MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 767 Purify!

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Ablation card.

This is a very special series.

Because it often fails to say all the features completely...

Even, some cards in this series cannot be used at all because of some indescribable factors!

Two stars, swirl cards, basic cards.

Samsung, ablation card, energy 404.

Four stars, interrupt card, time 404.

Five stars, elimination card, enemy 404.

Six stars, advanced cards, enemy synthesis.

And now...

Finally arrived at Seven Stars.

To be honest, Lu Ming has been reluctant to use this series of cards, because the risk is too great, not only the cards are risky, but also the crab risk.

but now.

After summoning the card and the Ngau Tau card, it is finally coming out.


Lu Ming merged seven six-star advanced cards.


Card metamorphosis.

A touch of golden light flashed...


Lu Ming sighed, and what a special golden legendary card.

He discovered that all cards above the Grandmaster level are golden legend cards. No wonder he couldn't do it before. As for the power...


Streamer flashed across the card surface.

Lu Ming glanced curiously, above, there was only one crocodile...



Lu Ming scratched his head, why is there a crocodile in the ablation series?

and many more.

Lu Ming remembers saying before that the so-called thinking is because of the analysis from himself, such as the Martha's Fate...

and so.

The crocodile...

Crocodile skin is generally used to make...



Lu Ming took a sip of Liangpi.

Gan Li Niang!

No way?



Lu Ming took the initiative to put this card into the cabinet.


Next one.

He handed over the split data to the association and quickly researched the lines. After Lu Ming exhibited fusion, a brand new eight-star card was born!


A touch of golden light flashed!

Card surface transformation!

The ablation series of eight-star cards is born!


Lu Ming glanced at it curiously, it was a transparent glass... Well, unlike glass, when looking at the texture, it was more like resin...

Resin and glass...

What are these two things generally used for?

Lu Ming pondered for a long time.


There was a panic.


Lu Ming silently put away this card.

"Try Nine Stars?"

Little Sword is curious.

"it is good."

Lu Ming nodded slightly.

for a long time.

With the help of the old man of time, they solidified seven eight-star cards and finally integrated them into the original card, and a brand new card was born again.


The golden gleam shone.

On the card surface, a pair of eyes appeared.

Lu Ming: "..."

Little Sword: "..."

"This means that the nine-star card can wear the eight-star card?"

The little sword marveled.

"To shut up!"

Lu Ming's face was black.

Can that kind of talk nonsense? ! Be careful you are gone!

at the moment.

The most important thing is-test! ! !

Although the face of these cards is very horrifying, it belongs to the type that rotates and jumps on the pole and has closed eyes, but...

Always try?


Lu Ming began testing at various levels.

Seven Star Crocodile Card——

Lu Ming did not expect it anyway, this turned out to be a special bundle card! The crocodile will be transformed into a belt to hang you from the chains...


Ah this...

"Did you watch too many small movies before?"

Little sword bb whispered.

Lu Ming: "..."

What does this have to do with Lao Tzu? !

The ghost knows why the ablation card becomes a crocodile belt...

Still tied!


From a strategic perspective, it seems useful? !


Lu Ming conducted a combat test.


Xi Yin shot.

Lu Ming raised his hand is a card.

call out!

call out!

A bunch of shadows flashed.

When Xi Yin reacted, he was already tied upside down...


Lu Ming glanced, the bundle was a little tight...


He hurried down Xi Yin.

"Are you ok?"

"It's okay."

Pi Yin was a little surprised, "Your new card is good! I estimate the power of your card, even if it is nine stars, it can be easily tied up?"

"It should work."

Lu Ming felt relieved.


The seven-star golden legendary card gave Lu Ming the ability to leapfrog.

just now……

He really has the ability to fight against Nine Stars, a card... ah, no, a **** card, at least, can trap Nine Stars for a few seconds!



The seven-star card test is completed.

Lu Ming began to test the mysterious eight-star glass card.


Lu Ming cast cards.


If it's transparent...


Lu Ming waved his hand and was surprised to find that the energy actually condensed into a completely transparent cubic room, trapping the test panel in the center.

and many more.

Is it another sleepy card? !

Lu Ming glanced.


About nine square meters.


Fully transparent, if it is not weak reflection, you can't even see this completely transparent room, this room is very special, blocking all energy.

of course.

Lu Ming was still confused.

The ablation card evolved to why the guru looks like this...

What has melted?


He also exhibited the ablation series of seven-star cards and eight-star cards.


I watched as the test robot was trapped in a completely transparent room, and then **** and hung upside down by a crocodile belt...

? ? ?

What is this?

Open, open house card and bundle card? !

And at this time.

The door opened suddenly.

Ye Liangfei, who is preparing to test the new card, just came in, and his pupils contracted, watching the amazing scene in front of him, suddenly dry, and went directly...

End mess.

The chairman's taste has become heavier...

He has already started to bundle with the test robot!

too frightening! !


Lu Ming stared blankly at Ye Liangfei's departure.


Look back.

Leng was afraid to test the nine stars.

The seven-star and eight-star tests are easy, just throw them away, but the nine-star cards must be prepared for a long time every time they are played...

"do not."

Xiao Xiaojian urged, "How do you know if you don't try it! Have you forgotten the green color of the bull head card... I think Jiuxing is the big killer!"

"Nine Star Summon Card-Summon Stellar!"

"Nine Star Bull Head Card-Green King!"

"You look!"

"You can't deny the horror of the nine-star golden card not only if you use it! Every card is a really powerful card that can shake the country!"

"and so……"

"You don't really need it?!"

Induced by the little sword.

Lu Ming: "..."

He doesn’t want to test it. The problem is that the ghost looks like seven stars and eight stars. You simply can’t predict how the nine stars function, how to test? !

If you force test...

What if the sky city is directly destroyed? !

"I don't feel like it."

Xiaojian pouted, "As an ancient Excalibur, I can still give you a general estimate of the card's positioning and goal through intuition..."

"and so……"

Xiaojian glanced at the new card.

Not the same as Lu Ming.

As the original card body, the little sword is in the body of the card, so it can be felt about it, especially this powerful card...

"I can feel it inside me."

"It's bloated."

"Very full."

"It seems that the nine-star golden legend is also the limit."

Xiao Xiaojian felt for a moment, "This card may also be a functional card to be played on the target."


Lu Ming glanced at it, "Are you sure it is not a stellar card? I destroy the planet if I use it casually?"

"of course not."

Little Sword is sure.

"OK then."

Lu Ming pondered for a moment and decided to test again.

of course.

For safety reasons, in order to use the number of times, he considered for a moment, got the location into the endless sea, and arranged various test numbers...

No. 1, pure robot.

2. Bionic robot.

No. 3, various beasts.


and many more.

Lu Ming set hundreds of test numbers for more detailed viewing effects. For a long time, when ready, Lu Ming started the nine-star card.


A flash of light and shadow flashed.


Lu Ming watched the major fierce beasts change instantaneously, some docile and some more irritable, and our bionic robot intuitively recorded the data changes-

Bloodline, melted!


Bloodline, melted! ! !

The role of this card is to melt blood! It can dissolve most of the messy blood in your body, leaving only one!

Do not.


Is purified into one!

It can purify the mixed blood veins!

In the cultivation of immortals, it can transform x Linggen into a single pure Linggen!


As for the use in the Yunyi Kingdom, it can turn all the spicy chicken dragons of the Yunyi Kingdom into geniuses, which is similar to the activation of the ancient blood of the Thousand Beast Kingdom!

and so……

What is a special enhancement card? !

Lu Ming sighed.

The Kingdom of Thousand Beasts is willing to cooperate if it is frightened by itself, and if the Kingdom of Yunyi knows that he has this, he will come over and grab it...

What can he say?

"Same as my body."

The prince marveled.

His body just mutated, and thousands of blood lines merged into one, never thinking...

Lord Lu Ming made such a card!

Ablation card?

Do not.

This is a purification card!

Role: Purify the bloodline! ! !


Lu Ming looked a little ugly.

He clearly studied how to target the country of Yunyi... How can it be a growth card for the country of Yunyi? ! It's too ugly! !


Lvlu heard that the matter had come.

"Adult President!"

"I want to transform too!"

Green Dragon couldn't help but rejoice.

To know.

It has fire dragon blood in its body! And the Golden Dragon Bloodline! There is even the ice dragon bloodline! ! Oh... and the mysterious blood of the Holy Dragon!

Think about it.

in case……

If he cleared all other blood...

There is only one blood line left in the body, then he will be real-pure dragon!


Lu Ming scratched his head, "I'm here to test... This card is still in the testing stage."

"It's ok."

Green Dragon domineering, "Although shoot me!"


Lu Ming nodded slightly.

Since someone is willing to test, that is excellent.


The next test card was thrown to Green Dragon.


Light and shadow flicker.

A strange force melted through the body, and the green dragon clearly felt that the blood in his body actually disappeared! It starts from a hybrid dragon full of blood...


Become a purebred dragon! ! !

One, in a true sense, a purebred dragon with only one bloodline! ! !

of course.

It's just that Lulu's expression is not pretty.


He looks greener now.

Fire Dragon bloodline is gone. The blood of the ice dragon is gone. All the bloodlines that can be named are gone, and all that remains is...

Dragon Blood!


It is now a pure green dragon! !

The green flash kind!

"Is the bloodline ablation really random?"

Lulu is full of doubts.

Which one of you can't do is actually only green...too pit! Isn't this the best and most precious bloodline melted? !

"of course."

Lu Ming remembered the hundreds of data he had numbered. The blood line that was ablated was really purely random, without any logic and correlation.


It can only be a simple face!

Lu Ming couldn't help but want to send it to Moon Seeing Dark.


Let Lulu be so tumultuous...


Lu Ming officially sealed the ablation card series!

Spicy chicken!

It's all spicy chicken!

If you look at other people's bull head series, summon series, is your ablation series not shameful? !


This is his most junk full-picture card right now? !


Never mind.

Go back and study a series.

Lu Ming sighed.


at this time.

In the kitchen of the Sword Master Division, the kitchen, on the stove where stewed pig's trotters, and a strange light suddenly flashed in the burning flames.


In an instant.

The flames swept and the light and shadow burst.



A series of strange flames continued to spread, instantly swept across the entire Association of Sword and Card Masters, and countless houses were ignited, igniting a raging fire.



The alarm sounded continuously.

? ? ?

The disciple of the Jianka Division Association was shocked, "What's wrong?"


A dark figure escaped from the flames in disarray, and it was a white boy.

"What's wrong with it?"

Li Haoran said seriously.

"do not know."

The boy in white said embarrassingly, "I was thinking about the hot weather recently. Yuner stayed up with you every night until 3 or 4 o'clock, and got a little angry. I wanted to help her cook a bowl of mung bean porridge..."

Li Haoran:? ? ?

Why do you sound weird?

Never mind.

Not important, fire extinguishing is important.


He quickly organized the disciples to put out the fire.


The burning flame continued to rise and became more and more prosperous. No matter how much water was poured by the disciples, it was useless.


The flames gathered and turned into a dragon.



A giant dragon emerged in the flames. Headed by, it is the king of the legendary Yun Yi Kingdom! It is also the flame dragon with great strength!

These dragons...

"how is this possible!"

The disciples exclaimed.


Lu Ming appeared and blocked in front of the disciples.

Fire Dragon...

"How did you come?"

Lu Ming's face was solemn.

The world gap is closed! The network status has also been stable without 460! How could this group of guys...

"Ha ha."

"You don't really think that only the black dragon can pass through?"


"We are flames..."

The king chuckled, "Oh, do you know why the flame dragon is the royal family? Because we have more powerful power... as long as the flame is still there, we will have an undead body!"

"As long as the flame is still there, we can reach anywhere!"

"As long as the flames remain, we are invincible!"


Flame burning.

He is very calm.


Lu Ming rubbed his head.

Hearing that they have searched several times before, he thought that it would be enough to extinguish the energy such as flames, but he did not expect even the fire to cook!

Really are……

Fire transmission!

Avoid the world invasion, avoid the 460!

Royal invasion!

Avoiding the conscription of the people and the attack of public opinion!

This time.

Only the royal family of Yun Yi Kingdom, only the most powerful group of fire dragons!

"Did you care?"

Lu Ming rubbed his head.


Since the restoration of peace in the world, the Nine Star Alliance avoided it, even he was careless.

And now...

Yun Yiguo’s invasion tells him that even if there is no large-scale invasion, small-scale invasion is still possible, and the enemy will never disappear!


Get it done! ! !

"You forgot my strength?"

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes.

He is the one who wiped out the two kingdoms with only one hand!

"You are weak."

The king glanced at Lu Ming, "Those idiots think you are strong, but I am different. I have the real eye of the dragon and I can see your true power!"

Lu Ming: "..."

He had heard the corns of his feet, and the real eye of the dragon was the first time he heard.


For the lord of the dignified world, it is not surprising that these strange things are known. After all, King Yuzhi has Tauren blood...


"Senior Jiang Feng will be back soon."

Lu Ming spread his hands.

Jiang Feng and this group of people are dead against each other.

"It's no use returning him."

The sneer sneered: "Many of us come this time, he doesn't have so many urine stones."

Lu Ming: "..."

And at this time.

Tian Tian also appeared, guarding Lu Ming.


The face was a little unattractive, but he took a deep breath and glanced at Tian Tian, ​​"We are crowded this time, and you can't run so much water!"

Tian Tian: "..."

Lu Ming: "..."

"rest assured."

"Since we have come this time, we are naturally well prepared."

His smiling face was murderous, and he said coldly.


He stepped out.


Endless flames continue to rise from the dragon's feet, and surround the entire sword card division association, just like a flamed red lotus wrapped!


Waiting for bloom.

"just now……"

"Hand over the little white girl."

"Hand over that card."


"I burned the entire Tiandu!"



The top of the sky.

A pair of black eyes stared at the human world, at the Sword Card Masters Association, and even at everything that happened there.

"Yun Yi Kingdom has passed..."

"Is there a chance?"

"do not know."

"Alright, whoever wins is good for us."


"What happened to the data survey..."

"Quickly, we have discovered secrets in battlefield ruins and in all major worlds, discovered a familiar breath, and in the end all sources are directed to Lu Ming..."

"Not surprisingly, it was originally a relic he developed."

"No, not just development, I suspect that the whole world is his breath..."

"You mean..."

"Yes, I suspect these worlds were created by Lu Ming himself!"

"Is it possible?! Even the founders of our major nations can only create one kingdom, and no one can create countless stacked worlds!"

"Of course he is impossible, but if that one is added..."


"The existence that is still wanted by the Eternal disappears into the public's vision..."

"You mean..."


"No wonder...if it's her..."

" Ming...ah, it turns out that I seem to understand the origin of these worlds..."

"Things are getting more interesting, aren't they?"


PS: Cheers for the college entrance exam tomorrow! ! !

PS2: Welcome my friends to follow me on Weibo: Minus 90 degrees for next year's college entrance examination~ Don't ask me why the college entrance examination next year, willful! ! !

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