MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 372 beginning of time

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Xiaoyue stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in the "past time and space", even though she had many doubts in her heart, at this critical moment, she could only hold her breath and dare not say anything.

Sure enough, in the next second, exactly the same thing happened in memory.

The sphere of light represented by [her] was directly swallowed by something like a black hole!

This terrifying existence is using gravity as a medium to pry the entire etheric abyss every moment to obtain more information. So, under the attraction of countless years, the black hole has captured the whole world.

They shape the universe and they change it.

It's called a "primordial black hole".

The so-called "eternal", in front of the "primordial black hole", is nothing more than a speck of dust.

Wang Hao sighed lightly, and stopped the screen again, "The current scene should be consistent with the scene in your memory. Only [her] from outside the domain is swallowed by the primordial black hole, will there be the next story."

"Hmm..." Xiaoyue nodded a little confused, then turned her head to look at her eldest cousin.

"However, according to the current plot development, [she] is completely dead, and there is no follow-up plot.

"Do you really think that this primordial black hole is so easy to explore? So benevolent? And you spit out [her]?" Wang Hao couldn't help laughing, "Even if this small light spot has self-awareness, is it really so special? ?”

Xiaoyue was silent for a long time: "I also think this matter is a bit strange, and many memories in the middle are missing."

The picture continues to start moving.

In the following years, countless stories happened. The prehistoric civilization could not bear the war and left, and the native human civilization was thriving.

And the primordial black hole located in the center of the etheric abyss swallowed up a large number of powerful monsters... These powerful existences, which even prehistoric civilizations could hardly resist, gradually became unable to withstand idealistic gravity for countless times, and were dragged here, and then was completely devoured.

"What will happen if you eat something but don't swallow it?"

Xiaoyue thought for a while: "It should be like the black hole in our universe, devouring everything in the world. The matter in the etheric abyss is getting less and less, and finally only this black hole remains."

"So, it's about this time." Wang Hao tapped the screen with his finger again, and the screen began to fast-forward immediately.

"After all, the primordial black hole is different from the black hole in the physical world. It not only swallows everything, but also has the function of creation. After it collects enough information, it will spit out what it created."

In an instant, there was a violent explosion in the very center of that infinitely small and infinitely large vortex. An intense white light like a gamma ray pierced through the entire universe, and countless substances burst out, and any afterglow could destroy a river system.

Han Xiaoyue was dumbfounded.

This is indeed an incomparably beautiful and incomparably bright scene.

It cannot be described in words, nor can it be described in words.

"So that's how it is... This is the ecological chain of this universe, an ecological system with the primordial black hole as the core." Xiaoyue looked around, "But that little spot of light, why didn't I see it..."

Wang Hao sighed: "Because [she] was not released at all, how could a new thing with self-awareness that is not easy to be analyzed be spit out so easily?"

Xiaoyue faintly understood what happened, her face changed slightly, as if she thought of something very frightening.

Next, the long river of time seems to have bifurcated.

The primordial black hole, the starting point and end point of this space-time, faithfully maintains the ecological chain of the etheric abyss.

Only the beings who come here can follow the long river of time and return to the beginning of time and the origin of matter. Everything, at the end of life, comes here and leaves another way.

However, the so-called "her" has never been spit out, which does not match the description in Xiaoyue's memory.

"See, isn't this brand new story frightening? Your memory is not completely wrong, but the deviation is very large." Seeing the girl's complicated expression, Wang Hao felt inexplicably happy, "Now, is it It's time to let the river of time run its course."

He tapped the primordial black hole in the picture with his finger, as if he had used all his strength, and pulled it with both hands, making the black hole forcefully spit out that small spot of light.

This scene once again matched what Xiaoyue remembered.

But obviously, without Lao Wang's interference, the scene just now would not have existed.

Xiao Ai suddenly realized: "Are you creating a closed time loop? Let your own existence be explained?"

"But, if you don't exist, are we... us people, just an illusion?"

"Yes...but it's not just a closed loop of time." Wang Hao explained with a smile, "In the countless historical evolutions, the primordial black hole has more times, and it didn't spit out this small light spot."

"So you and I are actually an unreliable history, not an illusion, but unreliable. I don't know if I explain it this way, do you understand?"

"How difficult it is to make this black hole have self-awareness. [She] wants to persuade this black hole to transform into a human being. What do you think is the chance of success?"

"So in more normal history, neither you nor I existed. Now you and me, including Xiao Ai, the appearance of [Game] is equivalent to an exception among exceptions. Of course, Earth, Blue Star, The mountain and sea realm still existed in most of history."

"Then... what should I do?" Xiaoyue clenched her fists.

She understood, but this fact was completely beyond the surprise.

Wang Hao sighed, and said in a dull tone: "In countless long rivers of time, the chance of being able to produce self-awareness is only once. More countless times, this primordial black hole is still without self-awareness. It still has deep malice towards low-entropy bodies. Because most of the weirdnesses that are swallowed are extremely malicious to life, and the invisible space will also be affected."

"Because of our existence, it is an accident among accidents. Therefore, it is easy to be affected by the outside world. This is also the reason why I often have malicious intentions... although I have been able to suppress this malicious intention at present."

"Occupying the starting point of time, you can change the history of the entire abyss at will. In the primordial black hole, there is the starting point of time."

"So I must grasp this opportunity well. Transform the only diachronic line that gave birth to self-awareness into a time closed loop to reduce malicious interference from past historical lines."

"But this matter, I can only do it myself, you can leave first."

With a wave of his hand, Xiaoyue left the deepest layer of the etheric abyss and returned to the planetary fortress.

Xiao Ai was in a daze, and the gaming helmet was flashing blue light.

What can I do now?

This secret is really too big!

Originally, I thought that I was guiding Lao Wang to feel the fun that only belongs to human beings!

It turned out that everything they did was just a link in the closed time loop!

Even the [Game], which is good at calculation and occupies the most power of the Eternal, can't figure out a better solution for a while.

Compared with the power of the original black hole, it is really powerless, otherwise it would not have been swallowed in the first place.

"You are waiting for me here, as long as you occupy the starting point of time, this extra period of history will become the mainstream..."

Wang Hao sent a few words: "It may take a long time..."

"Save the work of human beings, do it yourself!"

"The abyss world, I leave it to you to develop!"

After saying these few words, he jumped into the vortex.

The primordial black hole, as the carrier of information, the internal space is like a crumpled "paper", which is randomly folded together, and the "paper" is full of data and information.

Any normal human being will go completely insane and become weird after seeing the above information.

And the gap between the "papers" seems to be the infinity in the low-dimensional level, and the infinitesimal in the high-dimensional perspective.

Strips of thread-like matter flow slowly between the gaps in the "paper", like cosmic strings in the universe, and there is also a star like a night pearl shining around here, shining in the dark night.

Every "string" is a river of time.

Old information is passing away and new information is being generated.

Huge, bloated, deformed, terrifying, and weird creatures straddled the long river of time and space. They seemed to have sensed something and opened their eyes one after another.

Countless black shadows rolled.

Life forms that were eroded, controlled, occupied, and influenced one after another let out bursts of roars and rushed towards Wang Hao.

"These are all high-level demon gods trapped here, even Zhigao demon gods... There are some powerful beings who were sucked into the black hole and did not die. Instead, they could subtly affect the operation of the original black hole."

"The malice that wants to eat people is caused by these guys..."

Wang Hao was not afraid, but felt that he had returned to his hometown, with a sense of tranquility like a duck in water.

Facing these attacks, he neither dodged nor fought back, and let them hit him.

These attacks that could destroy the world were all eliminated invisible.

Because, this black hole is his body!

Immediately afterwards, his body began to expand continuously, and in an instant, he broke through the star level and became a giant of light, just like what he often dreamed of in his dreams.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, he caught a monster like black mist and broke it down into the most basic pieces of information.

As the primordial black hole, all the first beings with self-awareness, he has already taken the absolute lead.

But such a fight is not of great significance, because the existence that can span the time axis is too difficult to kill. The black mist monster that was just cleaned up is just a small time node. Only by cleaning up the entire timeline can it be completely killed.

"It's too troublesome. After all, I haven't controlled everything here." Wang Hao was as lazy as ever and wanted to find a few helpers as before, so that he could reap the results by hanging up the phone later.

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that this kind of thing can only be done by myself, and even the Supreme Demon God can't help me in such a ghostly place. [Emperor Tian Dadi] and [Wish] turned into rotten fish and rotten shrimp here.

As for demon gods like [Anyue] and [False Void], they don't even have the qualifications to come in.

The huge and stalwart Giant of Light could only sigh.

"After all, it's my own home. I'll do the cleaning issue later. Let's find the starting point of time first."

At this moment, Wang Hao is rather curious about his own body.

Just as human beings know very little about their own bodies, Wang Hao doesn't know much about himself.

He roamed here to his heart's content, and as for the occasional attacks, there was nothing he could do about it.

Along the various timelines, he examines what he can see, trying to find the "beginning of time".

Endless information rushed through his mind in an instant.

Here, one can see everything in the etheric abyss, from the past to the present, from the present to the future.

Everything seems to have been written in advance.

From the expansion of space-time, to the Planck scale…

From the highest speed of a photon, to the lowest mass of an electron...

From the type of quark to the strength of the soul.

These are all basic constants that have already been set.

And these things affect everything.

In the material world, they determine the size of living things, the limit mass of celestial bodies, and the relationship between time and space.

In the idealistic world, they determine the power of supernatural powers, the end of cultivation, life and death, and the time of the end.

He was beyond curious.

It was also extremely shocking.

At the same time, under the scouring of massive information, Wang Hao also gradually became cold and indifferent.

This is true of everything in the world. It is difficult for human self-awareness to carry so much content.

However, the history of human beings in just a few decades is just a drop in the ocean in the face of infinite time scales and massive information. Soon, those previous experiences were almost forgotten!

But at the moment when he was about to lose his will, UU read www.uukanshu. com Wang Hao suddenly woke up.

"Don't read, I can't understand these! What mathematical formulas, physical formulas, I can't understand!"

"Don't look at things you don't understand!"

The huge and stalwart Giant of Light had an epiphany from his confusion, and patted his chest with lingering fear.

Unexpectedly, the usual salted fish lay flat and saved his life!

"It is really difficult to read the truth of the world. If you are not careful, your self-awareness will be washed away." Wang Hao looked at a powerful existence trapped here, [Yog Sothoth], this thing It looks like a starry sky, and as the ruler of time and space and the one who unifies all things, its ability is extremely powerful.

But under the scouring of endless information, it is already a lunatic.

"You still have to be careful." Lao Wang kept chanting, "It's hard to have self-awareness, so you can't go crazy for no reason."

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion