MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 759 Friends, you shouldn't be here.

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"No wonder this guy is so strong!"

Lu Ming jumped.

What are the most feared creatures in different worlds?

Occupied into the human world!

Zero is so dead.

A live broadcast...


It's cold.

Other creatures, unless they intend to settle here, must carefully avoid the sight of human beings, for fear of overturning the car if they are not careful.

And now...

They developed the umbilical cord.

With this stuff, not only can they step into the human world, they can also continue to maintain contact with the original world and maintain high-intensity combat power!

of course.

The umbilical cord is just Lu Ming's vomiting, people may call it "the line of life", "soul bridge" and the like...

"Did you find it?"

The monster smiled slightly, "Did you see it? This is the latest invention of our kingdom of beasts! With this, you can maintain combat power even if you leave our world!"

"What is it called."

Lu Ming sighed.

"This one."

The monster said proudly, "Umbilical cord."


Lu Ming's face was black.

Really? Called the umbilical cord!

Can it be a little cultural?

"It represents the relationship between us and the kingdom of all beasts, like mother and child, blood is connected and never separated."

Said the monster.

Lu Ming: "..."

Yes, the metaphors are all up.

and so.

If you cut it short...


There was a roar.

Just as Lu Ming was chatting with the monster, Xiao Xiaojian already had a powerful idea, the disc was spinning at high speed, and it was in the state of grinding disc cutting.

Idea fusion!

The sun and moon stars are coming!


call out!

The terrible attack was cut on the umbilical cord, and...


There was a crunch.

Xiao Xiaojian looked at the gap on the disc and was lost...

Foggy grass.

What the **** is this?

"That's it?"

The monster smiled honestly.

This is a new word it learned on the Internet.


I heard that if you want to conquer a person completely, you must let it exhaust all means and completely despair, so that you are more likely to give birth to your baby.

No problem.

Want to cut the umbilical cord?


This is the most advanced invention of their kingdom of beasts!


Lu Ming's complexion became ugly.

this time……

I'm afraid it's troublesome.

Not just this monster, but this umbilical cord!

At present, the reason why the human world is safe is because of the protection of world rules, so that the Nine Star Alliance can defeat these foreign monsters.

And now.

Because of the emergence of the umbilical cord, the rule of world exclusion is invalid...

How do you fight this? !

Nine Star Alliance?

Here comes a bunch of candied gourds!

Not enough to fight!

What should humans do in the future? !

"This umbilical cord..."

Lu Ming's gaze condensed, "You put the power of the whole country and only developed this one, right?"

"how is this possible?"

The monster proudly said, "After the breakthrough of our technical barriers, we have already made production urgently. We may have one such umbilical cord in the future!"

"By the time……"



Lu Ming and Xiao Xiaojian looked at each other, and their hearts sank.


One man?

If this is the case...

"The human world is in danger."

Xiao Xiaojian's face is ugly, "I am afraid that the end of the chaos of the ancient times is coming..."

In ancient times, humans were the weakest.

Various powerful fierce beasts occupy the top of the mountain, and each is king. Humans can only survive in the cracks or be enslaved. That is the darkest era of human beings.

And now.

Do you want to repeat that era?

The Nine Star Alliance has been guarding against the Eternal Kingdom, because the Eternal Kingdom is the most powerful. Unexpectedly, the Kingdom of Ten Beasts came first...

"How to do?"

Everyone also looked at Lu Ming.

They finally had a stable life.

"Get rid of it first!"

Lu Ming said coldly.

Destroy one, and consider the things of the Kingdom of Beasts.

of course.

In the face of monsters of this level, the Nine Star Alliance is useless...

You have to rely on yourself.

Look at the umbilical cord?

No way.

The umbilical cord may be harder than this monster...

Live broadcast?

No way.

There is an umbilical cord connection, not affected by the world, then...

Can only fight!


Lu Ming shot.

Checkerboard card-array assists to walk.

Newton Card-Gravity control walks up.

Tianlun Card-Elemental control walks up.


and many more.

A series of auxiliary operations, Lu Ming put all the auxiliary packages in the card into one, and then it is its own increase and enhancement!

Sun Moon Star Increase!

as well as……



Light and shadow flicker.

The yin and yang changes in Lu Ming's body, the fighting power surges, and the whole person becomes feminine.

of course.

The monster on the opposite side is getting brighter and brighter, "What a beautiful baby...I want to take you to my baby..."

"Birth your sister!"

The cold light flashed in Lu Ming's eyes.

call out!

Light and shadow suspension.

Lu Ming has already erupted his powerful fighting power.


This kind of power is not enough to see in front of the monster, it is better than the green dragon. After a few rounds, Lu Ming can't hold on...

after all.

His body is still weak.


"Is it still too weak?"

Lu Ming was a little unwilling.

If Senior Qiu is here...

Think about the last battle, after Senior Qiu was filled with himself, the fighting power is terrible, and beating Jiu Xing is just like playing with trouble...


at this time.

The sledgehammer on our wall tried to pull himself down and put it in front of Lu Ming. "That, President... Last time you filled the girl and your sister, can you give me something too?"

Lu Ming:? ? ?



Qiu Shuyi has only eight stars!

And in front of...

He has a real nine star here!


Lu Ming was excited and filled the sledgehammer without hesitation.


Sun and Moon Star Burst!



three times!

ten times!


Under Lu Ming's endless filling, the sledgehammer, who was originally unable to fight the weakness, was now like a fire, shining brightly, like Anna was injected with hormones.

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

Xi Sledgehammer roared.

"Red duck!"


Xi Sledgehammer launched a charge.



The earthquake shook.

Everyone looked at this scene in horror.


The Jiuxing shot by Lu Ming was so powerful? !

so horrible.

At this moment, the power of Kun Sledgehammer is not weaker than this monster at all. If it is hit, even this monster should be cool? !

People think so.

of course.

If evenly matched...

Not so good, right?


Lu Ming took a deep breath and made another blow.


The sun and moon stars are coming!

Fill the sledgehammer again.



The sledgehammer's skin shone with golden light, and his bloodline was tight, as if to a certain extreme. At this moment, his fighting power finally surpassed this monster! ! !

"So strong!"

Everyone was trembling.



With the violent charge, there seemed to be only this light between heaven and earth...

This power...

Is this monster afraid to be struck to death?

People think so.


At this moment, just at the moment when the monster was about to be hit by the sledgehammer, the monster had a limit control and gently let it go...



There was a crunch.

A strange voice came.


The sledgehammer disappeared.

? ? ?

Everyone's face changed a lot, what's the situation? !


"You killed him?!"

Green Dragon Thriller.


Is this monster already powerful?

If you can hit it easily, you will just lose the strengthened sledgehammer just now, how strong should it be! This is true even for His Majesty the King? !



The monster scratched his head slyly. "I just let it go."

? ?

Everyone was confused.

Let go... location?

and many more.

Lu Ming's eyes suddenly widened, mist grass, wouldn't he? !

Where did the monster come from?

Squeezed from the gap in the world! ! !

Unfortunately, because of the connection of the umbilical cord, the gap is still... So, if the monster gives way, our senior sledge hammer...


The monster said honestly, "He successfully squeezed into the gap of the world and penetrated into our world."

"Don't you say that the gap in the world is difficult to enter?"

The Green Dragon is speechless.


The monster is pleased, "But this human is far less stout than me, but more powerful than me...the kind that is small but tough..."

"Oh, right……"

"Short and fierce!"

"Plus the gap I just opened has not closed yet..."

"So he went in easily."

The monster said so.


The world suddenly fell silent.


Is this okay?

what is this?

Terrain kill?

Everyone: "..."

What is this path? !



Didn’t Mr. Lu say it? It doesn’t matter if the road doesn’t come out. As long as someone older than you just walks by, it will be easier for you to walk.


"just now……"

"It's time I took you away."

The monster grinned.

After all, Lu Ming still had no means.

Lu Ming: "..."

What can he do?

He is also desperate!

Their strongest fighting power rushed into the enemy base camp.



The monster finally started, and he grinned to Lu Ming with a smile.

And this time.


An old man appeared quietly, blocking Lu Ming in front of him, "Friend, you shouldn't be here."

"Ha ha."

The monster sneered.


With a cut, he wiped out the old man and rushed to Lu Ming.

Everyone was frightened.


Just when he was about to take away Lu Ming.


An old man appeared quietly, blocking Lu Ming in front of him, "Friend, you shouldn't be here."

? ? ?

Monster puzzled.


With a cut, he wiped out the old man and rushed to Lu Ming.

Everyone was frightened.


Just when he was about to take away Lu Ming.


An old man appeared quietly, blocking Lu Ming in front of him, "Friend, you shouldn't be here."

? ? ?

The expression on the monster's face froze.

Never mind.

Get rid of it.



Again and again!

The monster has destroyed at least hundreds of old men. However, the Sword Card Masters Association is like a wholesale market for old men, and there are many old men appearing continuously...

after all.


He felt a little strange.


With a cut, he wiped out the old man and rushed to Lu Ming.

Everyone was frightened.


This time, it began to keenly observe everything around it. Finally, it found some subtle changes, and everything seemed to be back to its original time.

this is……

Monster thriller.


Time went back! ! !


at this time.

The old man came again, "Friend, you shouldn't be here."


The monster took a deep look at the old man, "You are a doll!!!"

Old Time: "..."

This name is unique.

The monster looked at Lvlu's horrified look. Obviously, other people didn't remember these, only he and the old man in an infinite loop.

"Why would I remember."

The monster is confused.

"Ha ha."

Time old man just glanced at the umbilical cord behind it.


The monster sighed.

Because it does not belong to this world, because the breath of the kingdom of thousands of beasts continues to support it, so it has not been erased by time.

of course.

So it fell into an infinite loop.

and so……

There is only one way to break this cycle-to leave this world.

"Does humanity have a strong man like you?"

The monster marveled.

"I am not human."

The old man said lightly.

"Then why do you help them?"

The monster said coldly.

"Because Lu Ming is my teacher."

The old man said lightly, "The trick just now was that Master taught me."

He remembers very clearly that Master found out what a doctor is called from a small world, and through that person, he showed himself what a time loop is.

after all.

He learned.

"But he is weak."

The monster glanced at Lu Ming, "Although he is genetically good, he is weak now."

"Master's strength is not here."

The old man said indifferently.

"Ha ha."

The monster sneered.

It's **** while looking for flaws in the time cycle.



The cycle of time is an infinite cycle.

The battle between Dr. Strange and Dormam ended with Dormam's compromise, and right now, if no one compromises, this is destined to an infinite loop.


Our monster remembers one thing, because of the influence of the umbilical cord, it has memories and connections with the world...

and so.

If the world keeps supplying it, even if it is a time cycle, its strength will increase and become stronger constantly! ! !

Although the process is slow because of the connection between the two worlds.

The rise is slow.


As long as it is a slight improvement, it will eventually become stronger and stronger under the action of the time cycle! In countless cycles, it will become extremely strong!

that time.

It's time to break the cycle yourself! ! !


"The deity will play with you!"

The monster grinned.


Cut across.

Time, start the cycle.

Monsters are also getting stronger.

Very weak.

The old man frowned, but unfortunately, he didn't have a very good way.

He has exhausted everything to control the time cycle. He has no energy to change other things. Now, he can only hope for the president!

Because he is very clear...

At the beginning.

The president easily smashed his time.


And now.

In this infinite loop.

Lu Ming and Xiao Xiao Jian are indeed all right.

In order to prevent being cycled by time, both of them are crouching around the cat brother at the moment.


Very close.

"Old Time is so strong... Fortunately we are not enemies."

The little sword marveled.


Lu Ming pouted, "A break; thing."

Little Sword:? ? ?


In short.

To break the time loop, it's very simple. It will be finished after ablation, but what about after the break? The monsters are out of sleep, and they have to die.

at the moment.

The most important thing is how to destroy this monster!

Brother Cat...

Never mind.

Lu Ming shook his head.

Brother Cat has only one blow, and it releases the power of Xuanjing in the body. As for what will become after release, Lu Ming doesn't know.

Maybe the future consciousness will be invincible!

Compared with the real world strike, Lu Ming is invincible and invincible in mind, this is Lu Ming's card!

and so.

If it had to be a last resort, he didn't want to let Cat Brothers shoot.

As for this monster...

Lu Ming fell into contemplation.


Just when he thought about whether to fight this guy with the meteorite card, suddenly, a frightened voice came from the cracks of the world...

"General! Come back quickly!"


Monster eyes is back?

Laozi is about to catch Lu Ming back...

"I'm not going back!"

The monster roared.


Twelve commands were sent across the line, asking him to return quickly.


"Come back soon..."

"The man carrying the hammer is about to hit the palace..."

monster:? ? ?


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