MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 734 §§§

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Deep sea country.

Round bubble **** are floating.


Lu Ming glanced at it. Such a dangerous action was exactly the same as the Underwater Paradise. Seeing the running chart after 20%, there was no enemy.

of course.

There are no resources.

"Because the entrance was destroyed the most, it was deserted."

Said the girl.

"See it."

Lu Ming sighed.

Into the eye.

All ruins.

What the original deep-sea kingdom was no longer known, now we can only see the traces of some ruins through the green and blue waters.


Just as they went deeper, they finally found an undestructed seabed mine, with crystal clear light vaguely visible.

"Energy Crystal!"

Everyone shuddered.

There is an energy crystal mine in this place!


What is amazing is that inside the mine, some dark shadows surround the energy crystals, constantly mining the crystals inside, which is very mysterious.

"People from the Kingdom of Shadow..."

The girl frowned, "They came in."

"The Kingdom of Shadows..."


Lu Ming recovered.


For people in other countries, these are troubles, but for the Kingdom of Shadow, whose body is already in a semi-null state, the problem is not big.

So they came in quietly.

"Are you going to shoot?"

The girl was eager to try.

It looks like the enemy is not too strong.

"No need to."

Lu Ming rolled his eyes, "Our mission is to explore the terrain, not to provoke right or wrong."


The girl glanced at Lu Ming.


Salted fish!

There is no masculinity in a man at all. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't we kill this group of guys and kill the energy crystal?

"It will attract the attention of other countries."

Lu Ming explained, "It will be troublesome when the map cannot be detected by then."


Girls can only listen to orders.


When they went deeper, they met people from other countries in several places with resources. Lu Ming flashed away.

no way.

I can't beat it...



Although the bottom of the sea is full of ideas, but...


This is not in the human world. In such an external world, without world rules protecting them, ghosts know what weird things will happen.


This way, his choices are very conservative. Every passing resource, ore, as long as there are people, they all leave!

Just a simple running picture.

Girl: "..."

The kingdom of the shadows can be ignored. How can the countries that are not strong when they look at them be ignored? Can it just go out?


Every time Lu Ming chose to ignore.


Lu Ming replied casually.

"Too counseling..."

The girl murmured.


Lu Ming did not hear it.


Anyway, he also got used to it.

Fortunately, the exploration of the map is steadily moving forward. Every deep-sea mine, every mysterious resource, every ruin remains are clearly explored.


The map progress has reached 80%.

Lu Ming was very satisfied.


According to this progress, you can go back soon.

At this moment, under the sound wave detection of Wu Xiu, they soon discovered a mysterious resource location in front of them.



In the map detection, this place blinked wildly.

"Energy far exceeds previous resources..."

Wu Xiu whispered.

This must be a huge resource point.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.


They came to the vicinity of the resource point, just close, they saw a hill made of energy crystals... shining brightly.

"Energy Mountain..."

People were shocked.

Damn it!

What a terrible resource? !

in case……

If you can bring these back...


Lu Ming frowned.

He glanced around, and then fell to the mountain in front of him.

This thing...

"It's too big, we may not take it away."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

"It's okay."

A guru stubbornly scratched his head, "As long as you give me time, I can put it all on."


Lu Ming glanced at him, "So what?"

"This one."

Light and shadow flashed in the master's hands, and the outline of a small world emerged, "I transformed the whole world into a prototype of a warehouse..."

"and so."

"Everything can fit in!"

"As long as the energy is enough, everything can be installed."

The master is proud.

There must be no shortage of energy in front of the energy mountain.

Lu Ming: "..."

and many more.

This is the legendary storage space?

It was actually transformed from the prototype of the small world...

What can he say?

Cow batch!

"No one is nearby!"

The girl was excited.

In this way, Lu Ming will not continue to admit it? !


Lu Ming looked away.

The halo of energy shone, but somehow Lu Ming was always a little uneasy.

Although the deep-sea kingdom is theoretically full of wealth, it is strange that such a mountain of energy appears here with such grandeur.

"Little sword?"

"I don't feel right..."

Xiao Xiaojian said in a deep voice.


"Nothing is right."

Little Sword is sure.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.


He gave the order again-wait.

"Lu Ming!"

The girl was anxious.

According to her previous experience of ruins, this kind of resource is of course on a first-come-first-served basis and discovered by others is the real trouble.


Lu Ming looked calm.


One by one, the protection **** change color and hide.


The girl was angry.

She regretted following...

They all say where Lu Ming went and where to go, and his strength is omnipotent. Now it seems that this guy's share capital is just a counsel!

Not pleasant at all.

"You what you."

Lu Ming glanced at her, "Don't blame me again if you make trouble again."

"What can you do?"

The girl was not convinced yet.

What can Lu Ming do with her grandpa? !


"If you make trouble again, I'm like your grandfather raising relatives."

Lu Mingyou said.


The air suddenly fell silent.

The girl was dumbfounded on the spot, she thought about Lu Ming's success rate, and then...

Also counseled.

"Wait just wait."

The girl murmured and came down honestly.


Lu Ming just smiled slightly, joke, I can't clean up my cat, can't clean up you? !


A group of people squatted behind a coral somewhere, and so quietly looked at the energy mountain in the distance. For a long time, a person from a kingdom appeared.

That is a giant beast.

This should be a super beast formed by the condensing of all forces in a certain country, and can walk unscrupulously in this deep sea country.

"Lu Ming..."

The girl was nervous.

At this time, grab the energy mountain run!


Lu Ming is still calm.


"Call me to kiss again."



Everyone just watched the monster appear, and the monster found the Energy Mountain, glanced at it with delight, and then ran directly...


The huge energy mountain was actually carried up!


There are no enemies.

There is no shadow.

After the energy mountain was moved away, there was only endless seawater around.


The girl regretted it tightly.


It's too late.

At this moment, the beast had already picked up the energy hill and ran away, even if he wanted to chase it too late...


at this time.

The ground suddenly trembled.

The beast carried the energy mountain and stopped vigilantly to look around, but there were still no enemies until the crack appeared on the ground...


A green light rose into the sky.

People were horrified to find that under the sea, a horrible figure emerged, accompanied by a roar, soaring into the sky with endless sea water.


call out!

That green shadow instantly penetrated the giant beast on the spot.


There was a roar.

The terrible light tore the giant beast. The giant beast that could bear the energy mountain was torn in the sea like this.

In place.

A strange green dragon appeared.

The body is huge.

Powerful horror.


Everyone took a breath.


this is……

Dragon? !

Such a huge dragon?

Seeing this, they felt cold after a while. If they had just passed, if they had just passed by, they might have been eaten on the spot?


Lu Ming looked at Xiaoxiaojian subconsciously.

"Look at me soaring x Dragon Diamond."

Little Sword paused and translated the slogan just now in shame.

Lu Ming: "..."


At first glance is the two dragons in the head.

"Does anyone see clearly?"

Lu Ming asked in a low voice.

"I see clearly."

Open regularly.

Worthy of being the practiser with the strongest peeping ability.

Just now that the green shadow appeared too fast, everyone didn't see it clearly, but he alone, seeing all the details clearly, just this content...

"He just looked human."

"Spiral Ascension."

"Rush into the body of the behemoth, and then suddenly become bigger and turn into a dragon..."

Chang Cheng said.


Everyone suddenly felt a horror.


What is this devil's trick? !

First get smaller into your body, then get bigger and die alive...

"What's so strange?"

Xiao Xiaojian wondered, "Isn't that the one you saw last time? Isn't that the case with your granddaughter monkey? First get smaller and enter the body of sister-in-law and then grow bigger..."


Lu Ming turned black, "Can this be the same?!"


Xiaojian scratched his head, "You can't grow bigger before you enter the body, it's reproduction..."


Lu Ming's face was black.

What a big deal.


Since you don’t know anything about human things, don’t mess around.

at the moment.

Everyone is most concerned about one thing.

"Where did he go in?"

Everyone looked at Chang Cheng.


Chang Cheng was silent, "That's the place you think."


The world suddenly fell silent.

Because everyone thought that if Lu Ming didn't stop everyone just now, they just carried the energy mountain in this way, and then were penetrated by green shadow...


Just thinking about everyone is a bit tight.


Our cute girl.


"How to do?"

Everyone looked at Lu Ming subconsciously.


Lu Ming did not hesitate.

He didn't have the idea of ​​playing against a dragon.


at this time.

Lu Ming felt that something had swept through and disappeared again.

"Just now..."

Lu Ming whispered.

"We may have been found."

Xiaojian sighed.

Worthy of being the legendary dragon family with terrifying strength.

It seems.

There will be a war today.


What they didn't expect was that Lu Ming got up and left, and after a short walk, the Green Dragon didn't catch up, but slowly fell down...


Lu Ming stopped.

"what happened?"

Everyone was frightened.

"Look at the expression of this green dragon..."

Lu Ming whispered.

"What's the expression?"

Everyone was at a loss.

Did not see anything.


At this moment, a middle-aged guru suddenly awakened, "You mean, he is now hollowed out and has to barely maintain his state, and still maintain his dignity?


Let him say that...

Let's look at it again, don't say it, it seems a bit mean.

"How do you see it?"

The girl marveled.

"I do this every night."

Grandmaster tears.

Everyone: "..."

An old guru who has been single for sixty years touched his right hand with relief, with emotion, "This is why the old man is not married."


In short.

The status of the Green Dragon has been analyzed clearly, and everyone is eager to try.


The super monster that resisted the energy mountain just now was also terrifying. The green dragon wiped out the monster and consumed all its strength.

They squatted for a long time, but also became a cardinal.



Everyone looked at Lu Ming.


Lu Ming fell into contemplation.

The most dangerous thing about the Green Dragon is that he doesn’t need to hide in the protection ball to fight for the idea. People can really travel through the sea through his body.

So, how to fight? !


I am afraid that the dragon skin cannot penetrate.

"pass it to me!"

The girl is very confident, "As long as you order it, I will fight it!"

"no problem?"

Lu Ming glanced at her.

"no problem."

"it is good."

Lu Ming agreed to her shot.


The girl took a deep breath, the light and shadow flashed in her hand, floated up, and pointed to the green dragon.


Void tremor.

A vortex appeared.

A huge black head protruded from the vortex, glancing at the green dragon with its eyes slanted, and then opened its mouth with a jet of dark flames...


Green Dragon was hit **** the spot and fell to the ground.


The girl was very excited, and Lu Ming guessed right. The remaining power of the green dragon was simply not enough to support it against its own attacks.

Hey, it's done!


As soon as she looked back, she saw the strange look of everyone.

"what happened?"

The girl was puzzled.


Everyone was silent.

If they read correctly, what they just called...

"Duma head?"

"It's more than the legendary dark Duma head."

"The head of Duma turned out to be fire..."

"The legendary fire of darkness."

"I thought it would be white..."


Everyone sighed.

Worthy of being that descendant, you look at this fighting power, you look at this ability...



Lu Ming coughed and walked over.


The Green Dragon is still wailing, "§§§§!"

Xiaoxiaojian's online translation, "It hurts so much..."

"Let it shut up."

"Otherwise I baked it."

Lu Ming sneered.


The world is quiet for a moment.

Green Dragon is lying on the ground honestly.

"What are you doing to guard the energy mountain?"

Lu Ming said coldly.


Green Dragon said honestly.

"You can speak human language."

Lu Ming was surprised.


Green Dragon nodded.

"Then §§§§..."

"The morphological characters of our country, so calling it out may force it a bit higher."


Lu Ming rolled his eyes, "It's all the same!"


Lulu pointed at several §§ very seriously, "You see, although everyone is a curved line, the first one is obviously angular, the second one is not."


Lu Ming looked at it for a long time and gave up.

This is just like foreigners watching Chinese, all square...

Get a ghost!

Never mind.

Lu Ming rubbed his head and asked, "What dragon are you?"

"Hengbing? Yanyang? King Kong? The poisonous colorful green dragon."


"We have rules for naming, what we have is the bloodline ability, I am the string of the ice dragon, the golden poison dragon, so the name is a little longer."


Lu Ming sighed, "Let me call you green and green, so be kind."


The green dragon's face was black.

Doesn't this name sound kind? !

You are green.

Your whole family is green.

"Don't be emotional."

Lu Ming glanced at the goods, "This is a symbol of superior status in our hometown, and it has all kinds of privileges innately."

Green Dragon:"……"

In short.

Under the explanation of Green Dragon, everyone understood.

This special green, because of her innate blood, can ignore the environment of the deep sea, so she squatted here in the Energy Mountain and waited for the rabbit.


"After killing the enemy, my toxin can become stronger..."

Lulu said.

"What about your mission?"

"Explore the deep sea environment."

Lulu scratched his head, "But some places are too dangerous, and I can't go there. I can only improve my strength here, and I will go again when I have a chance."


Lu Ming marveled.

Can make Lulu feel dangerous...


Lu Ming looked at the deepest part of the deep sea country.



"People from other countries?"


Lu Ming's heart shook slightly.

It seems that the remaining 20% ​​of the running picture is more difficult than expected.

The Green Dragon is the most powerful creature they have seen so far. Converted into human strength, it is also a super strong, and it can make it afraid...

"I can't do it."

Green Dragon counseled, "I am a waste wood in our country. This time I came, simply because my bloodline can adapt to the environment here."

It was a little downcast.

Now being arrested, the task must be hopelessly completed...

"That one."

It gave Lu Ming a careful look, "Are you a captain here?"


Lu Ming nodded.


Green Dragon leaned in, "That... you are not interested... riding me?"


Lu Ming's face was black.

Who? Want to ride you? !

"I'm still young, I don't want to die yet."

Green Dragon is wronged.

It is said that human beings are popular with dragon knights. After being caught, humans will not kill the dragon directly, but take them as mounts.

It glanced at Lu Ming.


This value...

It is not a loss to be ridden by him.


Lu Ming rolled his eyes.


This is the first to catch the dragon that was being ridden.

He was very curious. If Lao Jiangtou met this one, it might be a series of tales that can sing and cross gender and race.



"As long as you don't kill me, you can say anything."

Lulu said cleverly.

"What skills do you know?"

Lu Ming is just that. "

Lulu said honestly, "Deep Sea Poison x Dragon Drill can enter the opponent's body and become a dragon, forcibly propelling the enemy, but it is very expensive and dangerous."


"Yes, I used to have a master who used this trick against the enemy, because the enemy's physical fitness is too strong, so he couldn't come out after he entered..."


"Although the dragon ate his stomach afterwards, Master barely calculated it, but it was also abandoned..."



PS: §§§.