MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 81 、81

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Zong Qi nodded, indicating that he didn't have too many questions, and led the rope forward.

At the front, there are soldiers who are familiar with the terrain leading the way. After entering here, all the instruments and compasses are all out of order, so you can only walk by memory.

The ropes connected the protective clothing on each person's waist to the net buckle on the belt of the military uniform, tied the knots, and walked step by step.

The team leader didn't say much, and the team finished pulling the rope spontaneously. Zong Qi looked back and found that no matter whether it was a soldier or a team member wearing protective clothing, all of them were looking at him directly, and he couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

No, there must be something wrong with this team.

He was thinking in his heart,? Silently followed the front,? Continued to walk into the valley.

Zong Qi felt a little uncertain. Since owning the ghost army, he has rarely felt this way, as if he was back in the narrow and cramped bathroom, confronting the perverted serial killer through the door panel.

But the strangest thing is that Zong Qi did not feel any malice from these people. On the contrary, when I sat down to eat last night, many people in protective clothing and military uniforms surrounded me, some handed him flatbreads and some handed him mutton. I had to give him food even if I didn’t eat much, very enthusiastically. .

The goodwill radiating from them is definitely not fake.

[The second act of "Pisces Jade Pendant" has begun, and the countdown to the third act has started】

Zong Qi's pupils showed that there were 24 hours left in the countdown to the second act.

The captain turned around to comfort him: "Don't be afraid."

"It must have scared you just now." He said: "When we first came to Death Valley, we were not prepared for protection? We were eroded by ghost energy and turned into human skin. The most damaged soldiers It was also the first time I entered Death Valley."

"It was only later that we found out that because the ghost energy content here is too high, everyone's physique is different. It is very dangerous to be exposed to the air rashly. I was really shocked when I saw you accidentally took off your gloves just now."

Zong Qi sneered: "I have had a good physique since I was a child, and the Taoists I know all say that I have a pure Yang body."

He really didn't expect this. But when the captain said, he held his breath and looked into the valley, and found that the inside was indeed full of ghosts, the situation was changing, and he couldn't see the way forward in panic.

This concentration of ghostly aura... Zong Qi compared it with Araki's ghostly aura in his heart.

Probably the level of thousands of Araki. It is known that Araki is a B-level ghost, and now it is just a ghostly aura that has reached this level. If the gate of **** is really closed, the world will really be devastated.

Zong Qi was a little curious.

The dungeon of Pisces Jade Pendant has been opened three times.

Before entering, the horror movie system repeatedly reminded him that this dungeon is a copy from reality, and any actions Zong Qi makes in it may affect reality.

He still remembered what Qi Ningzhou said to him, ten years ago, Yin and Yang were out of balance in the world, and ghosts were breeding. Now it seems that although the yin and yang are out of balance, it is not to the extent that the gate of **** is opened, otherwise the consequences will only be more terrifying.

It can be concluded that the filming of the first three openings of this film should have been completed smoothly, and there were no other twists and turns in the middle.

That being the case, why can this big script be entered three times? If everything is resolved, the dungeon should be closed.

Thinking of this, Zong Qi was patted.

"Pay attention to the road, we are about to close the gate of hell."

Because the weather was calculated in advance, the whole journey was calm. Apart from ghost aura, there was not even a thunderstorm.

Further on, dark clouds piled up on the mountain walls.

Originally, there should be no road here, but now there is a road. Outside the pass, the water in the pool surges in front of the sunken mountain wall, crossing in front of the mountain wall, and you can't see the bottom at a glance.

The team leader pointed it out to him: "That's the fairyland."

It is said to be a fairyland, but in fact it is not at all like the fairy mist in the myths and legends, the Qionglou Yuyu above it, and the big pond full of auspicious things inside.

Zong Qi walked over to have a look and found that it was a puddle. One side is connected to a steep and dark mountain wall, and the water above is tumbling up to the center of the mountain wall. However, the water in the puddle is so clear that you can't see the bottom at a glance, as if someone hit it here with something. The bottomless hole reflects a dark blue color as it goes down.

"How deep should this pool be..."

The researchers at the back came forward silently, took out something from the backpack, and dragged it with a rope to the bottom of the Yaochi. Yue Mo paused for a moment, and then said that it is estimated to be more than 100 meters, and the exact value is not clear.

"Attention the whole army, open the air valve in the protective clothing, and we will swim across the whole army and enter the gate of hell."

If you want to go into the mountain wall, you have to swim through the Yaochi.

Although the pool is not big, it is really deep. Fortunately, the scientific expedition team and the army also made preparations in advance, stuffed things into the water-proof bag on the body, opened it with a press-shaped air valve, and a simple buoyant waist immersion suit was ready. Coupled with a rope stringing one, it is not difficult for everyone to swim together.

Zong Qi also followed and carefully fixed it.

The team leader took special care of him along the way, fastened his belt himself, and escorted him into the water.

Logically speaking, the water in Kunlun Mountains should be icy water, especially when the altitude of Death Valley is so high, it is obviously not a good way to swim there.

But after Zong Qi tried to enter the water with his feet, he realized that the water was not cold, and even slightly warm, with white mist rising from above. Perhaps it was because of being suppressed by the cold and ghostly aura, it was hard to see it when standing on the shore.

"By the way." The captain remembered one thing, "After entering the gate of hell, everyone remember to search strictly according to the blueprint issued earlier."

"The pass is dangerous. Once you feel uncomfortable, you must withdraw immediately. Don't be brave. If you encounter the ghosts mentioned by Taoism, follow our previous rehearsal."

Zong Qi nodded.

The members of the scientific expedition team just in front took out the drawings and looked at them.

He leaned over to take a look, and immediately froze on the spot, as if struck by lightning.

The Pisces jade pendant on this drawing is the one that Zong Qi found in grandma's bag!

Maybe it was because he stared at the blueprint for too long, the team leader noticed it keenly: "What's wrong?"

"No." Zong Qi muttered to himself, "I just think this jade pendant looks... quite ordinary."

"Indeed. The material is not some expensive material. If it is lost to the antique market, it is estimated that such a large piece of jade will sell for ten yuan at most."

That's not enough for ten yuan.

Zong Qi sweated, and it was still worth a hundred yuan. The ten yuan is estimated to be the price standard ten years ago.

"Then is there anything special about this jade pendant?"

After Zong Qi asked, seeing the team leader staring at him, he was afraid that he would reveal a flaw, so he quickly added: "If you know, you can make preparations in advance, and you can find it easier."

"I remember that there seems to be a crack on the back of the jade, but it's been too long, and I don't remember it very clearly." The team leader racked his brains: "Well, anyway, the shape is like this, and jade like this is rare. There is a desert in the ghost gate. , not a single blade of grass grows, if there are objects, it is still very conspicuous."

Zong Qi nodded: "Okay, I will pay attention to it."

Concerned, he dived into the water and swam with them.

"Captain, have you ever entered the ghost gate before?"

Zong Qi still couldn't help it, swam forward a few more times, and jumped to the captain's side.

The captain subconsciously stretched out his hand to help him: "We haven't entered the ghost gate a few times. There is too much fog and there are many ghosts. After entering, many soldiers didn't react. When we came out, we checked and found that the rope was tied Everything turned into human skin."

"And most of the time, the ghost gate is closed."

Zong Qi didn't speak, and paddled silently.

Swimming is a skill he learned when he went to the swimming pool with his grandfather when he was a child. It is limited to the dog planing style, and he does not know any other breaststroke and butterfly strokes. This makes him stand out among the well-trained soldiers.

He has an extremely ridiculous idea in his mind right now.

Zong Qi suspected that it would be useless even if the team went in, because the Pisces jade pendant was still lying at his home.

But why did the Pisces jade pendant appear outside the dungeon?

Obviously, even if someone took it out, someone had to take it out!

Could his grandfather be an actor, or...the last director? Then, when the Pisces Jade Pendant was opened, it secretly took out all the treasures that controlled Yaochi.

Zong Qi couldn't help but think so.

According to the rules summarized in the actor forum, only S-level actors can be qualified for the director system. Zong Qi was not even an actor before he was bound to the director system, so he obviously reached the sky in one step.

Is there a white pie in the sky?

Is it possible that the director is still hereditary?

Zong Qi's first reaction was that if Professor Yu found out, he would probably die of anger.

Fortunately, this dungeon will not affect the flow of real time, otherwise he would have been caught off guard by the system's sudden opening of the script and fell off the horse on the spot.

"The fog behind the ghost gate is thick, and the visibility is extremely low. Don't turn on the lights, and use the rope to search! If there is any problem, immediately untie the rope and evacuate along the back of the rope. Don't stay!"

The stone wall connected to the puddle was covered with a layer of black mist, and when they swam to the front, they realized that the high stone wall had turned into a thick mist that could not be seen. They swam over without hindrance.

Almost the moment he crossed the stone wall, Zong Qi felt his whole body rush through a layer of icy diaphragm, and shivered violently.

His field of vision suddenly darkened, surrounded by sharp and unpleasant roars.

Their feet stepped on the flat ground, and the soaking water changed from clear to black like ink.

"Hurry up and find it, everyone!"

After the ghost gate, the flow of time seems to become extremely fast.

This vast space with a visibility of less than one meter is shrouded in silence.

When Zong Qi saw the blueprint of the Pisces Jade Pendant, he knew in his heart that the first dungeon might be opened in vain.

Sure enough, it was just as he had guessed.

They searched here for a long time, but it seemed to be very short. The time seemed to have no concept, and no one made a sound. I don't know how many people turned into human skin. Finally, when the third act was about to end, Zong Qi was suddenly pulled out by the force from outside the rope, ending the shooting of entering the Pisces jade pendant for the first time.

The moment he pulled it out, he looked in the direction of the captain in front of him.

There were only knots tied there, only dangling ropes, and there was no one on them.

Not only that, but around him, as long as there is a knot, there is no one.

Zong Qi opened his eyes wide.

The author has something to say: continue to ask for nutrient solution duck~