MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 740 The legendary demon.

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That night.

Lu Ming returned to the association.


Considering the time when he left the association, Xiaobai might encounter various dangers, and Lu Ming slept intimately in her room.

That night.

Lulu is still adapting to a new environment.


He wanted to understand.

Now that he has become Lu Ming's mount, he must be well mixed in the Sword and Card Master Association and strive to become the big brother here.

of course.

He has nothing to worry about at this point.

After all, he is a dragon family, converted to human strength, there is no nine stars and there are seven or eight stars, except for Xiaobai, he is not afraid of anyone!

In the future, he will definitely become a dragon!

"That kid!"


"It's you."

Green Dragon smoothly called a child, "What's your name? Is there a Master, you call me Master, I will teach you some fun skills!"

"My name is Lu Mingsheng."

The child said with a milky voice.


Green Dragon's expression suddenly stiffened.

He didn't know this child, nor did he know Lu Ming's family, but from this child's straightforward understanding he could also guess...

"Yes, the children who will grow up?"


"Hello little master."

Green Dragon's knees softened, "Little Lord, walk slowly."

"Funny skills you said..."

Xiao Mingsheng is excited.

"I can teach you the ability to grow bigger and smaller!"

Green Dragon said proudly.


Xiao Mingsheng pouted, "What did you think it would be, I will do this too."


Xiao Mingsheng left.

Green Dragon:? ? ?

It was shocked.


Mankind has mastered the huge ability in advance! ? This is the only ability he has as a dragon and a green dragon...


It may also be because of the president’s child.

That's right!

The president's talent is so, it is no surprise that the child will be nothing!


Green Dragon decided to change his goal, so he stopped again before the next child came out, "That little girl, what's your name?"


The little girl sneered, "Lu Yousheng."


The Green Dragon fell into contemplation.

Never mind.

forget about it.

His knees softened and he knelt down directly, "Little Lord walks slowly."

Xiao Yousheng: →_→


What did dad bring back this time?

Automatic kneeling machine?

Also with AI?

Never mind.

The younger brother just ran out and wanted to chase it back.

Xiao Yousheng gave him a strange look before leaving.


Lvlong wiped his sweat, and suddenly felt that he started with the children of the senior members of the Sword and Card Association and thus became a wrong decision with them...

Looking at it, is the chairman really? Able to live!


He decided to change the way.

Although his age is a young dragon in the dragon family, but in humans, it is bound to have infinite charm. This is a noble feature unique to the dragon family!

in this way.

It can also make girls better with themselves.


A girl walked by.


This girl...

Lvlu just wanted to shoot, and then remembered one thing.


He was an agitator and took out the online rumored "Lu Ming Harem" to confirm the identity of the girl who just passed by...

Oh open!

Fortunately, he didn't shoot!

This person's surname Tian is actually one of the president's harem!

I heard that this person wandered in the president's room day and night, calling Master Xiaobai the elder sister. Although he had no heirs, he was also one of the favored palaces.


Green Dragon wipes sweat, change, change.

for a long time.

Someone passed again.

Green Dragon habitual query.


Yan girl.

Xiao Yousheng's biological mother is one of the president's harems.

give up.

for a long time.

Another person walked by.


Xi Yin girl.

Xiao Mingsheng’s milkmaid, Lord Lu Ming’s breastfeeder...

? ? ?

The green dragon looked dazed.


The president has so many harems! ! !


at this time.

He saw some teenagers passing by, coughing and was about to come forward, and was surprised to find that this group of colorful teenagers were all masters!


"You just grow up and the green just came back?"


The teenagers marveled.

"Ask a question."

The youth in white moved slightly.


Lulu dazed.

"The girl next to the president, who is the closest to you?"

The teenagers asked.


Who is the closest to Lulu?


He understood.

These teenagers are the relatives of the president, and yes, only in this way, they can enjoy the resources of the sword card master and break through the master at this age.

As for him...

If you really want to say who you are closest to, it’s only adults.

"Master Bai."

Lulu said honestly.


The world is silent.

The teenagers looked at Lvlu in horror.


They like Qiu Shuyi, Gao Xiaoqing, Lu Yan, but no one has ever thought about it, and some people dare to like Xiaobai!


When did this go? !

Someone else still has a hope, what Master Xiaobai said...

"Brothers are really ruthless."

"Yeah, I thought I licked the dog enough, compared with you..."

"In this way, in the future you will be our licking dog group... ah, in the future you will be the head of our rainbow youth group, really!"

"That is, our Tuanqi also follows you."

The boys said one after another.

"I am the leader?"


"Are we partners?"

"of course."


Lulu rejoices.


Finally successfully integrated into the association!

You see, he is still very popular, he joined a strong team when he came, and he became the leader of the team with his own qualifications!


But it has never been felt before by the Dragon Clan.

for a long time.

With Lulu joining, the Youth League was built on the spot.


With the leader in place, the color of their rainbow group was finally announced, and it was completely defined as the color of the new leader-green.


Silently passed away.

Full of brilliance of a healthy diet.


The next day.

early morning.

Lu Ming woke up leisurely, feeling the warmth in his arms and his youth.


Xiaobai rubbed in Lu Ming's arms.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.


It's time to help Xiaobai recover! ! !

Xiaobai girl is as old as herself, 17 years old, and has been in the consciousness sea for three years for some reason. Calculated, it is already 17+3!



Lu Ming carefully pulled himself away from Xiaobai, but when he went to the toilet, he failed for half an hour.


The gun failed.

Xiaobai is here to influence his play.


"When are you going to start?"

"Don't think about it."

Lu Ming was also melancholy.

The body recovers from this kind of thing...

May need Xiaobai to agree.


He communicated with Xiaobai.

"Do not worry."

Xiaobai blushed.


Lu Ming was shocked.


Do not……

Not in a hurry? !

Tian La Lu, is this still the little white? !

In the impression, Xiaobai didn't think too much about this matter, and even drank things a few days ago and almost drank himself badly. Now he is not in a hurry?

? ? ?

Lu Ming touched Xiaoya's head without fever.

"Hate it!"

Xiaobai patted Master's hand and blushed.


"Just don't worry."

Xiaobai squeezed, "I'll talk about it when it's appropriate."

"Female mouth."

Lu Ming is innocent.

What can he say? !

If Xiaobai is not in a hurry, he is not too anxious.

After all, I've been single for decades, and it's not that bad these months...


The little girl...

"Little sword?"


"Shall you ask Xiaobai?"

"Uh... forget it."


"I went to find it yesterday and was kicked out."


"I suspect that Xiaobai may have a dog outside."

The little sword is wronged.

How long has it been on business!

Lu Ming: "..."


This is not a lot of real strength!

Xiaobai, a spirit body, what are you worried about!

He is now mainly worried about Xiaobai. This girl's sudden abnormality will not be threatened. After all, Liu Jiu said before...

"Let the little fox observe more."

Lu Ming asked.


The little sword paused.

"what happened?"

Lu Ming wonders, aren't you the best?


Xiao Xiaojian sighed, "I'm worried about this cargo guardian's self-theft. According to my knowledge of Xiaohu, his skin is second only to you..."

Lu Ming:? ? ?


He slaps the past, what is it? After me, Lao Tzu is the kind of person? !

"What about Little Fox?"

"Let it come!"

Lu Ming looked somber.

"I am searching."

Xiao Xiaojian looked at it honestly, and suddenly he had a meal, hey, hey, "I found it, this is in the infirmary."


"Surprised by Brother Cat..."


Lu Ming remembered.

This book is written by the cat brother.


Deserve it!




Little Fox looked blank.

"How come you come in again?"

Zhang Yang marveled.

Nice guy.

This guy enters the clinic more frequently than he does.

"I do not know either."

Little Fox is at a loss, "I just wanted to try the mimic project test, just condensed into a form, and bent down, I felt a black and thick stick sweeping..."


"I don't remember."

Little Fox is wronged.

Zhang Yang: "..."

Poor little guy.

"Why are you here? Was it beaten again?"

Little Fox looked at him curiously.


"Who dares to beat me?"

Publicize domineering.


Even the former Sword and Card Masters Association is gone. Now, as Lu Ming continues to grow stronger, the Sword and Card Masters Association branch is continuously established, and his status has soared.

Who dares to beat him?


"Then you..."

Little Fox is puzzled.


"Isn't this a monthly card VIP in the infirmary?"

"In the monthly card package, you can be beaten 36 times a month for free."

Zhang Yang casually said, "I wondered how many free treatments have not been used up this month, so I specifically provoked the new dragon and used it for the last time."

? ? ?

The little fox has a dumbfounded face, can it still be like this?




Green Dragon is in excellent spirit.

He is very satisfied with the association and has friends and goals.

of course.

At this moment, he received news from Master Xiaobai and hurried over.

"grown ups."

Green Dragon said respectfully.


"What dragon am I?"

Xiaobai asked seriously.

Since she knew that her bloodline belonged to the dragon, she was a little tangled. This is also the biggest reason why she rejected Master, in case...

What if she changes!

Master has told the story of the white snake, oooo...

just in case……

In case she also transformed.

"You are the honorable fire dragon, the purest kind of bloodline."

Green Dragon said.

Although it does not know the identity of Master Xiaobai, it can feel the powerful breath.

"But my dad is human."

Xiaobai wondered.

Shouldn't the pure kind be Fire Dragon and Fire Dragon? Although she is young, the creature is good, and this knowledge is still known.

"This shows that your father is a waste wood."

Green Dragon said honestly, "His genes are not left at all."

? ? ?

Xiaobai's eyes widened, he actually scolded!


If you think about it carefully, it seems to be right.

"Then I will ask you again."

Xiaobai glanced around to make sure no one was there, and then said cautiously, "Xiaolvlu, have you ever got married with Yuzhi Kingdom?"


Green Dragon takes it for granted.


"Tell me about it."

Xiaobai said softly.

"it is good."

Xiao Lulu finished everything he knew before he was let go.

"I am still useful."

Green Dragon is very happy.

This feeling of being needed is really good.


However, what he did not expect was that he was called away by a middle-aged man not long after he left.


Green Dragon said weakly.

Today he has made several trips.


such as……

The one called Zhang Yang.

Call yourself, and then make yourself a dragon to show him...

That's right!

These bastards, because they haven’t seen the dragon, so he tricks himself, he keeps getting bigger and smaller and bigger and smaller...

Back and forth dozens of times.


What can he say?

"You are the green dragon?"

The middle-aged said indifferently.


Green Dragon sighed, "What position do you want to see? I'll change it to you."

? ? ?

The middle-aged man sneered, "What a mess, since you belong to Yun Yi Kingdom, I'll ask you, you should know me Jiang Feng."

"Jiang Feng?"

Green Dragon wonders, why should I know?

and many more.

Jiang Feng...


Green Dragon's face changed suddenly.

He suddenly remembered what his parents said when he was a child—

"Come on, my father tells you a story. In a distant place, there is a demon named Jiang Feng. He specializes in riding dragons. That's why our princess..."

"Don't cry! Let's cry and let Jiang Feng catch you!"

"Good kids don't cry, all crying kids will be ridden by Jiang Feng."



Nightmare emerged.


"You are the devil!"

Green Dragon was frightened.


Since Jiang Feng's domineering ride on Her Majesty the Princess, he has become a legend of the Dragon tribe.

Ordinary humans, at most, enter your mind and threaten you, and you become his mount. But Jiang Feng, not only into your heart, but also into your body...


? ? ?

Jiang Feng's face was black, what a demon!


Green Dragon wanted to say something, suddenly panicked, covered his mouth, and begged: "I... I am a male dragon, male!"

Jiang Feng:? ? ?

This? Where is the sand sculpture dragon? !

Lao Tzu wants to ask about Ignition, do you have anything like this? !


Jiang Feng was black.


The green dragon's legs are soft.

He wants to run, but he dare not run at case...

What if Jiang Feng got angry?


He walked cautiously towards Jiang Feng.

of course.

Taking into account Jiang Feng's legend, looking at Jiang Feng's strange eyes, he thought for a moment, inexplicably frightened, so he stretched out another hand to cover his back, and then approached carefully.

Jiang Feng:? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!

What do you mean there? !


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