MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 1 、01

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"Friends in the live broadcast room, now I have arrived at the designated location. I will raise my phone higher, let's see if this is here?"

Zong Qi glanced at the one hundred and fifty-three people who were watching in the live broadcast room, and his heart was gloomy.

Just based on the number of live broadcasts plus one for half an hour, I don't know how long it will take to reach the minimum viewing volume set by the platform for anchors every month.

If he can't meet the guaranteed viewing volume, he won't have enough money for this month's meal. The new landlord has also said that if he doesn't pay the arrears of rent this Saturday, he will be swept out with his luggage.

Poor, he is really poor, so poor.

Zong Qi is a college student who was unfortunately delayed and is also a working anchor of a small live broadcast platform.

With the development of the Internet, the emerging industry of webcasting has begun to emerge.

There are game anchors who specialize in broadcasting games, show anchors who specialize in singing and dancing, and even chat anchors who chat with fans every day.

The anchor of Tanling is a kind of outdoor anchor. The content of the live broadcast on weekdays is to explore and broadcast live in various spiritual places in the city, bringing excitement to the audience.

Zong Qi has no other specialties, except that he has an optimistic personality and good looks.

As a result, the platform did not pay attention to his interesting soul at all when signing the contract with him. In the end, it was his face that played a decisive role.

Because of this face, the live broadcast company even tailored a plan for him.

No one expected that Zong Qi got the mobile phone issued by the company and silently studied the various live broadcast areas of the platform. After discovering the gap between himself and other multi-talented anchors, he silently chose to enter the outdoor spirit exploration area.

Everyone: "..."

What a waste!

Zong Qi doesn't believe in ghosts and gods.

Because he has never had any unnatural phenomena around him since he was a child. If he has really encountered a ghost, he will believe it, and if he has not seen this problem, he will wait to be determined. In short, it is Chinese-style Schrödinger's materialism.

It's okay to wash your hands in the golden basin after seeing a ghost. It can also increase your life experience and earn blood.

As for why Zong Qi is working as an anchor even though he is a college student, it is mainly because he was postponed this year.

It all started with two unexpectedly missing practical credits.

At any rate, after the thesis and defense, I just need to wait until September when the semester starts to go back and make up for the missing practical credits to get the graduation certificate.

As for his profession...

Zong Qi studied directing. This major is unemployed after graduation, and it is difficult to get a living without connections or getting into the crew.

So before that, Zong Qi, who didn't have a diploma, had no choice but to embark on a career of webcasting, which didn't require any threshold and could make a living.

Just when he was distracted, a few barrage popped up on the phone screen.

【Hey! It really is the Zaohua Renxin Mental Hospital in Jiangzhou! Host, Rui Sibai, I respect you for being a man]

[Niu, everyone just said yesterday that there are not many Tanling anchors in the whole network in this place who dare to come, so I will give it a whole new job today]

[There is no place that the anchor dare not go to. He did not go to the pre-existing love kindergarten. Even though the anchor is still in school and young, this courage is absolutely appropriate, stronger than many social elders]

[That's right, alas, there are really few people in the host's live broadcast room. Such a conscientious anchor is really rare now, I hope to wait until the day when the fire hits]


This time Zong Qi chose the location of the spirit visit to be the Zaohua Renxin Psychiatric Hospital in Jiangzhou City.

This mental hospital is well-known in Jiangzhou City.

As long as the strange talk about Jiangzhou is mentioned, this hospital must never be avoided.

Obviously, many viewers in the live broadcast room are also aware of this.

But what you know is what you know, and the necessary introduction is still indispensable.

So Zong Qi cleared his throat and started the background introduction of his processed version.

"Twenty years ago, a mysterious fire broke out in this mental hospital."

He showed the scorched black traces on the old wall of the high hospital to the audience in the live broadcast room, "The specific cause of the fire cannot be verified. Some say it was because of an accidental medical accident at the time, and some said it was because of the hospital. They collected money to do business in private, and many normal people were imprisoned, and they deliberately set fire because they held a grudge."

"All in all, the fire caused great losses at that time. Many mental patients who were locked in their rooms because of their serious conditions were burned to death in the fire."

"After the fire, the hospital moved to the western suburbs, leaving only this lonely old building. Over the years, there have been many rumors of hauntings in this deserted building. The most famous one should be the accident that happened on the live broadcast. .”

In order to create an atmosphere, Zong Qi lowered his voice and spoke in a calm and straightforward manner, which was different from his usual joking tone. With the scorched black building behind him, it really felt so chilly.

Needless to say, this set really worked, and it bluffed many viewers at once.

[I am particularly impressed with this place. My grandfather always said that although the quality of life has improved, people have also deteriorated, and the crime rate has increased year by year. Twenty years ago, the news of this kind of fire was appalling, so it’s not like it is now]

【really. But I remember an anchor who came here and just washed his hands and quit after the broadcast. But if I have to say it, I can’t do Lingling for a long time. I can count a slap after I’ve been doing it for more than two years. I hope the anchor can persevere]

[I have already started shaking in front of the screen]

[This place is really evil. After watching the live broadcast twice, I became a fan. Anyway, the anchor must pay attention to safety]

Seeing that the live broadcast effect he wanted was achieved, Zong Qi showed a kind smile.

"Okay, veterans, I've been frightened as an anchor since I was a child. I've listened to this kind of synopsis 80 times, if not a hundred times. Who is a coward who dares to do spirit exploration?"

As he spoke, he held up his mobile phone and walked forward.

Bypassing the withered grass and wasteland, and stooping across the broken walls and ruins, and crossing the dirty yellow and black cordon on the ground, I finally came to the entrance of the hospital.

The hospital gate has been in disrepair for a long time, and two dilapidated rusty doors are hanging on the door frame, and the edges are curled into dark yellow, only a black slit inside is exposed.

Zong Qi's gaze swept across the edge of the iron gate without any trace.

He stepped on this place only a few days ago, and the door was still open when he came.

Looking at it now, it looks like it was covered from the inside, which is very strange.

There are also routines in the live broadcast of Tanling.

Zong Qi knew that many of his peers would not only go to the supernatural live broadcast location in advance, but also write their own scripts, invite some companions to act as actors to cooperate with the performance, and even arrange all kinds of ghost props arranged by themselves in advance on the scene, so as to make themselves whole into a director.

Zong Qi never played this game.

Not only because the places he chooses are basically places that ordinary anchors of spirit exploration would not dare to go to, but the most important thing is that every time he explores spirits, there will be some strange accidents.

For example, the last time he went to an accident-prone road to search for ghosts, he was accidentally scratched by a passing vehicle. Zong Qi directly called the police on the main road, and finally the police came. After educating the driver, he accidentally discovered that the other party was selling/drugs in the car, so he was caught on the spot and the driver was handcuffed away.

Another example is the last time I went to explore the basement of the kindergarten, but accidentally broke through an old child sexual/assault case, and the police seized all the people and evidence.

For another example, the last time I went to a textile factory to explore, I accidentally discovered that there were landmines/mines left over from the revolutionary period under the factory. I was so shocked that the special police were dispatched to evacuate the surrounding area.

Almost all the senior officials of the Jiangzhou City Police Department are familiar with him, looking at him is like looking at Conan, a elementary school student who is the **** of death.

Many of the dozen or so viewers brought in by this wave were caught up in legal newspapers, and there were even characters from the grandparents who wore presbyopic glasses and sent bullet screens, invisibly promoting him.

In this regard, Zong Qi himself was also very helpless.

This may be a physical problem, which cannot be corrected unless reincarnated.

"Since we've reached the door, let's stop talking nonsense, and the spirit exploration will officially begin."

Zong Qi looked down at his watch, and showed the pointer to the audience in the live broadcast room: "It is exactly twelve noon. Everyone knows that midnight is the most cloudy time. Logically speaking, the corresponding noon It should be the most yang."

"But as the saying goes, things must be reversed when they are extreme. When the yang energy is at its heaviest, it breeds yin qi, because after noon, there is less yin, which coincides with the truth of the Taiji diagram. The yin qi that can exist at noon must be extremely yin, so this After a while, if you conduct a spirit search, you will either retreat completely, or..."

[I know this question, or the anchor will solve another case, pick your nose.jpg]

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed so hard, grab the bamboo shoots! Everyone, save some face for the host, and some food for the giant pandas! 】

[Cough cough cough, everyone is welcome to watch the XX live broadcast platform to explore (law) spirit (cure) programs that are regularly broadcast every Wednesday at noon]

"Go, go, be serious, there will be no accidents this time!"

Zong Qi muttered dissatisfiedly, and reached out to push the door.

Unexpectedly, the door could not be pushed.

The black-haired young man took a photo inside with a flashlight, and found that there were two layers of bricks inside the door.

So he put a little force on his wrist.


The old iron gate made a cracking sound like a blower, just pushing open a small path that only allowed one person to pass.

The cold wind gushed out from the dark interior, carrying a stale and decaying atmosphere, making people's hairs stand on end.

"Why is the door blocked? Could it be that homeless people have moved in?"

Zong Qi looked down at the few red bricks that he pushed to the door.

This placement looks like it was placed from the inside, and with the background of this abandoned mental hospital, it is instantly cooler.

[Not only has there been a fire here, but it is also haunted. Which homeless man dares to live here]

[That is, anchor, do you think everyone is you? 】

[Let me make a prediction, it's definitely not a homeless man, it's probably a new suspect! 】

[Yes, history will repeat itself! 】

Zong Qicai didn't care about the tricks of these people in the barrage in the live broadcast room, held a flashlight and nimbly jumped over the door and walked into the mental hospital.

"What I see now is the corridor and the hall on the first floor of what should have been a mental hospital."

It was pitch black inside the door, and the bright sun at noon outside was cruising outside the window lattices that were nailed and sealed with wooden boards, unable to penetrate the slightest bit.

The corridors are surrounded by broken and charred walls, rolling from the ceiling on the first floor to the corners, which is enough to show the intensity of the fire upstairs.

There is only one person's footsteps in the huge and deep corridor.

When the barrage was discussing the surrounding environment, Zong Qi deliberately took a flashlight to shine on his feet.

This place has been deserted for a long time, the ground is covered with thick dust, as long as someone walks, they will leave footprints. When he came three days ago, he just stepped on the corner of the wall and walked in a circle, trying not to cause marks on the ground.

Now there is clearly a path where the dust has been swept away on the ground.

Zong Qi gestured secretly, it looked as if someone was dragging something heavy to walk by.

After discussing the environment, the barrage also saw this abnormality.

【Ok? Why is the dust on the ground gone? 】

【Look at this width, it looks like something left when something crawled on the ground...】

[Damn it, brother upstairs, your association ability is too strong, as soon as your barrage comes out, give me a shock at noon]

[Okay, that’s all for today’s live broadcast, let me show you a retreat first]

[Not... As for you guys upstairs? Which one of Tanling is broadcasting now has no script, most of it is the host who made it up to scare you]

"Look at the traces. If it's not a homeless man, then a child came in and played a prank."

Zong Qi made the final decision, "Everyone, don't be full of ghosts and ghosts. The anchor, I am upright, and I am not invading by evil spirits. I will be a new generation of socialist successors with upright roots."

Zong Qi was really right.

He was born on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. This day is the time when the yang energy is the most vigorous throughout the year, and the horoscope is even more difficult. He has never had a cold since he was a child, and he has sufficient energy and blood. His hands and feet are always hot all year round, as if he can shine by himself A hot stove.

While interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room, he followed the traces of dust sweeping up the stairs to the second floor.

As soon as we reached the second floor, an unexpected episode happened.

Zong Qi didn't know where to step on the wooden structure, and there was a creepy sound under his feet.

When he looked down, a black shadow flew past the camera, and many spectators who were trembling in front of the screen immediately screamed in fright.

"What shadow?"

After seeing the bullet screen, Zong Qi asked with interest, held up a flashlight, and walked directly to the direction indicated by the live broadcast room.

Zong Qi is a professional director.

This major sounds awesome, but after learning it, you will know that it is a major of panacea. Not only do you have to take the required courses for directing, but you also need to learn things related to filmmaking such as acting, photography, screenwriting, production, etc. point.

It's a shame to let him live broadcast, and he can only show it when he is running the camera.

The lights swept both sides of the corridor, and one could still see the shocking unknown black traces on the iron door.

Seeing the extraordinarily horrifying picture on the screen, the audience all held their breath in horror, while Zong Qi, the instigator, continued to explain without changing his face.

"These are the wards of the psychiatric hospital back then. There were iron locks outside the door for reinforcement. As for the black traces you saw, they were probably the bloodstains that the mental patients who could not escape the fire at that time forcibly pulled out with their fingers... ...oh boy. Case solved, it's a mouse."

A fat gray mouse squatted behind the dust, kicked its hind legs the moment the light came, and quickly ran away without a trace.

The audience who haven't come up in one breath: "..."

No, you are too calm! !

There is basically not much suspense in the following spirit exploration, and most of them are scaring themselves with barrage.

Zong Qi went all the way from the ward to the dining room, and even ran to the third floor, the place where the fire was most serious, to look around, fumbled around, and was so frightened that the barrage screamed.

"It sounds like a bluff here, but it's actually meaningless. Listen to you, first follow the traces on the ground you saw earlier."

After walking around, Zong Qi felt that the spirit exploration was a little less exciting this time, so he simply followed the advice of the bullet screen eager to try and make trouble, and turned back to the first floor.

The ground was still the same as he saw when he entered the door.

The traces snaked from the door to the depths of the first floor, and finally turned into the abandoned toilet on the first floor.

Zong Qi probed there with a flashlight, and found footprints scattered farther in front of the toilet door. These footprints are very messy, and there is another layer of dust on them. At first glance, they are not new, and they are probably a few years old.

"Since it points to the bathroom, then..."

While he was talking, two crisp "ding dong" came from the mobile phone.

SMS alert tone.

Zong Qi's eyelids twitched, and in the next second, the voice of automatic reading came from the barrage reader.

【Do you want to export enough thrilling horror movies】

[Congratulations to you for obtaining the qualification for the internal test of horror film directors, signing actors with potential for development, making works that meet your aesthetics, and building your own film and television empire! 】

Seeing that it was a text message, Zong Qi secretly thought something was wrong.

Sure enough, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw that the live broadcast room that was still live just now was completely dark, indicating that the connection had been disconnected.

His mobile phone is distributed by the live broadcast platform, and its performance is not bad, but there is a minor problem. When calls or text messages come in, the live broadcast signal will be unstable, and there is often no service for a short time after disconnection. thing.

Zong Qi would definitely not make such a low-level mistake. Before he started the live broadcast, he turned on the setting of rejecting text messages and phone calls.

How did this spam come in? It can also accurately lock the major he studies.

"In the era of big data, there is no privacy at all."

Zong Qi sighed, cut off the half-read text message, and directly pressed the delete button.


The text message was thrown into the recycle bin by the owner with one click.

Originally, the audience was small, and the connection was accidentally disconnected in the most exciting place. Zong Qi could imagine the notification of losing fans that he would see after logging in to the backstage later.


Zong Qi was a little frustrated. He pressed and held the phone's off button, walked into the cubicle with a flashlight, and planned to wait until he came back and reconnected before continuing.

However, what Zong Qi didn't know was that in his pocket, the screen of an unattended mobile phone lit up without any warning.

[No potential problems detected, start the terms of service, and the "Horror Movie Director" program starts to install automatically]

This time, it was not a text message that popped up.

The blood-red words directly appeared on the lock screen interface, and a black and white Yin-Yang fish gradually emerged, fitting into a Tai Chi pattern, as if flowing, with an ominous light.


[The applet has been automatically installed on your phone]

[The only qualified director after the restart, welcome to enter]

Almost at the same time, countless other mobile phones also received notifications in the background.

[Attention all actors, director "Q" is in place]

The difference is that the programs on these phones are all called "Horror Movie Actors".

There is only one small program in the world called "Horror Film Director".

Far away, the brush suddenly drew a deep blue trace on the white canvas.

The man suddenly raised his eyes, and the pupils covered by the flat lenses were covered with indistinct dark fragments of light. He stared at the lump of paint floating on the tip of the pen with an indifferent expression.

In the distance, the bright sunlight moves in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and is silent in the depths of the studio.

—Someone got the only director qualification one step ahead of him.

Read The Duke's Passion