MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 829 Famous teacher out of high school (on)

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Xiaoying’s destructive power burst out, letting the other seven people sigh with a sigh of relief while the back of the back was cold.

One can not help but think of how to deal with if the tricks used are on their own.

In addition to Feng Buji, the other six people actually found that they had no choice. Once they were approached by this petite woman, they would end up with the same thing as the water monkey.

After the water monkey was smashed with a knife, it was inexplicably exploded, and nothing left.

The destructive power of this magical power is a bit horrible.

At the moment, it is impossible for a few people to think about it. Thousands of water monkeys are still attacking wildly. There is no retreat because their companions are easily killed, but they become even more crazy.

"Dao friends, good skills, can you not hide your own, I wish you a hand."

Feng did not immediately pass the voice to Xiao Ying.

"Good to say."

Xiao Ying responded simply by two words, and it was crisp and neat.

Feng did not avoid a slight nod, and then said, "Daoyou, the fish that slipped the net will be handed over to you, and Feng will use other means."

Xiaoying did not respond, but her expression was solemn, staring at the surroundings, and the fish that had leaked the net would immediately go up and kill it.

Feng did not continue to release the firepower net at the same time, God read a move, behind the wind blade slowly flew.

Suddenly, Feng did not stop the firepower.

The frenzied water monkey suddenly came in, and it was necessary to drown the entire eight people.

However, Feng’s pause was only a moment, and there were no other movements. The wind slammed out and left only a glimmer of glory.

Every brilliance is like a sharp blade, sweeping through the void.

Any object that touches the brilliance will be easily cut into two halves.

The water monkeys that attacked and attacked were instantly cut as long as they existed on the Guanghua plane.

Broken leg broken arm is not scattered, the worst is directly blocked by the waist.

Hundreds of brilliance flashed, and thousands of water monkeys were mostly killed and injured. Feng did not avoid the increase in combat power at an alarming rate.

A water monkey can get a hundred battles, and a thousand is a hundred thousand battles.

This group of water monkeys with a total number of 10,000, most of them are killed by Feng, and his combat power has soared by six or seven hundred thousand.

The number of remaining water monkeys is less than two thousand. This time, the beasts are no longer crazy.

A few water monkeys screamed and turned and ran. The other water monkeys were driven and scattered.

"Call." Feng did not avoid a sigh of relief.

This trick is very expensive, but for Feng Boji, it was originally nothing, but it seemed to be a little difficult in the dead swamp. The toxicity of the fog also affected him, and continued to fight for a while.

If he didn't feel that he was in a bad state, he had already used this trick.

Now that it is used, there is still one third of the aura. At this time, if there are strong enemies, it is dangerous.

Xiaoying was not idle, and the fish that slipped through the net was cleaned up by her.

Since then, the entrants of Nankun have finally passed the crisis, but they have little residual power.

If there are any vicious beasts in the dead swamp, they can only sit still.


Just as the eight men decided to adjust their interest rates, the sky was filled with a crisp applause.

Feng does not want to have a sharp eye, and the whole person's body is erected.

A powerful and powerful aura pressure completely enveloped them.

Just after a big battle, I still haven't breathed, and there are strong enemies. It is really a house leak that is even rainy night, and the ship is late.

This luck is not really bad.

Feng is not afraid of the power of the aura, but until now he only senses the existence of the other side.

Is it Han Broken and Yueqing River?

Feng Wuji flashed this thought for the first time in his mind. He looked up and saw a weak girl wearing a green and green dress skirt suspended in the 100-meter void.

Bamboo fish!

Feng does not bogey, his eyes are showing a few taboos, and the three most enchanting, the one he most wants to meet is this woman.

"It's very powerful. The light of the blast was really powerful. I watched it. I was careful that the liver fluttered and fluttered. Thousands of water ghost monkeys were so embarrassed. I don't want my brother to see you for a long time. The strength is rising." Exclaimed.

Feng does not care to twitch his face inadvertently, respectfully returning.

"Did ugly in front of Missy."

Only on personal strength, there is no position gap between Feng Buji and Zhu Xiaoyu, and the two are equal.

But the latter is a spiritually exclusive daughter. This generation can be horrible. The three enchanting people come, and they have to call the bamboo fish a big lady.

"How is it to offer ugliness? This is the most wonderful performance that Miss Miss has seen in Jiu Xuan Shenjie for so long." Bamboo fish continues to praise.

"Missy is coming, I don't know what to do?" Feng did not open the door and asked.

"Hey, is this still asking? For a long time, I didn't care about my brother's skills. Today, I naturally have to ask for two tricks to solve the boring." Bamboo fish smiled back.

Speech and laughter, no a bit of aggressiveness, but listening to the ears of the eight people below, but it is a cold heart.

It’s not Feng’s ignorance to know bamboo fish. The other seven people include Xiao Ying, who doesn’t know who is not.

The only woman who is spiritually respected, the domain of human beings, is the only woman, and nothing else.


Feng does not care about the heart, can not help but smile, is a blessing is not a curse, it is a curse.

Even the bamboo fish also joined the ranks of the encirclement of the Nankun contestants. I don’t know what the moths are, and all the contestants must target the Nankun contestants.

At the moment, Feng does not avoid the aura of great damage. Where will it be the opponent of bamboo fish? Even if it is in full state, it may not be able to fight.

"Missy, I don't know if I can change the day and learn again. Today, Feng is not in the state. Just now you saw it. The physical exertion is very high." Feng does not know that it is useless to say more, but it is better to tell the truth.

"You can't be."

Feng Buji’s voice just fell, and a brilliance came from the far end. It was the close-fitting guard of the bamboo fish, the hacker god.


Then there are several rays of light coming from the sky, plus bamboo fish and hacker gods, there are as many as ten people.

And these ten people do not have a soy sauce, all of them are good, and just one is enough for Feng to avoid a few people to drink a pot, not to mention ten.

In addition to Feng Buji and Xiaoying, the other six people are stiff and their eyes are full of fear.

"Feng does not bogey, if you think about it, we are not embarrassed about you. If you come up and die, it is not really dead, but it is going to a resurrection point."

A young man in white dressed as a Confucian student, with a folding fan in his hand, smiles at Feng.

"Hey Xiaosheng, Fengmou even thinks it, that is also to Missy, not you, do you get your fart?"

Feng did not change his voice, and he was cold. It was completely different from the previous bamboo fish, with a bit of pride.

The identity of the bamboo fish is special, the strength is terrible, Feng does not avoid the taboo, as for Don't say that he still has some strength, even if exhausted, there is also the power of a battle, Nankun Tianjiao The second place in the list is not blown out. It is actually played by its own strength.

Xiao Xiaosheng’s face suddenly sank, and the smile was completely gone, and the eyes flashed coldly.

Feng Buji is really strong. If it is in a state of prosperity, Xiao Xiaosheng really does not dare to confront it.

But at this moment, Feng does not avoid the aura of instability, and the spirits are broken. Obviously after a big war, the excessive consumption is not the best.

What Xiao Xiaosheng said is also the ninth day of the celestial arrogance of the celestial arrogant list, and Feng Feng’s public anger, how can he stand it.

"Feng turtle, it’s still hard to die, so let’s fight.”

Xiao Xiaosheng said.

"You are so anxious to send the battle, Fengmou Chengquan you." Feng does not look at the eyes of Xiao Xiaosheng with disdain.

"Let me do it."

Just when Feng was not ready to fight, Xiao Ying on the side suddenly said.

"You?" Feng did not take it.

"You take time to rest, restore the aura as soon as possible, the elixir is not enough for me, only you recover, we have a chance to live, otherwise it is better to go to the resurrection point." Xiao Ying rarely said a whole sentence.

Feng did not look at the eye, and looked at the mysterious woman in front of her eyes. In this crisis moment, she can still be so calm and tough.

"Then you are careful." Feng nodded and nodded.

"Feng turtle, still shrinking below what to do, come up soon, you Nankun Empire Tianjiao second, will only be on the mouth?" Xiao Xiaosheng sees Feng Xiaoji seems to have hesitation, taking the opportunity to sneer.


Light and shadow flashed, Xiaoying appeared on the empty space more than ten meters across from Xiao Xiaosheng.

"As for your kind of goods, I can send it, I don't need Feng Daoyou." Xiaoying said lightly.

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