MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 17 chaotic first

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Buy this wine glass. "

The atmosphere was so tense that it was almost visible that the arrow was on the string in an instant.

Yun Xingxing was extremely excited, and kept saying, "Fight, fight, fight quickly..."

In the end, Feng Xiaoya turned to Ai Xiaoxiao and said, "Then I don't want it anymore."

Ai Xiaoxiao was stunned: "That is to say?"

"Three hundred gold, sell it to him." Feng Xiaoya pointed at Zhou Xiaolian casually, then picked up the tea cup in front of her and drank it with relish, while drinking, she whispered, "The three hundred gold cup is sold for three hundred gold, It's okay."

A guest said in surprise: "What? Three hundred dollars?!"

Everyone turned their gazes to Ai Xiaoxiao. Ai Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, and sent the envelope to Zhou Xiaolian. As soon as Zhou Xiaolian opened it, the guest beside him stretched his neck to look at it, and read out the contents: "Bi The porcelain cup was bought from the old maid Jia, and it costs three hundred dollars!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

In other words, Feng Xiaoya actually knows the price of this cup? How did he know? ! Since he knew, why didn't he estimate the price before, but raised the price with Zhou Xiaolian instead?

For a moment, four words appeared in everyone's mind - win with a trick.

Play tricks to win!

Using a little gimmick to make buyers spend a hundred times the price on shopping is the real trick to win!

Mr. Ge sighed: "I have participated in the Happy Banquet four times, only this time, I really understood the true meaning of this name..."

A customer was dissatisfied: "But the money for the sale is not given to Mr. He! Could it be that Mr. He and Mr. Hu are on the same side..."

Hu Jiuxian laughed: "Let's talk about it first, this money is not for me. It is a treasure that is meant to be given away to everyone for free. It is just for fun. If you get something occasionally, it will be used for disaster relief."

Mr. Ge echoed: "I can testify that the money obtained in previous auctions was indeed given to me directly, and Mr. Hu did not keep any money."

A guest looked at him with piercing eyes: "It is rumored that there is a great benevolent man named Ge in the country of Yan, who travels between the four countries every year, distributing rice, grain and clothes to the old people who have lost their children and have no one to rely on... Is that your Excellency?"

Mr. Ge cupped his hands and bowed: "A humble name is not enough, just call me Lao Ge." After speaking, he shook his head at Feng Xiaoya and smiled wryly, "Mr. He killed me by doing this. Now everyone knows that the three hundred Jin is going to fall into my pocket, so I have to suspect that you have colluded with me to extort money."

Feng Xiaoya said indifferently: "Zhou Lang wants to cultivate immortality, so donating some money to do good deeds is just to help him. It's too late for him to thank you. Isn't it? Zhou Lang."

Zhou Xiaolian opened a pair of foggy eyes and looked very absent-minded. Just when everyone was guessing when he would get angry, he went straight to Ai Xiaoxiao and said, "I bought it, give me the cup."

Ai Xiaoxiao quickly handed over the cup.

Zhou Xiaolian took the cup carefully as if she was holding a treasure, returned to her seat and sat down, there was no room for anything else in her eyes.

Yun Xingshan originally hoped that he could join hands with Ma Fu to deal with Feng Xiaoya, but he didn't expect that this person didn't care at all, as long as he got the cup, he would be satisfied and ignore everything. For a while, I was disappointed.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit strange, Ai Xiaoxiao quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's move on to the next baby!" After finishing speaking, she gestured.

The male servant knocked on the flower pot drum, and the curtain slowly opened, and a veiled girl in red came out as lightly as a flower.

Everyone stared at her hands, but found that Yi's hands were empty. Just wondering, the girl in red reached out and took off her veil.

Several people gasped at the same time.

When she was wearing a veil, everyone thought she was a child of about ten years old, but when she took off the veil, it was discovered that she was clearly a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, but her figure was too petite, which was misleading.

Although she is short in stature, she has a really nice face. On the face as big as a palm, there are a pair of big sparkling eyes, with a kind of innate innocence and curiosity. When he smiles, there are two small canine teeth, which is really cute.

Ai Xiaoxiao introduced: "Xiao Yu'er, eighteen years old, four feet tall and forty in weight."

The girl called Xiao Yuer smiled at the guests.

The guests looked at each other in blank dismay—could this second treasure be a living person?

Yi Fei's pupils shrank and his eyes flickered.

Ai Xiaoxiao asked Xiao Yuer: "Xiao Yuer, are you a baby?"

"Go back to Master Ai, Xiao Yuer is."


"Xiao Yu'er can dance."

"There are plenty of girls who can dance."

"But I can dance this kind of dance." Xiao Yu'er blinked her big eyes, and suddenly she jumped up into the air, and flew to Ai Xiaoxiao's palm like a butterfly.

The musicians behind the scenes hurriedly played again, and the sound of silk and bamboo rang out. Xiao Yu'er began to dance to the music.

Her petite figure is already unique, coupled with her soft waist and outstanding dancing skills, she dances on the palm of a person, and she is really as light and elegant as a butterfly.

Mr. Ge couldn't help but sigh in admiration: "It's a butterfly dancing in the palm of your hand, and Huan Huan is curling up at Chu Gong's waist. It's actually the long-lost Feiyan Dance."

"No." Feng Xiaoya responded casually.

"No?" Mr. Ge was surprised. And at this moment, Xiao Yu'er tapped her toes, and suddenly slipped from Ai Xiaoxiao's palm to his shoulder. The sound of the music also changed accordingly. The drums carried a certain unique verve, and together with Xiao Yuer's feet, they slid down from Ai Xiaofeng, Tianjiao, Futu, Tianding, Jianjing... all the way.

Everyone in the hall cheered together—at this point, they finally saw the name.

Xiao Yu'er's dancing steps correspond to one hundred and eight acupuncture points on the human body. Unlike usual acupuncture on her stomach, Ai Xiaoxiao is standing at the moment and can receive force on her abdomen and back at the same time. An expression of itching and numbness, pain and joy was tangled on his face. If it wasn't for the public, he would have screamed out a long time ago.

The drums are dense, and Xiao Yu'er's figure is faster, just like a colorful butterfly busy around the flower branches. With the sound of the last drum, Xiao Yuer flew back to his palm and bowed down.

Ai Xiaoxiao's hands softened, her body staggered back a few steps due to extreme relaxation, she slammed down on the ground, and shyly said: "I lost my composure, forgive me, forgive me."

"It's nothing to be a little girl, but you're getting weaker after enjoying yourself. Xiao Ai, you can't do that." The whole room burst into laughter.

Amidst the laughter, Feng Xiaoya held the teacup, her thoughts suddenly soared, as if she had returned to five years ago—

The first day of June. Inside Yuanmu Temple. The white line that Qiu Jiang pulled out. In the same butterfly, Xiao Yuer danced like a flower, but Qiu Jiang jumped out of life and death.

There were layers of ripples in his eyes.

Jiao Buqi behind was a little excited: "Young Master, this girl is not bad, you can buy it for you!"

Looking at the other distinguished guests in the hall, their eyes are also bright, eager to try.

Ai Xiaoxiao gently put Xiao Yu'er on the ground like a kitten, then patted her robe and got up and cupped her hands: "The name of the dance I just danced just now is 'Pengyou Butterfly Dream', which originated in ancient times. The witch dance to ward off evil spirits, but it has been passed down so far is not so magical. It can only be used to relax muscles and bones and reduce fatigue. It is very similar to acupuncture, but different. Experienced it for myself.”

"It's wonderful! This dance is both pleasing to the eye and healthy. It really kills two birds with one stone. What are you waiting for? Let's estimate the price!" A big customer couldn't wait.

Ai Xiaoxiao stopped talking nonsense: "Okay, please estimate the price. If no one guesses right, then compare the prices."

Mr. Ge said to Feng Xiaoya: "Mr. He likes it? If I guess correctly, I will transfer it to you." Then he raised his voice and shouted, "I guess five hundred gold."

As soon as he started, the other guests didn't hesitate any longer, and all reported their guessed prices. Yun Xingshan even guessed the high price of one thousand gold. Qiu Jiang glanced at him, and he quickly laughed and said, "Just guessing, I won't buy it, I won't buy it." He still owes money to the casino!

Zhou Xiaolian, on the other hand, still stared intently at the porcelain cup in her hand, showing no interest in Xiao Yu'er. As a result, Feng Xiaoya was the only one who hadn't guessed yet.

Ai Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Xiaoya with a smile and said, "Don't Mr. Feng make a guess?"

Feng Xiaoya raised her head and stared at Xiao Yuer who had been kneeling and sitting motionless since the dance, as if sensing his gaze, Xiao Yuer raised her head and smiled at him with a blushing face.

"One money." Feng Xiaoya said.

The crowd was in an uproar. This offer is really more outrageous than the three hundred yuan for the porcelain cup before.

However, when Xiao Yuer heard the price, she rolled her eyes and smiled a little more happily.

Ai Xiaoxiao handed the letterhead with the real price to Mr. Ge: "Mr. please announce it." He didn't enter the price comparison link, which means someone guessed it right. Who will it be?

Mr. Ge removed the sealant from the letter, opened it and read: "I met Chan Master Yongxin in Yiguo on the ninth day of last month, and I got a dancer named Xiao Yu'er as a gift. There is no way to refuse, so I have to take a penny as a reward."

What a penny! The most surprising thing is that this little jade was actually given to Hu Jiuxian by a monk!

Hu Jiuxian, who was on the main seat, laughed and said: "This predestined relationship is too strong, and Hu does not dare to accept it, so he let it go, hoping that someone who has a predestined relationship will accept it. Now it seems that Mr. He is a predestined person."

Xiao Yuer was very tactful, and immediately walked in front of Feng Xiaoya, picked up the teapot and filled his empty teacup, then raised her head and held it in front of him: "Xiao Yuer pays homage to the young master, from now on he will belong to the young master. I hope the young master will not Dislike slaves and vulgarity."

Seeing Qiu Jiang staring straight at this scene, Yifei laughed teasingly in a low voice, "Are you jealous?"

Qiu Jiang gave him a cold look. He quickly raised his hand: "I didn't say anything."

Over there, Feng Xiaoya didn't say anything, took the tea she was holding, lowered her eyelids and took a sip, her long eyelashes covered her eyes.

Mr. Ge said with emotion: "Your guess is right, it seems that the third treasure will also fall into your hands." As soon as the words fell, the third treasure was carried into the hall.

The tray is also covered by a red scarf, and the third treasure looks smaller than a porcelain cup, without any bulge.

Ai Xiaoxiao said: "Just now I have seen bone china from Bi country and Di Ling from Yi country. The following products are produced in Yan country and made in Cheng country. It can be said that the essence of the two countries has been gathered together." Whet everyone's appetite. After getting up, he lifted the red scarf.

On the tray is a piece of cloth.

The cloth is not necessarily the same, the color is clear, quite like the legendary "plain gauze Zen clothes with five layers and moles can be seen". However, the light reflected on it is full of brilliance, which also shows that its material is by no means yarn.

Ma Fu's eyes became hot all of a sudden: "Xie Family's Supreme Treasure Heaven Armor!"

"Master Changqin has good eyesight!" Ai Xiaoxiao praised, picked up the piece of fabric that looked like gauze and non-gauze, and shook it off, it was really a match.

"The Xie family? The Xie family of Chengguo? That is to say, this dress is made of five-color foot-colored feet? But isn't the five-color foot-colored iron refined from five-color rare iron? The five-color rare iron is a product of the country Bi, how could it be?" From the country of Yan?" The guests questioned one after another.

Ai Xiaoxiao smiled and explained: "Because it is not iron, but bone. There is a kind of golden-topped silkworm produced in Pingtuo County of Yan State. It is no different from silkworm on weekdays, but when it is time to spin silk, its head will turn golden. , At this time, take the ice and freeze it, pick off its golden top, melt it into bone glue, and then quench it into silk thread with Xie's smelting technique, and weave it into a nail. This small armor needs 100,000 silkworms. Therefore, after so many years, Only got two of them."

A guest asked, "What's so special about this Tianyi armor?"

Ai Xiaoxiao directly took off the lampshade of an oil lamp, put Bijia on it, and it couldn't be ignited for a long time; then he scratched it with a dagger, leaving no trace. In this way, everyone immediately understood-water and fire are invulnerable, and weapons and guns are invulnerable.

Mr. Ge said to Feng Xiaoya with a low smile: "The three treasures this time have quite a saying. The first treasure is to make you feel happy; the second treasure is to strengthen your body; the third treasure will directly give you an extra life."

Indeed, wearing such a piece of clothing on the body, isn't it one more life than others?

"But the killer's first target is probably the throat, not the heart." Feng Xiaoya didn't care, "I'm tired. Go back and try this second treasure."

He glanced at Xiao Yu'er, and Xiao Yu'er's face turned even redder.

Then he walked away with Xiao Yu'er in the midst of price comparisons, leaving all the noise in the room behind.

Seeing them leave, Yi Fei said to Qiu Jiang, "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"Why should I follow to see?"

"Xiao Yu'er also appeared on the boat, don't you find it strange?" Qiu Jiang has recovered his memory, and Dang also recognizes who this person is.

"Compared to her...I am more concerned...why the Tianyi Armor appeared here." Qiu Jiang's face was very serious, "This is one of the top ten artifacts in the Holy Land. And its last owner was..."

Madam Ruyi.

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