MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 99 What about the Sima Yi? ! fast! Find Sima Yi!

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After three hours, Afang Palace.

The army and generals who had been removed from Changan had been arguing over the sky. The capital was suddenly changed. The emperor was left in the hands of the man. The prince’s night held the puppets and the Qinghe princess. The matter was so utterly unheard of.

The sons of Rong Rong, Murong Chui, Yao Wei, and Jian Jian clashed fiercely in the main hall of the Afang Palace. The soldiers and horses that had been removed from Changan had camped outside the Afang Palace. The prince of Sui Jian was the eldest son of the cousin. At this time, he was not in Chang'an. The incident suddenly occurred. The generals did not even have a group of dragons. For a moment, they did not know who to listen to.

“Taiwan?!” Murong was furious. “The army was led by the army. When the incident occurred, it was turned a deaf ear. Even the squats were arrested! You must be decapitated!”

Ruan said: "It is the squatting that led him to lead the army. How can I know that it is a demon? I said that the Han people have no good things!"

A group of Hanchen stood in the temple, and the scene was extremely chaotic. Yan Jian always came to believe in the prince night, but this time it was the prince's night to rebel. After Wang Meng died, Qin Ting was headed by Prince Night. It’s okay for Yu Jian to not have an accident, and the whole court suddenly fell into a mess.

When the argument was over, the footsteps of the temple came.

"The big single is in -" the insider is loud.

The temple was quiet, and the story was bloody. When he came in, he threw the helmet on the ground. When he was "sounding", the whole body was not removed. In front of everyone, he walked across the temple, stepped up and sat in the main hall of the Afang Palace. On the throne.

Everyone: "..."

Item: "When you say it, report the situation."

In an instant, the people of Qinting realized that a serious problem was solved. Qi Jian was arrested. The law is just in Chang'an. In nominal terms, this is the big single of the Hu people. The Han people can not do it. It is said that as long as the ancestors participated in the blood of the Muller League, they must listen to him. This moment can completely replace the sturdy and temporarily exercise the responsibility of the emperor.

“How?” Xiang said, “Is there an opinion?”

Everyone is watching me, I see you. Qi Rong clearly understands the relationship between the project and Brigantine. It is said that his ruthless throne is not yet in front, so he went forward and said: "Returning to the big single, the army has all withdrawn, and the people in the city have settled down on the west bank of the Zaohe River. ”

"What about the Prince?"

"There have been sent people to rush to the East China Sea to inform." Yao Yi was listed, and squatted.

The item also asked: "Where is Murong Chong?"

Murong was sullen and swearing, and the story frowned: "Murong, you can't talk?"

Murong saw that he had to go up and said: "Mu Rongchong is on the road and wants to come tomorrow evening."

The item was not aware of this short hesitation, but did not pursue it. The accident happened last night. Murong Chong came from Pingyang, and it took three days at the earliest. The speed of the middle of the day was presumably someone informed him in advance. It is. That fashion is not disorderly. It is not difficult to guess what Murong’s family wants to do in advance.

"Murong is carrying troops and holding four doors in Chang'an," Xiang said. "Strictly prevent live corpses from escaping."

"Yes." Murong said.

The account said again: "Yao Wei, Yan Rong, and the army, waiting for the Lonely King, from the South Gate, the West Gate, the North Gate, after the princes night, they attacked the Imperial City from three directions, leaving an exit, will The demon deported to the Zaohe Plain to fight."

"Yes." Yu Rendao.

Item: "The rest, go to the fire in the Afang Palace, the projector, form a line of defense, wait for the reinforcements of Murong Chong... busy?"

Chen Xing came, holding a piece of cloth full of blood in his hand, tired and a little gasping.

"After the break." Xiang said.

Chen Xing waved his hand and replied: "I will leave when I finish, you adults..."

Chen Xing turned to everyone, and then read the story, a little hesitant.

“Really to say?” Chen Xingdao.

The item frowned impatiently: "Let you say you say it."

Chen Xing had to elaborate on the whole process. The temple was silent. After that, Chen Xing suddenly remembered a rather serious matter.

"Qinghe Princess, she..." Yao Wei listened to his inner feelings and was scared. He looked at Murong Chui, and Murong Chui was black-faced and said: "The blood is spurting! What is the evidence!?"

"The Lonely King is a witness." Xiang Shu replied faintly. "If you don't believe it, after Qinghe gets out of trouble, you can face it with her. But this matter, the head must have already known it."

"This..." When Rong Rong suddenly realized that the big things were not good, wasn't this a rebellion against Murong? This matter is no small matter. It is tantamount to telling everyone that the arrangement of the prince's night is clear. The Qinghe Princess is also involved in the repetitive country, and the Murong family can't take it off. Although most of the DPRK believes that the Murong family has the opposite intention, this truth is revealed, what other choices does Murong Chong have?

After listening to it, Xiang Shuchen Chen Xing waved and signaled him to come over.

Chen Xing went down the steps.

The item says: "Close to the point."

Chen Xing: "???"

Chen Xing then went to the next level.

"Come to the lonely king!" Xiang said impatiently, "will not eat you, what are you afraid of?"

Everyone: "..."

The courtiers in the temple are watching Murong's face. For a moment, I don't know how he decided. He was throwing a sword on the spot and shouting "I am against him" and then rushing out to reveal it, or swearing for the dynasty to exercise the power of the emperor. There was no sign of the item, and a Han Chinese came to the temple.

What is this going to do?

"Oh...oh." Chen Xing came to Xiang Shu.

The story was impatient, took Chen Xing's hand and showed Chen Ring the ring in his hand.

"Is it okay?" said the item impatiently.

Everyone has bowed.

"The Lone King has the right to be exempted from the big one," Xiang said, "Specially admiring the Princess of Qinghe."

At the same time, the DPRK officials suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, they couldn’t think of why a Han Chinese wore a big single ring. Thank God, this way, it would be free from civil strife.

"And the special Feng Jiafeng millennium," Xiang said again, "the two men guilty of rebellion, a write-off, afterwards, no longer pursue liquidation, no nuisance, or it is against the 敕 盟 co, and all the hustle and bustle."

Chen Xingxin wants to be rebelled. It’s not you. You Jianjian’s estimate is that you are mad at you, but if you forget it, it’s a bad luck.

In this way, in addition to the master prince night, Feng Jia and Qinghe Princess are safe. Everyone knows that there is no way to do this. Otherwise, once it is liquidated, it will only force Murong.

Chen Xing couldn't help but peek at the black blood and armored dirty items. There was a little admiration in his eyes, and he thought that this guy was also a good emperor.

The item goes again: "That's it, it's gone. What more do you want to do?"

"I went to see Tuoba," Chen Xing replied. "He was hurt."

"I will go with you." Xiang Shu got up from the throne and went away from the temple with Chen Xing in front of everyone.

At dusk that day, Tuoba was lying in the room, Xie An and Xiao Shan and Feng Qianxi were on the side, and Xiao Shan was still holding Chen Xing’s dog.

On another couch, Feng Wei, who was unconscious, lay down.

Takuya's chest was opened by a scorpion king, from the ribs down to the navel, Xiaoshan helped hold his wound, Chen Xing stitched his needle, sutured and stopped, full of blood, dizzy.

The item looked at it, but fortunately the injury was not too heavy, only the blackness on the wound. However, in the hands of Chen Xing, the light of the heart is flashing. He stops bleeding and sutures wherever he goes. The grievances dissipate under the heartlight, and the dark wounds gradually return to red.

"Okay." Chen Xing asked Tuoba to take the blood-staining pills and said, "You have to rest well, don't move any more."

Tuoba no bloody, weak, and fell asleep on the couch.

Chen Xing wiped the sweat. This is the first few patients he has seen today. Since he arrived at the Afang Palace, he has been running around in the military camp to see all the soldiers and people who have been bitten and scratched. .

Fortunately, this time the group was released, the first time to gather in front of the palace, not to bite mortals everywhere. When Chang'an people saw the monster, they ran away and the army immediately withdrew.

Only Tuoba led the banned army, did not want to hit the palace, and wanted to take back the sturdy, and was seriously injured. Others, such as the family soldiers led by Murong, almost all can withdraw and withdraw, and escape faster than anyone else, even Rong Rong is also a life-saving matter.

"It's still so embarrassing," Chen Xing said helplessly. "Tuo Yu is sometimes like a fool."

"How many people have you ruled?" Xie An said, "Little brother, you will have a rest."

Chen Xing is too tired. The resurrection of Wanfa provides a strong aura for the heart lamp, but it also consumes his mind more than before. He wiped his sweat and sat on the couch and said, "It is a break. Tired, really tired."

Speaking of touching the puppy, leaning on the side of the story, I just sat down and fell asleep.

Item: "..."

Everyone: "..."

So everyone sat in the room and looked at each other.

"That..." Feng Qianxi took care of his brother and said, "I will introduce it. This is... Xiaoshan's little brother is our old knowledge, but also to exorcism."

Xiaoshan: "?"

Feng Qianxi turned to Xiaoshan and kept his eyes open. Xiaoshan was inexplicable. He looked at Xie An with the eyes of the inquiry, and watched Feng Qianxi. Feng Qianxi squeezed his eyes. Xiaoshan seemed to understand and nod.

Xie An saw that the item did not remember the past, nodded and said: "My name is Xie Shi."

The expression of the expression clearly felt that the two had met each other, but they couldn’t remember where they had seen it. They had to say: "It’s Chen Chen’s old knowledge, and he’s going out, just staying out and saying, my order. Let’s let Chen Star rest will be." But I didn't think about it. There are Tuoba and Feng Qianxi in the room, so I hugged Chen Xing and found a place to settle Chen Xing.

After the story was gone, Feng Qianxi and Xie An and Xiao Shan exchanged information. Feng Qianxi said: "I am still afraid of being a dream until this moment. It will not be... I heard that before the death, people will have things before they die. Like a lantern, you see, Xiao Shan, you are worthy, Jian Jian, my big brother, Tuoba, all have seen."

"This scene," Feng Qianxi was full of doubts, indicating that Xie An looked around the palace. "Do you think it is not like a lantern?"

Xie Andao: "Millennium, you are just tired, just take a break. I also doubted it, but you found that it was not? There is one thing that proves that we are not dreaming, but really returned three years ago. ""

Xiaoshan: "?"

Xie Anxi smiled and said: "The phoenix, have you seen the human form? As a demon king, there should always be someone? Even if it is uninhabited, have you seen Phoenix? You know what the phoenix looks like? We have seen Phoenix, is it the same?"

Feng Qiang was suddenly awakened by Xie An. If this is just an illusion before death, then it will repeat the life of the past. All the tracebacks will be people in memory, looks or are vague. But what the phoenix looks like, they have never seen it before!

"I have seen his human form!" Feng Qianxi finally can be sure, this is not an illusion.

Xie An nodded and said: "This time, the prince night got the first move, but it is very tricky. I have to find a way to get it back and go to the hands of the **** of war to break the last ring in the battle of drowning. ”

Feng Qianxi listened to Chen Xing's altar on the battlefield and muttered: "Only the brothers know the entrance to the Magic Palace, but why is he completely forgotten?"

Xie An said: "I don't get in the way. I have arranged it before I come. I am going to drowning and dig into the battlefield. If I have patience, I can dig it out for two or three years."

Feng Qianxi did not expect to have such a stupid method, so he nodded.

Xiaoshan added: "When you go back and save Lu Ying, Lu Ying said that he may have some ways to help Chen Xing."

The landscape in the garden is picturesque, and the courtyard is full of green in summer, and the wind chimes under the gallery gently sizzle with the wind. It seems to be separated from the wall of Chang'an, which is resentful, and it has become a paradise.

Chen Xing was so sleepy that he climbed up from the couch and yawned.

"I thought you wouldn't wake up." Xiang Shuzheng was sitting outside, dressed in a single coat, facing the bright sunshine and painting-like beauty of the courtyard.

Chen Xing was shocked: "How long have I slept? Where is this?"

Chen Xing himself is a little scared. Thinking of the last three months, it will not be a matter of development in an uncontrollable direction. Changan has already fallen. They have arrived in Jiangnan? !

"One night," Xiang said, "In the Afang Palace, Feng Qianxi and the dog were sent out in advance, so as not to come back and turn over the old account."

When Chen Xinggang woke up, he was almost frightened and collapsed. Fortunately, it should be just tired.

"You saved more than a thousand people?" The story is difficult to channel.

On the day of withdrawal to the Afang Palace, Chen Xing saw that the people and the soldiers of the banned army were scratched and bitten, so they left behind to dispel their grievances. Unconsciously, they treated more than a thousand people. What makes him most happy is that after the resurrection of the law, the heart lamp has been able to cleanse the wounds with the help of the aura of heaven and earth, that is to say, there is no need to fear that some people have changed.

Chen Xing looked awkward and did not count, saying: "Now? What should I do?"

“Big single,” several guards came over and said, “Your armor.”

The item was put down and the piano got up and said, "Your brothers volunteered and asked to go to the prince's night. Feng Qianxi also wanted to save the Qinghe Princess."

Chen Xing said: "Things are definitely much more serious than they think. You have to discuss them first."

Now the prince night occupied the palace, and the hand was also holding the sturdy and the Qinghe princess as hostages. The narration of the hand was 100,000 soldiers and horses, surrounded by Chang'an, but it was impossible to rescue the hostages. Go to toss yourself.

Xiang Shu looked at Chen Xing, and suddenly he stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xing asked.

There was doubt between the eyebrows, and he seemed to be thinking, then shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Chen Xing: "???"

Chen Xing suspected that the story was something that he remembered. In fact, from the time he saw him again, the story revealed this expression as if it were immersed in memories.

Chen Xing changed his clothes and quickly walked up to the heights of the Afang Palace. With everyone watching Chang'an, he saw that the Weiyang Palace, which was dozens of miles away, was covered by a black spherical barrier and covered with clouds.

“It’s really hard to do,” Chen Xing frowned. “That’s a wall that can’t be used as a mountain.”

This guards the wall, and the former dynasty also calls for "enchantment", which is based on the power of the magic weapon itself. The prince’s night came to the wall with the sorrowful grievances; the second came to block the mortal outside, making it inaccessible.

Phoenix flew over and stopped at the top of the eaves and said, "Do you want to help?"

Item: "Who is talking?"

"Not for the time being." Chen Xing still had an idea of ​​his last wish, but it could not be used so easily, so the explanation of Xiang Xiang said: "This is a ... oh, demon king."

"Can you show me a personal look?" Xie An said politely.

"You let Chen Xing mention," said Phoenix. "What he said, I promised."

Item: "..."

The story examines the phoenix with a dangerous expression. Chen Xing quickly explained: "Not what you think, forget it, empty it and explain it to you."

Tuoba pressed the wound and barely came up. Feng Qianxi was busy helping him.

“I tried it,” Tuoba said. “The black wall is very dangerous, and the monsters are guarding.”

"Hey..." Chen Xingzheng frowns and thinks about it. He wants to unravel this wall. Today, the prince’s night should be dispelled anyway, and it is too long for him to endure.

Xie An thought for a moment and said: "It is reasonable to say that this kind of guarding the wall, as long as it is violently attacked, will naturally disintegrate after the grievances are exhausted."

“It’s not that easy,” Chen Xing said. “Zhang Liu used to set the enchantment in Yin and Yang in the mountains. For hundreds of years, the corpse could not break it.”

"What is it like moving?" Xiang Shu suddenly felt that the name was familiar.

"It should have been a sword for you," Chen Xing said. "Now it is in the hands of the prince."

Xie An said: "How did you get in last time?"

When the last match against Feng Qianxi, there was no guarding the wall in Weiyang Palace. At that time, Chen Xing used the Yin and Yang Shuangjian to enter and leave the Weiyang Palace. Now Yin and Yang Jian are also ruined, which is really a headache.

"Is there any way," Chen Xing muttered. "Can you fool this wall and go in and get away the Princess of Qiong and Qinghe? How did the prince night fool into the mountains and pick it up? There is a way... Have it! Sima Yi?! Fast! Find Sima Yi!"

In the evening of the same day, the group still gathered in Songshan, and kept close to Weiyang Palace.

Xie An said: "The younger brother is really smart."

"Hey." Chen Xing was very nervous and looked at the black figure that was constantly approaching the end of Chang'an Avenue.

"Not necessarily successful." Chen Xing whispered.

The item said: "After disintegration, I will be in charge of Keela with Chen Xing, and you will deal with the army."

Chen Xing nodded and looked up at the story. The story took the back of his hand and the two held their hands together.

Chen Xing's hands glowed, and he injected the whole body along the right hand meridians until he was in his heart.

"First grab the spear of the prince's night," Chen Xing said. "Recycling your soldiers, this is the most important thing."

The item nodded.

Sima Yi carrying Feng Qiang's Sen Luo Vientiane, lined up the bustling hustle and bustle along the way, went to defend the wall, wearing the past without any hindrance, and then went straight to the depths of the Weiyang Palace.

In the center of the Weiyang Palace, there is a black spear in the center. The grievances are raging around, and the blood red runes flash on the spears. They spread out in circles and circles, forming an indestructible defensive array like waves. .

The prince night and Sui Jian stood in front of the high platform, and they looked at the crowded people in the palace, and the densely dead people.

Prince Night: "Death will never be at the end of the world, look at it, your majesty, these soldiers will lead you for life, and will fight for you after death."

The five kings were on the side of the high platform. The prince approached them at night and took off one of the helmets.

"Your Majesty thinks, how different are they from before and after their death?"

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The prince smiled at night: "Your Majesty, you may wish to look at me, look at them again, I have been living for thousands of years, between the heavens and the earth, you think, who is I controlled?"

The prince said, "If the blood of the demon **** forces the living to drink, it is good. It will make it a dead body and no longer leave its own consciousness. You must be willing to give this life to my master. My master will help you to live forever, free and easy, like I am now."

"...otherwise, your life is now hanging on my hand," the prince said with a cold smile. "Why should I tell you this nonsense?"

Princess Qinghe was next to him, watching the prince night in amazement.

Prince Night: "As long as you nod, my Lord will give you an army that will never be used forever, and give you an undead body."

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