MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 730 Weng son's relationship broke down.

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Lu Ming looked solemn.

Regarding the two major countries, he felt that he needed to understand clearly.


About yourself.

It's about Xiaobai.

His father ’s greenness and greenness are all trivial matters, and his own safety is the most important thing.


Lu Ming called Jiang Feng.

Opposite, there was a familiar voice.


It's like a diligent old oxen who has been over-cultivating in the deserted grassland for a long time.

Lu Ming :? ? ?

What the **** are you doing every day? !


Jiang Feng said in a deep voice.


Lu Ming said, "I want to ask Xiaobai's mother."


Jiang Feng paused, "You know?"


Lu Ming nodded slightly.

"Who said this?"

"My Father."

Lu Ming said honestly.


Jiang Feng sighed, "Your dad's mouth is more broken than the old turtle who called the master's house."

Lu Ming: "?"

It seems that the tortoise of the summoner's family is unusual ...


Don't say this.

Since Lu Ming knew the truth, Jiang Feng did not intend to hide it.

After all, Lu Ming has now entered the Nine-Star Alliance, with strong strength and distinguished status, which is considered to be higher than they climbed, and may even count on him to save people.


He knows everything.

Jiang Bai's true identity, Xiaobai's mother's identity, Jiang Feng probably all talked about, oh, and what they often sent people from the country of Yun Yi ...

"They have been here!"

Lu Ming's face changed slightly.

He didn't expect that Yun Yi Kingdom had already come!

And unlike 1 and 0, their country sent people to appear silently through the flames, and it was a bit daunting to think about it.

How can this be defended? !

"It's okay."

Jiang Feng smiled, "Just as long as they are fully visible, urinating will do ..."

Lu Ming: "..."


He took a deep breath, "They want Xiaobai?"



"Because the heirs of Yun Yi Kingdom do not like females ..."


"Yes, the one you think."


Lu Ming trance.

and many more.

Even if the country of Yuzhi is in chaos, how can it feel that the country of Yunyi is even more chaotic ... Isn't it fragrant to play chess honestly? !

Too brutal! ! !

He couldn't let Xiaobai be taken away!

The ghost knows what will happen.

"What else do you want to ask?"

Jiang Feng was calm.


Lu Ming thought about it for a long time. After all, the reason for this incident was Lao Jiang's identity, Dragon Knight ...

and so……

"Why were you with Xiaobai's mother?"

Lu Ming was curious.

The little white mother is the legendary fire dragon, right?

Riding a dragon ...

Fire dragon ...

→ _ →


"Huoer's words ..."

Jiang Feng pondered for a moment and said, "Because of her virtue?"

"My dad used this word when he said my mom."

"Because she is gentle?"

"My dad said it."

"Because she is kind?"

"My dad said it too."

"Oh, your dad is hypocritical."

Jiang Feng despised.

Lu Ming: "..."

Gan Li Niang.

You are not hypocritical!


Jiang Feng sighed and told the truth, "Actually, the reason I am with Xiaobai's mother is because her eyes look very kind."


"Compared with the beauty of appearance, all her beauty is in her eyes, so pure, so exciting ..."


"Of course, I learned later that she was near the crater when she was called out at that time, and she was so scared by the smoke inside that she was tearful ..."


Lu Ming was expressionless.

Who TM eyes are smoked looks very good and good!

You really are a scapegoat!

"Where is she now?"

"I'm under house arrest."


Lu Ming remained silent for a long time. "Is it under house arrest in a palace larger than Tiandu?"

"How did you know?"

Jiang Feng marveled.


Lu Ming's face was black, "Both palaces are so big?"

"A designer did it."

Jiang Feng said of course, "The Kingdom of Birdmen ... cough, no, the Yuzhi Kingdom is the kind with energy wings. It lives in the sky, so does the Yunyi Kingdom. Both kingdoms live between the clouds, are they neighbors , Good relationship, some business dealings. "

Lu Ming: "..."

Cow batch!

What can he say?

These countries are really playing Civilization 6.

"So you didn't want to bring her back."

Lu Ming sighed.

"I have my own plan."

Jiang Feng said in a deep voice, "It's just that I didn't expect that you will improve so fast ..."

"Your plan is ..."

Lu Ming said cautiously.


Jiang Feng said domineeringly, "Cultivate Xiaobai well and let her marry a good man in the future, let her man help me get my wife back!"

Lu Ming :? ? ?

Isn't that you? !


At the end.

Jiang Feng also added a sentence, "I wrote it all in this way. The last book I read" The Frozen Fox 69 ", it was written by the teenager to help his father and save his mother ..."


Lu Ming's face was black, and there was a murderous echo in his heart.

What kind of sand sculpture father? !

What kind of sand sculpture father-in-law? !

No wonder the relationship between the two is so good ...

What a shame!

Never mind.

What can he say?

"That one."

"Ask to ask."

Lu Ming whispered, "Does the mother-in-law have any friends who are sweethearts, or heirs who like her sister's heir?"


Jiang Feng was at a loss, "No, she has an older sister, what's wrong?"

"Oh it's all right."

Lu Ming was very disappointed.

What a pity.

Otherwise, it would be fun to be green at Laojiangtou ...

Ha ha.

"In short."

"The situation is clear now."

Jiang Feng was a little confident.

of course.

If he knows that his son-in-law wants to find someone to green himself, it is estimated that he will blow up in minutes ...

"The deep sea kingdom is gone."

"Cut off the invasion of the eight great nations."

Jiang Feng said in a deep voice.

"Gaps may appear at any time."

Lu Ming shook his head, and the location of the gap was random, and the size was different. If the gap is larger next time, it may be dangerous.

"will not."

Jiang Feng shook his head and gave him a strange look. "Relax, even if there is a gap, the eight nations will fill in the first time ..."


"What do you say?"

Jiang Feng's eyes were faint.

Of course I was afraid that you would destroy others again ...

"That was an accident."

Lu Ming spread his hands.

The demise of the deep-sea kingdom requires a huge gap + the entrance has been developed + ① such a super spy + comet passing by nearby + the precise coordination of the deep-sea king ...


It is almost impossible to reproduce.

"They don't know."

Jiang Feng said lightly.

In short.

After this incident, even if you crack their faces, they dare not come ...

Human world, security +1.

right now.

The only entrance is the deep sea kingdom.

Whoever wins the deep-sea kingdom will have the right to open the entrance in the future and the key to open the battlefield.

"Let's take the deep-sea kingdom first and find a chance to kill it in the future."

Jiang Feng said in a deep voice.

"not good."

Lu Ming refused decisively.

Jiang Feng: "???

"I have a better plan."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "Look, Xiaobai has the Fire Dragon Bloodline, and I have the Phoenix Spirit Bloodline. That being the case, in the future our children will have the Dragon and Phoenix Bloodline, and they must be supernatural ..."

"what is this?"

"The proper protagonist aura."

"You said, how about letting him rescue my grandmother at that time? One can't beat, we can still give birth to two, but two won't work, then give birth to three! If the enemy is really strong, it's no problem to have seven groups I have thought about my name, Dawa, Erwa, Sanwa ... "


Jiang Feng was black.

? ? ?

What are you looking at to save the grandma? !

and also……

What year have you been waiting for your two children? !

"Can you save?"

"Not saved!"

"She is your mother-in-law!"

"She is still your wife!"


for a long time.

Weng son-in-law's relationship broke down, and the two of them angrily hung up on the communication.

Little Sword: "..."

The relationship between the characters in your family is really complicated.

"Really helpless?"

Little Sword whispered.

"Just don't get used to these two salted fish!"

Lu Ming sneered.

People, of course, have to be saved.

But you look at it, a father, an old river, is that ridiculous? ! One is better than one salted fish, can all count on children?


Anyway, it is not him who grinds calluses on his hands.

Little Sword: → _ →

Lu Ming's little temper is good.


for a long time.

Lu Ming reorganized the system of the eight nations.


Seven nations.

It does n’t make sense to talk to them, human beings are in a country, there is no need to be seven, and their relationship is not impossible to use.

such as--

Yun Yi Kingdom.

Unlike his father's cut-off, Xiaobai's mother is a real princess!

and so……

Xiaobai is also a descendant of the royal family.


Maybe in the future, the country of Yun Yi may be drawn together, and then, it is the country of Yuzhi. This country is not very good ...

"I have a way."

Little Sword Spirit Machine moved.


Lu Ming glanced at it.

"Look, ha."

"The new king likes your mother and wants to marry her, right?"

Little Sword was excited.


"Think your brain! You are stupid, your mother has given birth to you and Lu Yan, and if you are distressed, you will not want to have another child, so if the new king becomes your dad, are you not a prince ! Maybe in the future you will be the next king of the Yuzhi Kingdom! "

Xiao Xiaojian said proudly.


Lu Ming was expressionless.

for a long time.

He rubbed the little sword into a ball ...


Xiaojian's face changed greatly, "Don't want this shape ..."

call out!

Lu Ming threw it directly into the sea of ​​consciousness, and a subconscious shadow threw it over ...


The consciousness screamed for a while.

Uh ...

Lu Ming was filled with emotion.

My brother ’s love for playing the ball has not changed.


As for the Prince ...

Lu Ming hasn't recognized his father's idea, and neither can the king.


Then, there is the eternal kingdom.

This is the base camp of the cat brother and the most dangerous country.

"Brother Cat, what do you think?"

Lu Ming asked subconsciously.

"Not urgent."

The black cat shook his head.

Eternal kingdom……

There is no threat of 0 and 1, it just rest and relax.

"it is good."

Lu Ming nodded slightly.

in this way.

Turn back to solve your own affairs first.


at this time.

The black cat gave Lu Ming a curious look. "Did you call me my sister before?"


Lu Ming arched his hands, "Brother Cat is more respectful."


The black cat looked suspiciously, "You call my sister to try."

"Sister Cat ..."

Lu Ming's subconscious opening.


From the thought of Lu Ming, the black cat saw some very delicate things, all kinds of strange images and records, and games ...

And then……

Lu Ming flew out and hung on the wall.


Lu Ming was silent.

You see, this is why he is not a cat sister! Cat sister cat sister cat mother is something that is easily reminiscent of something that should not be thought of ...



That night.

Lu Ming looked at the data of other countries very seriously.

Considering the special status of Xiaobai today, and worrying that the country might shoot Xiaobai, Lu Ming thought about it and simply stayed in the Xiaobai room.


"Where is it."

"To protect you for the teacher, take a good rest."


Xiaobai obediently lay down.

Lu Ming was very pleased.


There are not many Masters like him who care so much about the safety of their disciples and are willing to protect themselves ...



Silently passed away.

The next day.

early morning.

Xiaobai sent Xiaoming to school early.

Lu Ming communicated with the big brothers of the Nine Star Alliance in the group on the development of the deep-sea country.

"how is the progress?"

"Not very smooth, high temperature and high pressure cannot be solved, and the practitioners of the R & D team in these two days have also been under tremendous pressure.


Lu Ming's face is black, isn't he fat? !

"Can't nine stars?"

"Few people, and it's not worth the risk ..."

Wu Jiu spread his hands.

They are these nine stars.

Went to fight with people from seven other countries?

Tired and exhausted!

"What about ice spells?"

"Not very good ... after all, it is the entire deep-sea country. It is too big. Even if all the ice elements are shot, it may not be reduced by one degree."


Lu Ming also has a headache.

Cool down ...

this is a big problem.

The R & D team studied it for a whole week, and now the water temperature of the deep-sea country, Lu Ming picked up the data, and then was silent ...

Although he doesn't know much about technology.

But how can this temperature be higher than before? ? ?

"What's the temperature?"

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed.


Wu Jiu coughed, "You also know that the human body is better than people in other worlds, so yesterday, someone from the Eternal Kingdom has gone to sea!"

"So fast?!"

Lu Ming was shocked.

Seven nations plus human world confrontation!

What is the comparison?


Whoever enters the deep-sea country first, whoever gets the resources first, has a huge advantage! They haven't made progress on this side yet, they have all succeeded!


"Never let them in!"

Lu Ming looks dignified ~ ~ I know. "

Wu Jiu nodded, "So we lost some nuclear explosions in ... cough, you don't have to say, the water temperature is not easy to come down, it rises quite quickly ..."

Lu Ming: "..."

"Someone actually tried to go to sea this morning."

"and then?"

"Returned by someone from another world ..."


Lu Ming :? ? ?

Do you think this is a public swimming pool? Urine everything?


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