MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 118 Stone monuments, you are so smart, you think so much!

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In the wilderness, the wind rises from the secluded state, and in the early winter season, the whole country of Youzhou is filled with white fog. On the southern bank of the Daliao River, a village that was once abandoned has been inhabited.

This is a village where Xianbei people live together with Han Chinese and Goguryeo people. Chen Xing and Xiang Shu pass by here and temporarily stay overnight.

No one recognizes the identity of the subject, but regardless of Hu Han, they are very polite and only regard them as travelers who cross the road. The village is asking Chen Xing in Chinese, "What are you doing?". Chen Xing said: "We are two brothers, he is my brother. He is out of the way, so he is tall and good-looking and will fight. I am taking out, nutrition can't keep up, so it is so empty."

Xiang Shuo replied: "Don't listen to him nonsense, I am his servant, he is a young master, a scholar."

Chen Xing indicated that the item was not in trouble. Xiang Shu said in Tiel: "Brothers can't get married, don't you understand?"

Chen Xing was crying and laughing. The village arranged for them to stay in the night. There were still a lot of vacant rooms in the village. The inside was very clean. The corners were filled with new firewood that was cut this winter. Chen Xing made fire in Songchai in the house. Xiang Shuhun hunted a few hares back for dinner. The meat was stewed in the pot, and the room was warm, and the item was changed back to the clothes at home. Sitting on the side of the tea, Chen Xing was dressed in a single coat and began to prepare dinner.

A small world is actually full of warmth and ambiguity.

This situation is like the ordinary family of Thale, or Goguryeo, or Xianbei, or the Han people.

Chen Xing sometimes feels that it is not bad like this. As long as it is with the item, it is a paradise.

"What do you want?" Chen Xing smiled and asked him, thinking he was still thinking about Xiaoshan.

Xiang Shuyi Chen Xing, his face is actually red.

"Nothing, I want the people here." The item said unnaturally.

“People?” Chen Xing wondered, “What happened to the people?”

The item said: "Did you not notice? There are all ethnic groups here and they are married to each other."

"Yes." Chen Xing said, "Here is the junction of Han, Hu and Goguryeo in Youzhou. I also heard someone say Tiel, when did they move here?"

"The people who moved south may come a few decades ago. When the Tiel people were sixteen years old," Xiang said, watching the fire, and then watching Chen Xing, said, "you have to be married."

Chen Xing said with a smile: "Fortunately, you have been waiting for me for four years."

The item said: "I don't care whether it is big or not, naturally I will find you south, but you are too far away to hide. It is not easy to find you."

Chen Xing Ledao: "A magic weapon, always want to find another magic weapon? Although I don't know who you are at the beginning, you don't know where I am, but by fate, I will always find it."

The item finished drinking the tea in the cup and handed it to Chen Xing. Chen Xing was full of him. The two men touched each other and they were already sleeping. The story was still a little nervous, and said: "Tie Le young man Most of them don't like to find people in the family to get married. Sometimes they will go south and go into the Great Wall to fight, but not robbery."

Chen Xing said: "So it is customary for you to find a foreigner to marry." When you think about it, the Wilhelm's wife and wife who you see seems to be mostly foreigners. There are many tribes outside the Sai, like the Aklers. There are only a few thousand in the whole family. Long-term close relatives are intermarried and prone to various problems of blood and inheritance.

In addition, Tiel's prophet also observed many signs from the cockroaches. The descendants of the horses and the wild horses of the Yinshan Mountain are mostly good varieties, while the horses that have been closed and multiplied are sometimes mixed.

Hundreds of years ago, the Tiel people first had an idea, so they encouraged the people to marry the foreigners. They hope to inherit their wisdom and knowledge through marriage with the Han people, inherit their white skin color through marriage with the Xianbei people... So all kinds of people, the blood of the Hu, and even the integration of Hu Han blood, make Tiller in the hundreds of years. Rapid rise to become the most powerful tribe north of the Great Wall.

"Yeah." The story tells Chen Xing from the fire, and took over the milk tea that was handed over. "They occasionally go south in groups, go to your place, see the people they like, and then turn back to bring gifts and ask for help. If you are willing to follow, you will return to the Lechuan River to pay homage. If you don't want to, staying in the South is no problem."

This type of internal migration is extremely slow, but it is invasive. Compared with Liu Yuan, Yao Wei, Qi Jian, Murong Yu and others who occupy the Han people's territory, burn their houses and treat them as slaves, they must be more gentle and more powerful.

Chen Xing said: "In the custom of the Han Chinese, we rarely marry foreigners. The non-family class, its heart must be different, even the Han people have their own marriage, not to mention the Hu people."

"There is a difference between the gates of the sects," Xiang said. "The source of the portal, you Han people always look down on all non-native people, so they were finally tossed by Liu Yuan to the present situation."

When Chen Xing heard this, he was not happy. He said that he could, saying that his family could not do it, he said: "We are not like this."

The item is not much debated, and the eyebrows are asking for directions. Is dinner good?

Chen Xing gave him a meal, and suddenly thought of the inhabitants of the village, Han, Hu and even Goguryeo, all living together. On their bodies, like Chen Xing and Xiang Shuo, is it a kind of fatal implied by thousands of Chinese? Even if they have a **** feud with each other, one day, all this will pass, like the ruins of the land burnt by the war, but on this ruin, the new life will rejuvenate and restore the vitality. power.

Maybe one day, the Hu people and the Han people will multiply from generation to generation in this land, and they will marry each other and give birth to future generations. After thousands of years, the inhabitants of the Chinese nation have no distinction with each other through the fusion of bloodlines.

At night, the two left the rest of the fire and slept in the room. The floor tiles are very small. If both people are covered, they have to be very close, and the body has been rubbed for a while. Chen Xing and Xiang Shu’s body have become hot.

"I... I can't help it," Xiang said in a low voice and said in a hurry. "Give me, Chen Xing... I will definitely be with you. Except you, I will never be with anyone in this life. I won't let you leave me, never, give me..."

Chen Xing felt that the subject was touching his own hand, and he kissed him side by side, blocked his words, and nodded nervously. He was very nervous and turned around. It felt strange and exciting, full of expectations.

But the story is more tense than Chen Xing. When they are put together, Chen Xing feels that his heartbeat is so fast that he jumps out of his chest.

"Good... good." Chen Xing whispered.

Not for a moment, just listen to Chen Xing screaming.

"Ah-! It hurts!"

The item is a bit overwhelming: "What? Pain?"

"It’s a pain!" Chen Xing almost yelled, and the item immediately said: "First... don't move! Be twisted! OK, OK, I will come out!"

Chen Xing: "..."

Item: "..."

"Too pain... too painful." Chen Xing was crying, and the story had to stop his movements.

“I haven’t entered yet,” Xiang said depressed. “So pain?”

Chen Xing tried to nod and flushed, and it was really painful. He said, "This is not going to work!"

Xiang Xing said that Chen Xing was as if he had been smashed by the gods. He gave up the idea and changed his mind: "Well, let me talk about it later."

"No," Chen said again. "I'm coming over, keep going, I... I just want it."

"Forget it." Xiang Shu did not dare to try again. If he was afraid of hard coming, he would hurt Chen Xing. Although he thought very much, he eventually felt bad about him. He turned him and kept him in his arms. Stick, pull the pants for him.

Chen Xing’s other person’s heart is still awkward, and it’s still more painful than the last shot. After all, in his life, the most serious injury and the greatest suffering is the arrow with the anesthetic in Xiangyang City. I didn't expect it to be so painful! What the **** is this? Why do you have to do this? ! Is it necessary for people to be tortured in the 100 days after the Qing Dynasty’s worship?

"You seem to be suddenly thundering," Chen Xing gasped. "It's too big, it's hard!"

"What?!" The item is difficult to channel. "Who is Lei Leishan?! You... before..."

Chen Xing said: "The horse in the Akler royal family, have you not seen it?"

Item: "..."

Huo Leishan is the king of all the horses of the Akler who are good at raising horses. It is very powerful and taller than all the horses. The horse is extremely fierce. It is like the wind, never let anyone ride, want it to match. The second kind, you have to look at its mood. When Chen Xing had no intention of seeing its artifacts, the whole person was shocked on the spot.

Item: "........................"

When Chen Xing was trying to describe the feeling he had given himself for a moment, the item revealed a somewhat frustrated expression and said, "Sleep."

"Either again..." Chen Xing always felt very sorry for the story, saying, "I still insist on sticking it, with ... how long does it take to breed this process?"

Item: "When are you a horse? Sleep! Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Xing: "Are you angry?"

"No," replied the item. "I will talk about it later, really."

Although he said no, Chen Xing always felt that the item was still a little concerned. The next day, when Chen Xing was washing at the well, he saw a donkey, and obviously didn't sleep well last night.

“What is the name of this place?” Chen Xing looked around and saw the green mountains and green mountains in the winter. When it was daytime, it was another kind of paradise on earth.

"Valennu." Xiang Shu washed his face, a little spirit, replied.

"Valennu!" Chen Xing suddenly remembered, isn't this the last time to trace the whereabouts of the prince's night, the place where he first met?

“Not bad.” Xiang said, “All the residents in this village have turned into shackles, and I was burned by me.”

When the item came to this place last time, it was the prince's night that was transforming the living corpse in the village. After that, the fire burned all the cockroaches and chased the prince's night. At that time, the secluded people in Youzhou were sparsely populated. Before the Xianbei rule, after Jian Jian hit Murong’s Dayan, the Emperor Sima Yi took a lot of actions, making the counties and counties in Youzhou stand on their own feet, and they intended to fight against the Qin Dynasty. A lot of Jin Jun was carried by the sea boat to assist Youzhou in resisting Qin.

Although Qi Jian is beyond the reach of the whip, he is not very resistant to the sound of the waves. Therefore, he is located at the junction of the Muller League, Goguryeo, Qin and Han. He is very sensitive and should not be forced to take the military. He accepted Wang Meng’s suggestion and put it aside. It becomes a four-nothing area, waiting for the elimination of the Jin and then freeing up the hand for processing.

At that time, the Jin army moved around in small-scale stocks. After discovering that the village was destroyed, it began to besiege. After the project was highlighted, it went south along the ancient road of Youzhou and entered the boundary of Shandong.

“泗水!” Chen Xing said, “The place where Xinyi is flat and black!”

“Yeah.” Xiang said that he was riding right away from the village and looked back and said, “Follow me.”

The item did not rush to Goguryeo, but bypassed the Warrenu department and headed east on the south bank of the Liaohe River.

"Where?" Chen Xing could not help but ask.

The item said: "When I left Muller, I thought about a question. Why did you come to the Warrenau department when you were the prince?"

Chen Xing said: "Maybe he needs to be jealous?"

At that time, the prince of the avatar of the Incarnation of Kyla had already resurrected the blood of the demon **** in the law of the old man, but was buried by the story.

Where did he go later? As a reminder of the story, Chen Xing suddenly realized this problem.

"Not long after my brother Wang Meng died," Chen Xing wondered. "The prince night came to the side of the sturdy, so he went to Chang'an to be an official?"

“Yeah.” Xiang said, “But after a while, he appeared again in the north.”

In the years after the death of the law, Xiang Shu always could not solve this knot, sent a scout to pursue the whereabouts of Keela. After getting the clue, he came alone and finally found the target.

"Don't you be surprised?" Xiang Shu looked at the nearby mountains and said, "Why did he want to run into such a place? Just to transform a thousand living people into jealousy?"

"No more is less, maybe he is bored, and there are activities around?" Chen Xing guessed, "Or in the resurrection of the Sima family's prince? Is there a tomb of Sima or Sima?"

"Then he will let his hand down." Xiang said, "Do you see this place, is it the intersection of the local veins?"

“No,” Chen Xing also felt a bit strange, saying, “There is nothing to do with the ground.”

Item: "To defeat your enemies, you have to know your enemies. In these days, I have been thinking about what is the prince night? How long has he lived in this world? Why did he become a member of Chiyou?"

These are all things that Chen Xing didn't think about, but intermittently, through the fight with the prince night, and the statement, they also had a preliminary understanding of the prince night - he lived for a long time, and his heart was unwilling, just like Gu Qing said that he used to be a mortal. He was smashed into pieces and buried in the ground. He has suffered for thousands of years.

He also liked a girl before he was alive.

“Here will be his hometown?” Chen Xing suddenly said, “Xue Shu, you are so smart, you think so much!”

Xiang Shuo took the Chen Xing vertical horse around the hill, and on the hillside of the Liaohe River, there was a strange house built by the alchemists - it was an abandoned view.

After the view, there are two towering trees, but the leaves have been frozen in the cold winter, and there is a stone monument under the tree.

This view is different from the architectural appearance of any country on the land of China, as if it has existed for a long time.

"When I first discovered him," Xiang said, "He is here."

Chen Xing thinks of the hustle and bustle of the sky, and encounters the prince night without warning. He should not appear again today?

"What is he doing?" Chen Xing asked.

"It seems to be sacrificed." Xiang said, "You are familiar with ancient things than I am. Where was it before?"

Chen Xing replied: "The Three Kingdoms are under the rule of Yuan."

Item: "Early."

Chen Xing thought for a moment and said: "Han Youzhou County? Youzhou during the Warring States Period, this name is also called Zhou."

Item: "What time is it?"

Before the battle of Makino, the era of unclear history, the age of the ancient mountains and seas, Chen Xing remembered a name that few people knew, which he saw from the mountains and seas.

"There is Yiguo." Chen Xing said.

The item came to the tree and wiped the stone monument under the tree with his hand. Two big characters appeared on the inscription on the right. The story looked at Chen Xing, Chen Xing recognized it, and said: "Jiang Yao."

"Where is this?" Xiang Shu wiped the inscription on the left.

"Wang Hai." Chen Xing whispered, suddenly aware that the item may solve the key point of a certain problem.

"This is the grave of his lover." Chen Xing said, "Would you like to dig it out?"

Digging the grave to dig the tomb is to be thunderous, but in order to restrain the prince's night, Chen Xing is willing to sacrifice his own gas. After all, the tomb of Jiang Yao is excavated to stop the prince from digging graves and digging graves.

"Digging a tomb has no meaning." Xiang Shu denied Chen Xing's proposal and looked at him for a while.

Chen Xing: "?"

The article turned and frowned. "When I leave, I just don't understand. Since he has the ability to resurrect the dead, why not resurrect his lover?"

I don't know why, Chen Xing looked at the story and always felt that he still had something to look at himself. He can feel that the story loves him, he loves it very much, but sometimes his eyes will occasionally remind Chen Xing that they have not yet exchanged their minds, but the story has already known that the age star exists.

Just like the next moment, they will be separated at any time. This uncertainty about the future makes the eyes of the story with a persistent attachment, just like trying to break the fate of destiny.

When the item emphasizes "I will never let you leave me," Chen Xing is especially aware of it. If you are full of hope for the future, you will not say this sentence. So, you can't escape the fate of death. Can this be all right now, isn't it already good? They are really together, and the future will become bright, even if they can't kill Chiyou, now they have the basis for confrontation.

What is he thinking? Chen Xing is very strange, but did not ask, repeatedly told himself that this is just too much for him to consider, not to rely on intuition to judge.

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu came down from the mountain. Chen Xing thought about it and said: "It is not like this. If he resurrects Jiang Yao, she will wake up and she will no longer be the one the prince loves."

In fact, the story has not been clarified. In the end, the princes who resurrected the princes are all things, saying that they are themselves and they don’t look like them. Say no, but one by one, with the name of the past. Just like Sima Yi, why did he say "I don't know who I am" when he is resurrected?

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