MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 56 、56

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"Professor Yu?"

Zong Qi suddenly looked at the door and saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat.

"Didn't we make an appointment last time?"

Looking at the child like this, you know he must have forgotten.

Expected result.

Yu Chenxue deliberately didn't remind him, and admired the slightly embarrassed expression of the black-haired young man after he was stunned.

Zong Qi was taken aback for a moment, and finally remembered this matter.

When they were in class last time, they made an appointment to be mannequins for others. The time just happened to be today, but Zong Qi forgot about it after filming the movie.

"Ah! Sorry Professor, I accidentally forgot..."

Zong Qi had just finished cutting the ghost building, and hadn't recovered from Yu Chenxue's performance in the movie. Looking at the gentle and smiling white-haired professor in front of him, his voice was a little erratic.

In the past, he always thought that Professor Yu was a weak and handsome man with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Now, Professor Yu's image in Zong Qi's mind has changed from a gentle, elegant and beautiful woman to a white-cut black actor, a psychologist, a master artist. It's still the kind of ruthless character who can easily pick him up like a chicken with just one hand.

With such a physical quality, Zong Qi even wanted to sincerely ask the other party if he had any plans to win glory for the country by participating in the Olympics.

"What's the matter? Didn't sleep well last night?"

The professor of psychology caught a sharp glimpse of the obvious blue and black in the fundus of his eyes.

Zong Qi has the kind of physique that will be honestly reflected on his face if he doesn't sleep well one night.

For example, the last time he just didn't sleep well one night, he was caught by Yu Chenxue. This time, I stayed up late to edit the film. I stayed up for seven days. The dark circles on my face can be said to be as good as a giant panda.

Zong Qi had no choice but to nod in embarrassment: "Yes, recently...uh,? I'm a little stressed."

Yu Chenxue showed just the right expression of concern: "That's just right, I'll give you a simple sleep aid after the work is done, shall I?"

Zong Qi felt a little pain in his stomach: "This, will it be too much trouble for the professor."

"No trouble." Yu Chenxue said with a smile: "If the pressure is too great,? You can adjust it properly. I just have dinner ready, so we can have a meal together."

Professor Yu is really kind.

Zong Qi felt quite uncomfortable.

When he edited the ghost building, he deliberately cut out many artists’ scenes, because the other party alone contributed a high degree of plot exploration. Most importantly, Professor Yu may be the only one among all the actors who figured out the ghost building. A clear person with intricate character identities.

It is precisely because he is a sensible person that he cannot have too many scenes.

In the end, for the sake of the integrity of this spy film, Zong Qi abruptly cut Yu Chenxue into the movie's behind-the-scenes mastermind, and pinned all the blame of the cult/religion organization and variety shows on his head. This not only improves the integrity of the plot, but also perfectly conceals what Zong Qi did when he was an NPC, which is perfect.

I just don't know if Professor Yu has watched the movie.

Hope not read, pray.

Of course, if you read it, then everything is director Q's fault and has nothing to do with his innocent Zongqi.


Maybe Zong Qi was not used to eating Western food last time, but this time Yu Chenxue thoughtfully prepared a table of sumptuous Chinese food.

"Today's chefs are more good at Cantonese cuisine. Try it to see if it suits your taste?"

That really fit Zongqi's taste. Cantonese cuisine is inherently sweet, and Cantonese people are really good at eating, and can make flowers out of anything.

In fact, the western food last time was also delicious, Zong Qi felt the joy of western food for the first time. However, that piece of M9+ steak was too big, and he couldn't finish it all by himself, not to mention that there were all kinds of dim sum and desserts on the table.

Zong Qi also noticed that he was the only one who moved the desserts he ate last time, and Yu Chenxue didn't even look at them, presumably they were specially prepared for Zong Qi.

Professor Yu is so considerate, the future girlfriend will be very happy.

As he thought about it, he poked the steamed chicken feet with drum juice in the bowl with his chopsticks, and for some reason he suddenly felt a little depressed.

"Does Professor Yu usually invite a chef to cook?"

Zong Qi didn't think much about his strange mood, and quickly shifted his attention.

"Huh? It depends."

Yu Chenxue, who was sitting opposite him, put down his chopsticks, "If there are classes in school, I will eat in the staff cafeteria of the school. If I have nothing to do, I will go to several famous restaurants in Jiangzhou. Most of the time, if I miss meals because of painting , I’ll eat whatever I want.”

"The chef and part-time workers will come once every morning, put the prepared bento fruit in the kitchen refrigerator, and just heat it up."

In fact, Yu Chenxue didn't often live in this high-end apartment before knowing that Zong Qi lived downstairs.

He has many safe houses in Jiangzhou, apparently underground, of all sizes. Many star hotels have reserved exclusive suites for him, and he can stay at any time.

The residence is nothing more than a foothold for him, nothing more.

"It's bad for your stomach if you don't eat regularly."

Zong Qi thought for a long time before he could hold back such a sentence.

"Is Xiaoqi caring about me?"

Yu Chenxue looked at him with a smile, and watched the black-haired young man's face turn red with satisfaction, and then said lightly, "Then I will definitely pay attention to my body."

Good-looking people are really foul!

Zong Qi hurriedly lowered his head to pick up the rice, feeling some blood rushing to his head.

Really, the setting that the movie can blur people's faces is really a waste of Professor Yu's flourishing beauty.

Damn, even if he knew Yu Chenxue's identity as an actor, Zong Qi couldn't take off his filter. Obviously he wasn't a pretty dog ​​before!

But Yu Chenxue was not prepared to let him go so easily, "What about Xiaoqi?"

"Huh? Well, me, I usually cook at home."

Cooking at home is much more cost-effective than eating out. Tomatoes cost two yuan each, and eggs cost fifty cents each. Two yuan and five can make a dish, and the scrambled eggs with tomatoes in big restaurants outside can't be cooked without thirty-five yuan. Zong Qi didn't even think about how much it would cost for a chef like Yu Chenxue to cook in the apartment for a month.

After all, there are two people and three ghosts in his family now, and he is the only one who has lighted up his cooking skills, and the others are all waiting for him to feed.

"Xiao Qi can cook by herself? That's amazing."

Yu Chenxue smiled: "I don't know when I will have the honor to taste it."

"If the professor doesn't mind, anytime is fine." Zong Qi laughed.

Although Zong Qi thinks that he can cook well, compared with Professor Yu's chef, it is still far behind.

As we all know, it is generally polite to say that the next time you treat a guest, the next time is a word that is far away.

Yu Chenxue on the opposite side of the dining table saw through the black-haired youth's fluke thoughts at a glance.

He smiled and said nothing.

After ending their previous learning relationship, their current relationship seemed tenuous again.

In addition, after filming "Ghost Building", Yu Chenxue had some unclear guesses.

Maybe Zong Qi didn't guess it, but every topic Yu Chenxue raised in front of him was not aimless.

They all have a purpose behind them, quietly and unintentionally narrowing the distance between two people. The most intuitive expression is that Zong Qi was extra cautious in front of Yu Chenxue at the beginning, but now at least the most obvious sense of isolation has been eliminated, otherwise Yu Chenxue would always feel like a dean, standing in front of an obedient elementary school student.

Still a child.

Seeing the black-haired young man bowing his head and eating happily, the eyes behind the man's lens were stained with a little bit of a smile.


After eating, Zong Qi particularly consciously expressed that he wanted to wash the dishes.

Washing the dishes after a meal is a matter of course, but this is still coming to someone else's house to eat, so you have to put on a show.

"No, just put it here, someone will clean it up."

Zong Qi also guessed it. After all, even the rice and the dishes were prepared and delivered by others, so how could he wash the dishes by himself. As long as he thinks of Professor Yu's beautiful and slender hands on the plate full of foam, he will feel that the otherworldly little fairy will collapse.

So he followed Yu Chenxue to the studio.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Zong Qi froze.

The studio in this apartment is completely different from the one in Jiangzhou University. There are many completed works, ranging from landscapes to portraits.

And there are not even many completed paintings in the studio of the apartment. Zong Qi glanced over and saw some blank picture frames placed on the floor against the wall. Some paper cloths even had a little ink torn on them, and they were discarded casually. On the other side, there are neat stacks of paints on the half-empty easel, and brand-new paintbrushes that have not been opened are placed on the ground.

Just like this house, the minimalist design principle is followed, and there is nothing superfluous for comfort. The only ones that can sit on are hard black chairs.

After arriving at the studio, Zong Qi watched Yu Chenxue skillfully unpack the things piled on the ground, and bent down to put them on the workbench.

Outside the window is the night view of Jiangzhou, with skyscrapers, heavy traffic, endless stream, flashing and dazzling lights.

"What song do you want to hear?" Yu Chenxue asked casually.

Zong Qi touched his head and said it was all right.

The psychology professor casually turned on the speakers beside him, and Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor was playing in the quiet room.

Zong Qi discovered that Yu Chenxue was probably a **** classical music lover. The first time they met, they played Mendelssohn, the second time Bach, and the third time Chopin, and he almost fell asleep after listening to it.

"Let's chat first, it's not advisable to take a bath immediately after a meal."

Yu Chenxue set up the easel casually, put the drawing board on it, and then turned around: "The bathroom is over there, towels and shower gel are ready. Remember to wash your hair too, don't dry it, just half-dry it."

Zong Qi: "..."

The black-haired young man froze in place: "Huh? Wash, take a bath?"

Perhaps it was because of the ignorant expression on his face that pleased Yu Chenxue, and then he raised his eyebrows, and said in a teasing tone, "Isn't Xiao Qi going to be my mannequin?"


Zong Qi's pupils trembled, and his mind suddenly froze.

He thought that Professor Yu was going to paint ordinary portraits of people, just like the bust portraits he had in his office, with straight and three-dimensional features and a calm posture.

But Zong Qi only needs to sit on the stool, without any technical content at all.

As a result, now, Yu Chenxue actually told him to take a bath.

"Could it be that mannequins don't wear clothes?" Zong Qi's voice trembled and his expression collapsed.

Yu Chenxue looked at him amusedly, noncommittal.

He even had the illusion that if he said yes, the child would jump off the 30th floor and run away in the next second.

so cute. he thinks.

The author has something to say: 77: Help! If I had known that I was a mannequin, I would have asked him to pay me by the hour!

Professor Yu:?


It is the nutrient solution that was owed before and added more! Meh!

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