MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 771 Yun Yi Chaos!

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"real or fake?"

"Is there any fake? Frost Dragon, as the most powerful dragon bloodline, has lived alone for hundreds of years, regardless of the world. This time, if I get angry to calculate the account, can there be fake?!"

"Yeah, the magma dragon was also peeped deep in the volcano."

"I'm just weird, even if these two, Biluolong... uh... she's so burly, even the drilling dragon doesn't want to be with her... so could the flower thief be fond of it?"

"Maybe to prove that you are invincible?"


There was a lot of discussion among the dragons.


The appearance of this flower thief alarmed all the dragons.

Even the dragon king who was discussing how to destroy humans was shocked.


"Yes, and now there is bad news..."


"Because Yun Yi Kingdom is qualified to haunt these powerful dragons, there is only one, so they suspect now..."


The Dragon King's eyes were round.

"Yes, there are rumors that you are of the same **** just to cover up unspeakable hobbies..."


The Dragon King was furious.

This is a shame on myself!

"Who did it?! Did you find it?"

"No... The network address is difficult to find, but after deduction by the sacred dragon, we got a vague name..."

"what is it call?"

"Zhang Yang."


The Dragon King's killing intention is awe-inspiring.



I do not care who you are!

No matter where you come from!

Sooner or later one day, the deity wants to crush you!


And now.

Sword Card Masters Association.


Lu Ming was lying on the hospital bed, eating watermelon and blowing air conditioning, a comfortable batch.

Don’t even mention that the VIP package in the infirmary is by no means a blow, what is needed, and a cute little nurse to serve you.



Zhang Yang raised his head, "I have a movie about two or three people about nurses and patients. Are you interested in watching it with me?"


The nurse rolled his eyes wide and left.


Zhang Yang is very sorry.

Girl, you don’t know what you missed...


The nurse is gone.

Zhang Yang started his own public opinion plan again.

It's not that he is blowing. As a public relations officer, he is very keen on the capture of public opinion, especially-things that have happened recently in Yunyi Kingdom.


Because of the invasion of Yunyi Kingdom, they have been in control.

Just after the matter of public opinion was resolved in these two days, Zhang Yang discovered a new opportunity, that is, the flower thief who appeared in Yunyi Kingdom! ! !

The major social networks have burst.


The seven nations are already connected.

That frost dragon is the big V of the online community! That Biluo dragon is mixing the title of a Titan on the live broadcast platform!

It can be seen.


As soon as the flower thief happened, it began to ferment.

And our classmate Zhang Yang is pushing the waves and starting to create rumors and come up with some beautiful rumors...

of course.

These include but are not limited to open vests.

"Hello everyone, I'm a giant dragon, the flower thief not only peeked at people's baths, but also sent others... 嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤......"

-Numerous comments are forwarded.

"Hello everyone, I am the Titan Dragon. I also met the flower-picking thief. He not only started with the female dragon, but even me... wooh..."

-Numerous comments are forwarded.


and many more.

There are countless similar remarks.

This is the moment.

Everyone knows that the flower thief turned out to be not just a voyeur. The reason why he didn't start with the Frost Dragon may be because it is too powerful...

So it will be discovered!

And who cares about the weak and weak dragons like those who are killed? !

of course.

In order to be more in line with the style of Yunyi Kingdom.

Zhang Yang also specially called the Green Dragon and learned about the folk customs of the country of Yun Yi. Only after one person and one dragon communicated in-depth, did they figure it out.


Zhang Yang is grateful.

There are some local customs that Green Dragon does not say, and he cannot understand.

"Nothing, customs are not the same everywhere."

Green Dragon scratched his head, "I actually didn't understand your human culture, it would be nice if you could help me."

"You said."

Zhang Yang said domineeringly.

"That's the one."

Green Dragon whispered, "I recently visited your human community, and often found that humans like to comment on one-insert."

"This...I don't quite understand."

"In our world, this thing belongs to the pleasure of boudoir. Only two talents can work together. Why can you human world say it directly..."

"Your human world... Is folk customs so open?"

Green Dragon asked mysteriously.

Zhang Yang:? ? ?



Gan Li Niang!


How did he answer this? !


"This grommet is actually because corn eyes are prone to grow on human feet, so gromming is to put a corn eye there and represent Zhanlou."


"of course."


The Green Dragon felt weird, but it seemed to be fine.

for a long time.

Green Dragon was flicked away.

Our classmate Zhang Yang's eyes are on his own plans.

Various vests and various rumors have been released.

Ha ha.

Considering that this flower-picking thief has a unique taste and kills men and women, everyone seems to be imaginative. At this time, Zhang Yang will add something.


Various former palace staff, the former palace hr, and the former **** came out bubbling, seemingly mentioning that the king often disappeared late at night...

And so on.


Yun Yiguo completely messed up.


And now.

Our Lu Ming classmates also looked at the latest news with a sad face-a wife of an emerald dragon was pregnant, suspected to be a flower thief...


All Emerald Dragons are dispatched.

It is said that at least tens of thousands of emerald dragons are now chasing and killing the flower thief...

? ? ?

Lu Ming looked dazed.

Emerald Dragon...

I do not know!

In addition, there is no such thing as a dragon or a titan dragon...

"what's going on?"

"do not know."

Xiaojian is also confused.

"I asked Little Fox to check it."

Lu Ming secretly asked Little Fox to inquire.



It turned out to be a backstab from my own propaganda department...

Really intimate! ! !


Lu Ming contacted Zhang Yang directly.


"Ask you something."

"You say."

"I saw your public opinion plan, and the effect is good. I will not talk about those who are like dragons. What's going on with this emerald dragon's wife?!"

Lu Ming's face was dark.

This has even children!

You rumor...

Excessive! !


Zhang Yang was also a little ignorant, "No... I don't have a vest for the Emerald Dragon."


Lu Ming froze, "Not your vest?"

"of course not."

Zhang Yang vetoed decisively, "This kind of rumor with children is too stupid, easy to be disassembled, and everyone is not stupid... wait, those emerald dragons..."

Zhang Yang also recovered.

You are not stupid, and of course others are not stupid.

If it is really rumor, how could the Emerald Dragon collectively be dispatched? !

and so……


Zhang Yang also investigated, and then found in horror that the original dragon of the Emerald Valley, the purebred jadeite leader used his purebred jadeite dragon wife...

A fire dragon was born.


and so……


Lu Ming: "..."

Zhang Yang: "..."

They already understood.

The child of the next king...

and so.

This flower-picking thief took the pot for the Emerald Dragon...

Like the terrorist organization in the past life, what can't do at ordinary times, the first one came out to take the pan when something went wrong, but now, this pan is buckled on Lu Ming's head.

Ah this...

Lu Ming sighed, the circle is really chaotic.


Chaos is also beneficial.

Because of the trouble of the Emerald Dragon, the entire Yunyi Kingdom is now turned upside down.

You see, the remaining child is a fire dragon, right? That shows that the child's father must be a fire dragon. In that case, the legendary rumor...

"Come, the rumor goes, give our Dragon King a dunk!"

"rest assured."

Zhang Yang fired at full power.

Ha ha.

This is good at it.


That day.

Articles such as "Three Days and Two Nights with the Dragon King", "The Unspeakable Fall with the Dragon King" and "The Day I Live with the Dragon King" are freshly published...


Describe an affectionate dragon king.

Although he likes the same sex, he is troubled by the inheritance of the royal blood, so there are all kinds of legends and legends...

at this time.

An ice dragon gave birth to a fire dragon...


"You did it again?"

Lu Ming was shocked.


Zhang Yang is very sure, "All those with children have nothing to do with me, our rumors are limited to the Internet, and will not leave such flaws as children."


Lu Ming understood.

and so……

It's another one.

Look, ha.

Normally this kind of non-born thing happened, and now, the legend of the flower thief just happened, it is still a fire dragon, so...

When public opinion ferments.

When all the dragons knew, there were already six children...

All have Fire Dragon Bloodline.


Public opinion exploded completely.

Think about it, who can hide the powerful existence such as the Frost Dragon, can completely transform the human form, plus those romantic affairs, who can do it? !

That day.

The protest army headed by the Emerald Dragon rushed to the palace and asked the Dragon King to give an explanation. The whole Yunyi Kingdom was in chaos because of this matter.


"What a miserable dragon king."

The little sword was filled with emotion.

"Isn't it?"

Lu Ming also sighed.

This is the result of the control of the right to speak.

In the place of the online community, the human world, as the absolute master, can easily play with other countries in applause.

He looked at it and Yun Yi Kingdom was completely messed up.

That's it...

Lu Ming also sneaked into the palace quietly.

His goal is only one-mother-in-law.

As long as you find the mother-in-law and get a little more energy to open up an arbitrary door of the human world dozens of times, you're done.

And at this time.

Entrance to the palace.

Our dragon king is still explaining to the major dragons.

"I didn't! I was..."

"Not me! I was..."

"That day I..."

The Dragon King is seriously trying to explain these powerful existences.


Everyone doesn't believe it at all.

The children are here!

Fire Dragon! Who did that red tintin deceive!

It must be your baby!

"My daughter-in-law said that one year ago, she really felt dizzy and had a dream, and thought it was a spring dream. I never thought that it was you..."

"Ooooo, so is my wife."


"What a simple person my wife is so insulted by you..."

"Yeah, so is my wife. I don't want to do that kind of things purely. After five years of marriage, we have only been in the same room three times. What a difficult child, the result... the result..."

"Too hateful!"


Everyone said more and more angry.

Dragon King:? ? ?

simple? !

Don’t you think it’s green?

What does it have to do with me? !

"You know, I actually..."

"Bah, I heard that you guys of the same **** like to deceive people. They are either deceiving fake marriages to keep their widows alive, or are they bisexual...stubborn!

"But I am not."

The Dragon King cried.

"The ghost believes you!"

"That's it!"

"Some kind of go to Flame Mountain with me to see if you have blood contact with the newly born child..."

"Yes, follow me to Frostland!"

"It's better to go to Emerald Valley first."


Everyone quarreled again.

Dragon King: "..."

Suddenly it was found that it was a wrong decision to explain to them. No matter how sincere you say, people will not work!

Think of here.

It looked cold and turned away.

"Want to go?!"

The other dragons were furious.


A breath of air rose into the sky.


The killing intention flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King.


Transformed into a dragon, the war broke out.

for a long time.

The Dragon King recovered his silhouette calmly, with a trace of blood stained on his body. On the land in front of the palace, there have been giant dragons one after another.

This is the moment.

People only remember what kind of fighting power the Dragon King has!

"Dragon King, how dare you!"

The Emerald Dragon was furious.

"I'm afraid of anything."

The Dragon King said lightly, "I didn't do this thing. If you want to prove it, go to your wife! See what she's doing for you!"



The Dragon King drifted away.

Leaving a group of dragons caught in self-doubt.


And now.

The Dragon King went back with exhaustion.

It didn't understand a bit. It just left Yun Yi Kingdom for a while, then went to the human world to confront Lu Ming once. Why did it happen when it came back? !

What kid!

What a flower picker!


Where did these messy things come from? !

Go back to the room.

He looked at the blood stains on his body, frowned, sighed, and faded the dragon king's aura, his clothes, and stepped into the bath.


at this time.

Dragon's true eyes warned.

The Dragon King’s pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the ground horror. There seemed to be something hidden in the shadow of the bath.

"come out!"

The Dragon King was furious.


Light and shadow flicker.

In that shadow, another shadow exploded! However, this time the figure is a personal figure, the familiar look, the Dragon King recognized it at a glance.

"Lu Ming?!"

The Dragon King was shocked.


Lu Ming was also

He didn't expect to be found in the shadow.

of course.

At this moment, his eyes glanced over the dragon king's body, and he was also somewhat afraid. Fortunately, he was not dizzy, but this time he was afraid to faint on the spot...

This is too golden needle mushroom, right?

and so……


The dragon king is actually a 0? !


PS: Everyone pays more attention to safety. Recently, the weather is abnormal, and I feel that there is water everywhere...I can still get water than me (??°??°??)????


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