MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 10 Ancient being

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The dark sky.

Cracked world.

When Lu Ming was awake, he saw this scene.

The whole world is like cracked glass, full of cracks, and countless unreadable runes are engraved in the void, which is very mysterious.

"Where is this place?"

Lu Ming thought.

In the impression, I seem to have activated the fragment, causing an energy riot ...

"Is this a fantasy?"

Lu Ming suddenly woke up.



Here, it is the illusion of that fragment activation!

不 The energy riot caused by the activation of the debris will not be mentioned. Just one tenth of the debris can activate the illusion. What kind of card is this?

Lu Ming was faintly a little panicked, and a little expectant.

He stood up.

He looked around.

The first time, the eyes focused on the center of the illusion.

In this crumbling little world, there is only one complete place, a soft cushion, which seems to be nested with a small creature.

Living thing? !!

Lu Ming's eyes widened suddenly.

In such a place, there will be living things?

He never thought that there would be living creatures in this special small world!

It was a small creature, with black hair full of texture, looking soft and slightly plump, giving a feeling of laziness and luxury, giving a stunning feeling, etc ... ? full?

What are these books?

But think about its origin—Xiao Huangka, the protagonist took a breath of air.

Is this true horror?

人 Do people taste so heavy now?


I missed it?

For a moment, Lu Ming's thoughts were like electricity, and a senior grandfather was out of the world because of a particular quirky hobby, so he created this super-high level of illusion, specially made into cards, to satisfy his own See episodes of special desires.

省略 One million words are omitted here.

"Masters are indeed quirks."

Lu Ming booed endlessly.

Carefully walked over, the creature really had no breath.


Lu Ming is a bit sorry.


This is a small world made up of fantasy.

小 This small world is for the purpose of cultivating this creature, but because the illusion is broken, the world collapses, leaving only the residual card, and this creature also dies.

"But ..."

"A fantasy card is just a copied fantasy!"

"This dead is nothing more than a copied illusion creature, its body should be alive."

Lu Ming Road.

Inexplicably, he was relieved.

I seem to.

生物 This creature is dead is a big regret in general, the effect brought by the fantasy card is really unusual.

Shook his head.

Wu Luming shook off these messy thoughts.



A slight crack sound came.

Lu Ming looked up, and sure enough, the fissures around this illusion began to spread rapidly, which shows that the fragments supporting this illusion have been unable to support it.


Lu Ming sighed.

The whole world burst apart, and the vision in front of me disappeared instantly.

Return to reality.

的 The cards on the machine really have been destroyed.

I just.

I was at this moment of return.

Lu Ming faintly, seems to see a black light flashing through the body.


how is this possible!

Lu Ming suddenly looked into the body, suddenly sweating.

There, in the depth of the sea of ​​consciousness, where there was only the original card, there was even a black creature! Amazingly the one I saw just now.

Hey, it came out!

Hey, it's alive!


Luming scalp tingling.

The sea of ​​consciousness is the most important place for cardmakers, even the foundation of all practitioners, almost all the core of energy, in that kind of place!

If something goes wrong, there will be no doubt!


This is not a little yellow card at all!

Lu Ming shook his hand a bit.

知道 He knew that he had encountered the biggest crisis ever.


Mind flashed.

Lu Ming's idea appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's actually very rude here. After all, Lu Ming is just a one-star illusionist and doesn't know how to cultivate consciousness. Originally, he only stored the core of the illusion, so here is just a small piece of space, not as big as a normal bedroom.

Is very small.

And now.

There is a mysterious creature here, it seems to be asleep, even the soft cushion under it has even come over!

"What the **** is this?"

Lu Ming was nervous.

Because the creature changed its position, this time it looks better.

So he stood there very carefully, observed the creature for a long time, and then came to a very important conclusion—

Although it looks so luxurious.

Although it looks so perfect.

This product!

I still!

I am a cat! !! !!

It looks like a slightly larger long-haired cat. Although its black cat is full of texture and extremely good, although it is far more amazing than all cats Lu Ming has seen.

However, it is still a cat.

A black cat!

所以 "So, I have a cat in my body?"

Lu Ming has some headaches.

He really couldn't understand, how could a creature in a fantasy world run around?


复制 Duplicate creatures from fantasy cards!

You're so skinny, do you know what it is?


Lu Luming approached cautiously, but the creature was still sleeping on the mat, without any reaction, and looked like a dead cat.

Are you asleep again?

Lu Ming flashed such thoughts.

Emotionally, he didn't want to communicate with this guy at all. After all, whether it's a cat or not, being able to jump out of other illusions is terrifying in itself!

This is not something he can provoke at all!

But intellectually, he knew he had to resolve it as soon as possible.

If this guy is sleeping, it is likely to be extremely weak, now is the best time to solve it, otherwise when this guy recovers, I do n’t know how to die!

not to mention……

Lu Luming didn't want to have such a time bomb in his body at any time.

too dangerous!

"Hello there."

Lu Ming tried to say hello.

Consciousness at home is silent, without any feedback.

Is the language incomprehensible?

Lu Ming thought about it.


"こ ん に ち は?"


Uh ...

Lu Luming waved his hands in front of it, consciously still quiet.


Lu Luming was silent for a moment, feeling that he was mentally retarded, so he carefully looked at the creature, took a deep breath, and said, "Meow?"


The mysterious creature opened his eyes suddenly.


That moment.

Lu Luming felt the endless terror coming.

He seems to have some ancient existence awakening at this moment, but he quickly reacts, this is just an illusion brought by this mysterious creature in the illusion.

Look at you.

The mysterious creature was awake.

Amazingly, his eyes turned golden and majestic.

Woke up!

Lu Ming was shocked.

His body flickered slightly.

本体 The ontology was originally formed by pure thoughts. At this time, his mood fluctuated too much, his thoughts were unstable, and his body naturally appeared slightly blurred.


Lu Ming forcibly stabilized his mind and looked at the mysterious creature in front of him.

Oh no, black cat.

I haven't responded in countless languages. Only meow can make it wake up. So, is this really a cat?

So ...

Lu Luming looked at the black cat seriously: "Meow?"

Black cat: "..."

"Meow meow meow?"

Lu Ming thought for a while, maybe the tone is wrong?

Black cat: "..."

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow?"

Lu Luming said again.

The black cat glanced coldly at Lu Ming. The look was familiar to him. Lu Ming recalled it. Oh, it was the look of Sa force.

Lu Luming: "..."

and so.

It doesn't seem to be fun to learn meowing.

Lu Ming thought for a while, it is said that the high-level creatures are very intelligent, in this case ...

"Can you understand me?"

Lu Luming asked carefully.

The black cat's gaze finally changed a bit. Lu Ming glanced at it and seemed to understand. The proud little eye was now full of contempt.


Lu Ming laughed bitterly.

Although the first round of contact was a bit unexpected, it was finally able to communicate, and the black cat didn't shoot, at least it showed that the other party was not the kind of malicious guy.


It is also possible that the other party needs a place to rest!


Lu Luming thought of this.

黑 The original fantasy of this black cat has been broken, so it needs a place to sleep, and its fantasy is where it rests, so it will never destroy itself.

at least.

I am safe now.

Then, come down to test its bottom line ... you must not wait for it to fall asleep to kill itself ... while it is weakest ...

It's best to close the deal.

"Is such that."

"You may need a place to recover from your sleep, so choose here."

"I'm not malicious, I just hope my cultivation will not affect you. If you need anything, you can contact me in advance."

"I think, with some help, you may recover faster."

当然 "Of course ~ ~ If I am in danger, I hope you can help occasionally."

"after all."

"If I die, you still need to find new places, don't you?"

Lu Ming said very seriously.

The black cat's indifferent eyes finally softened, perhaps because he looked at Lu Ming very well and did not ask too much. He actually nodded.

nailed it!

Lu Lu exults.

Now that he has reached a deal with this black cat, he is relieved.

As for the harm ...

Ha ha.

He is the man who has seen more than 700 episodes of Naruto! There is a powerful creature in the body. You can burst beans at any time in the early stage. Isn't it good to be afraid of death?

Super amazing!


The black cat yawned lazily, apparently letting Lu Ming get away quickly.

Is it super sleepy?


Actually, this sea of ​​consciousness is very small, only the size of a small bedroom. The black cat is lying in the middle, and Lu Ming is standing next to it.

The black cat apparently forgot how amazing it was.

and so.

它 When it made this action, Lu Ming subconsciously thought of the Norwegian forest cat he had raised in the previous life. It was also a big cat, his eyes were golden, and his hair color was very beautiful ...

"It's like."

Lu Ming sighed.

I am so.

Your subconscious.

Hold one hand down the black cat's body and hold it down.

Black Cat: "???"


Accompanied by an angry roar.


The breath of horror came down again, and the black cat rose up instantly, covered with hair, and a mysterious and ancient force swept the sea of ​​consciousness.