MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 779 Master, will you use the holy water of darkness?

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Sword Card Masters Association.

Lu Ming is still testing the function of the card.

He glanced through the window and saw the young boy in white passing by.


The Nine Star Card is activated again.

——Send the most important things of the boy in white to my room.


Light and shadow flashed.

Lu Ming looked at the notebook that appeared in front of him.

He opened it, and it was full of the thoughts of the white boy on Yun'er.


X year x month x day.


Yun'er went to the president's room. I used my ability and heard some terrible content, but I don't blame Yuner. I wish her happiness.


This is love.

X year x month x day.


Yun'er went to Zhang Yang's room...


? ? ?

Lu Ming looked dumbfounded.

Foggy grass.

What is your diary?

I don’t know I thought you were writing a small h article! ! !

and also……

As for Yun'er, as the former gossip president of Yuner's girl, Lu Ming's complexion fell out of the association's monitoring and found that Yuner was only talking about business daily...

What can he say?

The boy in white deserves to be from the Emerald Boys Group!

Cow batch! ! !

of course.

This kind of thing, Lu Ming also embarrassed to intervene.


Is this the fun of the young couple?



Lu Ming took a deep breath and continued to test the SF card.


Otherwise, try Zhang Yang?


Light and shadow flicker.

The most important thing to publicize...


? ? ?

What is this?

Lu Ming looked at the list in front of him, turned to the back, and was shocked.

——Personal accident insurance, urban safety insurance, law enforcement protection insurance, natural disaster insurance, organ failure insurance, next-door veteran insurance, curse protection insurance, male birth insurance...

? ? ?

Lu Ming looked dazed.

Foggy grass.


Is this the most important thing for Zhang Yang? !


He made a rough calculation, probably about a hundred kinds of insurance...


No wonder Zhang Yang has made a lot of effort recently... He has already made a fortune by co-opting just being beaten?


This is the same as Jiang Feng's being chased!

What can Lu Ming say?


However, in this way, the nine-star card can really be used in this way, and it is really judged from people's thinking and cognition.

such as--

Publicize the important things in your heart.

and so……

try again.


Lu Ming activated the SF card again.

Goal-to send the most important thing for the boy in black.


Light and shadow flicker.

Li Haoran suddenly appeared in Lu Ming's room.

? ? ?

Li Haoran looked dazed.

? ? ?

Lu Ming also looked dazed.



Li Haoran was at a loss.

He just walked to the door, how could Master...


Lu Ming recovered, "Hao Ran, I was in a hurry, so I sent you over, and you will report to me today's work."


Li Haoran said respectfully.


Feeling the power of Master.

Is this the legendary second turn?

Sure enough so powerful! ! !

for a long time.

Li Haoran left after reporting his work.

Lu Ming was expressionless.


The nine-star card can be given away, no problem.

But why is Li Haoran the most important thing in the mind of a black man? !


Lu Ming sighed.

Never mind.

The disciples have their own disciples.

He simply tested it a few times, which was probably the finalization of all the functions of this card. Unfortunately, it failed to use the mysterious kingdom...

Send the most important things of the mysterious kingdom.


Send people from the mysterious kingdom.


Several times in a row, they all failed!


Lu Ming frowned.

What went wrong?

Or is it determined that it is not established at all? !

Lu Ming tried it unwillingly for hundreds of times, and he didn't even absorb the energy. All the failures related to the mysterious kingdom failed! ! !


Does not exist?


Wrong posture?

Lu Ming scratched his head, full of confusion.


No matter how you try, it fails.

For the first time, Lu Ming doubted the existence of the mysterious kingdom...

Not scientific.

Even if he wants something in the sun, he will react and directly absorb energy on a large scale. There is no reason for the mysterious kingdom to be completely motionless here!


The mysterious kingdom does not exist at all! ! !



Didn't Xiaoxiaojian feel completely?

"It always feels wrong."

Lu Ming looked solemn.

"I also lift it."

The little sword also looked dignified.

Can make the sender card invalid, showing the strength of the enemy.


Lu Ming's face was black.

You only give child cards, your family are all child cards! ! !

Never mind.

Lu Ming was too lazy to care about it and said coldly: "Let Xiaohu continue to be undercover and continue to observe, I want to know whether the mysterious kingdom exists!"


The world is quiet.

The war is gone.

The eight nations have also settled.

However, I don't know why, Lu Ming is always full of uneasiness, especially a powerful mysterious country that does not know whether it exists...

If the opponent exists, the Jiuxing Card can't be detected, and the Xiaojian can't perceive it. How powerful should the enemy be?

So the other party does not exist...

Who did all this? !


Lu Ming began his full investigation.



The unprecedented coordination of the seven nations.

After the enemies were gone, the seven nations cooperated extremely highly and joined the sword and card division associations, establishing a very good friendship with the human world.


Portals and teleports were also established.

Even, some countries rely on unique scenery, attracting countless tourists, stimulating GDP, and developing rapidly, very perfect.


absolutely not!

No matter in which deduction, you can clearly see that the human world is the main, surrounded by the eight worlds, and no country exists anymore! ! !

There are only some small remains.

Very small.

All registered!


There are no more enemies.

"Are we making mistakes, the enemy is someone in a certain country, has been accidentally eliminated?"

Xiaojian is puzzled.


Lu Ming is very sure.

Such a plan to cover other countries can never be done by extraordinary people! This enemy must be in control of the movement of all countries!


"Continue to check!"

Lu Ming looked solemn.

"it is good."

Little Fox never gave up.


Lu Ming and the small days of the human world, such a strange peace, everything went very smoothly, and Lu Ming couldn’t believe it.

First of all.

Xiaobai's experiment went smoothly.

After this period of research, and after the massive resources supplement of the Sword and Card Masters Association, the Sword and Card Masters Association finally mastered the true "burning" technology! !

just now!

They can burn discs at will!

of course.

To be precise-that is professional transformation! Now, almost all professions and races can be transformed into sword card masters without loss! ! !

As long as you are in the Sword Card Masters Association, find a matching powerful sword card master.

He can help you burn to the core of your career first, and then re-engrave it for you, and finally realize the burning of the career of sword card master! ! !

"Little White Bull Batch!"

Lu Ming was excited.

Hugging Xiaobai just kissed fiercely.


"Hate it!"

Xiaobai blushed.


Lu Ming laughed twice.


"When will you move things away?"

Xiaobai is curious.

"In a few days."

Lu Ming sighed, "It's been too busy recently, so let's put your room first..."


Xiaobai shyly left.


Is this cohabitation?

Hey hey.


Lu Ming laughed and said nothing.

of course.

This is just the first smooth.

the second……

Mom sent it back.

That's right.

After the greening project and the efforts of the Jade Youth League, our Jade Youth finally, personally, sent Lu Ming's mother back! ! !



Even directly to the door.

of course.

It is not without conditions, our jadeite boy has only one condition-details.

Lu Ming: "..."

God?? Details.

He now regrets it a bit, is it a bit green...


of course.

If this is the only thing, even more so, that night, on the same day that the Emerald Boy sent his mother back, Lu Ming received his news.

"Lu Ming."

"I have another request."

The Emerald Boy said embarrassedly.

"You said."

Lu Ming was feeble, "But the ugliness is at the front, it is impossible for me to secretly take pictures. That is my are looking for Lao Lu!"

"how is this possible!"

Emerald Juvenile Justice is awe-inspiring, "Am I that kind of person?!"

Ha ha.

Lu Ming was expressionless.

Mom sent it back, what did you say? ! !


The Emerald Boy coughed, "Those who I will communicate with Lao Lu, I came to you actually want to please you..."

"You said."

Lu Ming raised his head.

"That one……"

"I am the royal family after all."

The Emerald Boy asked embarrassedly, "So, you and the water bird will have children in the future, can you let the first child be named Yu..."


Lu Ming was shocked.

Foggy grass.

Another one? !


"It would be nice to let him come over to inherit the Yuzhi Kingdom in the future..."

"Both men and women."

"As long as it is born, it is the only king of our Yuzhi Kingdom!"

The Emerald Juvenile is right.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

Ah this...

Have you negotiated? ! !


That night.

Lu Ming's mother returns.

Even she was very confused. She used to worry that Lao Lu or Lu Ming directly killed Shangyu Zhiguo, and she would be very sad when she hit it.

On one side is the younger brother who grew up together.

On one side are husband and children.


She was sent back.

Just so inexplicably, was sent by my brother...

Very sincere.

? ? ?

what happened?

To this.

Our classmate Lu Ming smiled slightly, hiding the merits and fame.

And our little fox classmates opened a new article at a certain station on the same day-"If Chen Xiang saves his mother like this", the article classification is NTR...



The mother is back, as expected.

Everything is going smooth.

The older sister and Qiu Shuyi also came back to see her mother. The father stayed here to accompany her mother. Xiao Mingsheng and Xiao Yousheng also accompanied her.


Rare joy of the world.


Is it the happy ending of happiness?


Lu Ming didn't quite understand-where did our final boss go? !


"Maybe it's gone."

Little Sword guessed.

"Ha ha."

Lu Ming sneered.

Ghosts believe.

He had seen a novel called "Dark Lord" before, and there was a powerful enemy inexplicably disappeared... It was not until a few hundred chapters that the author wrote a special story about our powerful enemy. The story of the meteorite smashing to death...

Just?? Magic! ! !

Smash your sister!

It must be that the author of the b forgot...

And now.

Ha ha.

A terrifying enemy who manipulates the eight great kingdoms, turning his hands over the clouds and raining over the rain, you tell me it is gone... This is even more **** than that novel. Do you believe it? !

He wants to see how long these enemies can hide! ! !


These days.

Lu Ming has thoroughly studied other cards.

Funeral flower card, hammer card, Tianlun card...

and many more.

All that can be studied, Lu Ming has studied all, although it is too late to test, but first be prepared to ensure that each card can be used.


I'll talk about it later.

Seven stars.

Eight stars.

Nine stars.

Lu Ming has all cards ready.

of course.

The expansion of the Sword and Card Masters Association is also steadily proceeding. Originally only the Sword and Card Masters Association of Tiandu City, it has swept all countries...


The enemy still didn't show up.

Since the reunification of the whole world, I have never seen any trace of mysterious kingdom.

As if-

Never existed.



Silently passed away.

The world is still developing steadily.

Several months passed.

The enemy disappeared forever.


"Is there really an enemy?"

Xiaobai blinked.

"of course."

Lu Ming's expression was solemn, "So for your safety, these days you must protect yourself 24 hours until the enemy disappears."


Xiaobai responded cleverly.

The mother of life about the fountain of life and the dark holy water told her, so, whether to use a little dark holy water...


Little white heart floating.

after all……

She is also getting older, right?

"What do you want?"

Lu Ming gave her a curious look.

"It's all right."

Xiaobai blushed.

for a long time.

The sound of a weak mosquito flies, and Xiaobai takes out a bottle with only a few drops of black liquid and says shyly, "Master, how do you use this?"

Dark holy water? ?

Lu Ming's eyes suddenly widened.

Oh open.

This one……

and many more.

Xiaobai girl in this state...


Lu Ming was shocked, and felt that part of his body was stiffened, and all the brains on his body began to be congested, ready to go.

at last……

It's finally this day!

My little white! Finally grown up! ! !


Lu Ming was excited.

at last……

finally come!

Lu Ming moved to dare to move the liver to move.


Just as he passed, preparing to personally teach Xiaobai how to use the dark holy water, suddenly, a glimmer of black light swayed in the night sky.



The earthquake shook.

The terrible power exploded, and in the endless night sky, a breath of terror emerged, tearing the sky and sweeping the entire city!


The powerful people of the entire Tiandu city awakened at this moment.

"this is……"

"Damn, above Nine Stars, what the **** is this?!"

"do not know."

The masters were inexplicably frightened.

"you guys……"

"finally come."

The cold light flashed in Lu Ming's eyes.

He has been waiting for a long time.


It is terrifying that even though the breath rushes, the terrible breath sweeps the world, but no enemies appear, it is very strange!

"what happened?"

Jiang Feng and others also came out.

"do not know."

Everyone was frightened.

They have never seen such a weird scene.

At this moment, the rushing breath and the strange powers have submerged and flattened the heavenly city like a tsunami, just like a mirror.

In the mirror.

The black breath condensed.

A figure out of the mirror ~ ~ the enemy...

Finally appeared! ! !

of course.


Our little white girl looked at the few drops of liquid that were hardly extracted from her hands, just enough to develop to 16 years old...

Suddenly angry.

The expression is fierce.




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