MTL - Devouring The Heavens-Chapter 6 Take a breath

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Chapter 6 takes a breath

Yin Yiluo did not think that Xuanyuan would actually put the 'Dragon Scale Powder' in his place.

Whether it is a man or an nv person, it is the most vulnerable part of the body, and it is also the most difficult place to refine your skin.

However, this is how long it takes, although it has the effect of ‘Dragon Scale Powder’, but Xuanyuan’s ability to refine it to that part is enough to prove Xuanyuan’s qualifications, that is, the genius in genius.

She can clearly feel that there is a strong aura of heaven and earth that is impacting every máo hole in Xuanyuan's body, although some do not open, and some open, but this has proved that Xuanyuan is definitely a rare genius.

"Don't stop, the egg hurts and continue to refining." Although Yin Xiaoluo wants to laugh, but she does not want to attack Xuanyuan's positive xìng, slowly said: "People are a piece of iron, you need a fire to refine, you can leave the most In the part of jīnghua, your body has too many impurities. Now it is just the beginning. It hurts too much."

The voice of Yin Luoluo, like the clear spring of the mountains, gives people a feeling of incomprehensibility.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan once again sat up on the knees and began to work with "Tianlong Refined Scales". If the eyesight is good enough, you can see that on the skin of Xuanyuan, every máo hole that was opened is slightly Zhang Yihe.

Xuanyuan feels that the whole body is extremely stinging, especially the egg pain, but he can also feel that the body has a kind of unspeakable comfort, comfort, and between the cool and the pain, the pain and pain, and pain Cool...

Yin Yuluo looked at the máo hole of Xuanyuan's superficial skin, spewing out a little bit of dark red sè impurities, extremely greasy and turbid, which is an impurity deposited in the skin, which is the culprit in blocking the communication between the human body and the heaven and earth aura. Just a little bit of being spit out, this is the great thing of "Tianlong refining scales", the dragon has a reverse scale, and the touch is dead, Xuanyuan is now like a xiǎo dragon, the scales of the body are being stretched , cultivation.

Unconsciously, the time of the day has passed. At this moment, Xuanyuan’s whole body is stinking and greasy. The whole person seems to have not bathed for several years. The smell from his body makes people sick, Yin Yinluo is very excited. , quickly said:

"Very good, I am here today. Hurry up and wash the stains and impurities on my body. The 'Dragon Scale Powder' has penetrated into your skin. I didn't expect you to be able to do it in just one day. I was able to refine the "Dragon's Refining Scale" and it was able to support it. It is very good."

Xuanyuan can also clearly feel that after he has successfully run this "Dragon Dragon Smelling", the whole body is up and down, the dragon is fierce, and there is no slight fatigue. The strength is soaring. He has no doubt that he can Raise a cow.

"Haha 辕 jumped directly and flew in the direction of xiǎo brook. The whole person plunged directly into the stream, seeing the water absorption centered on Xuanyuan, a dark red dark, a large piece, a large piece of greasy Was washed away, Xuanyuan greeted the rushing stream, and swam back, the whole body was filled with a powerful force...

Yin Xiaolu looked at Xuanyuan, and my heart was very pleased:

"I hope that I can teach him more things in this month. In a short day, with the help of 'Dragon Scale Powder', I have the power of the "Dragon Scales". It is a wonderful wizard."

On the first day, Xuanyuan ran a great consummation of "Dragon's Refining Scale".

On the second day, Xuanyuan directly operated the "Dragon's Refining Scale" to run two great consummations.

On the third day, I directly operated three great consummations. The strength was from the power of the two cows, and the strength of the five cows was so strong that Yin Xiaoluo was very excited. Maybe he could really make a good apprentice.

Xuanyuan Long jīng tiger violently hit a few punches, tigers and tigers, the máo hole in his body at the moment, are all slightly stretched, swallowing the heaven and earth aura, scouring some skin that has not been refined, in In the past few days, the impurities on the skin máo hole have become less and less, but it does not mean that it is not. Xuanyuan knows that this is only the beginning. When can I run the "Tianlong Refining Scale" for 18 times a day? Consummation, it is considered to be a skin, refining a transparent, in order to enter the realm of the fighters.

"Beauty Master, today's food has been eaten up, I have to go out hunting." After three days of cultivation, Xuanyuan has a strong change in physical fitness, strength has risen, and the demand for food has increased. Yin Yiluo I didn’t eat much at all, but Xuanyuan had a special diet and soon finished eating the stored food.

Yin Xiaolu nodded and smiled:


Xuanyuan rushed out with a lone star, flying three steps away, the speed is extremely fast, two people flew away in the direction of the World of Warcraft.

Luàn the direction of the funeral.

Two men with sneer on their faces, wearing a cloth robes with better fabrics, were pulling one foot at the moment, dragging a cold man’s body and walking towards the luàn funeral.

These two men are the evil slaves of the family. I don’t know how many civilians are killed in their hands.

"Hey, this xiǎo son is really impatient. The moon can be seen by his sister. It is the blessing that he has cultivated for hundreds of years. He even dared not know how to squat on the moon. It is simply looking for death." The evil slave named Qian Yonglai laughed and laughed and kicked and kicked the body.

"Hey, the moon is a kind son, just let us interrupt his limbs, but I have recently grown to the power of four cows. I didn’t have a heavy weight. I killed him directly, but I didn’t think of the moon. I even rewarded me with ten buckets of coins, which is equivalent to one hundred buckets of coins. I will invite you to go and drink hu for the evil slave of Qian Yongfu. Haha laughed. Two people have come to talk and laugh. Luàn lost the corpse directly before the funeral, and clap his hands and prepare to leave.

At this time, Xuanyuan has already heard the conversation between two people in the wind. Since the beginning of cultivation, Xuanyuan’s five senses have become particularly sensitive. The vision is able to see fifty meters away, and it is extremely clear, Qian Yonglai The two evil slaves, Qian Yongfu, are the xiǎo厮 around the moon. They beat them and they both had them.

Xuanyuan did not expect that these two people actually made a lot of evil, even killed an innocent person, and suddenly burned in anger, but Xuanyuan quickly calmed down, facing a force with four cows, and one with three cows The person who is strong, he may not be xiǎo heart, and may be stumbled. After all, he does not have any practical experience. Although he can hunt, the wisdom of Warcraft is obviously much worse than that of people. It is not comparable.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan’s inspiration, with a lone star, ran forward and slammed, until it was close to Qian Yonglai’s distance of ten meters from Qian Yongfu, which was suddenly settled.

Qian Yonglai and Qian Yongfu saw Xuanyuan, and his face was full of strange gods. In the twinkling of an eye, it became extremely embarrassing.

Qian Yonglai sneered and laughed:

"Isn't this the xiǎo son who was beaten to death a few days ago? I didn't expect his life to be so hard, not dead yet. It seems that the wolf around him is good, wait for the roast wolf to eat."

"Kill him, I am afraid I can also reward the moon to the son. You are right. The leather máo on this wolf is very good. It is peeled off and given to the moon. The moon will be extremely happy." Qian Yongfu stepped out to Xuanyuan, extremely arrogant, because he already has the power of four cows, not to say that Xuanyuan’s 'health has not been cured' at this moment, even if Xuanyuan is intact, he also has the ability to catch up with Xuanyuan to fight it. kill.

Xuanyuan saw two evil slaves step by step toward themselves, as if a xiǎo white rabbit saw two big wolves, ‘a limping’ back, horrified, with a cry:

"How come you are, you almost killed me, can't you let me go?"

"Ha ha ha, it seems that your xiǎo son is being beaten up. Isn’t it hard to be a few days ago? Well, let go of you, and give us the wolf around you, grandfather’s mood. Ok, I won’t let you go.” Qian Yonglai laughed and laughed, and he was very proud.

"Let you let go? Like you, the people who have smashed the car of the moon, and dare to insult the moon, the death of 10,000 times is not enough to see, not only you are going to die, the wolf around you will die, your family To die." Qian Yongfu is a ībī person, so that Qian Yonglai’s face can not help but smash the fierce light.

"Lone star, run fast." Xuanyuan 'Wow wowed out', turned and ran, 'lack of limping' ran that called a decent, Qian Yonglai and Qian Yongfu looked at each other, striding Catch up.

"xiǎo son, I will not let you this easy to die, this time I will completely interrupt your limbs, let you feed World of Warcraft on the luàn funeral." Qian Yongfu's strength is higher, the speed is naturally faster. Struggling to catch up, a punch to the heart of Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan felt a numbness in the back, he suddenly understood, this is a very mysterious spiritual sensitive knowledge in "Tianlong refining scales", you can Perceive the enemy's attack on which part of the enemy, it will produce this tingling feeling.

Just as Qian Yongfu had to fight in the heart of Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan suddenly squatted down, a carbine, and a punch directly hit Qian Yongfu's xiǎo belly.

I saw this boxing played by Xuanyuan, turned into a subtle invisible white sè gas làng, with the power of five cattle, rushing, slamming.

Qian Yongfu’s eyes bulged out, and the bitter gallbladder spit out. He never thought that Xuanyuan had the power of five cows. You must know that a few days ago, Xuanyuan’s top was only a cow’s power. The time, Xuanyuan has become extremely powerful, so that he is angry, has the power of five cattle, even dressed as a pig to eat tigers, pretending to be decent!

A punch, just a punch, immediately let Qian Yongfu immediately lose the fighting power, let him be like a cockroach that was smashed with electricity, on the ground chōu ah chōu, spit foam in his mouth, how is a It’s terrible.

Qian Yonglai was a horrified face. He did not return to God at all. What happened just now.

"You, what are you doing?"

The angles of the two people have been transformed at this moment. At this moment, Qian Yonglai is like a xiǎo white rabbit with fear, and Xuanyuan is like a wolf.

Lonely star is also at this time, slowly stepping on the pace, the face is stunned by the sly **** sè, the scorpion l sneaked out nòng meaning.

"Nothing, just want to interrupt your limbs, let you feed a World of Warcraft at the luàn funeral, let you try what it feels like."

As soon as the voice fell, Xuanyuan stepped out, the power of the five cows and the power of the three cows, the difference is huge, Qian Yonglai was buckled by Xuanyuan, as if he was clamped by the iron pliers, he could not move, only felt himself The shoulder bones shattered bit by bit, and a violent pain spread throughout every corner of his body, causing his tears to smack.

He is bullying like this on weekdays. Who would dare to deal with him like this? The moon family is the largest family in the city of the month, and the dog must look at the owner.

However, it is just that I met Xuanyuan.

Hey, hey.

The bones of the bones were shattered and sounded, accompanied by a fierce scream, and the bones of Qian Yonglai’s limbs were interrupted.

Big xiǎo was incontinent because of the painful fear, and a stench came out. Xuanyuan pinched his nose and found a large bag of fighters on him. At first glance, there was at least a thousand pieces. Xuanyuan couldn't help but blame. The evil slaves of a month were richer than the savings of their own life. They really didn't compare, they didn't want to, and they directly put them into their arms.

When he came to Qian Yongfu, Xuanyuan sneered and smashed his limbs directly with his feet. It was also a scream of screaming.

Doing all this, Xuanyuan feels very incomparable, he did not kill people, and did not want to kill, such punishment is enough for them.

From Qian Yongfu, directly searched for 250 hundred coins, Xuanyuan from the memory, know that this kind of fighter coins, one can top ten coins, obviously this is the strength of Qian Yongfu stepping into the four cows It’s no wonder that he can be so rich and rich, saying that he wants to drink huā.

Seeing that Xuanyuan searched and scraped the money from them, the two evil slaves were bleeding, but they used all their means to search for it. Now they have all been searched, how to make them feel bad.

"xiǎo brother, you will spare us, it is our fault, as long as you spare us, we will definitely honor you."

"Yeah, big brother, you adults have not counted xiǎo people, our limbs have been interrupted by you, you will spare us."

Qian Yonglai and Qian Yongfu both pleaded with grief, a look of panic and crying again and again.

"I will take care of you for these ill-gotten gains. As for your life, you will see that you have made it."

Xuanyuan smiled happily, pulling the feet of the two evil slaves to the ground, trying to walk on the bumpy road, bumping and bumping, hitting them with bruises, a face is blue and swollen, a portrait of a detachment A pig head, when Xuanyuan walked to the luàn funeral post, they were like a dead dog, thrown on the edge of the luàn funeral post, and they went hunting in the direction of the World of Warcraft. {飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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