MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 286 That light from the right path

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【Another dimension game】【】

"Seduction? It doesn't look very serious."

"Let the only two girls in the team seduce... Will something happen?"

Wang Hao doesn't know what the fortune-teller lady looks like. Maybe she is an intellectual big sister?

And her own character, Miss Fengling, looks really good.

"Apart from a flat chest and a shorter height, the proportions of face and body are still quite good... This plan seems to be interesting?"

Wang Hao happily chose [3].

Most of the women in Qingshi Town are crooked melons and jujubes. Some have sallow complexions and stunted nutrition; some have pockmarks on their faces that look like chickenpox marks; .

There are only a few of them, and they look pretty good, like a witch's daughter. Cardamom is young and cute, but in terms of dress and temperament, it is impossible to compare with real modern beauties.

After all, the rich and the poor have some temperament, which is clear at a glance.

Li Qingshan looked at the two girls on his side and came up with a plan: "I'll pretend to surrender later. You can cry and beg for mercy. The more miserable you cry, the better, the louder the better, understand? "

In order to integrate into the world of mountains and seas, the fortune-teller Jenny had her hair dyed black, and her pupils were dyed brown through strange objects, so she looked a little weird.

However, Jenny's figure is excellent, the bear has long legs and a very upturned butt, which has a unique style.

Feng Ling is also considered a beauty, especially she used two thick steamed buns to make her **** bigger, which effectively made up for her body defects.

She looked a little nervous: "I-I... can I do this?"

" disguised as my childhood sweetheart, you don't have to."

"it is good."

"The water ghost has come."

The rumbling of hooves in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the militiamen raised their spears and turned their sights to the north.

What appeared in the eyes of people was a large herd of horses. Hundreds of tall horses were running on the yellow grass, like a wave rushing to the shore.

Following the horse group, there are hundreds of blue-gray "water ghosts"!

Yes, the water ghost looks like a "human", but is actually a peculiar monster.

Their skin was a dead blue-gray, with sharp fangs growing from their mouths, and their hands and feet ran wildly on the ground. This terrifying creature can bite a person's throat with one bite!

"Formation!" Pan Hao, who was standing on the city wall, roared.

The militiamen roared and raised their spears one by one. If this troop rushed in directly, this would be their line of defense!

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the "Old Mother" came from the temple, and a mysterious force was injected into the bodies of these militiamen.

In fact... this force doesn't make any sense, it's just a cold wind that can act as a "placebo effect".

"This is the divine power of the sore mother!"

Sure enough, the faces of these militiamen turned rosy one after another, and they felt a surge of power surging in their bodies.

If it weren't for the fact that Qingshi Town was at stake, these peasants would start cheering again, "the mother is born with sores, and the hometown is empty."

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【Another dimension game】【】

"Unfortunately, the city wall of our Qingshi Town is broken. Otherwise, if we guard the city wall, it would not be so easy to break through." Huang Youcai sighed.

"Who built this city wall?" Pan Hao asked.

"That was hundreds of years ago. Qingshi Town was originally a big city and was guarded by real Taoist soldiers." Mr. Huang said, "Time has changed, and the city walls have long since fallen into disrepair. There's no way to fix it."

The galloping robber army finally stopped a few hundred meters away.

The bluish-grey humanoid monsters smelled the breath that belonged to only human beings.

The rotten grease smell can be smelled from hundreds of meters away.

"Are those water ghosts they raised?".

A cold sweat appeared on Huang Youcai's face: "Yes, after sinking people to the bottom of the lake, they will be transformed into water ghosts by the water ghost king, losing their humanity and leaving only animal nature. They will even **** women!"

"These water ghosts were living people in the past! Now they have lost their humanity."

When the militiamen heard such rumors, although they were a little timid in their hearts, they still held the forks and spears in their hands.

Pan Hao stood on the city wall, holding his dragon tortoise crutch, and shouted loudly, "Who are you waiting for? Why did you come to my Qingshi Town so aggressively? What do you want!"

Several tall horses walked out of the water ghost thieves. The head of the person had a hint of cyan on his face, and the pupils in the deep eye sockets actually showed blood red. He glanced at the people in Qingshi Town and said loudly: "I am the head of Hujinkou." Three dozen cattle', Hujinkou's grain harvest failed, and I will use the grains to be used by the strong men!"

"I'll give it back to you next month."

"One thousand stone grains, five hundred strong men, I will leave immediately!"

The landlord Huang Youcai gasped, his heart beating wildly.

There were also whispers among the militia groups, buzzing like bees.

After all, it is a team that was called up temporarily, and there is no discipline at all.

This request... is horrible!

One stone of grain can feed an adult for a month, and a thousand stone of grain is donated. The already poor Qingshi Town is about to suffer from famine, and there are still a few people who can survive!

As for the five hundred strong men...

Don't even think about it, the final outcome of these strong men is to sink to the bottom of the lake and become the food of evil gods!

Or...become those water ghosts!

But soon, Master Huang squeezed his beating heart, and his Adam's apple twitched.

Because according to the plan in advance, there is no direct fight, which is the best ending!

As long as there is no fight, Dawu and the others' strategies will be effective.

"I'll wait...need to discuss!" Pan Hao said.

The other party replied: "Okay, give you a stick of incense time."

"The water ghost thief has been temporarily appeased, you all start acting immediately!" Pan Hao gave orders in the conch earphones.

The atmosphere in Qingshi Town was still dull, and the faces of several clan elders were ashen, and their hearts were uneasy.

Even if you know the whole plan, you don't know how feasible it is.

If something goes wrong, they will lose their lives!

And the militia team is even more concerned, for fear that the upper levels will sell them out.

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【Another dimension game】【】

In the real fight, it is unlikely that a few people will survive. But if he was betrayed, he would really die.

"What else to discuss, this requirement, what is there to discuss!"

"The water ghost thief doesn't make promises, it's impossible to pay food, pay strong men!"

"Yes, impossible."

"Great witch, with the supernatural power bonus of the sore mother... I'm so afraid?" The screams of these militiamen gradually rose.

Pan Hao swallowed, that divine power was fake, it was just a gust of cold wind.

As he faced off like this, before he knew it, sweat soaked through his clothes.

Suddenly, a brisk singing sounded from not far away, and two beautiful girls picking mushrooms, carrying baskets and humming songs, played beside the city wall, and gave out a silver bell-like laughter.

One of the girls with pointed ears is pure and lovely, with beautiful eyes and beautiful eyes; the other girl has a foreign style of foreign land, and she is full of charm.

"Aiya, Da Wu, what's the matter? There are so many people." Feng Ling pretended not to know anything, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she took a step back.

"Hurry up and go back!" Pan Hao roared loudly, "Is this where you should come! There are robbers over there!"

"We're just picking mushrooms from the city wall, don't be mad at me, Da Wu!" Feng Ling seemed to be taken aback and said timidly, her eyes reddened, and some pear blossoms were raining, "Then... that Da Wu, I will first Back to town."

It's not a loss for Feng Ling to be someone who has stolen the power of the Demon God, and her acting skills seem to be really a little girl without a city.

It made Lao Pan a little suspicious of life.

But if you think about it, it's normal.

She is an A-level fighter of the Abnormal Foundation, with spiritual vision and delusional healing abilities. Except for Lao Lu, no one here may be able to beat her.

And the surrounding militiamen, facing the two girls picking mushrooms, were also confused. Where did these two women come from?

Huang Youcai on the city wall, although he knew the strategy, was also surprised by their appearance.

He had seen these two women, and they had escaped from the outside world.

Why does it look so good all of a sudden?

"Could it be that my old eyes are dizzy? These two girls are ten times more beautiful than the concubine who just passed the door."

Obviously, those robbers' eyes lit up when they saw the woman, and they all discussed something.

The real beauty in this backcountry is hard to find. The peasants are exposed to the wind and the sun, hungry and full, and their complexion is rough. How can there be any beauty at all?

But now two suddenly popped up, innocent and romantic, indifferent to the world, with smooth and white skin, obviously the young lady of the big family, who was raised by a serious child.

The leader of the "three fights", the more he watched, the more joy he felt in his heart.

They were originally robbing people this time, so what happened to robbing two more girls?

The person standing on the right of Niu San Da is the second leader of the water ghost thief, and he is also the think tank of the team. He has some premonition abilities.

Because he hurt his life when he was young, he hated women the most.

He sensed the **** of the boss, and suddenly said: "Da, this Qingshi Town obviously knows that we are coming here and has made a lot of preparations in advance. Otherwise, it is impossible to gather so many militiamen in a short period of time."

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【Another dimension game】【】

"These two women also appear strange, are they seducing them?"

"What kind of seduction method? They can still be separated by a hundred zhang, can't they kill Lao Tzu with a spell?" The leader "Niu San Da" said.

The second master changed his statement: "Maybe the imperial army is heading here."

"It will change after a while. I suggest that you use your troops immediately and loot this town."

"Oh, do you have some bad hunch?"

"Yes, I just don't know what this hunch is."

And the person standing on the left is a one-eyed dragon with a blindfold, the third master of the water ghost thief.

This guy is the most lecherous, and is obviously at odds with the second master.

He stared at Jenny's big **** for a long time, and licked his lips excitedly. Where did this woman come from, she was a hundred times more charming than the oiran in the city!

The one-eyed dragon said: "Since you don't know what the hunch is, and you attacked rashly, didn't you fall into their tricks? Maybe there is still an ambush in the city. These two women just want to seduce you in!"

"It is said that the sore mother has regained her magical power. Even if the foundation is still shallow, we will not risk our lives to fight against her."

"I still suggest that attack and heart first, divide the internal forces of Qingshi Town, and break them one by one."

Niu Sanda nodded slightly, which girl with pointed ears he liked more: "Tell their great witch, the sacrifice of these two girls can be worth a hundred strong men!"

This is an upright attack!

Let the family of the second daughter and the family of a hundred strong men quarrel, in order to divide the hearts of the people.

Before he finished speaking, another voice came: "I... I surrender!"

Comrade Li Qingshan, holding a basket, walked forward slowly: "Sir, I am willing to surrender, offer food, and spare my family!"

"Then... that girl is my childhood sweetheart, I have no guesses, newly married Yan'er, and has no children yet, you can't take her away, my lord!"

Li Qingshan's acting skills are poor, as if he is reciting lines, he is a little rigid, and he is a little ashamed when he is halfway through.

But with the appearance of the surrenderers, all the militiamen glared angrily and shouted, "Who is this person?"

"Surrender for a woman!"

"Damn it, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't accept the victims!"

The few who responded faster returned to the town with hoes and pitchforks, and shouted loudly, "Find that woman and kill it! Never surrender!"

Pan Hao secretly complained in his heart that when these villagers became violent, they would really kill people.

Only a few people know the real bombing plan, and it is impossible for ordinary town residents to know, otherwise there is a possibility of leaking.

He could only use the conch earphones to tell the two girls to rush to the temple of the "Old Mother" to hide.

"They are already hiding in the temple, they dare not come in." Feng Ling said in the conch earphones, "Be careful next."

Fortunately, it was precisely because of this rebuke and riot that Li Qingshan's bad acting skills were covered up.

As Li Qingshan continued to approach, the heartstrings of Pan Hao and others could not help but tighten.

"I don't know if it will work."

"If we lose, we have to flee. Even that temple is not necessarily safe." Lu Tianming secretly said, "When the time comes, we flee to Fenghua City, and I still have the security order there."

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【Another dimension game】【】

The "Water Ghost Pirates" were overjoyed when they saw that someone had surrendered.

Although they are sure to defeat the militia in Qingshi Town, but they can take it down without injury, who wants to fight to the death?

After all, there are more than 1,000 people in Qingshi Town. If everyone fights back and bites fiercely, even if they are strong and strong, they will suffer great damage.

However, with the appearance of the first surrenderer, the people's psychological defense line was loosened, and a second and third surrenderer would inevitably appear, and morale plummeted.

"Okay! I will meet your request, offer food, and spare your family and your new wife, too!"

The leader, "Niu San Da", waved his hand. He was tall and strong like a cow.

The so-called promises are just empty farts, how could such a beauty let go?

When the overall situation is settled, wouldn't it be fun to cut off this bone head with a knife, rob his newlywed wife, and fight against his wife day and night?

However, at this moment, the second master felt something in his heart again, and shouted loudly: "Wait! Come over there, let's check if the things in the basket are food?"

"Okay...Okay...I'll be right here."

Li Qingshan obeyed, carrying the big basket, and slowly moved forward step by step.

There is a layer of rice noodles on the basket.

Below the rice surface, it is filled with explosives—incendiary bombs made of strange objects!

And the "Second Master" is an old river and lake after all. Under a premonition, he appeared to be very careful. The designated handover place was still 100 meters away from the main force.

He even only dispatched two mud legs to come to count the supplies, and he was unwilling to play in person.

"This distance...not enough." Li Qingshan felt ruthless in his heart and slowly moved forward, "I can only charge forward!"

The militia team behind them was still shouting and scolding. Everyone knows that if someone surrenders, it will greatly reduce morale.

Some even wanted to shoot bows and arrows.

The two mud-legged men who were in charge of statistics were poor scholars who took refuge in the robbers, with snarky eyes and a dog-like look: "Just count here, put down the basket, and let's see what's in it. We can't promise your request!"

Li Qingshan held the basket and walked directly past.

"Hey, where are you going?"

One of them hurried to pull.

At this moment, Li Qingshan quickened his pace and directly knocked two mud legs into the air.

Holding the basket, he rammed like a bull!

"what happened?"

The sense of crisis in the second master's heart swelled to the extreme. Seeing Li Qingshan who rushed his eyes widened, he shouted, "It's an assassin...kill him! Quickly, kill him!"

With this order, hundreds of cyan-skinned humanoid monsters attacked Li Qingshan.

The dust in the sky is rising!

Li Qingshan took action.

The old squire in Qingshi Town was extremely nervous and sweating all over.

The militiamen who were yelling at the back also stopped calling.

And Pan Hao and others also knew that the matter was at a critical juncture, and shouted: "Close your eyes! Close your eyes! Lie down! Don't look!"

"Close your eyes! Shut your eyes! Get on the ground! That's our plan!"

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【Another dimension game】【】

Between the light and the flint, the first batch of humanoid monsters "Water Ghosts" had already touched Li Qingshan.

The icy claws cut through the clothes and brought unparalleled killing intent to the surface of the skin.

The opponent's strength is great, and the speed is very fast. He runs with both hands and feet, one by one is comparable to the 100-meter trapeze.

Those sharp and powerful claws can shatter a person's spine with just one blow.

Under Li Qingshan's rush, he used "bullet time", and the passage of time seemed to slow down.

There were dozens of "water ghosts" around, and under the siege, there was almost no possibility of surviving.

So, in the next instant, he roared again and activated the strange force technique, and his muscles rapidly expanded in a large circle.

With the greatest strength, he threw the basket viciously like a grenade.


To die!

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