MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2127 Solitary Hunting

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The second thousand one hundred and twenty-seventh chapter

In the land of hunting, there are thousands of stars entwined here, a long star river, and a star-shaped mountain.

The formation of all kinds of feng shui, the combination of natural forces, banned arrays, extremely powerful, center is a huge temple.

The whole body is made up of ancient megaliths, and it is extremely murderous and shocking.

"I didn't think that in a short period of time, Xuanyuan Shengzhu was so powerful that it was so strong that I am afraid of being alone. I am not your opponent. Today, you come to me to hunt, what do you want to do? "Xie Yisheng, dressed in white, covered with white gauze, walked out of the darkness. In this piece of heaven and earth, the many prohibitions laid out seem to lead her.

From his eyes, there was a horrible cold light, murderous, and he did not expect that Xuanyuan could find a hidden place for hunting.

"Oh, luck is good, I have a good chance, so I have this promotion. Today, I have come to teach, how strong is the hunting saint, there are people outside, there are days outside, I am coming to study." Xuanyuan laughed, people and animals did not hinder, How do you hear how this sentence makes people feel uncomfortable.

As soon as he got out of the boxing, a **** hole became apparent, and he wanted to devour everything. At this moment, the whole world roared, "The sacred sacred body", the second sacred Lord of the Holy See appeared on him, Jin Guang Rogue, martial arts and rushing, between the hands and feet, in this piece of heaven and earth, the power of many feng shui, poured into his body, a boxing out.

However, the feng shui in this place of hunting holy land has been bred in countless years. From the ancient times to the present, the power is extremely terrifying, even stronger than the feng shui situation laid by Feng Shui's ancestors. I saw countless stars running. Form a big bureau.

This kind of feng shui is born naturally, and in a special terrain, it is extraordinary for a long time.

When the two punches collided, the avenue gods rushed in all directions like hundreds of millions of waves, and the earthquake shattered, and only countless stars broke and collapsed.

The nine hunting sacred emperors look complicated and look at Xuanyuan. These years, their fighting power has been greatly improved.

Because the Lord of the Hunting Sacred appeared, let them share their own cultivation experience, and the magical powers to share, otherwise, in the future, the strength of their future will be difficult to compete, so they did not appear, devote themselves to cultivation.

Originally, they thought that their strength was already strong enough, but they did not expect that Xuanyuan had such a big leap and became stronger in a short time.

Nowadays, Xuanyuan is in the 'Central World', no longer able to rely on the power of ‘Hong Meng’s source’ when it is outside the starry sky.

Although it is also in a foreign space, it is incomparably close to the ‘Hong Meng origin.’ His mind is moving, and the five spirits in the body are running, gathering the power of the part of ‘Hong Meng’s source, for his own use, and the momentum is mighty.

Shengwu was originally comparable to Xuanyuan, but now it was pressed by Xuanyuan, and it was defeated. Only the gods on it collapsed, and there was a trace of cracks in the flesh.

Xie Yusheng sees the situation in no second, spurs the ban, in the land of hunting, the galaxy is splendid, the Huaguang is running, the ban is condensed, the sword is broken, and the assassination of the Xuanyuan Tianling cover.

He didn't look at it. One boxing came out, the boxing sword collided, and the sound of Jin Ge's crossfire was transmitted. Only the sword in the hands of Xie Taosheng was bent, and even a hair of Xuanyuan was not hurt.

"What." If it was before, this sword would definitely be able to wear Xuanyuan's iron fist, but now Xuanyuan's body seems to have grown to an unimaginable level, combined with the power of Wulingzhu, and smelt' The power of the Taiyin **** 'the sun god'.

Xie Yisheng screamed, her mind was motivated, and the ban on the entire hunting sacred place was concentrated on her body, which broke out instantly.

A pure destructive force rushed into Xuanyuan's body, madly raging, causing his body to rupture and the holy blood to flow.

"Haha, it’s so happy. It seems that in this world, few people can be my opponents. Is this the power of the whole hunting place? It seems to be nothing more than that." Xuanyuan smiled long and swallowed the body and washed it. With many prohibitions and cohesiveness, the damage caused by the sun, the power of the sun, the power of the sun, the 'swallowing the gods' into a black sea, rolling towards many hunting saints.

The momentum is overwhelming, the nine hunting sacred sacred sects, hit a blow, and evolved a godless sacred, and Xuanyuan's engulfing the Black Sea, dying against each other, left and right.

In the forefront of the holy Wu, the Vietnam War is more and more brave, and many forces are constantly colliding with the devouring gods to form the Black Sea, and the waves sweep across the square. In this hunting place, the space they laid down is the aftermath of the battle. The impact was a mess, many Xingshan collapsed, the stars fell, and the stars were stunned.

However, the combination of the nine great emperors and the means of the joint hunting of the holy land by Shengwu and Xie Yusheng have prevailed.

After forcing Xuanyuan to retreat again and again, he laughed happily: "Come on, the third Lord of the Hunting Lord appears, I have to look at it, combined with the power of the entire hunting saint, can you kill me, this is my deity. ""

Xuanyuan raised his hand and hit, ‘Wanhua Shenquan’ with yin and yang, the power of the dead and the holy, the power of the sky.

After repeated fights, a lot of weak bans, the feng shui collapsed, this stock for the yin and yang, the thoroughness of life and death, in the process of collision, hit the Holy St. Emperor repeatedly bleed, heart horrified.

Almost at this moment, Xuanyuan felt that there was a terrible crisis in the depths of the hunting sacred land.

He turned and left without a slight stop. At this moment, no one could stop him.

"Come on, come and leave, did not kill Xuanyuan on the day, now he is such a strength, it is difficult for us to completely kill it, did not expect him to enter the 'door of the sun' and the door of the sun '中, and I can feel that he has not done his best." In the eyes of Shengwu, with a little dignity.

"Do not worry, we have tried our best. We have a part of the strength, all of which are gathered on him. As long as we break through, we can have a huge improvement at that time. Xuanyuan’s move is to force him out. But how could it be that he alone wants to hit the place where I am hunting for a crisis.” Xie Yisheng’s look is a bit complicated, and Xuanyuan’s growth rate is too fast, she did not expect it.

"Unfortunately, if Xuanyuan can hand over the Pengfei on the same day, my strength does not stop there. Now that the place of hunting is already exposed, it should be moved, and it is not safe to stay here. "Shengwu Shen channel.

"Yes, show the hidden world of hunting." Xie Yisheng said that it is the land of the entire hunting sacred, an extremely powerful ban, which is able to hide the hunting sacred, which makes it difficult to find, at the time of the ancient Hunting St. is such a way to avoid it, no one can find it.

"Yes." The nine hunting sacred emperors were almost always in the first place.

I saw the land of hunting, many stars, the Milky Way, the Xingshan, blended into the ancient temple, many potions, feng shui, and banned, will be accommodated in the first time, the temple trembled, Disappeared in a void, when they left, this exotic space instantly collapsed and vanished, because it lost support.

The existence of the hunting saints was not fixed. They were not fixed, they could escape at any time and would not be caught.

Originally it was not a big force on the bright side, and the deep-rooted thoughts of the immortal sacred door could not be moved for them.

Xuanyuan escaped from the hunting sacred land. Obviously, hunting saints is a means of using loneliness. Under such circumstances, if you do not flee, even if you don’t die, you will be seriously injured. There is no meaning in the third place. The Lord of the Sacrifice is killed, maybe he will turn over in the gutter.

The strength of the third lord of the Holy Hunt is only the most powerful. Otherwise, why hasn’t it always appeared, and Xuanyuan feels that the strength of the hunter is not limited to this, just like the hunting sac The great power, but even more terrible, is hidden in the ancient temple.

Xuanyuan thought in his heart: "It seems that the third lord of hunting, has already had his own plans, can not force it out, or now, constantly improve his strength, I do not believe, he can hold back. ”

He directly integrated into the earth, with the intention to spur the ‘Hong Meng origin,’ and saw the back of the earth goddess evolved.

"You are here," she said softly.

"Well, after the earth goddess, you have been saving your strength for years, and when the war is over, it will break out again." Xuanyuan seriously said.

"I understand that, in addition, I still need to do something." After the earth girl smiled slightly, the face gives a kindness, generosity, like a mother, people have a sense of belonging.

"Observing the 'Central World', see if there are other tyrannical emperors, and now the catastrophe is coming, every time there is a holy emperor, it must be extremely unspeakable, enough to affect the direction of the war." Xuanyuan brow wrinkles , said: "My incarnation, will be with you, to fully monitor."

"it is good."

After explaining the matter, Xuanyuan bowed his hand and came to the edge of the bitter sea.

He looked at the whole bitter sea, and now the atmosphere here has become more powerful. Those who have come to the sea to find the way to ascend in countless years, the essence of the body has long been swallowed up. Net, leaving only one empty shell, became a war, used as a waste.

Under the restoration of the five major origins, the power of 'Changsheng Shenmen' has returned to its peak. Nowadays, the number of soaring places is only more, making it difficult to predict. The five major origins, different ideas, and different integrations make the longevity **** The door 'has also changed and improved.

However, Xuanyuan also knows that the number of soldiers and horses that he descended from the ‘Yusheng Shenmen’ is also an astronomical figure.

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