of meters. The environment is somewhat oppressive, but when it comes out, it suddenly becomes cheerful and enters a chic courtyard.

The courtyard is antique, the bridge is flowing, and an octagonal pavilion in the middle of the rockery is like a beetle that is about to spread its wings.

Two monks in the pavilion are playing a game of ancient chess.

However, such an elegant place, the first thing that people associate with is the immortal residence of Hefa Tongyan.

The two who can play chess, one looks wretched, one is full of eyes, and instantly breaks the artistic conception here.

The youthful monk who looks wretched is Wei Youliang.

"Mu Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you went to the No. 3 emperor and plundered the military. How come back?" Wei Youliang did not leave the board.

"Let the Weidao friends smile, Chong Rong does not pass the No. 3 emperor to make a soy sauce, how can I plunder the war. After the soy sauce is finished, will it come back?" Mu Rongrong's expression was slightly awkward.

"Oh, is it? With Mu Daoyou's ability, can you only get a soy sauce on the 3rd Emperor? Mu Daoyou is too modest, and Qingyang Refining Medicine is one of the top ten comprehension companies in the human domain, except Lu Yuan. Tao, also Mudaoyou is the most outstanding, Qingyang double arrogant Xuanbing fairy, but not white, look at the whole human domain, the fear of no more than a dozen people than Mu Daoyou, Wei does not believe that Help the enchantress to gather in the third emperor?" Wei Youliang smiled slightly.

"Daidaoyou, don't make fun of it. Today, I want to ask the guardian friend about the whereabouts of a person." Mu Yurong did not want to talk more and open the door to see the mountain.

"To find a guard is to inquire about the news, Mu Daoyou know the rules?" Wei Youliang immediately said.

"Daidaoyou despite the offer." Mu Yurong simply said.

Wei Youliang listened for the first time and looked up at Mu Rongrong and smiled.

"Mu Daoyou's tone, obviously pockets are very drums, then Wei does not sell off, now less than two months from the end of the first round of testing, the news is not so good to inquire, the market has changed, the general monk 10,000 Fighting power, Tianjiao is famous on the list, 20,000 one, Tianjiao list less than 100, 30,000 one, ten or less 100,000. Mu Daoyou, let's talk, who do you want to ask?"

"Huo Jinyi." Mu Yurong reported his name.

Wei Youliang glanced at it, looked at Mu Rongrong and glanced at Li Daochong and Xiao Ying standing behind her, and then said, "This person is the third seed of Yunyao vesti, the third rank of Nankun Tianjiao. Fifteen, the strength is not weak, the status of Yunyao vestment is quite high, Yunyao Lingzun is very valued for this person, want to inquire about this person's news, 100,000 battles, not at all."

"The deal." Mu Rongrong did not want to say.

The 100,000 battles were not a small number. Mu Rongrong promised so refreshingly. Wei Youliang’s eyes flashed in the light, and he looked at the fierce monk who played the chessboard.

The two seemed to be in the blink of an eye, and they all saw the color of greed from the eyes of the other party.

"Mu Daoyou is a cool person, first give the battle, and then give the news." Wei Youliang revealed the expression of a full-fledged profiteer.

Mu Yurong did not say that he immediately transferred 100,000 wars to Wei Youliang. After entering the No. 2 Emperor, Li Daochong gave her 500,000 battles and gave it to her.

Originally, it was not my own battle. Mu Rongrong did not feel bad. She just wanted to find Huo Jinyi soon, so let Li Daochong let her go as soon as possible.

Staying with Li Daochong, Mu Rongrong is always worried, knowing that this guy is now the first target candidate to be rewarded by Wan Miao Ling.

The wonderful charms of the wonderful spirits are rewarded, and the participants in the entire Jiu Xuan gods are looking for Li Daochong.

Mu Yurong did not want to be shackled and pond fish. Of course, letting go of this, Li Dao Chong’s own strength also made Mu Yurong fear. In short, she only wanted to get out of control and regain her freedom.

No one would have thought that the Xuan Bing Fairy, one of the most famous Qingyang Shuangjiao, would have such a wolf.

Wei Youliang took the battle and was unambiguous. Immediately, "Huo Jinyi, returning from hunting three days ago, has been retreating in the Jiu Xuan cultivation tower 500 meters away from the emperor on the 2nd. You want to find him first, wait for him. Going out, the Jiu Xuan cultivation tower is guarded by Jiu Xuan guards. There is no difference between those things and the steel. The Jiu Xuan cultivation tower is not allowed to disturb the retreats."

Mu Yurong’s eyes were moving, and his heart was half cold, waiting for the time when Huo Jinyi was going out.

"It is not allowed to disturb the retreats to practice, why is it set up outside the emperor?" Li Daochong's voice came from behind.

"Hey, Mu Daoyou, do you not understand the rules of the class?" Weiyou was so cool.

"Bad boy, come here, look at your own battle before you have enough, and then talk freely, Lao Tear tears your mouth." A fierce monk stunned Li Daochong.

Mu Rongrong complained in his heart.

Hey, hey!

Two loud sounds.

Wei Youliang and the fierce monk had no time to react, and his face was suddenly hot.

Until Xiaoying’s hand fell, the two talents reacted.

"I will be disrespectful to my master and kill innocent people."

Xiaoying is cold, and is surrounded by a murderous moment.

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