MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2166 Sacrifice forever

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Peng Fei used "Feng Shui Ancient Gods" to combine with "Tianji Ancient Art". Before that, it was necessary to attract the other party's attention, so that the enemy could not understand the situation at all.

In the dark, he combined with the feng shui technique to find out that in the depths of the 'Hunting of the Holy Land', there is a terrible array of large arrays, which almost combines the whole array of the 'Hunting Land'. It erupted with the strongest power, which was simply for the murder of the Holy Emperor.

Even if Xuanyuan led many saints to kill, one accidentally could be wiped out by the whole army, because the killing power was too terrible, when Pengfei saw the "hunting saint" with the bones of the emperor and the spirits. At the time of the temple, you can't help but get a goosebump, because the murder in its depths is chilling.

"This ominous Holy Spirit is really not a general anti-drug. Even this kind of thing can be done. I am arranging this feng shui array, I am afraid that it will also be extremely detrimental to him. Fortunately, this holy emperor is handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng Otherwise, they will be wiped out by a net." In the eyes of Pengfei, the cold light flashes, a **** is screaming, and the voice is whispering, and the eyes are twitching and the eyelids are straight.

"But this is nothing, the wisdom of the Holy Emperor is extraordinary, the world is unparalleled, and it is already ready."

At this moment, Peng Fei sacrificed his own yin and yang **** door, suspended in the air, and turned into a gateway of thousands of miles. On this ‘Yin and Yang Shenmen’, it imprinted the ancient imprint.

This is an ancient rune belonging to the Taiyin Sun. It is extremely mysterious. Even Xuanyuan does not have much research.

Seeing this scene, in the depths of 'Hunting the Holy Land', the Feng Shui ancestor frowned and said: "It seems that he wants to dispatch a large number of terracotta warriors and horses to come to attack, but I have already made this step well. Come in. How many kills, when they can sacrifice their bones and soul to the 'eternal Nether', and finally they will only suffer from bitter fruit."

"The elite horses of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are not so well dealt with, and they all have the strength to kill the Holy Emperor. If you look down on them, you will probably fall into a place where you can't stop." Especially Xuanyuan The rule of the Wanhua army, they have no doubt that Xuanyuan has this ability, Xie Yusheng and Xuanyuan have made a lot of hand, and have a good understanding of him.

"So far, we can only try it out, and there is no way out." Feng Shui's father frowned and said: "No matter where we fled, Pengfei can find out our position, 'Qinglong Holy Land' is increasingly Powerful, if you don’t want to fight once today, I’m afraid I’m going to break into the land of annihilation. I think you can all understand that I don’t have to say anything.”

"That's going to fight." ‘The fighting Buddha’ brows a pick, sinking.

Xie Yusheng, Shengwu brows wrinkled, and now they have no choice. After all, they have always been based on the 'fighting Buddha', and this time they have also made a perfect preparation. I hope that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can count, and give them a chance to turn over.

This is a super big gamble, success and failure in this move, for both sides, this is the case.

In the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’, Peng’s idea was passed, and Fuxi urged the entire ‘swallowing of the Immortal’.

I saw that among the hundreds of families in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', one piece of heaven-level no-winding floats, swallowing the supreme power, and the power of every heaven-level no-goal device is reminded. At the extreme, the power that was flowed out was introduced into the three-door 'Wanhua Sheng Can'.

'Qinglong Holy Land' has never been fired together with the three-door 'Wanhua Sheng Cannon', because it has been against all major origins. This time, only the last enemy is left. Naturally, there will be no reservations. Under the ambiguous idea, the power of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' was almost mobilized.

In the past, a heavenly level without a road device was the existence of the anti-sky. With the promotion of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it was not so difficult for the heavenly level to be reclaimed. On the one hand, the material is not so hard to find. Everyone in the family is willing to take out the treasures of their own treasures and exchange them. There will be no private possession.

In the past, if you can change to the other party's natural treasure, you will not change it, because once the other party's heavenly level is not made, it is likely to have a huge impact on itself. Threat.

Now it is different. Everyone trusts each other. In this period of time, there are many strong people from the origin of 'Hongmeng'. Some people carry a lot of rare treasures, and there are many heavens. Rectification.

In addition, the overall strength of the entire ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ has been upgraded as never before. The great sacred place of the Emperor of Heaven is countless and not as scarce as before.

There is also one of the most important reasons. As we all know, the Mohist is the most proficient in the refining.

In the whole 'Qinglong Holy Land', they did not conceal the slightest concealment, sharing the Mohist refiners together with the sentient beings, so that the people of the hundreds of families can be successful and there will be few failures. There is no unsuccessful reason for the strong feng shui gas transportation.

This is a big force of gas.

It is precisely because of this, 'Qinglong Holy Land' even if some of the big people fly up, with their own no-go, but the new generation of rising, they can also refine their own heaven-level no-go, and They are constantly increasing.

I saw only the ‘Qinglong Holy Land’, but I didn’t say anything else. There were only 3,000 pieces of heavenly superiors that were refined by the 3,000-year-old Confucianism.

Not to mention the addition of hundreds of thousands of people, with a total of 129,600 pieces of heavenly level without a common device.

The power that ‘Millions of Cannons can carry now is not comparable to what it used to be.

Their power condensed and poured into the three ‘Millions of Cannons’, and Fuxi united the three main guns.

These three ‘Millions of Cannons’ are enormous, and in the process of accumulating strength, the power they have swallowed is shocking.

In addition, the business of the ‘Qinglong Holy Land’ has been condensed and introduced into the ‘Wanhua San Cannon’.

At this moment, a feng shui portal emerged, which is the feng shui of the same day.

"The victory and defeat is here." In the eyes of Peng Fei, the fine man flashes, his mind moves, the power of the sun is over, and he sends his mind for him.

"Fuxi, shot." In control of the three ‘Wanhuasheng’s Fuxi’s thoughts, now she is the master of the whole ‘swallowing Xianfu’ and can control everything here.

I saw that the three ‘Millions of Cannons’ trembled fiercely, and the entire ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ shook.

Three Daomang, tearing everything, broke into the Feng Shui portal laid by Peng Fei.

I saw the power of the three ‘Millions of Cannons’, passing through countless layers of space. At this moment, the yin and yang gods were combined with the whole universe of the void, and the power of the sun’s yin was running to the extreme.

"Haha, all of them will die for the Holy Emperor, you are dead." Pengfei laughed so wildly that everything was in his grasp.

Everyone felt in a moment that there was a devastating force in the depths of the 'Yin and Yang Shenmen'.

The violent power fluctuations caused the water mirror in the depths of the 'Hunting of the Holy Land' to be broken instantly. At this moment, the face of Feng Shui’s grandfather was pale: "How could he possibly come up with this feng shui situation? Even if the treasure is in the origin of 'Hongmeng', it will take a very long time to collect the completeness. I even looked down on him. I didn't expect him to be able to make it. This is something I can't do. ""

I saw a masculine sensation from the yin and yang gods.

Under the eyes of the public, Xuanyuan and many of the Emperor's eyelids jumped wildly. The original feng shui that was laid down before Peng Fei was based on it. It can be launched from the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. In the twinkling of an eye, The power of the guns is passed on to the universe of space in which they are located.

A beam of light with a thousand miles is a combination of the strengths of the three sacred cannons.

"What." Among the hunting saints, the presence of all the sacred places changed greatly. At this moment, all the defensive arrays of 'Hunting of the Holy Land' were all supported, but in the three-door sacred cannon Under the one-shot, it instantly collapsed.

I saw the ancient temple built in this ancient era, broken into layers, turned into fly ash, countless horrible natural formation of the law, the inch collapsed, can not resist, the 'green dragon holy land' will be overwhelming, this An impact is simply unbearable.

Among the eyes of Feng Shui's ancestors, a blood red, he was full of reluctance, this battle was lost.

"I won't lose, I won't lose, 'Eternal Nether', sacrifice." In the depths of 'Hunting the Holy Land', the essence of the whole 'Hunting Land' has long been concentrated in a feng shui In the array.

Along with his thoughts, billions of hunting sacred spirits, the body turned into a **** symbol.

In the void burial he mastered, countless ghosts and the nine murderers around him, the nine fierce beasts were also sacrificed in an instant, and the means of seeing many of the saints who hunted the saints could not help but scalp hair. Hemp, I am afraid that the next will be summoned from the 'eternal Nether', the incomparable and terrible existence.

I saw a portal open, which is the mysterious ‘eternal gloom.’ All the sacrifices are integrated into it in a moment. After a while, a sacred eternal solitude exists and walks out.

In them, there is a strong dead air that represents the eternal death. Once infiltrated into the human body, it will make the life fade and make people irresistible.

The existence in the 'eternal Nether' is above all major origins, and their power is difficult for ordinary people to compete.

This time, the saga of the feng shui master was summoned by the legendary ‘Eternal Shura King’.

Every ‘Eternal Shura King’ they are born for war, and within the eternal Nether, they kill everything.

Since the skin on them is an ancient word of mysterious charm, intertwined, forming an extremely terrible killing and protection ability.

The combined force of the three ‘Millions of Cannons’ smashed the guardianship of the tens of layers of ‘hunting land.’

Even the supreme killings laid down by the Fengshui ancestors were divided into two halves, and the ‘hunting land was collapsed and destroyed.

Originally, Pengfei was sure to win. At this moment, from the depths of the ‘Hunting of the Holy Land’, ten chilling breaths came out.

Ten ‘Eternal Shura King’, the armor of the armor, killing the sky, running through the universe.

(The "Devouring the Sky" game server is very smooth, it is said that many beautiful women have entered to play, in the afternoon, a group of sister readers are asking what my ID is called, suddenly burst into tears...)