MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 708 Your pen name is terrible.

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? ? ?

Lu Ming's face was black.

What a pen name! !

Have you been so inflated in a freezer this year?

Never mind.

At least the spirits did not strike until they were okay before, and finally knew they were diligent, which is a good thing.

"That's the pen name ..."

Lu Ming sighed, "It sounds good."

Your pile of numbers is exactly the same as the fake number, but you do n’t know it is a navy.

"Not good?"

Little Fox scratched his head.

"of course."

Lu Ming sighed, "You are like a book we read. The author's name is Yi Shanjin. This name sounds elegant, and you can taste it."

"I know this!"

Xiaojian saw his eyes bright.

It has seen that poem here in Lu Ming.

"Do you mean this Yishanji, do you mean that Baiyiyishan?"

Xiao Xiaojian said excitedly.

The pen name comes from the poem, how elegant and cultural.


Lu Ming was in a trance.

Gan Li Niang.

You go on this day ...

Should he say yes or not?


Yishan tried to criticize the victim ...

"Nice is good, this is not good for statistics."

Little Fox scratched his head.

It felt that the numbers were convenient for statistics and better distinguished.


Lu Ming nodded slightly, not interfering.


Only half a day.

Little Fox looked at the door with a cry.



Little Fox tears his eyes.

"what happened?"

Lu Ming was curious.

"My vest is sealed!"

Little Fox tears his eyes.

Every vest was created by it. It was just finished writing a book, and it was sealed. Where can it stand?


Lu Ming was shocked.

"Frozen Fox 69 ... They said my name was yellow ..."

Little Fox tears his eyes.


Lu Ming was silent.

for a long time.

He went to the spiritual department again, because it wasn't just the little fox who was harmonious. Heard that most vests started with numbers were affected.


Minus 69 is gone.

the reason……

It is still related to the yellow.

Lu Ming: → _ →

What can he say?

What can he say?

I already said that this is not reliable! ! !


What he didn't expect was that when a group of spirits lamented, there was a spirit complacently accepting worship from other spirits.

It is said that it is the only spirit that has opened hundreds of vests without being sealed.

"Such a cow?"

Lu Ming marveled.

Does this guy already understand the essence of human culture and know to avoid harm?


He called the spirit.


The spirit said respectfully.


Lu Ming looked closely.

Although the spirit body has been very personified, he still sees that this is a turtle spirit body ... after all, this head is larger than the general spirit body.


"I heard you were not blocked?"

Lu Ming asked.


The tortoise spirit said respectfully, "The subordinates took into account the possible risks of human culture. In addition, they were named after their idols, so they were not affected."


Lu Ming marveled.


What can a turtle's idol be?

and many more.

Lu Ming suddenly recovered, "Isn't it ..."


The tortoise spirit body is somewhat proud, "The idol under it is the legendary Duma !!! As a spirit body, I will transform into a Duma one day sooner or later!"

Lu Ming: → _ →

Not bad.

have a future.

"and so……"

"The way you circumvent is ..."

Lu Ming was curious.


The tortoise spirit scratched his head, "Because the long life of the Duma, there will naturally be many problems that ordinary people will not encounter, so my vests are ..."

"Duma's father, Duma's mother, Duma's grandpa ... Duma's son, Duma's daughter, Duma's grandson ... Duma's uncle ..."


"and this."

"The third son of Duma, the illegitimate child of Duma, the daughter of Duma, the teacher of Duma, the hat of Duma, the toilet paper of Duma ..."

"and many more."

Turtle spirits said hundreds in one breath.


Lu Ming was shocked.

Gan Li Niang!

Worthy of being the race with the longest life ...

Your family relationship is quite complicated ...


Don't you really say that.

In this way, the interference of digital harmony is avoided.

"Hard work."

Lu Ming comforted.


Turtle spirit is full of energy.

"You also learn a little bit ..."

Lu Ming's face was black, "Don't be okay with the harmonious mechanism."


Little fox they shook their heads.


Just when Lu Ming was about to leave, he saw that the freezer spirit had chosen a pen name and started it again.

Minor 90 degrees minus three.

Lu Ming :? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!


He flicked the freezer with a slap. "Why do you choose this?"

"Minus 69 is harmonious ..."

The freezer is wronged.

"You can't choose anything else?"

Lu Ming's face was black.


Is it bad to be zero, or is Baidu not cold enough?

"I just think this is nice ..."

The freezer is wronged.


Lu Ming shook his head, "Changed!"


The freezer admitted honestly.


It chose a dry daughter at minus thirty degrees, and Lu Ming was satisfied to leave.



Xiaojian glanced at Lu Ming, "What's wrong with minus 90 degrees?"


Lu Ming shook his head, a little sighed, "It's the author of a book I've read before, just call it by this name ... I always think it's better not to repeat it."

As a procedural dog in the past, he also watched it.


The author called minus ninety degrees, although writing a little water, but the overall is still very good, like what is the strongest gene, dominated by darkness, are excellent.


Xiaojian understood.

It turned out to be Lu Ming's own feelings.


"I also don't like my author being signed by someone else."

Xiao Xiaojian thought deeply, "The last book I read, a person I particularly liked, and later found that others wrote books with his name, I was very angry. It was too much, it was a humiliation to the author! "


Lu Ming was curious, "What is the name of the author?"


Xiao Xiaojian said.

? ? ?

Lu Ming's face was black.

Lost your sister! ! !

are you crazy!

You just find a small h-book, most of them have this name, okay? !

Never mind.

Considering the cultural level of Xiaoxiaojian, he was too lazy to talk. After the association walked around and confirmed that everyone was fine, Lu Ming returned to the office again.

And this time.

Li Haoran came in to report.


Li Haoran whispered, "The Association of Cardmakers will not be able to sustain ..."


Lu Ming raised his eyebrows.

"Just tonight."

Li Haoran whispered, "It may really fight."

"rest assured."

Lu Ming smiled slightly, "After all ... can't take that step ..."


Li Haoran scratched his head.

Master ...

Why is Master so confident?


And now.

Cardmakers Association.

The Minister of Strategy looked up at the starry sky, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.


The assistant whispered, "We can't hold it anymore."

"I know."

The Minister of Strategy sighed.

"You said you have a way."

The assistant sighed.


The Minister of Strategy was a little confused, "Yes, but I dare not use ..."


The assistant scratched his head.

"Because I don't know if I should use ..."

The Minister of Strategy sighed.

Lu Ming ...

The method given can indeed solve the problem ...


He always felt that something was wrong.

Although he is a Minister of Strategy, he doesn't know much about the economy or the market, but Lu Ming really does not have any problems?

"Minister, we have no time."

Assistant reminder.


The Minister of Strategy sighed.


There is no time.

If he continues this way, he must be cold ...

at the moment.

Where can we care about the future, the market, the economy ...


He pondered for a moment and finally made up his mind, "Is the wizardry energy card factory that the Wizards Association and our Cardmakers Association is still operating?"


"How was the factory signed at that time?"

"Five to five."

"Net profit?"


The assistant wondered, "What happened to the net profit?"


The next day.

The major factories under the Wizards Association announced the closure.

I heard that the factory that made tens of millions of profits was posted by the card maker. Because the operating cost exceeded hundreds of millions, the loss was huge.

other people:? ? ?


The Cardmakers Association won.

So Easy.

So rude.

The Wizarding Association ’s all means of attack are not self-defeating, and the planned revenge will naturally not be able to proceed, it can only be lost.

People are also amazed by the news.

"It's worthy of the Association of Cardmakers ......"


"No, I just want to know, is this okay?"

"What's wrong ..."

There was a lot of talk.

It is said that.

The two sides renewed their talks on this matter and temporarily entered a state of peace.


And at this time.

Sword Card Masters Association.

Li Haoran and others were shocked to hear about it.


They also did not expect that a vigorous revenge action would have ended in this way ... A few notes posted by the Association of Cardmakers were gone ...


Is this too absurd?

They knew that the card maker association was strong, but they never thought that they had such power!

In this case……

Li Haoran felt great pressure.

It was at this moment that he knew what a huge existence he was facing in the Association of Cardmakers.


Li Haoran was a little nervous, "We have to watch out for some."

As the life and death enemy of the Cardmakers Association, he was naturally very worried.


Lu Ming smiled slightly, "Do you really think this is a good thing for the Cardmakers Association?"


Li Haoran scratched his head.

Is it not a domineering expression to retreat from the enemy in three words?


Lu Ming smiled slightly.

This child is still younger.

"What do you think is the contradiction between us and the Cardmakers Association?"

Lu Ming asked.


Li Haoran scratched his head, "Do we have combat power?"

"Do not."

"That was once."

Lu Ming said lightly, "Now, our contradictions and market conflicts will become life-and-death rivals because of the difference in disc form."

The core of the original card is different from the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is an inevitable conflict!

After all, for every additional cent of the original circular card, there will be fewer original square cards, right?

This is a battle between life and death!

This is a round of battle!

This is the ultimate showdown between salted tofu brain and sweet tofu brain!

Only success or failure!

There is no escape route!


Lu Ming patted Li Haoran on the shoulder, "Sweet parties are all cults !! ...... Ah, no, remember, from today on, square original cards are cults !!!"


Li Haoran was in a trance.

How is it related to the cult ...

"Because this is the next war."

Lu Ming has a meaningful meaning, "Some people have lost, but won, some people have won, but lost."


Li Haoran looked dazed.

Master ’s words are becoming more and more incomprehensible ...



Soon, the market gave him the answer.


Because of the policies adopted by the Card Makers Association, almost all the associations working with them have expressed concern that they will have to lose money to the Card Makers Association ...


Almost all factories are temporarily shut down.

Despite repeated comforts from the Cardmakers Association, they still dare not start the work.

after all.

Lessons learned ...

And this time.

The round energy card of the Sword Card Masters Association appeared quietly, and various special customized water energy cards and fire energy cards were brought to the front of the associations.

Better cooperation.

Better split.


Just three days.

When the card maker associations responded, the original "high-end exclusive energy customized cards" of the major associations did not know when they had all changed into the form of optical discs.

Cardmakers Association :? ? ?



Senior of the Association of Cardmakers.

An emergency meeting started again.

So far.

Our Minister of Strategy only knew what Lu Ming meant by ambushing TM ...

Pay at the bottom of the kettle!

Gan Li Niang!

"Too stupid!"

The head of the marketing department bombarded the Minister of Strategy as soon as possible, "Don't you discuss this kind of thing with us ?! Who allows you to start?"

"My mission is to defeat the Wizards Association."

The Minister of Strategy said slowly.

"I have completed my task."

"As for you ..."

"Don't you all do the market for the sword card division? You haven't dealt with your own economy, can you still rely on our strategy department ?!"


The Minister of Strategy has no warning.

Although they did something wrong, they defeated the Wizards Association some time ago, but they just won unanimous praise and won praise from everyone.

At this time, he criticized him, it means that all the people who praised him have no eyes?

Ha ha.

Anyway, the market sector is low ...

The spray is done.


The rest of the high-rise soon spoke.

"Cough, the old man said a few words, although this matter is not handled well by the strategy department, but in essence your foundation is not stable ..."

"Yeah yeah."

"It's still very simple to win the wizard, now it's not a wizard's problem, it's a sword card master ..."

"Now it is not time for infighting, it is important to solve the problem. Don't your marketing department always engage in infighting at critical moments ..."

Senior officials said one after another.

Marketing Department :? ? ?

Who is it? Who is fighting in the end?


They have worked so hard to maintain the market for so long. Except for Tiandu, other places are all markets where swordsmen and card masters are pressed.




He remembered the last words Master said before leaving the Cardmakers Association: "The reason I left ~ ~ is because the cardmakers association is too big now ..."


"Isn't it big?"

He asked.

"Silly boy."

"too big……"

"It's not easy to turn around ..."

Master's words echoed in his ears again.

This is the moment.

He realized that Master's words were so profound.

This is the moment.

Only then did he realize that Master's words were not meant to be targeted ...


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