MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 90 Departure! I am in the middle of the arrow! Ah hahaha, I am in the middle of the arrow!

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When Chen Xing saw Feng Qianxi’s moment, he almost went crazy, and even said: "How come you?"

"What about the brothers?" Feng Qianxi had no time to answer, first the big step room. Chen Xing said: "He is at the bottom of the bed! Let's go to the horse first! Go to Fuyang as soon as possible."

“Yes,” Feng Qianxi said. “Looking for a car, he is not convenient now...”

Feng Qianxi got under the bed and said hello to Xiang Shu, and then turned to Chen Xing and turned out of the yard.

Item: "???"

Chen Xing followed Feng Qianxi and ran out of the provincial government. Feng Qianxi said: "What happened to the fuck? I am taking a bath in the river! Who will explain to me, why are we still in Chang'an in Yinyang? In the city, I caught the corpse and suddenly became a bath in the river outside of Maicheng three years ago?"

Chen Xing said: "The last thing you remember is..."

Chen Xing suddenly remembered. On that day, they set up in the Yin and Yangjian. Feng Qianxi and Xiaoshan were controlled by Chiyou at the same time. After that, there was no more news. In the next three months, they obviously didn’t know anything. Maybe. Still dead? When the sea pearls were launched, the time was reversed. At this time, Feng Qianxi was on the way to Maicheng, so they would meet one day later.

"I am in the middle of the night," Feng said. "I can't figure out the situation completely. I took a dwelling house and asked for a clear time. I suddenly thought that you shouldn't be in Fuyang at this time? I just woke up..."

Feng Qianxi apparently figured out the situation more quickly, and immediately made a wise and unpredictable decision - first find Chen Xing.

"So you also remember the things that happened later." Chen Xing said, "I remember too! It is strange, why did Zhu Xu and other people have no such memory? Xiaoshan? Now Xiaoshan is still in Karachi? He should be safe for the time being... I didn’t know him until this winter... Xie’s brother is in Jiankang. Wait, Xiaoshan is in Carlos, is Lu Ying still alive?!”

Thinking of this, Chen Xing had not had much time to think about it, and it exploded. Too much information made him a little overwhelmed.

Feng Qianxi said: "My brother should still be alive, the prince night will not know, and then you killed him? Wait, now the most important thing is to escape, find a place to discuss slowly!"

Chen Xing shouted: "Someone is here!"

A team of Qin Jun rushed toward Feng Qiang, Chen Xing was going to let Feng Qiang close his eyes, and when he was ready to flash them with his heart, Feng Qiang slashed his sword and waved it toward the street.

Suddenly the trees on the long street fell down, and the Qin army suddenly turned over and fell to the ground.

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Feng Qianxi said: "And I am even more surprised that the Sen Luo knife has become different."

"Because the law is resurrected..." Chen Xing said, "Looking for the horse first, we have been delayed for too long."

"Right!" Feng Qianxi said, "I have to look back and think about it..."

The two ran to the Qin army, which was brought down by Feng Qianxi. The Qin army soldiers were shocked and rushed to the horse.

"Don't run!" Chen Xingdao, "Leave the horse!"

Feng Qianxi was almost wrestled by the tree he had fallen down. He couldn’t catch up with the horse. He had to do nothing, watching Chen Xing.

"How is it so unlucky today?" Chen Xing returned to the hospital, and the two appeared in the vision of the subject. This can only be held in the story, and ran out of the city on foot. Fortunately, there was Feng Qianxi.

The two turned their heads and looked at the items under the bed.

The eyes of the story are full of sorrow, and they can’t talk to them.

Feng Qianxi: "It’s dawn, how long does it take him to move?"

Chen Xing: "Don't think about it, how many hours?"

Feng Qianxi said: "This is not easy to do. I am going to stare at him. I am afraid that I will not be able to take care of you. What about your old star? Hurry and let two horses come."

"Year...year star?" Chen Xing said, "Year Star! Years Star!"

Chen Xing's memory in the darkness gradually became clear, standing still, saying: "The old star is gone! I understand! Because he is gone! My luck is back to normal!"

"Where have you gone?" Feng Qianxi suddenly said, "This is not a joke, are you serious?"

Item: "???"

Chen Xing: "Is it really gone?" He looked down and looked at his hands and murmured: "I don't have to die? Can I live?"

At this moment, the arrows flew around the court, and Qin Jun shouted loudly. Obviously, he brought a helper, but he did not dare to stab the shrine. He just shot with the arrow in the head and nailed it outside the door. Feng Qianxi said: "Beware of arrows! Qin Jun arrows are fed with potent anesthetics!"

Chen Xingzhen was caught off guard and was shot by a streamer on his thigh and suddenly shouted.

Item: "!!!"

Feng Qianxi shouted: "Go inside to hide! Give it to me!"

Chen Xing: "Ah! I am in the middle of the arrow! Ah hahaha, I am in the middle of the arrow!"

Feng Qianxi wants to blow up: "Laughter! Let's pack it!"

Chen Xing limped and squatted on the threshold, making him desperate for the fate of his life, and it was wonderfully untied at this moment.

"I am in the middle of the arrow!" Chen Xing turned his head and smiled at Xiang Xiang. "I... the old star is gone... this arrow... arrow..."

Suddenly, Chen Xing smile gradually solidified on his face.

"The arrow is... poisonous." Chen Xingyu fell down and fell to the ground.

Feng Qiang went out for a trip, only listened to the outside and shouted. He had all solved the Qin Bing and returned to the room. He saw Chen Xing's medicine in the body, lying still, and his face still had a solid smile.

Feng Qianxi was busy shaking forward: "Tian Chi!"

Item: ".........................................."

Another hour passed.

Feng Qiang was riding a horse, and Chen Xing, who had an anesthetic and could not move, was tied to Feng Qianxi. The other one immediately carried the item wrapped in the quilt and left Fuyang. On the occasion of the sunrise, the thorns of the spurs of the raging fire, Murong and others entered the house to establish a stronghold, and Zhu Xu, who was reminded by Chen Xing, immediately launched the arrangement, fired the thorns of the historical capital, and then rushed with the few soldiers. Invincible, defeated and defeated, lowered Qin.

In the fourth year of Taiyuan and the second day of February, the sun fell.

The two rides rushed out of the city and broke through the black smoke towards the south. A golden red bird flew out of the sky and chased Chen Xing to fly to the north.


The sky is densely covered with clouds, and the dark thunder is rolling. In the early spring, the rain is falling. It is already in the morning, but it is still dark in the city.

This is a normal spring morning in the ordinary days. The shops in the streets and lanes are open. The hundred officials enter the palace early and the ground is wet. The vegetation sprouts in this early spring. On this day, the folks also called "the dragon looked up", but it was the moment when the dragon of the north awakened.

Everything looked unchanging, but the prince night suddenly found out in the middle of the night that the situation became different.

At four o'clock, he rushed to the star-watching platform, but the sky was overcast, and nothing could be seen. It was raining. The star listened to the prince’s night, and had to sleep with his eyes, and went to the high platform in the rain, saying, “Wang Daren?”

The prince was full of confusion on the night, standing on the stage, reaching out and picking up a little rain, and said to himself: "This day... What day is it today?"

"The dragon looks up," Xing Jian laughed. "The air is awake."

“Wan Fa Su Sheng,” said the prince night. “How come? What happened?”

Overnight, the aura of heaven and earth that had disappeared for three hundred years, came back without warning—just as it disappeared silently, and no one even felt that the exact time.

It seems to be a child... The prince night began to recall, and he began to notice that the wrong moment was the time of the second day of February. what happened? Where did you start? There are no clear changes.

Ding Haizhu was broken? ! This is impossible! No matter where it breaks, it will inevitably cause traces of aura! Where did Xiang Yu嫣 hide it?

The prince night immediately turned to the high platform and returned to the carriage.

"Adult, go to the DPRK?" asked the coachman.

The prince night said: "Songbaiju, go now."

At noon, in Jingzhou Huangcun, in front of the riverside houses.

The golden red bird flew and parked on a sycamore tree by the house.

Chen Xing’s numbness was over, and he simply wrapped his thighs and handed in water to wash his face. Feng Qianxi was tossed all night and was too tired. He searched the village for some grain left by the escape and began to cook porridge.

"It’s really a jade." Chen Xing looked at the story, and the more he saw it, the more he liked it.

The eyebrows were slightly twisted, and the face had a little expression, looking at Chen Xing. Chen Xing peeked at Feng Qianxi. When he saw that he didn't notice himself, he wanted to bow his head and talk about it, but he was very embarrassed. His face suddenly floated red.

"How long does it take for the drug to be?" Feng Qianxi said, "This is not enough to eat. Let's make it first. Go to Maicheng and go to the partnership to rob Dongzhe."

Chen Xing was a bit embarrassed, got up and went to change the water for the item, saying: "When the item is restored, eat something, let us first clear the matter, so many facts are too lacking."

Feng Qianxi said: "No, when I came over, I noticed one thing. Dongzhe Qianzhuang in the city of Fuyang was still open."

Chen Xing said: "Yes, just..."

Feng Qianxi said: "This is the most important and important clue."

Chen Xing: "?"

Chen Xing washed the cloth towel, continued to wipe the face of the article, turned his head and looked at Feng Qianxi doubtfully.

Feng Qianxi: "According to the existence of Dongzhe Qianzhuang, we can infer that everything is coming. Dongzhe is still there, which proves that Wencher is still alive."

Chen Xing: "Yes! Otherwise it will not work!"

Although Chen Xing has an anesthetic on this road, he has been thinking about whether Gu Kai is still alive? Where is Chiyou? If it really is because of Haizhu, all the people have returned to three years ago. So that is to say, those people who have died in these three years are all there!

“When Wen is here,” Feng said. “It means that everyone else is there.”

"Qinger is still there!" Chen Xing laughed.

Feng Qianxi’s eyes suddenly became a little wet, nodded and said: "Tuo Yu is also."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Tuoba is not dead!

"Lu Ying is also..." Chen Xing muttered. "The king of Akler is all..."

Suddenly Chen Xing thought that the car was also in the wind, and he couldn’t be happy at all, hating and looking at the story.

Item: "???????"

Chen Xing clasped his fingers and played the next forehead, leaving a shallow red mark. Feng Qianxi said: "Qinghe is still there."

Chen Xing knows that Feng Qianxi is in trouble.

"More than half of the corpse is also." Feng Qianxi raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Chen Xing nodded, got up again, went to change the cloth towel, and was hungry and weak. He said, "Isn't the porridge still good? After eating it, there are too many things to do..."

Suddenly, a puppy smelled the smell of porridge and ran over. He swayed his tail toward Chen Xing and began to call it “Wang Wang Wang”.

Chen Xing suddenly feels like a thunder.

"Feng big brother?" Chen Xing muttered.

Feng Qianxi looked at his eyes and immediately shouted: "Ah! It is the story!"

The item that was wrapped in quilt and placed under the wall to basking in the sun showed a strange expression.

Item: ".................."

"Items--!" Chen Xing screamed, "Xue Shu! You are still here! God - !!!"

In order to protect Chen Xing, the puppies were finally stabbed to death by the Qing Dynasty Princess Chen Qingyi. When Chen Xingyi saw it, the poetry books he had learned in his life could not express his excitement, and immediately rushed up!

"Tao! Don't run! Do you recognize me?" Feng Qianxi quickly put down the spoon of porridge and ran over.

The puppy was shocked by Chen Xing’s enthusiasm and turned and ran. Chen Xing’s thigh in the middle of the arrow, with injuries on his body, limping and running fast, and Feng Qianxi forgot the truth. The story was only in front of him. In the eyes, only the puppy, Chen Xing was busy commanding: "Catch it quickly. Don't let it run!"

Feng Qianxi quickly chased and said: "It thinks you play with it! Don't run!"

Chen Xing: "I can't control myself. Ah! Item! Come over! I want to die!"

So the two ran around in front of the story, chasing around the dog everywhere, the dog ran around, played with the limping Chen Xing for a while, and finally ran to the porridge pot, was picked up by Chen Xing.

Chen Xing hugged the dog, cried and laughed, and desperately kissed it.

It was simply crying with the dog.

Feng Qianxi looked at Chen Xingxiao, suddenly he was black and fell down.

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Chen Xinggang turned his head and looked black. He was cut in the back of his neck by the palm of his hand and fell down.

After a quarter of an hour, Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing were **** by the five flowers in turn, **** and thrown in the corner under the house. The dog is wandering around the foot of the story.

The item held the dagger and began to shave against the surface of the water. After a while, he turned and left, and went to the stream to fetch water.

Feng Qianxi is hard to set the channel: "He doesn't remember those things? Why don't you say that?"

Chen Xing was hit harder and had a blank in his mind: "I thought... How do I want to get it?! Why did he forget all about it? Because he is Haizhu?"

Feng Qianxi yelled: "What?! He is Dinghaizhu!"

Chen Xing: "item..."

Feng Qianxi said: "Hey!"

Chen Xing looked at Feng Qianxi and looked at the direction of Xiang Yu’s departure. Feng Qianxi whispered: "Listen to me! You listen to me, Chen Xing!"

Chen Xing took a deep breath and looked at the ropes on his body. His face collapsed.

Feng Qianxi said: "Do you want to tell him that he lost his memory? Is it safe to let him accept everything you said? Tell him what happened in the past?"

Chen Xing stared blankly at Feng Qianxi and shook his head.

"When I finish talking, he will think that I am making a story and plugging my mouth." Chen Xing replied.

Feng Qianxi: "Then don't say anything first. I want to get rid of the trouble first. Let's take it together and grab him... If you still sit still, don't move. I will do it."

Chen Xing is now gradually awake, but with it, it is desperate: "Can you leave a statement? What about catching him? Force him to listen to what we said? He also Impossible to believe!"

If the item has indeed lost its memory for some time, then there may be doubts about what they say, and then look for opportunities to verify. But in front of this guy, there has never been a memory fault, how can you believe it?

"Can you break free?" Chen Xing whispered.

Feng Qianxi: "This rope can't hold me, it just takes some time, but I want to observe it first."

How to do it? Chen Xing thought, not a moment, the story of shaving the beard by the river turned back. Obviously, I did not hear Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi’s conversation about Dinghaizhu. I showed the still beautiful face and began to drink Feng Qian’s porridge. The puppy was screaming around, and the article looked at it indifferently, waiting for a while, waiting for the porridge not to be hot, only to divide the small half bowl to it.

"You leave us some, brother!" Feng Qian said, "We are going to starve!"

The item did not speak, and violently looked at Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing. Finally, his eyes fell on Chen Xing’s face. The eyes made Chen Xing feel instantly, this is clearly his! As if in a glance, it evokes the tacit understanding of the past, but the narrative is obviously not remembered.

Seeing his expression and ending, as if he couldn’t hold it, he wanted to say something to Chen Xing.

Feng Qianxi said: "Brother, you first loosen us and talk to you."

Chen Xing: "If you want to say something, let's talk."

Feng Qianxi whispered: "I am letting him put aside his guard and defense. I will convince him later. It will be easier. This is called a speech."

"He has a very good ear," said Chen Xingdao. "We have this volume, and there is no difference between you and your ears."

Feng Qianyi thought about it too, and said: "Brother, I am going to show you a trick, let's make a bet? Gambling?"

The item still didn't talk, avoiding Chen Xing's gaze, looking at the pot of porridge in front of him, but his mind was not on the porridge, his face was full of doubts, and there seemed to be too many things to answer.

In the end, he got a horse from him, the puppy looked at Chen Xing, and then looked at the story, hesitated for a moment, did not catch up, but ran over, and before Chen Xing, he screamed a few times.

"Drive!" The item is like the last time, and the horse has left.

Chen Xing: "..."

Feng Qianxi: "..."

Chen Xing: "This time I didn't give us a rope."

Feng Qianxi: "It should be that I can earn it... What should I do? On the Maicheng block him? Xiang Shu, give me the knife, knife, that, go, get it."

This Chen Xing couldn't help it anymore. The puppy began to bite the rope on his body. Feng Qianxi was lying on the side, squatting like a caterpillar, and the Sen Luo knife thrown at the well began to move, just get the knife. The rope can be unlocked.

Chen Xing was upset and confused: "I am hungry, eat first. Why is it that he forgot?!"

A man’s voice said: "Because the sea pearls are fixed, there is a dragon force left by the candle."

The two were shocked at the same time. On the sycamore tree on the side of the house, the golden red bird spread its wings and turned into a raging fire, which transformed the shape of a naked man. Immediately after the fire of the body, wrapped in his body, a robe was revealed.

He has a flaming red hair, a robe in the bright sun, like a flowing flame, and a flying undulating glow. The belt is two long gold-red tails that are towed to the ground.

The robe of the body was very loose, and it was placed on the shoulders, revealing a naked half body, showing white skin and delicate muscles and powerful muscles.

"Phoenix?" Feng Qianxi once heard the phoenix said that the embroidered gold pattern on this man's robe is the phoenix of soaring! At the same time, the two people realized that one problem - the resurrection of the law, the aura of heaven and earth, means that the demon in the world has appeared again!

“Wow,” Chen Xing said. “How do you dress so little? It’s a bit cold.”

Phoenix: "..."

When Chen Xing saw the phoenix, he couldn’t help but think that if Xu Shi changed this body, he did not know how much sensation would be caused.

"You don't want to mess with him," Feng Qianxi accelerated his speed and climbed toward Senro, saying, "I think we should not be the opponent of such a big monster."

“It’s fine.” Phoenix said, “Look at the fact that you are recovering the law and let the lonely king resurrect from the fire again. This is still there.”

This phoenix attitude is very good, Chen Xing mouth twitched: "You ... when to find us ... you are the phoenix!" Chen Xing suddenly remembered, he is Lu Ying to his own amber, sealed Phoenix Ashes!

"That's that!" said Chen Xing. "It's you! I have kept you on my waist."

"There is only one phoenix between heaven and earth," Phoenix said. He did not look at Feng Qianxi. He went to Chen Xing, blocked the sunlight, and looked at him with a high court. He said, "It is a lonely king."

"Ah..." Chen Xing thought for a long time, I don't know what to say. It seems that this phoenix did not mean to find him in trouble. Although he was previously sealed in amber, he went to Nanbei and went to many places. Instead, there is a bit of familiarity.

"Wait," Chen Xing said. "Why... you just said why you can't remember the story?"

The phoenix turned and walked to the sun, and then looked at the puppy. The dog had already feared to hide behind Chen Xing and shrank into a ball. The ordinary animal was in front of him, just like an ant.

The phoenix one robes the sleeves, and the golden light is in front of him. In the memory, the scene of the last scene in the time gap before the cause and effect of the giant wheel turns, when Chen Xing is in a coma, when he sees it, he reshapes the body for the story. It’s actually the phoenix of the real fire that was reborn in the first time after Wanfa Susheng!

"The Lonely King made a wish," said the Phoenix. "Who can make the heavens and the earth regain, he will do three things for him. Ding Haizhu is not in cause and effect, so when it is broken, the Lone King is good at making claims. The empty remodeling of the flesh, the right to be the first, I presumably you will not refuse."

"No." Chen Xingru woke up at the beginning of the dream, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"If you don't do this," Feng said, "What happens?"

Chen Xing whispered: "The causal rotation, but the sea pearl is not in the cause and effect, so he will completely disappear. If you do not have it, back to the present, the items in the dungeon will disappear!"

Phoenix replied: "Yes, but even so, now he is no longer a sea pearl, but Long Li is still entangled with his soul. When you come back, the same age star in the cause and effect, but also fall The soul clock draws away the memory of the law, you, Feng Qianxi, Xiaoshan, Xie An, guarded by the secret law, sent back to the world, still repatriated to the soul, so you remember everything that happened before the tide back."

Chen Xing finally understood, and asked: "Why can't you think about it?"

The phoenix said again: "Memory is born by the soul. The law has a dragon force and a repulsive force in it. It has suppressed the memory that has returned to the body. It can't be remembered for a while. In time, after slowly integrating, it may be gradually remembered. This depends on yourself."

Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing looked at each other and said that for a long time, it still didn't work much.

Chen Xing nodded and said: "Even Zhu Xu said that there is a sense of ‘like deja vu’, it should... I think the story can be thought of.”

Phoenix said again: "These are not important. The reason why the Lonely King came to remind you, the most important thing."

Feng Qianxi said: "That... Your Majesty, since it is an important matter, can you help us loosen it first?"

The Phoenix only ignored Feng Qianxi, but instead said to Chen Xing: "Despite the change of cause and effect, Ding Haizhu has already been born, but you still can't take it lightly. Because of the fate itself, it will continue to self-correct in the direction that it is still in the established direction. Go back to the original track..."

Chen Xing’s heart glimpsed and said: “So the corpse is still there, and Chiyou will still be resurrected. We still have to be careful three years later, the same thing happens, is it?”

"It doesn't necessarily matter." Phoenix thought for a moment and replied, "It is reasonable to say that without any subtle variables, it is very likely that it will return to the original path. But first, the old star has been released from your hit, and the resurrection of the Lone King. - These two things have produced variables that precede everything. After the release of the old star, you have retained the original memory, and the lonely king has reshaped the body for the law."

"Ah!" Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi understood at the same time.

If there is no "variable" that Phoenix says, then when the cause and effect turn, when back to three years ago, Chen Xing and others will not remember anything about the prince's night, and will completely forget the existence of the story. The situation will become, he can not find the protector of Valkyrie, but because of the resurrection of the law, there is the power to fight Chiyou, those people may still die in succession, and finally Chen Xingjie set up a world exorcist, against Chiyou, find no movement Like the mountain, with the help of the power of the Terran and the Yaozu, the war is on the battle.

The final result, who wins and who is negative, is hard to say.

But nowadays, because of the two things that the Star and the Phoenix have done together, the situation has completely changed.

"I understand," Chen Xing replied. "I will be very careful."

Phoenix said: "You have to make every effort to add variables to the path of cause and effect, and countless variables come together to set off a wave of time seas to truly defeat the devil."

"Thank you," Feng said.

"You're welcome." Phoenix replied, "The Lone King also doesn't want the Yaozu to be controlled by Chiyou, and he doesn't want the people to become a walking dead."

Chen Xing nodded and said, "What are you going to do next?"

Phoenix said: "Lonely kings come in order to fulfill the promises of these three wishes. First, one is used, and two are left. It must be within the scope of ability. After the end, you can leave with confidence."

Chen Xing: "I still let me out first, let's discuss it again?"

The phoenix brows a move, hit a ringing finger, and "snap", the ropes of the two people are blown and loosened.

"The second one is solved." Phoenix Road, "The last one, fast."

"Wait!" Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing were angry at the same time.

Chen Xing activities wrist, catching the madness: "Is there such a thing?"

Phoenix did not move, made a "please" gesture, and began to be a little impatient.

Chen Xingdao: "The second one cannot be counted. I have not officially said it."

Phoenix: "This is not what you have the final say."

Chen Xingdao: "Since you are so anxious to leave, why do you still tell me these three wishes? You don't say anything, no one knows, you can leave if you finish speaking."

Feng Qianxi said: "Yes, or you only say ‘a wish’ is not a problem?”

Phoenix Road: "The Lone King does not want to lie to himself."

Feng Qianxi said: "Then you have decided not to deceive yourself, you should finish it..."

Not waiting for Feng Qianxi to finish, the phoenix just raised his hand, and a huge force hit the feng Qiang’s chest. The loss of Feng Qiang’s reaction was extremely fast. He turned over and rushed to the ground, lying down, and a fiery fire swept from his body and flew into the distance. , causing an earth-shattering explosion.

Feng Qianxi: "..."

Chen Xing: "..."

The Phoenix slammed another finger, six fireballs rotating around, surrounded by Feng Qianxi, so he looked at Chen Xing politely and replied: "Let's talk."

Chen Xing began to think about Feng Jinyi, who was trapped in another phoenix. He said: "The lonely king does not want to kill people casually. The first person after rebirth should kill something meaningful."

Chen Xing said: "If you take Feng's life to the embarrassment, then the third thing, it is necessary to become a resurrection."

Phoenix: "..."

The phoenix's face changed briefly and the fireball disappeared.

Chen Xing understood what he was saying and said, "Can you still resurrect people now?"

"Only the moment of rebirth," Phoenix said coldly. "If you divide the fire of the real yuan, you can reshape the body. As for the soul, I can't control it. Fortunately, the old star is there. The Lone King must remind you, don't Your own life is taken seriously, and if you die, the old star is not there, there is no more way."

"Oh--" Chen Xing thoughtfully, sincerely said, "So you resurrected the story, but also consumed your own cultivation, you are very good, thank you, Phoenix."

Phoenix: "Say."

The two looked at each other for a long time, after a long silence.

Chen Xing showed a happy smile.

"I really can't think of it." Chen Xing said seriously. "It's better than this time, you will follow us first? Maybe you will think about it later."

Ready-made beaters don't flicker, let you go? Are you stupid? Chen Xingxin, I know that you can't fight for us, but you must protect me, otherwise I will die, you have to finish the last thing, of course, you are also ruined!

Phoenix watched Chen Xing for a long time, turned his head and made a sultry mouth shape, and finally turned around and nodded: "Good."

Feng Qianxi knows what to do, and Chen Xing compares the thumb.

After half an hour, Chen Xing found a cotton quilt from the village, and put it on for the time being.

The teammate became one person, one phoenix, one dog.

He looked at the heavens and the earth around him and felt the mighty aura between the heavens and the earth.

"The previous ones are not counted," Chen Xing said with hope. "All overthrow the comeback, start!"

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