MTL - Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth-Chapter 6 Enter One Piece

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  Chapter 6 6. Entering One Piece

  6, enter One Piece

  Time flickered. On April 15th, Liu Hao received a notice from the counselor that he knew that his first dimensional journey was about to begin;

  "Everyone here is the elite of China Overseas University. I believe you have some guesses, yes, this time you are fortunate to participate in the trip of the dimension space;

  I hope you will cherish this opportunity and cherish it again. You must know that these places are given to us by our People’s Army.

  As the principal, I hope you will make this opportunity more meaningful, and make this trip into the dimension space an opportunity to improve yourself. "

Huang Haidong’s speech was very serious, and at the same time he was a little worried. Although the military declared that there was no danger, it was also relative to the military personnel. You must know that the willpower of the military personnel is several levels higher than that of the students; whether these students will Was beheaded and mentally broken in the dimension space? No one can guarantee it.

   "Of course, this opportunity is not mandatory, anyone who does not want to participate. You can give up, after all, the danger is certainly not small, no one will laugh at a person who cherishes life!"

Huang Haidong’s words caused a little commotion among the students, and soon they became quiet again. Among the people standing here, at least one of the three-dimensional ones has reached the second-order. These people have a kind of obsession with the strength itself. These places have belonged to From the military's point of view, although the principal said that his life is in danger, he must be within the controllable range. If he doesn't die, it shouldn't be a big problem. From childhood to most people, I just heard that the temptation to truly participate in the exploration of dimensional space is too great.

   "No one has withdrawn? The people from the military will let you sign an exemption agreement. I hope you will think about it. Do you really want to participate in this dangerous trip?"

  An exemption agreement, only a piece of paper, with a few hundred words, Liu Hao signed the name after reading it. No matter which dimensional space he entered, Liu Hao believed that as long as it was not too bad, it would be fine.

There are a total of 36 people participating in the test in China Overseas University. Zheng Zhi is also among them. The mighty helicopter group carried them across the East China Sea to a military base. Everyone distributed a brochure. This is the military. The considerations that have been explored over the years.

  First point: If you die in the dimensional space, you will be resurrected on the earth before, but the military does not guarantee that it will be resurrected on the earth;

  The second point: After dying or returning in the dimensional space, the space will be excluded from re-entry within one year;

The third point: The terrestrial animals in the dimensional space are very dangerous, and their bodies are generally above the second level; there are huge creatures in the ocean, the bigger the more dangerous, the military currently detects the highest known marine organisms at the 6th level, and it is not ruled out. Possibility of level 6;

  Fourth point: There are a large number of pirates in the ocean. The pirates basically lack humanity. The massacre of cities and towns is common. Don't think about surrender. Surrender will only bring more miserable torture;

  Fifth point: There is a dimensional navy in the ocean. From the perspective of the inability to truly protect the people, it is very likely that the navy will have an illicit relationship with pirates, and the possibility of self-respect is not ruled out; trust is not recommended;

Sixth point: There is a transformation ability in the dimensional world. There is a kind of devil fruit that promotes this transformation, such as becoming a cat in a battle. The strength increases in all aspects, and the increase depends on the situation. ; The weakness is the fear of sea;

   Seventh point: It is currently impossible to judge which ability the Devil Fruit will produce, and you will be responsible for the consequences if you take it under unknown circumstances;


After reading the manual, Liu Hao felt that the military has explored a lot over the years, but some important information is still lacking. The domineering item is not reflected. The Navy Sixth Form is just a one-shot, emphasizing that cultivation requires Tier 3; Devil Fruit There is even no division into animal, superhuman, and natural;

  If it is not hidden, the military's exploration location is limited, and even a little remote, it may only be in the four seas.

I stayed in the military base for three days and exercised with the soldiers. It seemed that the effect was better. By the way, I also learned a set of martial arts boxing. It is also considered to be earned, but the martial arts boxing is made by summarizing how many boxing methods we do not know, and the amount of exercise is more than Taizu. Changquan is a few levels higher; with this set of boxing techniques, even after returning home to specialize in military sports, it will improve much faster than before.

On the fourth day, a group of people were gathered and passed through a diamond-shaped portal about eight meters high and five meters wide. After a slight dizziness, they came to an island and saw the five-star red flag flying high. Liu Hao had some tears.

Obviously, this island already belongs to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. It can be imagined that for this tiny island, the military personnel do not know how many sacrifices have been made. It is difficult to find the portal. Even if the portal is found, the ghost knows whether it will appear after entering. In the mouth of a certain sea king, the proportion of the ocean in the world of One Piece is very high, and the probability of falling into the ocean is much higher;

  Liu Hao felt that the reason for allowing students to participate is that such an island was probably only recently found, otherwise it would have been implemented when the practice was extended to junior high school three years ago;

A group of people were taken to a military camp, given a day of adaptation period, and the follow-up journey of exploration was entirely on their own; long before entering the dimensional space, the booklet of precautions was taken back. Obviously, there are other things in it. The reason forced them to be so cautious and unknown; this made Liu Hao feel that he could not reveal his identity as a human being on earth; he had to find someone to have his native identity.

Before he set off, Liu Hao knew that this was the East China Sea of ​​One Piece, which made him feel comfortable. Compared with the other three seas, it is really fortunate. As Luffy’s hometown, here is the most proficient, and it is also possible to find himself an indigenous identity without revealing the possibility. Highest;

In the East China Sea, Luffy’s Windmill Village seems to be the best, but it is actually the most difficult. In Karp’s hometown, no stranger can escape Karp’s vigilance. With Karp’s power, it is too easy to investigate a person; and Karp It may already be known that the One Piece Dimensional Space is in contact with other spaces; this vigilance has increased by 10%, and it is the least safe to choose Fengche Village;

  The garbage dump near Fengche Village is an excellent cover point. He said that he came from the garbage dump in Fengche Village. As long as the village does not cause Karp’s idea, it is a good way;

  It’s just that if you say that you are from a garbage dump, you also need to enter it to learn about it.

Option two, Sauron’s Shuangyue Village; there is no navy here. From the point of view that Sauron, a kid who didn’t know where he came from, was accepted as a disciple by Koushiro, Koushiro sees that he has a good aptitude, so he really doesn’t care where you come from. One Piece is currently It was 1511, Luffy was 7 years old, Sauron should be about the same age;

  If you really have the kendo qualifications, there is still the possibility of Koshiro accepting apprentices, and it is also possible to teach for a fee; is it just that you have the qualifications? Without qualifications, it doesn't make much sense. After all, I only have 1,000 Baileys, which is sponsored by the military;

Option three, falsely claim that you are from Hoh Xil Village, Nami’s hometown. Most Hoh Xil Village was occupied by Aaron the murloc. Take a step back and say that the navy sent someone to investigate. In the end, the mouse will take over. Half of the chance will pass, and the other Half of it is the mouse directly saying that there is no such person, this possibility is also very high;

It’s not that Liu Hao believes that the world government will investigate so tightly. On the contrary, as long as Liu Hao’s combat effectiveness is not to a certain level and the level of harm is not high, the world government really won’t be able to investigate one by one, and it may not just look at strangers. Face alert

  To have such an aboriginal identity, it is more to wait for your strength to increase in the future when you need domineering practice, and have a pass to walk the One Piece;

A real merchant ship, leaving the base island, heading in the established direction, ending in Luoge Town, passing through several islands on the way, there is no windmill village, no Shuangyue village, and no Hoh Xil village, Liu Haozou frowned, he needs Made a choice

  Entering One Piece, you can only stay here for a full year, and you will be forced out of the dimensional space after one year;

  Liu Hao is not going to leave early. The return point is the entry point. This makes Liu Hao relieved. If he randomly appears on the Pacific Ocean when he kicks out, it will be over.

For one year, it’s not impossible to choose to practice on an island by yourself. From the base food, the energy of One Piece World’s food is beyond imagination. Liu Hao has a feeling of fullness by only eating one portion, and the energy is high, which is good for the body. The absorption is also fast, and the effect of exercising in One Piece for a year is definitely much greater than exercising for a year on the earth;

  Island with mountains and beasts is needed. It is best to have villages and towns. The villages and towns should be small and cannot have a navy. But this choice is often very likely to be patronized by pirates, and the danger is still quite high;

In the end, Liu Hao chose to disembark on the island closest to Shuangyue Village. There are two villages on the island, but no towns are formed. The villages are on the north and south sides, separated by mountains and jungles. The frequency of the two villages is very low. , The danger of going through the jungle is not as dangerous as taking a boat to a small town on a nearby island;

  Liu Hao disembarked at Xiaozhuang Village in the north. What he did not expect was that Zheng Zhi also followed, and only the two of them chose this place as the birthplace;

  "How did you think about it?" Liu Hao asked curiously;

"I feel that identity is very important. Instead of going to a town, it is better to be in a small village like this; exploration is meaningless for us novice individuals. Is it comparable to the military? This time, I only have two goals. One is to get an ID card, and the other is to exercise their physique;"

  "Smart! I think so too. Now, the problem we need to face is how to support ourselves. With our current body, it is difficult to become a hunter, let alone a fisherman;"

   "So, you are lucky, buddy, I have money!"

  Zheng Zhi’s words made Liu Hao exasperated. He would not pursue why Zheng Zhi is rich, as long as he is rich;

   "What's the plan?" Liu Hao and the two did not enter the village, but instead waved on the beach for a while;

   "I don't know what the house price is like?" Zheng asked directly;

"My buddy, I think it is better to buy a house than to build a house! The trees are ready to be chopped down. When hiring people, it is equivalent to sharing the benefits with most people in the village. Besides, you guys who have never been in the countryside think that there will be a few people in the village. The concept of a suite?" Liu Hao gave a blank glance as he said;

   "It looks like we are fortunate that we have formed a team; any other ideas? Let's talk about it!"

  Zheng nodded straightly, and it is indeed better to have a discussion than to go it alone.

"In fact, we don’t need a good house. It’s okay to be thin. Buy a piece of land. It doesn’t matter how small it is. Plant something to make the villagers feel that we live in a long time. It is convenient to integrate into them and get an ID card. The chances are more;"

  Liu Hao was born in a rural area. This is still certain. The only worry is whether there is any excess land for sale in the village. Zheng Zhi nodded when he heard this, and Liu Hao continued when he saw this;

  "From today, we need to change the name. Looking at the information, we need to be able to integrate into the environment in this dimension."

  "Take a bad name?" Zheng Zhi's name is still approved, but it's really not a concept how to get it;

   "Then listen to me, our temperament can't be too low, so let's, from now on, your name is tigerD Zheng; my name is tigerD Liu!"

  "The letter added in the middle was learned from that Vice Admiral Kapner? Wouldn't it be better to change to another letter?" Zheng Zhi asked;

  Liu Hao ignored him, did he tell Zheng Zhi that the D clan belongs to a hidden occupation in One Piece? For a nondescript one, the ghost knows if he ever appeared in One Piece;

Even Tiger is the result of Liu Hao’s deliberation. The last name of Kapu is monkey, which means monkey. I use tiger to mean tiger. Maybe I can sway it when I meet Kapu. Moreover, the D clan is very important to those who know this clan. For people, there may be hidden care in it;

  (End of this chapter)

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