MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 335 Benefits of the Mountain and Sea Realms

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Game training camp, multi-party joint meeting.

A total of thousands of senior government officials, military personnel, and leaders of supernatural organizations listened to this shocking report.

"A terrifying demon war broke out in the mountain and sea world!"

"The weirdness of the whole world has been recovered by the six wheels!"

"The Demon God [Game] has completely anchored the mountain and sea world by virtue of the name of Emperor Tian Dadi."

Old comrade No. ① of Heiyiwei solemnly told a series of stories that happened yesterday on stage.

The old man is suffering. He has obviously reached the age of retirement, and he wants to retire to his hometown, go to the mountains and seas for a vacation, and live a slow-paced life.

After all, it was expected that land reclamation in the mountains and seas would be a long-term project, and it would take decades or even hundreds of years.

Unexpectedly, after a terrible battle, the emperor who turned out to be born out of nowhere, cleaned up most of the weirdness, and then left a mess for the earthlings and the blue star people to clean up!

This mess is really terrible, a feudal dynasty with a population of one billion!

In addition, there are 12 suspended mountains, and the land area is 7 times that of the earth!

The living standard in the mountains and seas has not yet reached the level of food and clothing, the mind has not yet been enlightened, the literacy rate is low, the dynasty has collapsed, and the order is chaotic.

The transportation of materials is very difficult!

At present, under the condition of fully anchoring the mountain and sea boundary, the teleportation fee for each person is 1,000 yuan, and the teleportation fee for a ton of steel is almost 2,000 yuan. In short, the lowest cost of interplanetary transportation is the same... You know, bulk commodities The price of iron ore shipped from Australia to Qingdao Port in Daxia is about 60-100 yuan/ton!

The freight is 20 times that of sea freight!

Any leader with a bit of common sense will feel his scalp tingle when faced with this series of difficulties and the billions of refugees who need to be helped.

In comparison, even the impoverished land of Africa is many times better than the mountains and seas...

"Gentlemen and ladies, the general situation is exactly as I just described. The emperor showed his face and took away more than 95% of the monsters and ghosts in the mountain and sea world, and then he engaged in six reincarnations, ready to ignore things. This It's a mess and we need to figure something out."

"After all, there are more interests in the world of mountains and seas. There are six reincarnation mechanisms in that world, and outstanding people can use the meritorious deeds of this life to obtain the 'next reincarnation'."

The old man paused for a moment, and continued: "According to the current investigation, the so-called afterlife is divided into three types. The first is to discard the memory of this life, which is equivalent to drinking Mengpo soup in myths and legends, and restarting your own reincarnation. The 'merit' required for this approach is the lowest. Of course, occasionally you may recall your previous life, or you can use a series of means to find friends from previous lives."

"The second method is to save a very small amount of core memory. This kind of reincarnation can at least know that 'I' is 'I' and not other people, but the rest of the memory is gone. The personal talent of the new generation can also be used for meritorious service. Choose. The more meritorious service you have, the better your talent."

"There is a third way, just don't reincarnate at all, and return to youth directly, and return to the state of youth. Of course, this way requires a lot of'contributions'..."

Regarding the mechanism of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, everyone who attended the meeting had heard about it, but most of them were aimed at various gods in the mountain and sea world.

Now, for the first time, detailed and clear guidelines for human beings have appeared.

Soon, there was a buzz of discussion in the conference room, and it was obvious that everyone was very interested in it.

Death, the ultimate fear of mankind!

And death is also the greatest justice in the world. No matter how rich you are with billions of dollars and powerful power, you will eventually be reduced to a pile of loess, a small drop of water that is almost invisible in the long river of history.

In order to overcome death, the rich and powerful have invested a lot of resources in researching various strange objects and technologies to treat diseases, but they have gained very little.

But now, the emperor can disperse death!

This has changed the mechanism by which human civilization operates!

"Mr. Qin, how do you get meritorious service?" An old man asked from the audience.

"According to 'Listen to Truth', the Emperor of Heaven can see through the long river of time, and judge the achievements you have made in this life through the evaluation of individuals by 'history'. The future is not fixed, but the Emperor of Heaven can see through a part of the future. Don't admit it, this trial mechanism is too powerful, and there is almost no possibility of deception."

"The current information is the reincarnation record of the local aborigines."

"Time is limited. According to the time ratio of 1:10, only 10 days have passed in the mountain and sea world. We have collected more than a hundred elderly people who are dying, and they voluntarily entered the cycle of reincarnation."

Of course, with the six realms of reincarnation on his head, even the staff of the black guards don't want to do evil things for no reason and be stained with life.

These people were all voluntary. After Xi Wang was taken away by the Emperor of Heaven, the common people in Kunlun Mountain converted to believe in "Emperor of Heaven" overnight. Being able to die in the temple is also a matter of psychological comfort.

"Of the more than one hundred people, more than ninety-five percent cannot obtain reincarnation, and their souls have dissipated. They are neither good nor bad." The old man paused, "We have investigated the life stories of these people, Due to the harsh living environment in the mountain and sea world, most people are not very good people... Everyone should understand that there is always a kind of evil in the heart of the poor environment, and it is the normal state of life to eat poor families and cheat."

"Therefore, in the judgment of the Emperor, these people have no chance to return."

"But there are also five people who have obtained the first grade of reincarnation. They are a big landlord, a country doctor, a private school teacher, a pig butcher, and a famous witch. These life It is well-known in the past and has a good reputation in the local area.”

The first grade of reincarnation is equivalent to drinking Mengpo soup, but no matter what, it is better than the soul flying away.

You must know that there is no such thing as reincarnation in other places in the etheric abyss.

"There is another person who has reached the second grade of reincarnation, and it is the rebellious Prime Minister Xun."

"Although this Prime Minister Xun wanted to conspire against him in the end, he has made outstanding contributions to the smooth operation of Kunlun Mountain in the past few decades. I have to admit that he is indeed very talented."

"Of course it's also because the last blood sacrifice was unsuccessful, so it doesn't constitute a stain on his life... If the blood sacrifice is successful, the impact is too great, and he may not have this opportunity."

This example also shows that the judging system of Emperor Tian Dadi is so similar to morality and law, but it is very different.

The judgment of small good and small evil seems to be similar to conventional morality.

As for the great good and the great evil, as long as you have enough ability to promote the progress of the world, the crime of killing a few people is just an insignificant flaw in the eyes of the emperor.

"I see…"

Discussion sounded again from below.

It is difficult to judge whether I have made any contribution.

Of course, the matter of civilization contribution is actually quite complicated, and it takes a large number of people to reincarnate in order to find out more effective information.

But no matter what, the enthusiasm of human beings to develop the mountain and sea world has been aroused.

"If you want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and carry wine, it's not the same. You are young. The happy time will always fade away. In fact, even if you start again, your parents will not come back."

"It's better to choose the first one. It's better to start with a blank sheet of paper." A white-haired old man suddenly felt sad, with a kind of heartfelt emotion.

"Old Li, this is just a small reincarnation based on the mountain and sea world, not the entire etheric abyss." Another old man sighed, "Of course, Emperor Tiandi's intention is still good, and it's better to have a choice than nothing. "

The old comrades on the stage said again: "In addition, gentlemen and ladies. The spiritual resource reserves of the mountains and seas are about 35 times that of the earth, and about 20 times that of the blue star. I have to say that this is a huge mineral deposit, but It is necessary for the local humans to develop before they can find a way to dig out the mineral deposits in it."

"The current economic foundation of the mountain and sea world cannot be developed. It is also impossible for us to continuously invest in manpower and material resources."

The ideal reserve of the mountain and sea world is different from that of the earth and the blue star.

The earth's minerals are mainly found in the moon, mainly rare metals, such as fine gold, mithril, orichon and so on.

Blue Star is mainly mutated creatures, all kinds of strange and weird, and the life forms affected by the false moon are all kinds of strange, which have strong research value.

The Shanhaijie mainly produces yellowstone, cinnabar, jade, and various rune materials.

Each of the three worlds has its own development value, learn from each other.

"At present, our idea is this. First, take Fenghua City as the core, invest a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and spend ten years to build and immigrate a big city that is prosperous enough and has a population of more than ten million or even hundreds of millions. Then use this The city is the core, absorbing and cultivating local talents.”

In the world of mountains and seas with the feudal dynasty at its core, a modern super country appeared, and the sensation and influence it brought was absolutely historic!

And the means of exporting ideas is also passed. There is no doubt that there are also a large number of heroes among the local groups in the mountain and sea circles. They will learn the advanced ideas and build their own hometowns.

"The investment needed for this big city may exceed 10 trillion yuan. After the construction is completed, it will become our important logistics base. By then, the population who enters it can enjoy a preliminary modern life."

"Of course, if you have the energy to spare, you can develop the cities belonging to each country on your own. The land of the mountains and seas is vast, and you can do your own thing."

This matter is quite stressful, the world of mountains and seas is not for people to do their best and be the emperor of the land.

Because there is an "emperor" on the top of the head, if you don't do well, you will directly deduct points.

This score cannot be bought with money and must rely on historical evaluation.

This pressure is not covered.

Therefore, after discussing for a while, everyone thought that it would be better to concentrate on doing big things, at least build the first international metropolis first.

Every organization contributes to buy some shares. If there is no money, it will contribute manpower and material resources.

But here comes the problem again. Because the large-scale development project on the moon is too expensive, there is really no money on the earth side. Most of the money of the major multinational organizations and the rich are invested in space projects.

Even the richest Meili Empire and the Great Xia Kingdom do not have too much financial surplus. Therefore, the earth can only produce people, and the investment in material resources depends more on Blue Star.

In this way, a big framework was discussed, and everyone present gradually stopped discussing it.

The development of Shanhaijie is a historic project, and it is already very good to have a general direction. Let the think tanks discuss the remaining details for a few months.

"Ahem...then I will continue." The No. 1 old man in the black guard saw that everyone calmed down and continued to issue a report, "The current environment in the mountains and seas has changed greatly, and the 13 suspended mountains are slowly descending. It will descend to the ground and become one with the whole world."

"According to our guess, the essence of the floating mountain is the anti-gravity engine, [the game] may take away a key part of it and make it an ordinary mountain."

"If the mountain falls to the ground, wouldn't it mean that people will be devastated?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Each floating mountain has a scale of 10 million to 20 million square kilometers, which is the size of Russia.

How much disaster will it cause if it falls from the sky? How many people survive.

"Probably not, these peaks descend very slowly, and the internal engines may be replaced with ordinary rocks to reduce geological disasters, just like the lunar spacecraft over the blue star was replaced with an ordinary satellite."

"According to the current flight trajectory of the mountain peak, it will land in a no-man's land with a suitable climate..."

"In addition, the Kunlun mirror at the Jianmu site was taken away by [Game] and installed on the lunar spacecraft."

"Most half of the heritage on other floating mountains has also been taken away. Of course, a small part is left to us. The specific value remains to be analyzed."

Speaking of this incident, it is quite regrettable. The legacy of prehistoric civilization is clearly right in front of us and within reach, but it disappears like a flower in a mirror.

Comrade No. 24 was paralyzed in a wheelchair, a little angry: "I knew [the game] would take away the Kunlun Mirror!"

It's a pity that they only used the Kunlun mirror once, and wanted to observe how the Emperor of Heaven got mad.

But I don't know what happened. At that moment, all the observers lost their memory, and even suffered a mental shock. Fortunately, the emperor had no ill intentions towards them, and the paralysis would recover after a month or two.

"I really want to know...what did I see at that time?"

"My friend, don't be so greedy. [The game] anchors this world, naturally for the sake of these technological heritages. Let's have some soup, it's also very good." A western researcher patted him on the shoulder, his face frenzied, " The rune system discovered in the Mountain and Sea Realm has allowed us to study it for ten or a hundred years!"

"We can develop rune tanks and rune planes, and we no longer need steam power. The science in the mountains and seas will change from that of the earth and the blue star! As long as it exists objectively, we can all be summarized into the scientific system."

The old man No. 1 didn't care about the fanatical discussions of these scientists, and continued: "The final report is the inheritance of magic techniques and ancient history in the mountain and sea world. Since the [game] has completely anchored the mountain and sea world, the current game training camp can practice All spells. On Earth and Blue Star, only a very small number of spells can be practiced.”

"There are some that even ordinary people can practice. They can strengthen their bodies and make their eyes and ears clear."

"Next, I invite Tianyuan, the great master of the mountains and seas, and the great monk Qiuyuan, to explain the content to us."


There was warm applause from the audience.

Wang Hao is nestling at home, watching TV with nothing to do.

The news on the news network has been changed again and again, and finally it is no longer about the development of the moon, nor is it a parallel world.

But what kind of huge breakthrough in brain science?

The hostess on the TV said in standard Mandarin: "The current brain science finally has a breakthrough research result!"

"Scientists believe that consistent practice of meditation will reduce the activity of the amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for detecting whether the things you care about are threatening, which triggers stress, triggers the brain to decide whether to fight, stay or flee, and can also trigger violent emotions. Even Can suppress the prefrontal lobe responsible for rational thinking.

"Meditation also reduces the activity of the default mode network DMN and strengthens the connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the DMN. The DMN is responsible for self-awareness, including memories, plans, and cranky thoughts about the self. If the DMN is too active, it will cause internal friction, anxiety, depression, and helplessness. Focus."

"Meditation... what? Minke?" Old Wang didn't know how to complain. UU reading

He closed his eyes and meditated for a while, feeling drowsy and almost falling asleep.

But the news network is blowing up again, what kind of meditation, Zen meditation, it's like martial arts in martial arts, making people faintly suspicious, and Minke invades the world.

"Long-term meditation can also reduce the size of the nucleus accumbens. The nucleus accumbens is responsible for establishing dependence on the outside world and producing craving and rewards. The nucleus accumbens can also secrete dopamine, and the role of dopamine is craving and needs more outside world. Stimulation. Inhibition of the nucleus accumbens means the individual is less dependent on the outside world."

"Oh, oh, it's good to suppress your desires! Do you just sit on the ground without moving?"

Wang Hao sat cross-legged, with his five hearts facing the sky, and meditated for a while.

Sure enough, the eager desire to play games was suppressed.

Because during the meditation process, he was so sleepy that he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

I actually slept so well that I didn't even dream of the world of mountains and seas...

In this way, time passed day after day, and the days were long and short.

The long time is that there are no special games to play anymore, so I can only pick up the long-abandoned "Glory of the Overlord" again, and play together with the elementary school students in Zaan

Even if "Mountain and Sea World" can continue to be played, there is always a feeling of dullness. As the chief designer of the Six Paths of Samsara, Wang Hao is really too lazy to meddle in trivial matters, such as the establishment of various tribes, the mass entry of Blue Stars, the great development of Fenghua City, etc.

After all, these things are no different from various political news in reality.

After watching too much, I always feel that the progress is slow and boring, and I wish I could speed up immediately.


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