MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 748 Xuan Jing

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Lu Ming was speechless.

When the words "too long to watch" jump out, he knows what is going on, because he often does this himself.


Play a game out of a user agreement?

Too long to watch.

Pull directly to the last point and agree.

Various contracts?

Too long to watch.

Pull directly to the final signature.




In short.

From the clues found by Xiao Xiaojian, Lu Ming guessed roughly what happened.

It is nothing more than that this big brother and Xuan Jing reached some kind of agreement, either a companion or a summoner, but the big brother as a hammer repair...


A rough man.

You let him hammer people no problem, you let him make a contract...


So he let Xuan Jing.

However, no one expected that our comrade Xuan Jing handed an agreement, Hao Xiu signed it without looking, and then...

There's no after that.

"Big Bull Bulls!"

Lu Ming sighed.

What else can he say?

If people don’t look at the contract, they will lose most of their human rights and financial rights.

"Is he still alive?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Well... it depends on the specific terms of the contract... If it is given to Xuan Jing indefinitely or until Xuan Jing's death, it may be cold..."


Lu Ming sighed.


And just then.

The gleam above Xuanjing seemed to find that it had been seen through, surging like scales, completely covering the hammer repair.


A Xuanjing man covered by a full crystal appears.

Nine stars.


The Xuanjing people's hoarse voice began.

It's like the sound of fingers scratching on the glass, sharp and harsh.

"You really are conscious."

Lu Ming sighed.

Theoretically, it is very difficult for this level of things to create spirits, but it cannot withstand the smelting and catalysis of the frozen land year after year.



Xuan Jing spoke slowly.

very slow.


"I won't, go back again."

Xuan Jing said, "I... I want to practice myself to become and become a real soul. I, I will not become anymore, and will become the work of you and humans..."

"Work your sister!"

Xiao Xiaojian couldn't hear it anymore. "You also learned the language at the training institution?"

Xuanjing? ? ?

and many more.

Xuan Jing was surprised, "You, are you a spirit?"

"of course!"

Xiao Xiaojian sneered, "You are just a piece of Xuan Jing, this deity is an ancient divine sword, an ancient bar essence, an ancient stick essence, an ancient iron essence!"

Xuanjing? ? ?

There is this kind of spirit?


"Do not."

Xuan Jing shook his head, "I...I don't want to learn from a human slave."


Xiaojian was furious, "You are a slave, but I am..."


at this time.



There are countless cracks in the chessboard array.

In the corner of the chessboard array, a few three-inch high Xuanjing villains rushed back and back to Xuanjing.

It turned out that during their conversation, the villain Xuanjing actually went to tear down the formation!


It is worthy of the old silver coin repaired by hammer.


Some of the "salary bottom draw" operations on this side have just been dismantled, and Lu Ming has just thrown away a series of chessboard arrays and covered them again.

Xuanjing "..."

And at this time.

Jianguang surged, Qiu Shuyi had already shot.

call out!

call out!

The sky and the sword light hit Xuan Jing, and there was a crisp sound after all. The powerful body of Jiu Xing Hao Xiu was covered with Xuan Jing, even Qiu Shuyi could not pierce.

"I will come too."

Lu Yan shot together.

call out!

The cold light flashes.

Covered with sky blue.

The endless ice crystals were released under the urge of Xiaolan, and the entire northern land was covered with sword light, like a huge vortex, bringing countless sword rain.



The sword rain came.

Xuanjing people were drowned on the spot.

"So strong."

Lu Ming was shocked.

He knew that his sister and Qiu Shuyi were very powerful, but he never thought that they were so powerful! Especially when the two join forces!

Eight-star limit!


"what should we do?"

Little Sword muttered softly.

It was annoyed just now, but looked at the battle...


It felt that it might have been cut by Qiu Shuyi and Lu Yan before approaching Xuan Jing...

Lu Ming "→→"

He also wanted to know if there is something in this world that [avoids teammate injury].

It's too dangerous!

"There should be none."

Xiao Xiaojian called up a piece of data, "According to the recent relic report data this year, on average, every ten practitioners who team up with Jian Xiu will be accidentally injured by teammates..."


Lu Ming was silent.


Silence again.

Although he believes that his sister and Qiu Shuyi will definitely not cut him, but with his current strength, if he really intervenes...

Will it be behind?

"I come?"

The little fox in the shadow came out.

In this situation, it is its turn, which has no physical shadow.


It rushed up with a roar.


call out!

A sword light flashed, and the little fox honestly returned.


Almost there are fewer parts.

Sisters are really fierce...



One person, one card, one shadow looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Help try?"

Lu Ming thought about it.

Now in [Unlimited Firepower] mode, he is also comparable to eight stars. Although it is not as good as the eight star limit of their sisters, they are considered to have the power of a battle.


Auxiliary card!

Full set of Sun Moon Star!


Can you try?

"What if the power mismatch is counterproductive?"

Little sword bb whispered.


Lu Ming was silent, "Otherwise, let's take a look first?"


"it is good."

One person, one card and one shadow calmed down.


They looked at the battlefield. The sister and the two fought against Xuan Jing, possessing the strongest sword repair, and fighting against the nine-star hammer repair with an amazing defensive index.

Evenly matched!

"It seems to be steady."


"This is an opportunity."

Lu Ming was relieved.

Although he may not be able to intervene in the fight, it is no problem to do logistics.


Lu Ming made use of his infinite energy bug and made a master-level energy card for her sister, and then merged, merged and merged!

"Sister, then."

"Senior Autumn, then."

Lu Ming threw the energy card in the past.

Although the process is very complicated, with the help of infinite energy and Xiaojian, Lu Ming is a ruthless logistics machine at the moment!



With one blow, he let his sister and Qiu Shuyi also complete unlimited battery life.


As long as Xuanjing's energy is exhausted...


Although slower, it is safe and reliable.


Xuanjing is finally Xuanjing.

Xuan Jing, who was able to get Jiu Xing Hao Xiu, was able to see the problem at that moment, so he naturally released the strongest combat power without hesitation.

Xuanjing shining brightly

Its combat power has more than doubled in an instant!

"not good."

Lu Ming jumped.

Sister and Qiu Shuyi started out with full combat power and did not keep their hands, but Xuan Jing, an old silver coin, has always kept this hole card...

It's useless even if injured.

right now……



Xuanjing broke out.

With one punch, the elder sister repelled.

The battle situation is transient.

Although Lu Ming knew that this outbreak of Xuan Jing could not last too long, but if something went wrong...

"Little sword!"

"They haven't tested power compatibility..."

Little Sword whispered.

"No time, you help Xiaolan stabilize the energy."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.


Raising your hand is a set of cards with unlimited firepower.


Lu Ming roared.

call out!

The three cards of Sun Moon Star erupted instantaneously, and a terrifying energy emerged, rushing into Lu Yan's body instantaneously, filling her full of life...


Lu Yan's internal power surged, blocking Xuan Jing's attack.

Hold it!

Lu Ming brightened in front of his eyes.




Even so, it is just barely resisting.

"Lu Ming."

Qiu Shuyi's voice came, "Get me something you shot for your sister."

Lu Ming? ? ?

"Hurry up."

Qiu Shuyi said hurriedly, "This Xuan Jing is very hard and must be solved as soon as possible. I don't know if there will be any moths."


Lu Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

Sister has little blue help, you don’t.

"rest assured!"

Qiu Shuyi was domineering, "I'm stronger than your sister. Your sister can resist, and I certainly can, as long as you get it out."


Lu Ming smiled bitterly.


There seems to be no other choice.


He took a deep breath.

The Sun Moon Star card appears again, this time the goal-Qiu Shuyi.


Unlimited firepower blooms!

The powerful energy instantly submerged Qiu Shuyi, Qiu Shuyi snorted coldly, and the sword gas turned back, and all of Lu Ming's increased energy was completely consumed!


"This warm feeling..."

Qiu Shuyi chuckled, "Little brother has something~ Can I come a second time?"


Lu Ming was worried.

"Come again."

Qiu Shuyi said indifferently, "After all...I'm your sister's master."

"it is good."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.


Sun Moon Moon releases and fills Qiu Shuyi instantly.

"Can you come again?"


Qiu Shuyi was filled again.

"Come again?"




When Qiu Shuyi couldn't bear it anymore, the whole body was already bathed with brilliance, like the rising sun in the dark night, flashing a terrifying light.


Cut off with a sword.

Xuanjing people flew out, Xuanjing burst into the sky.



Even a sword was cut off.



The Xuanjing covered by Hao Xiu actually cracked into a huge Xuanjing.


"will not……"

Xuan Jing is angry.



Xuan Jing, which had just fallen off, was covered again.

call out!

Jianmang flashed.

The Xuanjing people collapsed again.



Xuan Jing tried to merge again, but unfortunately, every time he was just covered, Qiu Shuyi fell apart, until Xuan Jing lost all his strength.


Qiu Shuyi's body was radiant, like a god!

Ha ha.

Nine stars?

After all, it is just a shell...

If Jiuxing Hammer repairs, they may not be able to beat it, but how difficult is it to face this Jiuxing with only one shell?

"You, you..."

Xuan Jing was frightened.

It glanced gloomyly at the crowd, and without hesitation, detached the huge Xuanjing from Hammer's hand, and...

Into the body of hammer repair.


There was a crunch.

Lu Ming and others looked at the fisted Xuan Jing into a physical fusion with horror...

Can not bear to look.

Little Fox "..."

It finally knew why Lu Ming had that expression when the physical fusion happened that day.



Hao Xiu whispered, and he woke up.

"Ha ha."

Hao Xiu glanced at Lu Ming and others, and showed a strange smile, and each of his red eyes flashed a brilliant Xuanjing.

call out!

Jianguang flashed.

Qiu Shuyi cut off without hesitation.

Hao Xiu didn't hide, and he suffered a blow from Qiu Shuyi.


Blood flashed.

Hammer repair hit **** the spot.


Hao Xiu just smiled strangely, "Do you know? In Hao Xiu's memory, his family is very prosperous in the human world..."


Everyone paused.

"You killed him..."

"It will offend all his people..."

"let me see……"

"His last name is..."

"I think his clan should still be there?"

Hao Xiu smiled slightly.

The descendants of the nine stars are by no means mortal.


Lu Ming jumped.

Hammer repair.




Several people looked at each other, and suddenly remembered a person, a family...


They turned out to be descendants of this nine-star hammer repair! ! !

"I just controlled him."

Hao Xiu smiled, "But, in the end, you killed him...hehe, killed him, facing the endless chase of their family..."

"Do you... dare?"

Hao Xiu grinning.

This is his confidence.


After all, that kind of stupid kindness.


Especially these so-called heroes.

"How to do?"

Lu Ming was also a little ignorant.

Hao Xiu's identity was really unexpected...

of course.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Jing would actually use this method...

"Xi Yin's ancestor?"

Qiu Shuyi is curious.


"What about then?"

Qiu Shuyi looked at Lu Ming.

After all, Lu Ming decided that it was better.

"It's really not good to let Xi Yin know."

Lu Ming thought for a while, "Sister, you originally wanted to use Xuanjing to make signals, right..."


"Can you make a signal that can shield Xuanjing?"



Lu Ming clapped his hands, "That's easy, we blocked the news, and then killed him, so that no one could find out."

Qiu Shuyi said brightly in front of her, "Good idea."

Xuanjing? ? ?

and many more.

What kind of cultivator? !


They must have cheated on it.

"Ha ha."

"You don't look like that kind of fierce..."

Xuan Jing calmed down.


Qiu Shuyi's sword has been cut.

Splashes of blood.


Qiu Shuyi said lightly, "Although I'm not poor, I can still do it."

Xuanjing? ? ?

It glanced away in a trance.


Lu Yan has already started repairing the broken communication machine, and by the way shielding all the information around him, Lu Ming has sacrificed several cards to prepare to fill the Qiu Shuyi.

? ? ?

Xuan Jing has begun to panic.

Damn it!


What the **** are these three guys? !


Qiu Shuyi cut again with a sword.


Injured again.

"I surrender!"

Xuan Jing finally panicked.

"What do you want?"

Lu Ming sneered.


Qiu Shuyi looked at the sword again.

"I can give you strength!"

Xuan Jing said in a panic, "I can cover the surface to make the body stronger, and I can cover any organ to make the organ harder."


Lu Ming marveled.


Xuan Jing can also have this usage...


Xiao Xiaojian marveled, "The Dior department has a new job!"


Lu Ming glanced at it.

Forget about other things, this thing covers you, and there is consciousness, uh... the greening work of the environmental protection department has a long way to go...

of course.

This is useless to our autumn Shuyi.


Another sword was cut down.

Xuan Jing panicked, this is really killing him! !

"I, I can give you more life!"

Xuan Jing said in a panic.


The world is suddenly quiet.



Lu Ming narrowed his eyes.


Xuan Jing said flatteringly, "I, I have lived in the frozen land for countless years, as long as I sign a contract, I can share my life."

"Like hammer repair?"

Lu Ming sneered.

"of course not."

Xuan Jing wiped sweat, "You can take a closer look."


It issued a contract.


Lu Ming and others have watched it carefully, and have studied everything and confirmed that it is only a simple shared life contract, and there is no other stuffiness.

"no problem?"

"Well, wait, sister, can the signal be done?"


Lu Yan said in a deep voice.

for a long time.

She rebuilt the signal tower.

"I asked the summoner."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.

for a long time.

He and the summoner confirmed the details-it was indeed a life-sharing contract, exactly the same as the one he signed with the dark horse.

"Dark horse?"

"Dark Duma."


Lu Ming was expressionless, "Your abbreviation of race has changed..."

In short.

The contract is finalized.


Who signed it.

Sign this to have unlimited life! !


Xuan Jing's eyes flashed with excitement.

bring it on!

Fight inside!


It has also fallen into this crisis several times, however, as long as this infinite eternal life is enough to turn the father and son against each other.


It succeeded in counterattack.


Do it yourself.



Around Chen Ji

for a long time.

Lu Yan and Qiu Shuyi looked at Lu Ming at the same time, "Come and sign."


Lu Ming scratched his head.

He is only seventeen years old.

Sign a ghost for unlimited life!

"Because there is only one."

Qiu Shuyi chuckled, "If there are two, it may not be your turn."


Lu Yan smiled a little indulged.

Lu Ming? ? ?

and many more.

Can this also give me dog food?



Sister and senior Qiu had such a good relationship, so he was relieved, so Lu Ming pulled the frustrated Xuan Jing over and signed a contract directly.


A thought locked Lu Ming.

A strong glory flashed through and the contract was successfully signed.


Xuan Jing laughed suddenly, "I knew that you humans are really greedy ha ha ha, do you think this is your common sharing contract?"

"Do not……"

"The contract is right!"

"But I am Xuan Jing!"

"I share not only life, but also my original power, the power of the supreme Xuanjing in my body ha ha ha ha!"

Xuan Jing said.


Lu Ming sneered, "You also shared my strength."


"What is your strength?"

"Do you know what concept is half of the power in my body?"

"That is……"

" The whole person will be crystalized!"


"You will also become Xuan Jing, become a part of me ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Xuan Jing laughed.


It is the weirdness of this contract. The contract is okay, the problem is... it is it.


What makes it unexpected is that Lu Ming just looked at it like a fool, and watched the edges of its angular Xuanjing become gradually smooth...


Also grow hair! ! !

pure black.


Like some kind of creature...