MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 5 Robbery, my home, the law, martial arts, really strong!

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Between the thoughts, the item quickly slammed the gold ingot in the counter, but Chen Xing had already taken the lead.

It is just outside the door that there is a group of soldiers, and there are many refugees. The most fear is the robbery in the city. When Chen Xingyi shouted, dozens of people suddenly blocked the door of Qianzhuang. The initiator Chen Xing had already taken a step and hid in the opposite lane.

wrong! Chen Xing suddenly remembered a serious matter, this seems to have been a murderous devil! So pick up, do not kill the Jin soldiers?

The item was so good that it was carried out with a bag of gold ingots. It was suddenly surrounded by the Jin Bing regiment. Everyone bent and bowed their arrows and shouted loudly, letting Xiang Shu put down his hands and robbed the money.

Chen Xing hides in the lane, and he must not kill the officers and soldiers at the same time. At the same time, he secretly decides that once the story is really hands-on, he will kill himself in his own face, and the position of protecting the law can no longer be used anyway.

"Hey." A voice suddenly sounded behind the scenes. "Dongzhe Qianzhuang United does not know how much money has been made, how many lives have been killed. What do you do with this idle thing?"

Chen Xing suddenly looked back and found a tall and strong man standing behind him, wearing a bucket, covering most of his face, and a thin knife on his face, and his sleeves leaning against the lane. Obviously it has also attracted attention.

Chen Xing did not answer, only looked back, more and more soldiers, each with a bow and arrow pointing at the door of the door of Qianzhuang. As long as the captain made a command, everyone put the arrow, the item will be shot on the spot, he could not help but worry about the danger.

At that time, I only saw the whistle of the item, and the captain was intimidated several times. When I was about to order the arrow, the item was shaken in the hand, and suddenly it was flying straight out, and the gold bomb was like a meteor. With a strong sigh, a scream was screaming. Immediately after the war horse rushed from Long Street, the story turned over and did not look at it. He returned to Chen Xingyi, who was hiding in the lane.

The three steps of the hidden weapon, the horse, and the illness of Chen Xing occurred in a short period of time. Chen Xing still thought that my family’s martial arts was really strong! I didn’t react at the moment. A gold ingot had arrived in front of me. When I saw that I was stunned to the ground, the knight who was wearing a fight on the side was shot out, shaking out a black iron bowl. Pocket, the gold ingot creaked, and played in the bowl for a long time.

Chen Xing: "Wait!"

Chen Xing chased out the lane, and Xiang Shu’s eyes went away, and there was no trace. Along the way, the people who robbed the gold ingots were crowded, and the soldiers were squeezed out of the road. The soldiers were stunned by the golden rain and fainted to the ground.

Chen Xing gnashed his teeth, but he couldn’t help himself with this new law of protection. He couldn’t fight, but he couldn’t catch up. What else can he do?

"You enemies?" The knight walked out of the alley, glared at the wine bowl, and signaled Chen Xing to take the gold away. Chen Xing had to swing his hand, and the knight would say, "Do you want gold? Then I want it."

Chen Xing never had the habit of saving money. Anyway, relying on the old star to live, luck is so good that he doesn't believe it. Every time he lacks money, God will naturally reward him with flowers. If he is not starved, he will nod to the knight. Thanks for the help of the help, self-satisfaction into the money. The knight touched his own, revealing a half-faced face that was not trimmed, and laughed and went to the Maicheng government.

At noon, there was a white list outside the government: the thief of the Jiangyan. The list describes the wearing and appearance of the article, the arrest of the returnee, the East Zhelian number, and the reward of fifty-two.

When Chen Xing went to the government to ask for customs clearance, he saw that his own law of protection became a wanted criminal, and his mood was quite complicated. The drug pack and the entanglement of the body were all robbed by the story, but I didn’t have much silver. I was robbing the bank for the toll? Where are you going to go? Look at that look, but go to the north, back to your own family?

"The north can't walk!" The book ordered, "All roads are closed, next!"

Chen Xing: "I have to go to Chang'an anyway, there is an internal document issued by Xie An, which is convenient for you."

"It's not that you are not allowed to go," the book said. "The city of Shuyang is broken. Isn't it going to die in the north?"

"There is a plank road in the Xilong Mountain in Xiyang City," said a man's voice. "After going out of the mountain, you will go north and leave Jingzhou. You can enter the Central Plains through Wuguan and go northwest to enter Chang'an."

Chen Xing turned back and saw that it was the brawny who wore the fight. The brawny looked down at him slightly, and the fight covered the sun and could not see the face.

The book ordered the mouth, indicating that the two people looked at the white list posted in the official residence -

"In the middle of the mountain, the thousand-year-old tomb was stolen, the thief occupied the mountain for chaos, and the plank road was temporarily unavailable. In the Jingzhou rivers and lakes, people of insight shovel thieves."

The book ordered: "Two days ago, I just sent a team to investigate. If none of them came back, don't go to life. Listen to me and ask me. What time is going to Changan? The two countries are fighting, you are a Han Chinese, Going to Chang'an is also the life of the Hu people steaming for the two-legged sheep. It is not easy for you to raise you so much, and you will go south."

Chen Xing grinds the book order, the book is impossible, and he has to cover the customs.

The knight said: "I also go to Chang'an, add me one, my name is Feng Qianxi."

Finally met a normal person, Chen Xing took the instrument out, the knight was in the spring sun, picking up the fight.

When the spring breeze blows, the clouds retreat, and the thick clouds roll out. The long-lost sun throws several warm skylights from the gaps. Only the knights are bright, the noses are towering, the lips are like Dan, the skin is white, although the green shirts are falling, However, there is a hidden prince. Standing in front of the official residence, standing in the light, suddenly let Chen Xing feel warm in the heart, quite a feeling of "like a spring breeze."

The knight also touched the face that was not obvious on the face, saying: "Meeting is the fate. On this road, I ask the little brothers to take care of them. Go, don't hurry on the road, first drink some alcohol on the road, I don't know what to call in the rivers and lakes? ”

"I introduce myself, my name is Chen Xing. I am sixteen years old, seven feet and nine inches, one hundred and thirty pounds..."

"That brother also introduced myself, I am twenty-two, one inch and one inch this year, how many pounds are not clear, I have not been on the scale for a long time..."

Feng Qianxi looks elegant and elegant, but with a bit of enthusiasm in his words, he hit two pounds of wine and put it in the saddle. Chen Xing bought a horse on the market and took the dog that wags his tail. In the saddle, he showed his head and went out to the city to go to Longzhongshan with this friend he met. Feng Qianxi is easygoing and talkative, but Huainan people, carrying a big knife, carrying a wine bowl, juvenile martial arts, and skill.

Chen Xing thought, how to protect the law is not him?

"What is the name of this dog?" asked Feng Qianxi.

Chen Xingben wanted to say that there was no name on the road, and suddenly he changed his mind: "Call the subject."

"There are surnames." Feng Qianxi said.

Chen Xing: "Well."

"Tianchi you... what kind of business?" Feng Qianxi seems to look at it. He always feels that Chen Xing is not like a normal person. Nowadays, the escaped people are all unkempt, but Chen Xing is packed up, even the dog is wearing a suede. child. It can be said that if it is a son of a son, there should be no one in this troubled world, or it will be killed at any time.

"Don't ask," Chen Xing said. "It's all sad, don't mention it. What are you?"

Feng Qiang turned to the path and replied in unison: "The brother is a killer."

Chen Xing: "..."

The guys who come across all the way, all like to kill. Chen Xing couldn't help but be nervous. Don't run into the mad dog.

"Have you killed a few people?" Chen Xingyu asked.

"I haven't killed anyone yet." Feng Qianxi said, "This year is my first year as a killer. I am going to the destination to do the first vote in my life."

"Oh--" Chen Xing put down his heart, Feng Qianxi said: "Changan, killing Jianjian."

Chen Xing: "I wish Feng Xiong Ma to success! Wait, kill Qi Jian, how much does it cost to pay?"

Chen Xing thought if your words, is not it also possible to take the money to arrest item please Fengqian Jun said, not kill, tied up, always available, no wonder people want to torture him Jin, Xing Chen himself now wanted to hit him, had over and over again, In the heart, I **** the items and took countless whip.

"A basket of steamed buns." Feng Qianxi replied.

“Very good.” Chen Xing said, “Do I pay two baskets of gimmicks and help me get the item back?”

"What do you do with your dog?" Feng Qianxi is inexplicable. "Isn't it here?"

Chen Xing explained that he was the one who grabbed the money house. Feng Qianxi immediately said: "That can't be done."

Chen Xing: "Three baskets of steamed buns."

Feng Qianxi said: "It is not a question of Shantou. I can't beat him. It is also a shame for you."

Chen Xing: "..."

Feng Qianxi began to explain to Chen Xing that it is possible to let more than thirty gold ingots fly to where they should go, and to stun all the enemies. This is at least Feng Qianxi’s own review. Humbled. And when he took the last two or two golds that flew to Chen Xing, Feng Qianxi almost did his best, or he still had a black iron bowl in his hand.

The item is obviously more than enough, obviously not with Feng Qianxi in a paragraph.

Chen Xing has no concept of force. He thought: "Oh, is it so strong?"

Feng Qianxi said: "Where does this person call the story? What is the head?"

The two rides entered the Longzhong Mountain. After the cold spring, the mountain stream was broken by ice. The white snow in the mountains and the fields melted in the branches of the tree, and everything was simmered and the plants gradually woke up. Chen Xing took the horse in front of the ancient plank road hundreds of years ago, and Feng Qiang went all the way. He simply did not marry him, and he took out his own affairs on the road.

When he heard about the affairs in Xiangyang City, Feng Qianxi suddenly felt emotion and said: "Zhu Xu."

"He is a good person," Chen Xing said. "Unfortunately, he did not help him in the end."

Chen Xing did not want to help Zhu Xu defend the city, but the mission of the exorcist was more important to him. However, Feng Qianxi said: "Zhu Xu, hey, he is an enemy."

"Ah?" Chen Xing was speechless, and Zhu Xu was forced to die by Jin Ting. However, since the ancient times, he has invested more enemies, and he is not bad.

"Exorcist." Feng Qianxi looked for a long time and nodded. "So the item is the law of choice that you have chosen."

"Do you believe?" Chen Xingyi said differently.

"Trust, why don't you believe?" Feng Qianxi said, "If a person is lying, his eyes can't deceive people. Now the law is running, what do you go to Changan alone?"

Chen Xing replied: "I have to find the exorcism department left by Dahan. I have to make some money and recruit a few bodyguards. Since you are with you on the road, this money can be saved."

At the time of the Han Dynasty Chang'an exorcist, there was a trick. Since there is a department to check, what information must be left. This was originally the next step in the Chen Xing plan after finding the law. Look at the story of the death of the law three hundred years ago. Is there any trace?

"By the way, I advised you to stop killing people." Chen Xing said, "But if you want to kill him, I will not ask for a dead person."

Feng Qianxi is like a mirror, and he said casually: "If you are dead, the war in the north will not stop, unless someone dominates the world."

After chatting for a while, and began to guess the origins of the story, Chen Xing knew nothing about the Central Plains, and Feng Qiang had no clue. However, he was very curious and asked many things about the exorcist. Chen Xing was practicing in Huashan. I have learned a lot of spells in the book, of course, only on paper. The world is filled with the omnipresent aura of heaven and earth, and the exorcist is only borrowing and borrowing, only to have a spell. Now that the law is gone, it is natural that nothing can be made.

"It can only shine." Chen Xingchao Feng Qianxi demonstrated the light, and said, "You can take photos of you when you walk the night, you don't have to use lanterns, but you can use more asthma and you can't get tired."

Feng Qianxi was not surprised, saying: "I have seen it in Huainan. Someone can cut the arm and then pick it up... I can also screw my head to the back. Can you..."

"Come on! It's a warlock!" Chen Xing quickly stopped Feng Qianqi from trying to twist his head to the back, saying: "It can be, but when I screw it over my neck, I will be broken!"

"Why are you carrying such a heavy burden?" Feng Qianxi said, "Who is doing this for?"

"Hey, what you said." Chen Xing replied, "When the demon is born, the gods are destroyed. Such a beautiful scenery, such a world is gone, you will not feel very sorry?"

Just like Feng Qianxi went to kill Qi Jian, but for a basket of hoes, Chen Xing did not seriously think about it after Master’s death, and decided to carry this responsibility. The reason is very simple, at least let the flowers and plants and birds in the world The beastly fish, the living people will not die, the good things, the people always have the meaning of cherish, watching them ruin without reason, the heart is not uncomfortable?

The two men took the horse through the plank road, and the sky was very narrow. The rock was hung with a corner of the clothes that Jin Bing broke. Feng Qianxi suddenly said: "Wait." Then stopped and checked the clothes. Not long ago, the team of soldiers sent by the Maicheng government to inquire about the news also passed through here.

Sunset Xishan, the valley is quiet, do not smell the birds, Chen Xing looked up, and suddenly saw the top of the line of people flashed.

"Feng brother?" Chen Xing suddenly felt that the big thing was not good.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Qianxi suddenly grabbed the collar of Chen Xing and dragged him straight back three feet to the top of the line. The bodies of the two people fell straight down! With a loud bang, the first person squatted on the weakest part of the wooden plank road, suddenly smashed the plank road, and fell to the high cliff with broken wood!

The other person was kneeling in front of Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi. The horse was screaming and screaming and fleeing. Feng Qianxi immediately retracted the reins and stabilized the mount. Chen Xing almost shouted, Feng Qianxi grabbed his mouth and whispered: "Don't be afraid! Already dead!"

Chen Xing gasped for a moment, and fixed his eyes on it. I saw that the "person" in front of him was already a seven-blooded corpse, apparently being thrown from the top of the zenith.

Chen Xing: "..."

The two raised their heads at the same time, Chen Xing was yelling, and Feng Qiang raised his hand to stop talking.

"Someone is on the top." Chen Xing remembered the flashing figure that he had seen.

Feng Qianxi said: "After crossing the plank road, let's talk."

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