MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 26 Earthquake (2)

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After making a prophecy, regardless of other things, they rushed out of the palace gate to the left and right gates.

Yi Fei and Feng Xiaoya in the crowd looked at each other, and each chose a direction.

However, before they could get there, the left and right doors exploded at the same time.

The city wall instantly cracked, the ground shook and the mountains shook, huge boulders fell from the sky, smashed the door into ruins, and at the same time formed a hill, blocking the exit, and the fire dragon blazed, devouring everything that could be devoured, and formed a thick wall. A wall of fire prevents those inside from escaping.

At this moment, the huge imperial palace completely turned into an urn, a burning urn.


"Yishu abandoned the imperial palace and blew up the left and right gates, intending to catch the turtle in the urn?" Xue Cai stood at the window looking towards the direction of the imperial palace, then shook his head and said, "No!"

"It's really wrong." Pin Congmu also said, "Because her enemies are not only Yifei, but also Mrs. Ruyi." Yifei will enter the palace during the husband selection feast in order to force the palace, but Mrs. Ruyi may not. Moreover, even if the left and right gates were blown up, the city wall would not be a difficult task for those skilled in martial arts. How sure is Yishu that he can absolutely control the palace?

Meng Changqi on the side didn't say anything, just sneered, with a look of "you can guess it, even if you think about it, you won't be able to guess it".

Xue Cai glanced at him and asked, "Where is Yuan Su now?"

"At the Observation Tower." Pin Congmu replied.

"At this time, I'm still in the Star Observation Tower..." Xue Cai was thoughtful.


Yuan Su stood on the top floor of the Star Observation Tower, overlooking Luwan City in the daytime. Without the lights, Luwan is like a giant snake that has lost its red eyes, no longer intimidating. Neat houses, bustling crowds, open and sparse buildings, primitive and simple humanities. Generations of people were born, grew up, married, gave birth and died here. Repeatedly and endlessly.

Yuan Su thought: There are a lot of people.

According to government registration, Luwan has a total of 18,200 residents, and there are countless merchants and travelers from outside. In other words, at this moment in Luwan City, there must be at least 30,000 people.

A total of 30,000 drops of water is enough to drown a person.

Not to mention 30,000 lives.

Yuan Su thought of this, and sang a song softly: "Open the gate of heaven, and I will ride on the mysterious clouds. Let the wind move forward, and the rain will sprinkle the dust. You will fly back and fly, and you will be mulberry in the sky." Cong Daughter. Mr. Fan is in Kyushu, He Shouyao is here..."

Just when he sang here, a thread flew over, like the eyes of a passionate woman, wrapping around his neck gently and imperceptibly.

"All the living beings are clamoring. Whoever lives and who dies is in the hands of the king. But the life of the king is in my hands. So in this game, who wins?"

Accompanied by this voice, a person slowly walked up the stairs and appeared behind him.

Yuan Su turned around without changing his expression, looked at the person who came, saw her moon-white monk robe, looked at her faint eyebrows, and calmly called out the other person's name: "Qi'er. Oh no, it should be Mrs. Ruyi .”

It was Qiu Jiang who came.

Qiu Jiang was still holding the wire in his hand, and the wire was shining brightly on Yuan Su's neck when the sun shone on it.

Qiu Jiang smiled at him: "Where is Yishu now?"

Yuan Su said: "You guess."

"I guess...she may have left Luwan."

Yuan Su snorted, neither admitting nor denying it.

Qiu Jiang added: "The whole Luwan is about to sink, of course she has to leave Luwan and build another capital city."

It's not just about blowing up the palace. Since it is confirmed that Yi Fei and Mrs. Ruyi will come to Luwan on the ninth day of September, why not abandon the whole Luwan? As long as these two people can be killed, so what if the 200-year-old city and the 30,000 people in the city are buried together?

This is the real bureau designed by the crazy Yishu.

Read The Duke's Passion