MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 125 What did you say when you photographed the soul? say it again?

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It is night, above Huai River.

The buildings on both sides of Jiankang were full of lights, and Feng Jia opened a painting plaque and set up a banquet on the ship. In order to return to Jiangnan, the story and Chen Xing took the wind to wash the dust, and the sound of the piano burst into flames in the early summer. Chen Xing and Xie An sat on the side of the screen and looked at the map of Wanli Jiangshan, south of the Yangtze River.

"The exorcism department wants to rebuild," Chen Xing said. "I have no objections, but from now on, what kind of position the exorcists are standing on must be clear, whether or not to accept the Hu people, it must be No points for each other."

"Yes," said Xie An. "I don't dare to open it. Waiting for you to come over is also a problem. After all, you know that in the capacity of your brother, many words were originally inconvenient to say."

When Chen Xing heard this, he completely understood it. Why Xie An had been waiting for him to come back and lead the exorcists. Presumably, as Xie An’s identity, no matter what he did, he must consider the intention of Emperor Sima Yi.

However, Chen Xing is not the same. He can refuse the post-revival exorcism to be the royal result, and become the result of one of the many official offices in Dajin. In other words, as long as he doesn't buy it, Sima Yi can't take him.

This is also Chen Xing's most persistent, otherwise, as in today's situation, Hu Han fights endlessly, let the exorcists who have spells go to the battlefield, cast spells, bombing the army everywhere, why? What's more, winning is not the end. Three hundred years ago in the Han Dynasty, the exorcists flew in the heyday, omnipotent, more and more powerful, and more involved in the royal family, which eventually led to the ravages of the great man.

"This is the first principle." Xie An said, "If you have already agreed with the demon king, then the dispute between the Terran and the Yaozu can be slow."

Chen Xing "hmm" sounded and nodded: "But I want to re-examine what is stipulated, and it is limited. The task of collecting the demon is ultimately necessary, but only if the demon and the human race are not committed, everyone should be in China. Peace on the ground, you must not kill them."

Xie Anluo sank and replied: "Well, the brothers will re-order the exorcist law and change it to you for review."

Chen Xing knows that he can't push this position. As the first big exorcist after the resurrection of Wanfa, it is also necessary to rebuild the human order, but with his temper, he should only take care of the exorcism in a short time. After the completion, it will be passed to the right person.

After discussing the details, the feast was opened, and everyone came to drink, and Chen Xing was still sitting beside the story. Everyone pushes the cup for change, and everything that is said is nothing to do, and the prince night and so on.

"You..." Feng Qianxi looked at Chen Xing and read the story. He found that the appearance of the two people today is a little different from the past.

The item was actually a little restrained in front of Chen Xing, and his eyes were moving with him at any time.

"Not bad." Xiang Shu seems to know what Feng Qianxi wants to ask, and replied, put one hand on Chen Xing's shoulder and said: "Drink, you can finally have a good time."

Feng Qianxi said: "Come, I respect you!"

Gu Qingyu went to the wine, and Xiang said that he knew the meaning of Feng Qianxi’s toasting and drank it. During the dinner, everyone in the room said that there are still many thoughts in Chen Xing’s heart, and they are somewhat absent-minded.

Xie Anchao Chen Xing said: "Little teacher, I think I might also need to find a law."

"Do you know what the law is doing? Just protect the law." Chen Xing immediately cried.

Xie An said: "The law is to protect the exorcist, isn't it? I let the millennium be my protector, he is not willing. Tuo Shao Shaoxia, although martial arts is so bad..."

"Don't!" Feng Qianxi changed color on the spot, and he did not want to become "the kind of relationship" with Xie An.

Xie An: "???"

Tuoba said with a smile: "I have no problem, what needs to be done to protect the law?"

“Hey,” Chen Xing said. “Like me and Xiang Shu... It’s like Zheng Lun and Bi Wei. Can you? Thank you, brother, there is also a small family...”

Takuya's smile has solidified.

Xie An: "It's not like you."

"You'd better think about it, brother," Chen Xing whispered. "If you don't say anything, your body can't stand it."

Xie An’s expression also became unnatural. Chen Xing added: “You first look at the books that we sent in our teachers, and then decide?”

"Is this really true?" Xie An casually looked at the ancient books. When I saw a lot of stories, I didn't have much to look at. I spent time studying the spells. When I said this, I immediately changed my mind. "It doesn't matter if you don't protect the law. stop!"

"Drinking and drinking." Feng Qianxi finally waited until Xie An dispelled this thought, and immediately began to persuade the wine, everyone hahaha laughed, no one mentioned this matter anymore.

Everyone is silent.

Xie An said: "Next, we may have a big fight, but since everything is back, there is a chance to come back again, I want to swear..." said Chen Xing.

Chen Xing nodded and said: "We will definitely win!"

Everyone has toasted again. Although Xiaoshan is absent, he has the right to be the exorcist group that has existed since the death of Wanfa. It is the official reunion after the reunion and the expectation for the future.

Chen Xing looked at the subject, Xiang Shu Shen, and then nodded: "We will certainly defeat him."

"Is the drop of the falling soul clock found?" Chen Xingchao Xie Andao.

Xie An shook his head and said, "When Wen will appear sooner or later, the prince night can't be without action."

After three trips to the wine, Chen Xing looked at the subject and saw that he was just drinking a cup and a cup, and his face was drunk. Tonight, his words were less, but he kept drinking.

"Don't drink," Chen Xing said. "You drank a lot of wine today."

Xiang Xiang started from the body and said, "I went to the boat to blow the hair."

The item leaves and goes to the bow to hang up. Chen Xing sat for a while, then got up and came to the bow of the painting.

The item stood in front of the railing, and the eyes reflected the lights on both sides.

"Guarding the law, do you really want to listen to my bad idea?" Chen Xing asked.

The answer is not asked, Shen said: "Do you think this is not like a dream?"

When Chen Xing returned to Jiankang, he suddenly had a lot of words to say. He wanted to go to the autumn club with the story, go to the Kuaiji together, and revisit the place where his mother lived.

Xiang Shu said to himself: "Sometimes, I always feel that this is like a dream. After the sea pearls are broken, I have a long dream, because I have asked for it, so in this dream. God has satisfied me. Star, I know what you want to say."

Chen Xing looked helpless and said: "Do you know? Well, you said."

Xiang Shu said: "You want me to accompany you well. The three years we have been together are already God's gift to us. Life is like a sorrow, we are dying in life, we can finish this three years well. It’s not easy. In the end, you have to hold the sword and walk to the sword-making stage of Zoige...”

"Do you think I will think so??" Chen Xing really has no temper.

The subject turned and looked at Chen Xing's eyes.

Chen Xing reluctantly said: "But okay... This is really like what I would say. I am just... um, I just want to... item."

From the day when Chen Xing and Reunion reunited, and the dream of entering the giant python, he never knew that he would eventually defeat Chiyou and must pay for his own life. But somehow, after another one, he is no longer holding the idea of ​​mortality as before. Perhaps it is because he died once, so that he cherishes his life more.

Perhaps it was because he finally confirmed his mind with the story. He just wanted to live well. He said that he had been tossed by him. He always felt that he was going to hold the sword and go to death.

Chen Xing suddenly feels wrong: "Wait, what is the thing in the river?"

The item was then noticed, and the left hand immediately held Chen Xing's wrist, and the two men retired halfway at the bow. This night, he drank a lot of wine, which was intoxicating, which led to a lack of vigilance against the surrounding environment.

A huge black shadow, passing under the boat.

"Not at all," Chen Xing muttered. "The exorcists are all on the boat. Will Wenche fight at this time?"

Xiang Shu Shen said: "Xie An! Feng Qianxi! Don't drink! Come out!"

Xie An put down the wine glass, just got up, and in an instant, Huai Shui exploded, and a green scorpion rushed from the water, suddenly overturned the painting!

"I finally waited for you both--" Wencher’s voice was cold.

On the moonlight night, the barley grows long, and it emits a strong black mist, and it instantly flies in the air!

"Looking for death!" The item is not afraid, one side, will protect Chen Xing behind him. Xie An and Feng Qiang set foot on the bow and rushed out!

Chen Xinglang said: "Victor! You were once an exorcist, lost to know!"

Wenche sneered, standing on the green hoe, Shen Sheng said: "There should be a battle, the great exorcist, now the law is resurrected, and see if you can escape the ghost gate!"

Chen Xing sacrificed the heart lamp, and Xiang Shuo’s whole body was full of light. The robes broke out and flew into the air. The golden shield of the flash appeared in the hand, and a shield was blown at the green scorpion!

"When", the **** was stunned and turned a little. Afterwards, Xie An took out a gale and sent Feng Qianxi to the sky. Tuoba rushed out quickly, and the hands of the clouds were really shining, and a long arrow was broken. The longbow was opened, the bow was bent and the arrow screamed away!

Wencher immediately manipulated the dragon to avoid the arrow, but the arrow flew around the circle and pursued it.

Stopped and stopped, the story has already flown to Wenche, and Chen Xing screamed: "Broken!"

In the next moment, Wencher’s hand appeared a small little soul clock, and it was lightly shaken.

The sound of "When", the time, the appearance of the virtual shadow in the body, turned into a human form, was actually forced out from the body!

Chen Xing: "!!!"

As the story screamed, another golden light glowed in the body, and the candle yin dragon appeared, and began to compete with the soul clock for the soul of the story!

Immediately turn around, and drive the dragon to hover in the air, dragging the soul clock, and sucking the three souls and seven scorpions of the story, constantly spinning, pulling up!

"The item!" Chen Xing shouted.

The clock of the soul in Wincher’s hands was a revival, the bell rang through the dark night, and the whole body’s light retreated. In the entire Jiankang City, everyone woke up! The paintings of Chen Xing’s station have been turned over and have been sinking, and the people on board have begun to escape.

Feng Qianxi flew to the front, and cut down with a knife. Wencher immediately removed the magic weapon, and abandoned the item and ignored it. He turned to Feng Qianxi, and the soul clock was a revival.

When the sound of "When", Feng Qianxi was struck by lightning and fell from the sky with Xiang Shu!

Xie An immediately realized the danger and said: "Come on again!"

Wincher obviously won't let them go so cheaply, press a **** and dive, and fly to Xie An. Xie An immediately yells, the spell is done, and hides behind Chen Xing.

Wen Che's grievances in the hands of the surging, toward Chen Xing and Xie Anfei, Chen Xing hand center lights broke out, forming a wave of light, toward Wen Che and the dragon.

Xie An mobilized the river waves and rolled up the whole painting. It was like a giant roaring with one hand, holding the whole painting, and covering the face with Wencher and Qinglan. Wen Che's grievances were dispelled by Chen Xing, but they did not retreat. They were also "when and when" and took Tuoba and Xie An's soul together.

"No, accompany, too!" Wencher screamed and laughed. "Wait for death! Exorcist!"

The river suddenly fell and Chen Xing was involved in the river.

"钧哥-!" Gu Qing jumped into Huai Shui, hugged Feng Qianxi, and took him to the shore.

Chen Xing landed on the bank of the river and squatted on the ground, and quickly looked at the story of the river being washed ashore.

"The item! Item!" Chen Xing anxiously took the face of the next item.

The next day, when the sun was on the third day, the exorcism department.

Xie An, Tuo Wei, Feng Qianxi, and Xiang Shu lay in a row. Chen Xing was still dripping water on the ground, his hair was scattered, and his clothes were all attached to his body. Sima Yi was shocked at the side, slightly open his mouth and looked down at it.

Sima Yi held his arm and looked down at everyone.

Xiangyang muttered: "How can this be good?"

Sima Yidao: "Mr. Chen, you said that you are good, sitting on the paintings and drinking, and then the proprietress of Dongzhe Qianzhuang, who appeared on a dragon..."

"Correct it, it is awkward." Chen Xing was powerless and said, "Yes, then with the soul clock, I took away Xie An, Tuo, Feng Qian, and the soul of my law."

Fuyang is different: "Why are you not in danger?"

Chen Xing brows deep lock and replies: "Heart lamp."

Last time, Chen Xing was very clear. He and Xiang Shuo heard the sound of the falling soul, but at that time the story was fixed Haizhu, and he had the guardian of the heart, and the souls of the two were not taken away by the prince night. The prince night began to doubt the identity of the story.

But this time the remarks have reshaped the body, no longer the incarnation of the magic weapon, even if there is protection of the dragon force, it is still taken away by the warmth of part of the soul, can not wake up, is purely unknown. The power of the falling soul is too strong, and Xie An, Feng Qianxi and Tuoquan have all been knocked out. What should I do next?

Chen Xing said: "I have to find Wenche and completely recycle the soul clock. Mr. Xiang Yang, please take care of the exorcism department and take care of them."

Xiangyang said: "Do you know where Wenche is hiding?"

Chen Xing indulged in a moment, the last time he was hiding in the sea of ​​souls, but this time, he may not return to the original place.

"I don't know," Chen Xing said. "You can only try your luck."

Sima Yi looked at Chen Xing and said, "I am going with you."

Fuyang said: "Excuse me, Mr. Chen, the situation is very dangerous now. The corpse is hoping to be on the way. Are you sure? It is best to get there soon."

Without the reminder of Xiangyang, Chen Xing can feel the serious situation. He has no fighting power now. Maybe the next plan for Prince Night is to come to marry their nest. Even very likely, the prince night has been waiting near Jiankang, waiting for this moment.

The previous Wencher fled under the encirclement of Xie An, but only deliberately weakened. The real purpose is to wait until the story and Chen Xing return to Jiangnan, and then kill the hand, so that they can be wiped out.

After the rest of the people were exhausted, Chen Xing’s brow was deep and locked, and he was so upset.

"I'm sorry," Chen Xing said. "I didn't mean to make you angry... the story."

On the hair, the eyebrows are all water, and a pair of underwear is attached to the body. Chen Xing first listened to his heartbeat, then touched his face, his voice shook and said: "I love you, the story, as long as you Nothing, I listen to you all, what do you say, I am..."

"I heard it." Xiang said indifferently, and opened his eyes, looking at Chen Xing with suspicion.

Chen Xing: "..."

The item sat up and looked at Xie An and others.

Chen Xing: "You are not faint?"

Item: "No, what do you say? Say it again?"

Chen Xing: "........................"

"You obviously can wake up early!" Chen Xing caught the madness.

The story turned over and the body pants were still semi-wet. He said, "Don't go? Save people."

Chen Xing said: "Why don't you tell me?"

Xiang Shuchen Chen Xing reached out and pulled him to the horse, let him sit in front of him, out of the Jiankang side door and go to the Kuaiji.

"Unsure whether there will be a dark line of the prince's night in the Exorcism Division," Xiang said. "Be careful is always good."

Chen Xing: "How do you think about it?"

"Xie An's plan." Xiang said, "The prince night learned that the exorcism department was rebuilt, and he must find ways to obstruct and even destroy. Wencher has a soul clock in his hand, he must try to lure him out, have to go quickly. Huiji, regaining the soul clock, and then turn to the prince night, in one go."

Chen Xingxin said that you are so smart. Xie An guessed from the beginning that Wencher would come to deal with them. The previous attack was just a scorpion. Once Wincher took advantage of the falling soul clock and took away their souls, it is bound to be underestimated. The story also pretends to lose the fighting power, so that the prince night will be brought in, and the general trend will be launched toward Jiankang.

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