MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2092 Buddhism exists?

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The second thousand ninety-two chapters of Buddhism exist.

The power of all people is concentrated on the body of Xuanyuan and the old man. Many magical powers, thousands of wills, and blessings are carried out. They are transported by the ‘the throne of computing, and they calculate how much they carry.

Estimating the most profound existence in the hunting sacred, causing the opponent's full counterattack, it is also their ability to withstand the attack, which is equivalent to their full force of the entire hunting power. Of course, they also have countless forces to bless their own body, but only two people control it. It is inevitable that so many people without hunting will be powerful.

In the face of the battle of the great men of the hunting squad, the battle against the sky, a blow to the sky, not dead is already considered good, but fortunately the greedy old man and the Xuanyuan two bear together, they are also 'the body of Wanhua', can be hacked , absorb damage.

If you change to any two emperors present, even if you don't really die, you have to reincarnate and reincarnate. No one can surpass Xuanyuan and the old man.

At this moment, both of them, whether they are the body or the soul, have suffered a lot of harm. The unique death of a hunting saint spreads in their bodies and destroys their vitality. They must know that they have reached this point. There are very few ways to hurt them.

Xuanyuan’s body is soaring and recovering much faster than the old man. 'Wanhua Shenyao' accommodates a lot of supreme power, making Xuanyuan almost immortal, refining and refining the power that can melt his life. Xuanyuan got a hint from it and mastered the power that can kill the Holy Emperor. This is the power of the 'Baihua Body'. If it is not completely killed, it can be learned from the wounds left by the enemy in his body. .

Xuanyuan sees the old man at the moment because of his own strength, and with those air machines to kill each other, immediately led to the power of ‘Wanhua’s medicine, and speeded up the damage suffered by the old man.

The wounded souls were also nourished in the first place, and the eternal saints on the side were also performing "Eternal Spirits" to repair their souls.

"Nothing." Xuanyuan waved his hand, coughing blood in his mouth, and everyone did not speak. This time the trauma to them was not too small, not asking much.

After two quarters of an hour, Xuanyuan completely recovered, and the old man was slower than Xuanyuan, and many of the emperors were amazed.

"The power of the ‘Baihua body’, such a powerful resilience, no one can match.” ‘Feathering the Holy Emperor’, feeling deeply, he knows how serious the damage suffered by the two.

"Xuanyuan, what clues do you get?" asked the eternal saint.

In Xuanyuan’s palm, there was a piece of debris, which was derived from him. There was a man in the robes, but he could not see the person’s appearance. This is just the part of the costume he wore. Only.

Everyone looked at the golden scorpion, Yang Linger, and the emperor, and apparently one of them was the Lord of the Sacred, the Buddha.

"Who will be." Jin Zizi, Yang Linger, the emperor's face, face to face, for them, never found out, if the character of the Lord of the Holy Hunt is hidden in the Buddha's Gate, it must be scary The generations, only these years, there are not many outstanding figures in the Buddhism.

"This thing, you know it, secretly investigate, first look at the 'Green Dragon Holy Land', maybe the one who is hunting the Holy Lord, just cast into the Buddha's door, has long been separated, hidden in the outside world Maybe not." Xuanyuan told me.

"Well, then we secretly investigate, so as not to lose." Yang Linger, Jin Zizi, the emperor Shi Tian promised a sentence, turned and left.

"The strength of hunting saints is not generally strong. The squad that they laid down is the broken heavenly platoon that has been handed down from the 'eternal temple.' The materials used are unique in the era of the ancient times, even in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Rich, and may not be able to find those materials to build a tactical array." 'Chaos of the Holy Emperor' knows that for today's Xuanyuan, it is not so easy to hurt him, 'the body of Wanhua' has a layer Absorbing damage, any means of attacking the 'Wanhua body' will first be absorbed and turned into its power. Unless it is erupted in an instant, it will not be enough to absorb it, and it will be destroyed in an instant. It causes damage.

"No problem, we are not completely unrecognized, it is ruined by a strange array, and then we can continue to calculate for them, they do not believe that they can have other strange arrays to stop us." Xuanyuan was born this time In the middle, I feel that I have a lot of gains.

"Xuanyuan's younger brother, can no longer continue to calculate, they use the 'broken sky matrix', interfere with the operation of the entire heavenly road, countless stars are out of their own trajectory, which will make us more difficult to calculate their calculations." Tianzhao is helpless. I have to say that the means of hunting for the Holy Spirit is too powerful. Even this step has already been counted.

"It seems that it is necessary to wait for the entire heaven to return to normal operation, how long it will take." Xuanyuan brows.

"If we don't have to control the correction, it will take five hundred years. If we do our best, it will take a hundred years."

"It’s too long. It’s enough to make a lot of changes in this hundred years.” Xuanyuan shook his head. Obviously, he would like to find other ways to find the other two masters of hunting. He knows his own growth. Not counting the time in the years of devour, it is less than a hundred years.

"Kid, when the other side's last blow, it came down with a strong presence. I think it should be the second owner of the Holy Hunt. That is to say, there is still a Lord of the Holy Hunt, which has not yet appeared." The old man is musing.

"Yes, I don't know where the last one of the Hunting Lords is hiding." Xuanyuan stood up and said: "No matter what, now I can only do my best to do it. Jobs, each in their place, greedy old man, you go to God Huitian, help them to display 'swallowing years', try to shorten the time of 'Dao Shen Kai Hui Dan', I will look for other methods."

As soon as the voice fell, Xuanyuan disappeared in front of everyone, and the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ was integrated into the heavens and the earth.

In the bitter sea, the defense line is constantly consolidating, and the major origins are also incapable of shrinking and posing.

Hunting Saint, since ancient times, is hidden in it, never appeared on the table, it is completely unseen.

"If it is not resolved as soon as possible, the next war will break out, and the whole 'Central World' may be fragmented." Xuanyuan pondered. For him, now it is constantly sealed, refining the existence of the Holy Land, and they will The power of the self is used for himself, and his future power will become the core of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

At the same time, within the bitter sea, inside the ‘长生神门’.

Many of the emperors began to exchange their own experiences, and they were not hidden from each other, because what they were going to deal with was an incomparably powerful enemy.

The person who communicates with the 'Daoxuan Xuanyuan' is the 'Taishan Holy Emperor'. He was born in the vast origin of the plane, a spiritual stone on the Tiansheng Mountain. In one year, the 'Eternal God Court' had a big event. After the mountain shakes and flies down and merges into the Lingshi, it will give birth to an adult. After he step by step, he will finally cultivate into the realm of the Holy Emperor. His body contains the secret of the 'Eternal God Court'.

Xuanyuan knew that it was impossible to dig out the secret of the eternal court from him, but since he had the name Taishan in his name, he must have something to do with the rumored Taishan.

The two people kept on exchange of ideas. Xuanyuan had gained a lot from him. Every move, there is the true meaning of Taishan. It seems that the boxing can be swayed in the middle of it. The power of a distant and mysterious Taishan, blessing himself, If you can fully communicate the power of the mysterious Mount Tai in the midst of it, there is almost no one to stop, and Xuanyuan himself will not do it.

‘Taishan Shengdi’ has not done much, and few of the characters of the Holy Emperor can compete with him.

Feel the 'Daoxuan Xuanyuan' body, between the gestures, in the dark to sway the power of the distant Mount Tai, blessing his body, 'Taishan Shengdi' feels extremely shocked, sighed: "The understanding of the 'No Soul of the Holy Spirit' It’s extraordinary, I didn’t think that in a short period of time, I could understand this level. In time, it’s not a problem to surpass me.”

"This is a good teaching of 'Taishan Shengdi'. You are not in the soul of the Taoist sect, more profound, and the power of Taishan, blending with each other, become more powerful, I am also self-satisfied." 'Dao Xing Xuan Yu' taught to 'Taishan Shengdi' still has no reservations, points to explain, and it is easy to understand.

"Haha, this is also the result of the "No Soul of the Holy Spirit". When my soul becomes stronger, I will inevitably control some of the sacred corpses. For my use, these people have collected a lot of holy corpses. I have been idle, and now I can get these secrets from the 'No Soul of the Holy Spirit', and I can make them perfect." 'Taishan Shengdi' is also very satisfied with his promotion.

‘Dao Xuan Xuan’ can feel that many of the emperors present, interacting with each other and teaching each other have made them a great improvement. They are not cultivating and communicating their respective sources.

"You, everyone must hurry up, we communicate with each other's origins, and maintain the words of our own deity, even if we can't come, we can also give us a huge upgrade..." '戮炎圣帝' carefully calculated, now the great origins They are all communicating with their own origins on their own means. On the one hand, they must deepen the cause and effect, and on the other hand, they must strengthen their own strength.

Xuanyuan can only watch these things happen, there is no way to stop it.

At this moment, many saints are practicing exchanges, and the deity of Xuanyuan has long been quiet and integrated into the sea of ​​bitterness.

Xuanyuan holds the water spirit beads, and there are many buckets of water. There is no fear of the origin of decay and the power of the origin of blood.

He wants to penetrate deep into the sea of ​​bitterness to see if he can find something of value and to make a breakthrough in attacking the sea of ​​bitterness. As the owner of the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land,’ this is what he should do.

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