MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 743 Say to be angels of each other.

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Sword Card Masters Association.

When Lu Ming heard the request of Senior Qiu Shuyi, he was excited... Ah, wrong, shocked and overwhelmed.


How can this work?

Although Qiu Shu is his fiancee on the instrument, they actually have no half-cent relationship and only support their sisters in the middle.

This kind of thing is definitely not good.


Since Senior Qiu asked, isn't it good to disagree?

After all, there is sister.



After hard thinking, Lu Ming could hardly conceal a hint of excitement: "Is this bad?"


Xiaojian was expressionless.

Oh, man.

"What's wrong?"

Qiu Shuyi smiled, "If you are inconvenient, I can do it myself."


Lu Ming took a sip of jelly.


do it yourself? !

The news alone made people feel thrilled, throbbed, and frozen.


Lu Ming decided decisively.

"bring it on!"

Lu Ming was awe-inspiring and made a sacrifice, for his sister, for senior Qiu, for Qiu family, he made it difficult...


Qiu Shuyi was surprised, "Would you like to adopt Xiao Mingsheng to me?"

Lu Ming: "→_→"



Lu Ming trance, "Xiao Mingsheng?"


Qiu Shuyi blinked, "Otherwise?"

Lu Ming: "..."

Gan Li Niang!

Why is it Xiao Mingsheng? !

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Xiao Xiaojian laughed.


Let you pretend to hahahaha.


Soon, he noticed Lu Ming's dark complexion, his eyes slowly looking at it, and the terrifying killing intent...


Little Sword was silent.

"You know Brother Cat is actually..."

Lu Ming smiled.

! ! !

Xiaojian suddenly panicked, "Shut up!"

Don't listen to it!

Since reading the terabytes of data, it will automatically associate some of them every time it listens, and then it will be ravaged by the cat brother!

"I'm wrong and it won't work!"

Little sword tears eyes.


Lu Ming ignored it and continued.


Xiaojian gritted his teeth, "Actually, if Senior Qiu doesn't do it, I can do it. If I become a human, I can help you. Is this always possible?"


The world is suddenly quiet.

The expression on Lu Ming's face was startled, and immediately became frightened.

Gan Li Niang!

Can you not be so scary? !


Xiaojian suddenly flew out.


Lu Ming looked somber.

Not to mention Lenovo, it feels sick enough just to hear it.


Brother Cat looked at it curiously. She just vaguely heard herself just now, but at a glance Lu Ming and the two were arguing and she went to rest again.

And at this time.

Qiu Shuyi is still waiting for the news of Landing Ming.

Lu Ming: →_→

"Xiao Mingsheng agrees."

Lu Ming shrugged.

Words passed to sister and Qiu Shuyi...

It really doesn't matter.


Qiu Shuyi was excited.

Indistinctly, Lu Ming even heard the sound of breaking the ball with the ball.

Oh open.

A picture jumped into my mind...


Qiu Shuyi quickly contacted Xiao Mingsheng, but unfortunately, Xiao Mingsheng refused, "I have talked to Xiaohua, Xiaohong, and Xiaoli, and want to be each other's angels."

"Sorry, Aunt Qiu."


The world suddenly fell silent.

Lu Ming: "..."

Lu Yan: "..."

and many more.

Who are Xiaohong, Xiaohua and Xiaoli? !

Why do you want to be each other's angels with three girls at the same time? !

"three people?!"

Lu Yan was surprised.


"I learned it from my dad."

Xiao Mingsheng proudly said, "My father also said Aunt Tian, ​​Aunt Xiaobai, Aunt Yan, Aunt Gao... Unfortunately I only talked about three."

Xiao Mingsheng was also disappointed.

His dream is to open a big harem like his father! ! !


Just like the uncle in white said, if you can't succeed, you can only lick the dog like they do. The term sounds sad.

Therefore, he must continue to work hard!


The one in the next class called Xiaojia is also very beautiful.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

God? Only talked about three!

Although Xiao Mingsheng does not have the ability to harm other girls at present, Lu Ming feels that he should beat this thing...

Not ashamed? !

I only have Xiaobai a good cut!


What should I do if the child comes?

Mostly idle.

It's good to have a meal!


"That's fine."

Qiu Shuyi sighed.

The child disagreed and she had no choice.


Speaking of children...

She smiled slightly, "It's okay, let the family continue to urge it, and later it can't be concealed, and then ask you for help, when you come..."


With a crisp sound of Q bombs, Lu Yan snatched the communicator.

"Xiao Yanyan! What are you doing!"

Qiu Shuyi was angry.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lu Yan said coldly.


She said to Lu Ming, "Don't listen to her, we talk about the communication chip."


Lu Ming was in a trance.

The crisp sound just now he even heard the rebound...

Sister, where did you shoot? Hey!

Never mind.

This is not important.


Lu Ming took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then seriously discussed how to mass-produce the communication chip.

According to her sister, after she came here, she found many things in the extreme north, and in a very special environment, there were actually signals, so they put them together, re-finished and produced, and finally formed Communication chip that can cross the country!

Each chip probably contains hundreds of parts.


Most of them are pretty easy to find.


Only a small part, in the deepest part of the extreme north-that rumor, has an absolutely frozen place.

Lu Yan they found some on the edge, but if they continue to get closer, the ultra-low temperature inside, even if they can't bear it.

Absolutely frozen...

It means that it can freeze any existence!

Whether it's people, things, even...


As long as you are close to it, you will be frozen.


For countless years, countless existences have long been frozen there.

"You mean..."

Lu Ming's mind moved slightly.


Lu Yan nodded slightly.

Absolutely ice seals everything, and naturally contains things from ancient times.

and so.

Through the absolute ice, through this special forbidden area, Lu Yan is equivalent to using all the things lost in ancient times.

She will use special materials across countless times to form a communication chip.

"Then how did you get it?"

Lu Ming was curious.


Lu Yan said domineeringly.

In recent years, global warming has reduced the size of the frozen land, although it is weak.


There will always be a one or two millimeter change in the most marginal place, and something will come out, which is used by Lu Yan to make chips.

Lu Ming: →_→

It turns out so.

"Senior Autumn is not enough?"

Lu Ming asked.


Lu Yan sighed, "She is lazy and delicious, and she knows to chase dramas and eat melons every day... I rubbed on the edge last time and almost didn't freeze to death."

"Lu Yan!"

"Who do you look down on?"

Qiu Shuyi was furious.


There was a snapping sound full of rebound.

The world is quiet again.

"In short."

"That place is dangerous."

Lu Yan said in a deep voice, "I once released my sword qi, but it was also frozen."

She is not very good at these.

But if my brother...

Maybe there are ways.

"what do I need to do?"

Lu Ming understood.

"There is something in it."

Lu Yan thought for a while, "There is a mysterious crystal from the ancient times in the frozen land. As long as the metal is close to it, it will have a special magnetic field. Those magnetic fields are suitable for making communication materials. Now the metal that is occasionally exuded is This Xuanjing is affected."

"I understand."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.


Frozen land!


The boss of the Nine Star Alliance will have some solutions.

for a long time.

My sister and I chatted for a while and hung up on the newsletter.

Lu Ming mentioned this matter in the group of the Nine Star Alliance. After hearing this, the big brothers were silent for a while, and he didn't speak for a while.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

"Can't figure it out?"

Lu Ming expressed doubts.

You guys are nine stars!


Wu Jiu sighed.

for a long time.

His tone was faint, "Lu Ming, did you know that our alliance once had a powerful hammer repair? He claimed to be the northern **** of war, not afraid of the cold..."


"One day."

"He shouted for the glory of the Northern God and rushed into the frozen land..."


"Never come out again."


Lu Ming was silent.

Foggy grass.

This frozen land is more terrible than expected!

"Lu Ming."

The Summoner also said, "Do you know why I am the President of the Global Meteorological Association in addition to the President of the Summoner Association?"

"do not know."

Lu Ming shook his head honestly.

"Not just for environmental protection."

The summoner's tone is faint, "mainly after global warming, the extent of the frozen land is also shrinking. Although it is very slow, if one day..."

"Those existences that have been frozen for countless thousands of years are suddenly released..."

"Vicious beast."


"Even... a virus."

"What do you think will happen to the human world?"


Lu Ming sucked a bit of dough.

Foggy grass.

Is it horrible to think about it? !

Across countless times, many things have no natural enemies here, just as people now go back to ancient times...

Do you think you are going back to enjoy the blessing?

Do not.

The various viruses you carry can kill a dynasty...

Living biochemical weapons.

And now.

Think about the huge super existences of ancient times, let’s not talk about their fighting power, just their viruses or something...

Just thinking is disaster.


That is why the president of the Summoners Association serves as the president of the Meteorological Association.


Global warming is a trend.

Even if he solved all sources of pollution, all sources of carbon dioxide, and kept the ecology in balance, the whole world is constantly warming.

The reason is unknown.

Or maybe...

The reason for that star in the sky?

of course.

Another reason is that the secret is hidden in the frozen land.

Such a special place, such a mysterious place, may naturally have the secret of temperature. Therefore, they have also thought of various ways to explore.


The result...

No need to explain.

He once claimed to summon the madness, and then only the old dude of the Dark Duma remained, and almost all the rest was left in the frozen land.


That place...

"We can't get involved."

The summoner sighed, "Let Lu Yan wait outside, anyway, even if every millimeter is shortened, many parts will be released."

As long as the range is large enough, a diameter of one millimeter is sufficient.


In this case, Lu Ming's brainwashing plan cannot be executed!

"There is no other way?"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.


The summoner sighed.

They tried many forms, creatures with human heads, creatures with human heads, various races, energy bodies, humans...


All overturned.


Lu Ming sighed.


Do you think too much?


Even if my sister can make a communication chip against the sky, how can such a thing be mass-produced? This is a very unbalanced thing...

and many more.

Lu Ming suddenly remembered something.

Any existence with a form will be frozen.


What if it is something that does not already exist? !

such as--

shadow? !


Lu Ming came to the spirit, "Will the shadow be frozen?"

Gangsters:? ? ?

What the hell? !

shadow? !

what is that……?

"It's the shadow."

Lu Ming said.

"Oh... the assassin's shadow."

The bigwigs understood, "Yes, even if the shadow assassin turns into a shadow, it is a kind of existence, but people become shadows."


"Just a simple shadow."

Lu Ming said, "The kind of shadow under our feet has nothing to do with me."

This is his idea.

Look, ha.

Suppose human being is a piece of data, with its own unique ID, each item also has, but, if it is just a shadow...

It's different from Shadow's incarnation skills.

What is the shadow?

Depending on the light, it may have different forms of shadows, different poses, different postures, and different amounts, so the shadow can be understood as it does not exist!

That's it.


feasible? !

"Doesn't it still require human control?"

The big brothers don't understand it either.

Even if the shadow will not be fixed, but how to control the shadow and how to condense?

Need to fix energy!

Consciousness needs to be fixed!

and so……

White blind.

As long as energy and consciousness enter the venue, it will be frozen.

"What if there is no outside interference?"

Lu Ming smiled.

Hey? ?

Big brothers are puzzled.

And just then.


At the foot of Lu Ming, the shadow disguised for not knowing how long, and suddenly escaped so quietly, standing opposite Lu Ming.


Stand up.


This is Lu Ming's shadow!

It has nothing to do with ontology.


The big brothers glanced at them and were startled. Lu Ming still had this kind of operation? !


Elemental master marveled, "If I had this ability, I wouldn't be scolded by my wife every night."

other people:? ? ?

What do you want!

"What about your energy?"

Wu Jiu was very worried.

The frozen land cannot absorb energy from the outside world.

Once the energy involves...


Frozen directly blocked!

To this.

Lu Ming just smiled slightly, "Have you heard of perpetual motion machine?"


Elemental master sighed, "If I can move forever, I won't be caught by my wife every night..."

"To shut up!"

Everyone's face was black.

Gan Li Niang!

Can you not mention the broken thing in your house? !


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