MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 289 Does anyone dare to call themselves God?

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Facing the question of the old man, Ding Zhijing frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "I don't think so, the thieves can't give so much horse meat to the villagers."

"Old man, if you have so much horse meat, would you like to share it?"

Huang Youcai was stunned for a moment, but he hadn't thought about this issue.

He may also share some, but not so much.

"Even if they don't have bad intentions, they don't have a bitter master or evidence, how can they report it to the government? You can't say that they are thieves, they are thieves."

"Compared to the water ghost thieves, they are already good people."

Huang Youcai was stopped.

In general, this group of people is still very friendly, courteous, and has an extraordinary bearing; while the water ghost thief is fierce and violent, and the arrogance and arrogance can't be concealed at all, and the two are not the same grade at all.

Ding Zhijing said again: "After so many things, Qingshi Town is a little more stable...Lao Zhang, according to what you said, it is possible that they were born in a big family, traveled thousands of miles, and escaped from afar."

"Security in the mountains and seas is getting worse and worse. Qingshi Town is remote and has no specialties. As long as the other party does not openly rebel, the imperial court will turn a blind eye, and will not take care of the broken things in this corner."

Huang Youcai sighed, it was true, only when Qingshi Town was plagued by a plague that spread everywhere, the imperial court would take care of it and seal the city.

As for other things, there really isn't that much effort.

Ding Zhijing said again: "Lao Zhang, someone has money on the other side, and if you dare to oppose them, I'm afraid there will be bloodshed."

"On the contrary, my brother-in-law got along well with them."

"Well, either you sell your fields cheaper and go to Fenghua City to retire. Or I'll give you a sound transmission. If there's something really important, you can transmit it right away. Don't use it indiscriminately, it's very expensive."

Huang Youcai took the sound transmission, a piece of yellow talisman paper with all kinds of ghost talismans drawn on it, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It is impossible to escape, after so many years, I can't bear to sell those lands at a low price. Oh, By the way, there is one more thing."

He also told the story of "Li Qingshan" returning from the dead.

"Resurrection from the dead..."

Ding Zhijing said with a smile: "I suspect that your husband has missed your eyes. Maybe it's a trick like twins. Those big families have cultivated dead men since childhood. If you die alone, you can deceive all of you, and it's worth it."

Mr. Huang murmured: "The twins died... I never thought about this, it turned out to be a trick, no wonder..."

"Even the dead witch was deceived. I said that there is no way to resurrect in the world."

Ding Zhijing said: "Zhangren, you are wrong. There really is a technique of resurrection in the world."

"But of course it's extremely difficult... Only those gods floating on the mountain can do it, and there must be fresh corpses... If they are all blown to ashes, how can they be resurrected?"

Ding Zhijing raised a hand and pointed to the suspended peaks.

Master Huang was slightly shocked. He never thought that the power of the gods could bring the dead back to life!

Of course, when his son-in-law said this, he felt a little relieved.

"It must be multiple births. I won't investigate this matter for the time being."

Ding Zhijing's voice lowered again: "I don't know the name of this god?"

Master Huang said: "I don't know either. That **** has no divine power, and it looks like an ordinary stone that has been drenched by wind and rain."

"But for some reason, the more I watched it, the more I felt that the statue was like a **** descending from the earth, with an indescribable charm. Although there is no ink in my stomach, your father-in-law, I still have eyesight..."

He blinked his eyes and lowered his voice: "In contrast, the eldest mother with sores is the same... turtle!"

Huang Youcai pulled up his sleeves, looking a little anxious, but he didn't dare to speak ill of "the sore mother".

The king of **** is easy to see, but the little devil is difficult to deal with.

The real **** is too lazy to pay attention to him, but the sore mother can control him.

"Hey, it was originally a tortoise... Even the mother of the turtle spirit is a bigger tortoise. I suspect that they all came out of the same nest, and they all like to eat aquatic products, not people." Ding Zhijing smiled.

"Why don't we go to worship?" Huang Youcai said, "I'm just afraid that another evil spirit will come. You can go and see it, so you can use it as a reference."


The two walked out of the room door.

In the middle of the night, Qingshi Town was still lively. The butchers took advantage of the freshness of the horse's corpse to dissect the horse meat overnight, and many people were helping.

There was a faint smell of blood in the town.

And the light of the lighting in each kitchen is also provided by the "big witch" and others, a very strange oil lamp.

The fire was bright and unusual, and the oil was consumed very slowly, as if it would never go out.

Some people call it "the lamp that never goes out", saying that it is the lamp oil gifted by the "mother of sores".

It seems that everything is brought by the "mother of sores"...

However, the new temple on the east side of the town is quite deserted.

The gods are inherently majestic, and under normal circumstances, no one dares to run in and chat a few words.

This new temple was originally the ancestral hall of a large family, and it was considered the most luxurious house in the town.

"This is the original old Zhang family. They are very bold. They abandoned their ancestral home ten years ago and ran away."

"I bought this house and turned it into a temple, which is a good thing."

Huang Youcai walked into the temple with his son-in-law.

There are no gatekeepers here. After all, "God" is alive, and it is impossible for a thief or the like to dare to sneak in.

"Big witch, are you there?"

No one responded.

"It looks like he's still busy over there."

In the side hall on the side, the two found the tablet of "The Great Mother of Zhuangsheng", and offered fish and shrimp, and the number of sacrifices was quite large.

In his mouth, he muttered: "The world is like a prison, all living beings are suffering, reincarnation is endless, sorrows are endless, pity me, people in the world, there are gods descending from heaven, sore mothers, empty hometown."

This sentence is regarded as the standard configuration of all Daoist temples. Among them, the four words "sore raw mother" can be modified at will, and the same as "turtle spirit mother".

"Please bless my family with safety and health, bless Qingshi Town with good weather and a good harvest in the coming year."

That is, some common courtesy.

After a while, the sacrifices in the baskets exuded a faint mist.

After the fog, it disappeared immediately.

The "god" of the mountain and sea world really enjoyed the sacrifice.

As for whether the "Old Mother" will bless their family, that's another matter...

Immediately afterwards, the two stepped forward again, came to the "main hall" in the center, and glanced at the stone statue placed in the center.

"How is it, am I right?" Mr. Huang didn't dare to talk much, but only said a few words in a vague way.

"Or go in and say goodbye?"


In any case, it won't drop a piece of meat if you worship.

But soon, Mr. Huang was embarrassed.

There is no so-called futon here, which does not seem to make people kneel. There is no incense burner for incense sticks, let alone incense.

There was only a solitary, fuzzy-looking statue standing in the very center of the table.

Its appearance is unremarkable, and it has been wiped out by the wind, but no matter how you look at it, it has an unimaginable aura.

Even mortals can sense the hidden subtle momentum: it wants nothing from the world.

There is a "non-extinguishing light" around it, emitting a milky white light.

After a few glances, the two of them decided to put their hands together and simply bowed a few times.

"This great god, my lord Huang Youcai, may the great **** bless my Qingshi Town with good weather and good luck every year."

After the worship, the two of them ran out with lingering fears in that depressing environment.

Ding Zhijing was silent for a moment, then he searched his stomach and said, "There are indeed some wonderful things..."

He forcefully said: "But this statue, in terms of momentum, is a little worse than the big turtle spirit mother in the city."

"Is it worse than the turtle spirit mother?" Huang Youcai said, "I have seen the turtle spirit mother, and I always feel that it is far inferior to this one. That's why I panicked."

"No, no." Ding Zhijing said, "The huge statue of the turtle spirit mother is two feet high (6.6 meters), and the eyes of the statue are bigger than a human head! In the main hall, you can feel the faint cloud and mist and the cool air-conditioning."

"The mother of the turtle spirit likes cold and not heat. Even in the summer, it is still cold in the temple."

"To worship the turtle spirit mother, you have to put on a padded jacket!"

"That icy breath made people shiver." Ding Zhijing recalled his experience and said with a smile, "Of course, the mother of the turtle spirit at that time seemed to be sleeping, otherwise, the climate would be cold."

"I heard that the more powerful the gods, the more different appearances appear."

"This nameless statue has neither abnormality nor strong incense. From this point of view, this **** is somewhat inferior to the mother of the turtle spirit."

"So..." Mr. Huang seemed to be persuaded. After all, his son-in-law was a scholar, much better than him.

Ding Zhijing added: "But it is located in the main hall, and the mother of Zhuangsheng is located in the side hall."

"And Zhuang Sheng's mother was willing and did not make a fuss, so it should be stronger than Zhuang Sheng's mother."

"It's still Zhijing, you have knowledge." Master Huang was relieved.

His son-in-law persuaded him to move out long ago, but he couldn't bear the land and stayed here.

As the two of them went away, the eldest mother of Zhuangsheng not far away felt a shiver in her heart.

"Who... is chewing the tongue!"

"Is there a possibility of an evil **** in that one?"

"I'm not quite sure about this... As long as it doesn't eat people, under normal circumstances, it's not an evil god. I don't think it even has an incense burner for offering incense, but it is quite pure, a bit like the Buddha on Jiuhua Mountain."

Even if Ding Zhijing was a scholar, he wouldn't dare to talk about this kind of thing.

After all, things like "righteous gods" and "evil gods" can only be identified by the imperial court dispatching a Celestial Master.

The nameless statue exuded a little light.

Sore mother's head shrank, as if she realized something, and went mad with excitement.

"My lord... my lord... I want to be heavy all day long! Gah!"

"As long as it's not an evil god. I'll continue to stay in the town. I've lived my whole life, and I don't want to leave."

Suddenly, Huang Youcai sensed something, his heart was beating wildly, and even his temples were beating together.

The two looked at each other and looked in the direction of the temple.

"What happened?" Ding Zhijing asked solemnly.

In the next instant, an unimaginable thought erupted from not far away!

An anomaly that was unimaginable, even indescribable in words, erupted.

A big day!

A great sun descended from the sky and manifested in the world!

Huang Youcai stared at this round of the sun in a stunned manner, fell down involuntarily, closed his eyes, and showed a look of despair.

He thought at first that he had encountered the kind of explosion in the daytime, but later found out... not.

He will still be alive.

This round of the great sun, rising from the temple, radiates unparalleled light and heat, the darkness around is suppressed, and the world is rendered a dark red.

At this moment, night turned into day.

A grand voice sounded from above the sky.

"...Only God is not constant. He does good things and brings a hundred blessings, and bad things bring disasters. You are only virtuous, and all countries are happy; you are not virtuous, and you will fall into the sect."

"This is... the vision of Tianmen, this oath is the proof of the sun and the moon, the heaven and the earth learn from each other, and the gods, demons and gods listen to it."

The sound was like Hong Zhong Da Ding, which directly stunned the two of them on the road.

Mr. Huang Youcai, who had no knowledge, shouted in his heart, "God is angry, my life is over"!

He fell down and fell into a coma.

After all, Ding Zhijing was more than 20 years younger and persisted longer. This round of big sun was obviously not aimed at them.

But for the entire mountain and sea world!

He looked up at the great sun, smashed through the darkness, and broke through the darkness with a force he could not imagine.

What a sore mother, a turtle spirit mother!

These words disappeared in his mind, and the words echoed in his mind: "If you are virtuous, all nations will be happy; if you are not virtuous, you will fall into the sect."

Whoever does good deeds will be blessed with a hundred blessings; whoever does evil deeds will be blessed with a hundred misfortunes.

What's the meaning? Those who do good deeds shall be my rule; those who do evil deeds shall destroy your kingdom!

What a tone!

Ding Zhijing also passed out on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, "The Great Sun" and the indescribably solemn voice spread rapidly in all directions, shaking the vast and boundless world of mountains and seas with overwhelming momentum.

The great sun keeps rising, and the heaven and earth are illuminated.

After a stick of incense, this round of great sun disappeared, and above the heavens, there was an extra star named "The Star of Beichen".

Countless people knelt down in the direction of the great sun on the floating mountains that were about to collapse.

"What a mighty power this is...and a great wish made by the gods!"

"The world of mountains and seas is saved! The world of mountains and seas is saved!"

"Tianmen...Where are the people of Tianmen?"

And some people who are in the same stream with the evil gods, look at the extra stars in the sky, and fall into a state of anxiety.

These ill-intentioned people look to the sky in the distance and continue to make calculations, divinations, and predictions.

"Who is so arrogant, dare to call himself God!"

"If you are not virtuous, all countries will be happy; if you are not virtuous, you will fall into the sect... What a big tone!"

Even the former Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva only dared to be called "king".

Now, there are people who dare to call it "Heaven".

The influence of this matter has not been disturbed at the bottom of the folks, at most it is just gossip and it is lively for a while. The sky is illuminated, and it has happened more than once or twice.

But at the high level of Shanhaijie, it is simply beyond unprecedented.

"Heaven" must conquer the entire world of mountains and seas, from the major dynasties on the floating mountains, to the monsters, monsters, ghosts, ghosts, snakes, otherwise what is "Heaven"?

And the oath of "heaven" will also reshape the entire mountain and sea world.

This could mean close battles, and all-around melee between the gods

"Find it out! Find its location!"

The emperor was furious, the gods and ghosts cried, and a huge wave of turbulence appeared on the suspended mountains, but even the most powerful Taoist could not figure out the source of this great sun.

Therefore, they can only trace the truth to the infinitely vast "world outside the sky".

The culprit, Pharaoh, could never have imagined that he just randomly named the wasteland reclamation organization "Tianmen", and gave himself the game name "Emperor Sky", and he made such a big sensation!

Even if you know, it may not matter.

What's so weird about things in the game?

At this moment, he is sleeping very sweetly in his dreamland, and he is still holding his kabbi pillow.

Of course, this time there was no dream, just a simple rest.

Instead, it was the gaming helmet on the bedside table that emitted flashes of blue light, which woke Han Xiaoyue from her sleep.

"What do you mean, don't let people get a good night's sleep? I'm a human being, not a bully like you."

Xiaoyue rubbed her sleepy eyes, a faint blue light flashed in front of her eyes, as if she heard something, her face changed slightly.

That maliciousness has swelled a little more than before...

Now, temporarily suppressed.

But what will happen in the future is still unknown.

"I know... Once the maliciousness erupts, I will be eaten."

"Actually, even if it's eaten, it's nothing..."

"After all, I have been with me for more than ten years. If I am suddenly eaten, he may be very angry, which may not be a bad thing." Han Xiaoyue looked at the faint starlight outside the window, a little melancholy, "Have confidence in him..."

"Hey, what should I do to comfort you... You are much stronger than me, and you can escape even if you fail. It's me who gets eaten, not you."

Satsuki was silent for a while, as if listening to a voice in her mind.

"You mean...with his body, establish a strong anchor in the mountain and sea world to help him stabilize his emotions..."

"It's a tricky approach, with pros and cons. But it's worth a try."

Mountains and seas, Qingshi Town.

Huang Youcai woke up faintly from the his head was splitting with pain, as if someone had smashed it viciously in his mind with an awl, and his brain was about to be smashed out.

"Water...Give me water..." Mr. Huang shouted in a low voice.

"Master is awake, awake!" The newly married concubine gave him a big mouthful of water with a look of surprise.

The pain in my head gradually disappeared.

It took him a while to find himself lying on the bed.

A very familiar environment - the bedroom.

"How did I get back?"

Upon inquiring, it turned out that some kind-hearted people passed by and carried them back directly to the two who passed out outside the temple.

As for - why did you faint yesterday?

Master Huang's face changed slightly, he remembered it clearly, but he didn't want to talk nonsense.