MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 718

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"Be careful," Day "may appear at any time."



"Don't touch the black liquid!"

"We have to be careful to get those white liquids into the body ..."

Pastor Double Horsetail said.

They are priests and know how to use the fountain of life, but the holy water of darkness is too horrible, and it is likely that they will die in a flash.


The priests nodded slightly.


They are still worried.

In general ruins, there will be fights in front of this peerless treasure. If they are exterminated to let the sun rise, they can even maximize their benefits.

Thinking of this, they subconsciously looked at Lu Ming.

"You recover, I will help you protect the Fa."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.


The priests were moved.

Look at others!

They even suspected Lu Ming ...


Lu Ming and Elemental Master were guarding the surroundings. The priests took guilt to the pool water and carefully prepared to recover the fountain of life.


Xiaojian is very sorry.

These are all legendary treasures.


Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "This is the resource of the pastors, I will not spy on it."


Xiaojian gave him a suspicious look.

real or fake.

Lu Ming is so tall now?

And now.

Light and shadow flow.

The priests began to recover, and Lu Ming was alert to the appearance of this day, but, I do n’t know why, the priests had begun to recover, and there was no movement ...

Why did this guy go?

Not scientific.

Lu Ming frowned, he thought there would be a hard fight here.

"Be careful."

He reminded.


The Elementalists nodded slightly.


The day finally did not appear.


The priests have extracted a translucent white liquid from the pool water, with a hint of crystal clearness in the cloud, and even a hint of floral ...



Not the smell of heather.


The priests rejoiced.


They carefully extended the tip of their tongues and dropped the drop of white liquid into the mouth, feeling the love from the gods. However, in a flash, the priests' faces changed greatly.

"This taste ..."

"Do not!"

"No, this is not the fountain of life!"

A priest was horrified.


Pastor Double Horsetail felt bad, a light elemental skill was thrown away, and the pool shrouded in soft light blinked instantly, changing its color.

Black and white interchange.

"Magic ..."

"It's the moving hands and feet!"

"Damn! This is the holy water of darkness ..."

The priests were horrified.


A priest put his fingers deep in his throat and wanted to vomit the dark holy water through gagging. However, the light black power was already diffused.


Lu Ming jumped.

He said it felt weird everywhere.


Sure enough came long ago!


With a big wave of his hand, he quickly separated a few drops of life spring water and threw it onto the priests, trying to offset the power of the dark holy water.



When the priest got up, he turned into an old man.


"Do not……"

"I do not want!"

The priest looked at his hands in horror.

The powerful hands of Kong Wu, now full of folds and dryness.

"Do not……"

He looked into the pool water, and through the reflection of the pool water, he saw his old face, his skin resembling a string of Jingba and Shapi.

and also……

The stubborn dozens of hair above the head swayed in the wind.


He suddenly remembered something, pulled up his trousers and glanced inside, and suddenly his face looked like earth, "It's over, it's broken before it's used ..."

of course.

It's not just him who is unlucky.

There are also pastors like him.



With dark holy water entering the body.

The translucent milky white liquid instantly turned into a dark liquid, corroding every corner of their body, and almost all the priests became old.

Grey hair.


The world is silent.

Only the unbelievable eyes of the pastors ...

A drop of dark holy water, everyone is old ... The concentration of this spring water is far beyond everyone's imagination ...

These springs ...

The concentration is too high!

This is the moment.

Lu Ming only understood why Xiaobai would keep such a body, and what kind of papaya is impossible! Because of the effect of the fountain of life ...

It may have been there!


Stay at that age forever!



A familiar voice appeared.

Day, appeared nearby.

"It's a good thing you did."

Lu Ming sighed.

"of course."

Said faintly.

The priests are too intrusive.

His goal is only to kill Lu Ming, but these pastors are protecting Lu Ming with his life, so he has to get rid of these pastors.

of course.

His precious power is running out, and the priests can only be eliminated in this way.


If Lu Ming just took that kind of dark holy water just now.

of course.

It has no effect now.

"It's over."

Said indifferently.

It's a shame to waste such a long time. Last time, he went to kill an eight-star boss, it didn't take so long.



Light and shadow flow.

A famous cultivator appeared in the sky, everyone looked subconsciously, and was surprised to find that these people were actually the disciples who participated in this trial with them.


At the moment, these disciples were as fiery as their eyes, and their killing intentions were awe-inspiring.

"you guys……"

The Elementalist of the Dead House is frightened.

"They are already my own."

Ri sneered, "Thank you for your script, I just changed the content a little bit, so that they eventually became my people ... Ha ha."


Lu Ming was curious, "What script?"


The priests are silent.

Apart from regret, it was a bit embarrassing and ashamed.

"and many more."

The Elementalist of the Dead House frowned, "If you talk nonsense, I won't be affected by you."


The sun gave a deep glance at the Dead Man Elementalist, "Because you haven't had time to change your script ... I know you dead men have no resistance to the double ponytail, but I didn't expect to fall so fast ... As soon as you cast a skill, you are over. "

Necromancer: "..."

You are fast!

Your family is fast!

"I understand."

Lu Ming sighed, "So the collapse we encountered ..."


The priests were ashamed and regretful.

They did not expect that they would roll over the first time they played the routine.


Also hurt myself.

Right now, since they can't escape, at this point, they have nothing to hide, and they very simply explained to Lu Ming.

After talking, they felt much more comfortable.

in this way.

Even if it's dead ...

No regrets.

"It's our fault."

The priests sighed, "If there is an afterlife, we will definitely become the sword card master to atone for you, now ...

They looked towards the sun.



The red light flashes.

The clothes on Japan's body turned into lava.

Those cultivators who followed the sun, their eyes also began to bloom, and every breath was an irresistible existence.

Eight-Star Beginner!

Eight-star peak!

Eight-star limit!


This is the strength of Japan.

After unable to defeat Lu Ming, these people will be transformed into people in the future, and they will become their own backbone!


He raised his hand.

All practitioners lock Lu Ming and others.


Said indifferently.


The priests closed their eyes in despair.

An eight-star horror team, and a more powerful day, such a team will sweep the audience no matter where it is!

not to mention……

In this little paradise?


At this moment, Lu Ming suddenly smiled, "Can you really hit us?"


He looked at him strangely, "I don't know why you only have one star now, maybe it is some kind of concealment technique, but even if you try your best, you cannot be my opponent.

He analyzed Lu Ming's combat effectiveness.

It is not as weak as one star, nor as strong as nine stars.


Very delicate.

"I didn't say myself."

Lu Ming sighed, "I just remind you one thing: here is heaven and earth, the energy here is very concentrated, unlimited supply and demand."


I don't understand some days.


Lu Ming spread his hand, "Our sword card division's energy operation mentality, in order to achieve the highest efficiency, in order to cooperate with the spiritual assistance, so it can run on its own."


I still don't understand.

But he was too lazy to listen to Lu Ming's nonsense.


He is ready to kill.


He didn't notice that the desperate priests suddenly thought about it, and the desperate eyes flashed through the awakening, and gradually became a surprise.


Sunrise hands up.

Those behind him also shot.

Endless magma.

Endless power.

The terrible attack overwhelmed Lu Ming and others, sweeping ...


When the dust was over, Lu Ming and the others were there, a huge light energy barrier emerged, and the old priest who was about to enter the earth stood quietly at the front.


I was shocked.


How could this old pastor stop himself ...



The old priest suddenly opened his eyes.


The murderous intention pervades.


With a wave of his finger, a compact disc card appeared in front of him, passing the day in an instant.

"Do not……"



He knew the strength of these priests, but he was n’t strong originally. He was purely relying on his body to resist his attack, not to mention taking the holy water of darkness!

Damn it!

right now……


and many more.

What Lu Ming just said ...

"Want to understand?"

The hoarse voice of the old priest rang in his ears.


The old priest waved his hand.

The group of priests as old as him also shot.

call out!

call out!

call out!

The original card of the disc is flying.

Day, as well as his completed eight-star team, was completely crushed! Step by step, step by step, finally, all beheaded here ...

The blood stained the ground.

Day is dead.

The dead are very simple.

Because he never thought that these priests would transform into sword card masters ...

Because he never thought that the sword card master's mind would work on his own ...

Even if there is no spiritual body, the efficiency of these mental methods is very low, but when the time flows endlessly, when the time jumps for a hundred years, when you have been near the fountain of life every second and every moment in the past 100 years, they are the most concentrated in this relic When practicing and absorbing energy ...

After a hundred years, their cultivation base has already reached its peak.

In a hundred years, they have become extremely scary.

Even if ...

They didn't know it themselves.


It is the enemy facing Japan.


Killed alive by the hated pastors.


for a long time.

The bodies of those people were burned.

The priests kneeled before the fountain of life and confessed.


Lu Ming rubbed his head.

He was already certain that the day was coming for him ...

That look.

That killing intention.

No fake.

"Do not."

"We should be sorry."

The priests shook their heads.

This is the punishment of the gods.

They count others, they routine others, they embark on the path they hate the most, so they will eventually devour their own evil consequences.


Not worthy to be called a priest.

They should be damn.


Lu Ming appeared.

Lu Ming rescued them, let them complete the redemption, and gave them a chance to confess. Otherwise, God knows how much disaster it will cause!

What's more, they have vowed before, if any future life is originally for Lu Ming.

right now.

They have become sword card masters.

At this age, it is too late to rebuild. Lu Ming also passed on secrets to save them ... Therefore, there seems to be only one way ahead of them.

"Senior Lu Ming."

The priests respectfully saluted, "From today on, we are disciples of the Sword Master Association."


Lu Ming was startled, "That Pastor Association ..."

"We are not worthy to be called a priest."

The priests sighed, "We are atonement, the mistakes we made for ourselves. And, I believe that the gods will understand what we do."

Lu Ming: "→ _ →"

If your gods are really alive, they might kill you.


Think about these people.

This is a hundred years of hard work to become the purest eight-star top sword card master!

Does he have reason to refuse?



Looking at the guilty eyes of the pastors, Lu Ming agreed.

"Then next ..."

"The enemy has been eliminated, we just need to go to the end and pray to the gods."

Said the priests.

This is the original route.

No script.

There are no enemies.

Everyone came in honestly, practiced a bit, walked to the end, prayed to the god, and the **** will give you feedback based on your piety.

So Easy.

"it is good."

Lu Ming took the pastors away.


A ruinous ruin finally came to an end.


The pastors did not notice.

Just after everyone left, in an unknown corner, a compact disc crawled out and leaped into the pool water ...




for a long time.

Lu Ming and others reached the end of heaven.

The priests are very skilled in prayer, and a huge beam of light envelops everyone. That is the purest light element particle, which can purify energy.

As for how much can be absorbed ...

It ’s up to you.

The so-called piety is not piety, in fact, it depends on your absorption of light elements.


Lu Ming felt it.

Very soft.

Very comfortable.


No use.

He himself does not have this talent.

and so.

Lu Ming can only give up.


The pastors also noticed this.

"It's okay."

Lu Ming smiled slightly, "I don't have the gift of light, so I can't absorb these light particles. You absorb them quickly. These are good for you. I will help you protect the law."


The pastors said gratefully.


They closed their eyes slightly, immersed in purification.


The soft breath makes them refreshed, and the impetuousness of aging, everything belongs to the calm, slowly purifying body ...


Lu Ming was envious.

This is the top energy purification!

Hey hey.


He doesn't have this talent.

So, this time the ruins are again in vain ...


Not counted.

This little sword should be working hard to dig dark holy water, as long as you get a bottle into the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiaobai may be able to recover the body.


Thinking of this, Lu Ming felt relieved.

for a long time.

The priests are still absorbing.

Obviously, the bodies and minds of the priests are perfectly matched with the light particles.

"Hey, wait?"

Lu Ming suddenly stunned.

Because he suddenly had a brilliant conjecture-look, ha, these energy purifications are determined according to the light talent, right?

Pure light talent.


and so.

If someone in the ruins battlefield has a talent for light, can he also get a little light?

Lu Ming thought so.


Seeing everyone is addicted, he was careful in this heavenly world, opening his sea of ​​consciousness, and letting the beam find the remains of the battlefield ...



The world is changing dramatically.

Endless light particles suddenly condense here, the entire heaven and earth, every corner, every place, every air.



The light particles condense to form an extremely thick beam of light.


Fiercely inserted into Lu Ming's body.


There was a loud noise.

The beam of light that had condensed to the extreme and almost turned into a solid body was just poked into Lu Ming's consciousness sea. The original solid sea of ​​consciousness was almost turned over on the spot.



The ruins battlefield fluctuated violently, and the practitioners were all kicked out.


The stout beam of light remained in Lu Ming's body, purifying the sea of ​​consciousness madly, and the sea of ​​consciousness was also tenaciously resisting the entry of the beam of light ...


The beam of light was exhausted, getting smaller and smaller.


Completely dissipated.


Lu Ming wiped his sweat and woke up suddenly.


at this time.

The shaking of the earth has stopped.

"What happened?"

"All the beams of light have disappeared, it should be exhausted."

The priests said, "It must have been a ghost from a few days ago, huh, it's too hateful, and actually drained all the power of heaven and earth!"


Lu Ming wiped sweat.

Fortunately, no one found him.

Fortunately ...

It's not broken here.

"Will energy run out of heaven, will there be any trouble?"

Lu Ming was still worried.

"will not."

The priests proudly said, "ordinary people only know that our pastor association maintains the small world through energy, but they don't know that the core here is spring water!"

"This is triple insurance."

"Only world energy is not drained!"

"As long as there is another drop in the fountain of life!"

"There is only one drop of dark holy water!"

"Our heaven will never disappear!"

Said the priests.

"That's good."

Lu Ming was relieved.


As he turned around, he shivered ...

and many more.

As long as there is a drop in the fountain of life ...

Do not.

Will not.

How is it possible hahahaha!

Xiao Xiaojian, who doesn't want to hollow out any face ... right?


There are cracks in the sky ~ ~ Click!


Spread the whole world like lightning.

"this is……"

All pastors widened their eyes.


Lu Ming's face was green.

Gan Li Niang!

It's really gone!


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