MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 3 antecedent(2)

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Nod: "OK."

Yi Fei turned around and left.

Xue Cai said behind him: "About the last point...can I ask why?"

Yi Fei smiled: "First, I'm not interested in other women's women; second, I'm even less interested in the women you desperately try to get for me; third..."

Xue Cai waited quietly.

But Yifei closed his mouth, a strange look flashed in his eyes, he didn't say anything further, and walked away in the rain again.

Xue Cai kept looking at his back until the dense raindrops swallowed him completely.

"As you said, he is really a very cautious person." The shadow of the study with only one light on, and behind the thickest screen, Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi carried Feng Xiaoya away come out.

Xue Cai's eyes still stayed on the place where Yi Fei disappeared, and replied: "Anyone who encounters something like him will become very cautious."

"Will he follow our plan?"

"Maybe it will be more exciting than your plan."

"You have so much confidence in him?"

Only then did Xue Cai look away, turned to Feng Xiaoya who was sitting on the sliding pole, and smiled slightly: "The master of this place once commented on the third prince Cheng before his death."

Feng Xiaoya's eyes lit up: "You mean Qiaohou Jiying?"

"He said—if Cheng Guo falls into Yi Fei's hands, Bi Kingdom will be in danger. I regard this as the highest compliment."

Feng Xiaoya pondered: "So Ji Ying supported his younger sister to become King Cheng?"


"If that's the case, why do you want to return the tiger to the mountain today? Are you not afraid that the country of Bi will be in danger?"

"Because..." Xue Cai lowered her head, gently stroked the memorial in her hand, and said slowly, "There are some things that are more important than royal power and hegemony. Isn't it?"

The memorial was written by Hubu Shang, and it included statistics on all the children who disappeared in Tubi within five years. Then Queen Jiang wrote a comment.

There is only one sentence in the comment—

"The family loses its children, and the country loses its virtue. The pain of the people is the crime of the king."

The word "crime" at the end was blurred by something, and it was almost unclear.

Xue Cai knew that those were Jiang Chenyu's tears.

He raised his head, heaved a long sigh, then called Aunt Zhang, and asked her to bury the three innocent maidservants who died innocently, and then notified the servants in the mansion that murderers had appeared recently, and the Prime Minister's mansion was not safe, so he gave them a deed of prostitution and released them. .

Aunt Zhang was shocked and hurriedly dissuaded her, but Xue Cai was unmoved. In the end, Aunt Zhang had no choice but to do it crying.

After Xue Cai gave all these instructions, she got up and walked to the door, staring at the rain outside, without saying a word.

Feng Xiaoya never left, until now she spoke again: "We will succeed."

Xue Cai looked back, his dark pupils embellished his plain white cheeks, he seemed to be still a teenager, and at the same time, he seemed to have aged for many years.

Passionate heart destroys heart, wisdom reduces age.

The world is not forgiving.

Read The Duke's Passion