MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 849 Blood Sacrifice

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The cocoon of the blood king on the void beats from time to time, like a huge heart, each beating will be accompanied by a dull rhythm.

Mo Chenxi's stunning presence slowly fell silent over time.

Everyone's attention began to focus on the blood king silkworm cocoon, waiting for the blood king beast to complete the blood king sacrifice.

The power of the Blood King Beast needs no elaboration. Most of the contestants present have already been taught.

Eighty percent of the contestants in this area have already become blood puppets of the blood king beast.

The decree to siege Nankun contestants, no one mentioned it after Mo Chenxi arrived, not to forget, but not to dare.

Strength is always the first prerequisite to gain respect. Without strength, you can only be beaten passively.

Who dares to mess with Mo Chenxi?

Han Po and Yue Qinghe also did not want to spend energy for no reason to break the net with Mo Chenxi.

Waiting to become the only main melody at the moment, no one spoke out, just watched the blood-red giant silk cocoon on the alert.

Li Daochong guarded the silver bottle, staring at every rhythm of the blood king cocoon.

The frequency of the blood king silkworm cocoon starts to increase, it seems that the blood king sacrifice has entered the end stage.

Blood King Beast will jump out of that huge cocoon at any time, everyone's breath becomes cautious.

Most of the contestants are ready to escape immediately. They do n’t want to lose their hard work.

"Mo Chenxi, Blood King Beast, what are our three equals?" Han Po broke the silence and said suddenly.

Mo Chenxi slowly looked down at the beautiful eyes of the Cocoon of the Blood King and looked down at Han Po, and then said, "Also."

Han Po stunned, Yueqinghe also showed strange colors.

They didn't expect Mo Chenxi to agree so happy.

"However, by watching your performance, I won't do it."


Han Po and Yue Qinghe looked at each other, this girl could actually say so without any effort.

"Then forget it." Han Po shrugged.

"Well." Mo Chenxi nodded slightly, and no longer ignored Han Po.

After a few minutes.

The cocoon of the blood king is jumping faster and faster, and the world is shaking.


Finally in a huge muffled sound, the Cocoon of the Blood King burst completely, and two **** figures jumped out of it.

Han Po's eyes flashed with glory, and Qiankun's gun was raised in his hand, turning into a glory towards one of the blood.

Yueqinghe fluttered and disappeared in situ.

Mo Chenxi was still in place, looking up at the void, not knowing what she was thinking, and her attention did not seem to be on those two blood-stained figures.

Li Daochong also didn't move, but his eyes were locked on one of the blood shadows, and the thoughts poured out like a tide, watching all the movements of this blood shadow.

at the same time.

In the mountains, a large number of blood beasts came out of the nest and rushed towards the participants watching.

The blood cocoon's rupture blew the blood beast's attack horn.

A few seconds ago, it was still a peaceful state, and now it is instantly a battlefield of purgatory.

Blood beasts are bloodthirsty. They bite when they see them, and they are powerful. Common magic weapon attacks are useless to them.

Nearly 10,000 blood beasts attacked at the same time, and the situation was so shocking that weeping ghosts and gods.

There are only hundreds of contestants present. Although they are the best in this competition, they are a bit powerless in the face of such a large number of blood beasts.

Some contestants Mingzhe keep their body and want to escape, but blood beasts are everywhere, there is no place to escape at all.

Fighting a battle is the only choice.

Blood King Sacrifice is a unique meditation technique for the Blood King Beast.

But it is different from avatar. After creating two identical bodies, the strength will not be affected.

The biggest limitation of this trick lies in the soul matching of the sacrificial host, which must be a living person whose soul is in a state of death.

After Pan Jialuo ate Blingling Pill, all the vitality of Yuanshen was squeezed out. While the strength was greatly improved, the price paid was that the soul fell into a state of death.

The two blood shadows of the blood king cocoon burst and ejected, one is the blood king beast body, and the other is the blood king beast after Pan Jialuo performed the blood king sacrifice.

Han Po and Yue Qinghe besieged the blood king beast body at this time.

Under the siege of the two great arrogances, the Blood King Beast is still at ease, and the intensity of the battle is ruining the world.

In just a few minutes, large mountains were razed to the ground.

Other contestants and blood beasts consciously avoided the battle center.

Just as the Blood King Beast battled with the two great arrogances, the look of the Blood King Beast suddenly changed, and a gap appeared in the Bloody Sky. The Blood King Beast disappeared in a flash.

Han Po and Yue Qinghe's full speed also failed to stop the Blood King Beast from escaping.

This scene made the two heavenly arrogance look at each other, just when the two of them started their thoughts and began to search for the whereabouts of the Blood King Beast.

A ray of blood shot down from above the sky, and burst straight into Han Han. The speed was extremely fast as a lightning.

Han Po was startled, unprepared, with a reflective shot of Qian Kun in his hand.


Bloody lightning poured into the gun.

Han Po fell like a meteor to the ground, mountains collapsed and collapsed, and finally burst into a huge mushroom cloud.

All the contestants who fought against the blood beast were shocked with cold sweat. If Han Po could n’t support it, they would still be fart.

Yuck Yuck!

Han Po's gray head and dirt face flew up from the center of the giant pit, except for the dust on his face, he was unharmed, and his face didn't care, but his eyes were a bit more murderous.

Blood shadow that hit Han Po appeared, and he was actually the blood king beast who came back.

Yue Qinghe's eyes narrowed slightly, seeming to understand.

Han Po vomited, and wiped his mouth, "Bah, really ran, come a fake."

Yue Qinghe disagreed, "Han Daoyou, this is not a fake, a product of the blood king sacrifice, blood sacrifice."

Han Po disagreed, "Is there a difference?"

Yue Qinghe smiled and said, "Of course there is a difference. The blood sacrifice is equivalent to the real body agent of the blood king beast. The strength is almost the same. How can it be a counterfeit."

Han Po curled his lips, "Why don't you care about him, just kill him with a shot."

Said that Han Qian's gun in Qiankun's hand made a dragon chant, and the gun came out like a dragon, overwhelming.

The blood-red cloud was blown away by the air waves.

"Heaven and earth have guns to determine the world."

Han Po sipped, and suddenly thrust out the Qiankun gun in his hand, a super gun with a diameter of more than one kilometer burst out.

Many contestants looked horrified.

Wherever the gunman passed, all blood beasts were smashed into scum, but the contestants were unharmed.

The gunman shot directly at the blood sacrifice.

The blood sacrifice didn't seem to react much. Watching the guns whizzing, the inconspicuous red sickle crossed in his hand.

The space seems to be cut apart, click and click ...

咣 咣.

It seemed that the red space that had been split and the guns met each other, and with a bang, they canceled each other and disappeared.

Han broke for a moment, his own supernatural power was actually broken by understatement.

Is one of the three demon recognized by the spirit world of human domain, and he feels dull.

Han Po shot again in anger, but before he could shoot, a **** red shadow appeared in front of him.

The blood sacrifice appeared ghostly in front of Han Po, with a faint smile on his face and a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

The face of blood sacrifice is Pan Jialuo's slightly piggy face of pig waist.

Pan Jialuo did not lose himself, but he was no longer himself, but the blood king beast.

Han Po was shocked, hurriedly raised the gun, and stabbed at the blood sacrifice that suddenly appeared.


The **** sickle collided with the Qiankun gun, a harsh metal collision sound erupted, and at the same time burst a burst of shock waves.

Wherever he went, the blood beast and the contestants were cut in half.

For a time, there was blood and rain in the void, and these unlucky contestants and blood beasts went to the resurrection point before they reacted.

The battle between Han Po and the Blood Sacrifice shook the earth, and the whole space was shaking.

Seeing that Han Po was only capable of parrying, Yue Qinghe slowly raised a prismatic magic weapon in his hand.

Looks like a shield, but the four corners are sharp and Morihan is dazzling, but at first glance, I feel that it is cut and pierced.

The prismatic shield is gray-brown and does not contain gold. It is made from the most precious immortal stone of Yuqing Taixu Republic, ‘Yuqing Stone’.

Yuqing stone is a top grade gem of Huaxian grade. The annual output of the entire Yuqing Taixu Republic is less than three catties.

This shield is Yueqinghe's life magic weapon, Yuqing Shield.

Yue Qinghe took out a pair of silver gloves and wore them in his hands. The glory in his eyes became different in a flash. The previous elegant wind disappeared, replaced by a **** decisive decisiveness.

Few people have seen Yue Qinghe shot, and no one thought that the scholar who looked elegant and weak was actually a close combat.

If you do n’t see it with your own eyes, it ’s really hard to imagine that the fragile Yueqinghe would be a war repair.

Han Po was alone in the blood sacrifice to Pan Jialuo, and he was even beaten with some helplessness.

This is unimaginable to other contestants.

Among the three monsters recognized by the spirit world of the human domain, Han Po shot the most times.

A Qiankun gun, unstoppable.

The gun is like a dragon, and it penetrates the earth and the earth, and it is indestructible.

However, all the magical effects of such a tough Han Po have no effect on the blood sacrifice.

As the blood king beast's avatar, the blood sacrifice power is obviously stronger than expected.

At this moment, everyone who watched the battle in the void was in horror, if even Han Po could not help the blood sacrifice.

Everyone here will become a blood-sacrifice mouth eater.

But the most shocking thing is the silver bottle. Not long ago, Pan Jialuo was just a dying monk taking Pneumatic Pill, and all the potential of the soul power has been exhausted.

In order to deal with Li Daochong, he had to use a vile means to hijack her. He also tried hard to get Ye Hong into the team, and the organization still had no way to take Li Daochong.

And now, Pan Jialuo's strength has already surpassed Han Po.

Such a violent leap in strength makes the silver bottle incredible, and there are such horrible tricks in the world.

Li Daochong looked up at the void and did not rush out. Pan Jialuo's strength soared after he became a blood sacrifice.

But at the moment, Li Daochong cares more about the movement of the Blood King Beast, and the demon suddenly disappears, which is very strange.

Li Daochong felt that the Blood King Beast was not running away. It took so much energy to complete the Blood King sacrifice, and he ran away as soon as it was completed. It was not logical to think about it.

"Daoyou are searching for Blood King Beast?"

As Li Daochong tried his best to search for the trail of the Blood King Beast, a sweet and ethereal sound came from his ear.

Mo Chenxi didn't know when to appear not far from Li Daochong's side, the beautiful eyes looked at Li Daochong lightly like the moon.

"Well." Li Daohong's eyes did not squint simply responded.

If someone saw Li Daochong facing Mo Chenxi, he would be surprised.

Facing the monks of Mo Chenxi's level, most monks will be shocked by the spiritual power she exudes naturally, and she can't help but feel a sense of surrender.

And Li Daochong was as if he didn't see Mo Chenxi, and he looked comfortable.

Even Mo Chenxi showed a ripple in her heart. Apart from Han Po and Yue Qinghe, no one in the young generation could be so indifferent in front of her.

Li Daochong's seemingly calm expression raised a layer of waves. His most powerful dignity was invisible in front of Mo Chenxi, which she had already seen through.

"Daoyou Shennian is so strong that it can be compared with the monks in the later stage of the unity. I really didn't expect that there will be talents like you in the human realm, but I don't know why Wan Miao Lingfu should offer a reward to chase you down?" Mo Chenxi continued. .

"Fairy asked me, who am I going to ask again? Wan Miao Lingfu can't afford to lose ~ ~ blame me." Li Daochong shrugged in disbelief, trying his best to cover up the embarrassment of his identity.

In fact, Li Daochong has always covered his appearance with divine thoughts, so what outsiders see is not the original appearance, but there are still some differences.

His appearance has been spread around by Wan Miao Lingfu, and some powerful monks can recognize him at a glance.

But Li Daochong's mind is powerful and can easily interfere with most people's visitation and visual effects.

Even Han Po and Yue Qinghe did not recognize Li Daochong without paying attention.

But Mo Chenxi seems to have long recognized who he is.

Mo Chenxi smiled faintly, as if to say something more, a flash of light flashed through the void.


There was a loud bang.

The world seems to be cracking.

The collision between Yueqing River and Blood Sacrifice triggers the end effect.

Han Po stabbed out with a shot, and the blood sacrifice shot a blood-colored bone spur against it.

Pick one out of two.

Blood sacrifice still does not fall.

The eyes of the two evil spirits are horrified. They know that the Blood King Beast is very powerful, but they did not expect it to be so powerful.

But the two finally stopped the blood sacrifice, leaving him unable to move for a while.

"Mo Chenxi, don't you still shoot?" Han Po urgently shouted.

Almost at the same time.

A **** void door suddenly opened, and a **** shadow shot from it, straight through Han broken chest.

Han Po, who is deadlocked with the blood sacrifice, has no possibility of evasion. He can only watch the blood shadow shoot at himself.

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