MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 10 problem

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The two-hour class passed quickly, and Qi Xiaoyan had been using Yang Wei's voice as background music and was busy doing his own business. At the end of the course, he was preparing to exit the classroom, but saw another row of purple characters appear on the screen.

Future Gao Fushuai: Teacher Hanamaki, do you lack a boyfriend?

Yang Wei blinked, with a little smile in her voice: "Do you want to compete for a job?"

Future Gao Fushuai: Can you? [Coquettish]

薇 Yang Wei thought for a while and thought, "I ask you a question. If you can say the correct answer within three seconds, I will consider giving you a chance."

Future Gao Fushuai: Loved.

Yang Wei: "... not this."

Future Gao Fushuai: Save you first.

Yang Wei: "..."

She took a breath and asked very quickly: "A number is divided by three more than two, divided by five more than three, and divided by seven more than two. What is this number?"

Li dog eggs: 23

Yang Wei and Liang Minghua are both stunned. Liang Minghua is 愣 he didn't even hear the title clearly. The goods have already returned in seconds. Yang Wei is 愣 the original Li Gou classmate is not dumb.

Future Gao Fushuai: I guess he wants to play 233

Li Dog Egg: This is a typical residual problem in mathematics. 233 is also a number that satisfies the conditions. The least common multiple of 3, 5, and 7 that meets the conditions is 105. The 23 that I give is the minimum number that satisfies the conditions.

Yang Wei: "..."

Future Gao Fushuai: ...

绘画 This drawing lesson is really worth listening to, and math tutoring is also distributed for free.

Fu Gaofu Shuai: Is this the correct answer?

薇 Yang Wei returned to her mind. At that moment, she even had the illusion of Qi Xiaoyan standing in front of herself: "You answered slower than Li Goudan, and it has been over three seconds."

Fu Gao Shuai Shuai: What do you get the chance? 啰But he is not necessarily in city A, you still consider me.

Li dog eggs: I am in a city.

Yang Wei: "..."

Why even the dog classmates are more real!

She turned off the courseware and smiled. "Thank you for coming to my trial class. Today's class is over. If you want to sign up, please contact the Academic Affairs Department."

She took off her headphones after speaking and exited the classroom.

Leaning on the back of the chair comfortably stretched out a laziness, Yang Wei got up and poured herself a glass of milk. That question was given to her by Qi Xiaoyan, saying that if she could answer correctly within three seconds, she promised to accompany her out to watch the Christmas tree light up. Of course, Yang Wei didn't answer correctly, but Qi Xiaoyan still couldn't stand the fatigue bombardment she persisted, and accompanied her out to watch the lights.

She remembered that the staff member said that as long as the couple who saw the Christmas tree lights up, they would be happy forever, but they were not divorced in the end?

Alas, it's no wonder Qi Xiaoyan said at the time that these were all gimmicks.

I really want to take the divorce to the Consumers Association to complain to them.

However, speaking of that, that Li Dog Egg is really good. How can a person who is a top science student see painting? Is it to experience life?

At this time, Li Goudan is receiving a satisfaction survey from the teaching faculty.

"Hello, after the audition, are you still satisfied with our Hanamaki teacher? ^ _ ^"

Qi Qi smiled and thought for a while, and typed, "Very satisfied."

"Are you interested in taking our formal course?"

Wu Qi smiled and asked, "How much will I pay for the tuition?"

Jian Shuang looked at this message for a moment, and then replied: "The teacher's salary is paid by class ^ _ ^"

Li Dog Egg: I think you should also give the teacher a corresponding commission according to the number of people.

Jian Jianshuang: "..."

Yang Wei is so good. Usually I can take out a group of brain residual powder outside. I can't even see my face in this class. Can I have brain residual powder so quickly?

感谢 "Thank you for your suggestions, we will consider ^ _ ^"

Li Dog Egg: OK, I'll sign up.

薇 Yang Wei took a bath and climbed into bed. There was an unread text message on her mobile phone, which was sent by her brother Yang Yan: "Dear sister, is there any air tomorrow at noon, I invite you to dinner :)"

笑 The smiley reminded her of Li Dog Egg inexplicably. She shook her head and replied, "Should you let me pretend to be your girlfriend again? I said, I'll charge you the price of the heroine."

Yang Yang: Didn't you all say that you would eat?

Yang Wei: Yeah, last time you invited me to eat four spring rolls by the side of the road, one of five or two [bye]

Yang 茗: ... this time it won't happen, you can order whatever you want!

Yang Wei: It seems that this time the girl is difficult to tangle :)

Yang Yang: Followed me for two weeks! No matter what, I told her I had a girlfriend and she didn't believe it.

Yang Wei: Tell her next time that you like men, and then find a buddy to help you.

Yang Yang: Your mother will kill me [bye]

Yang Wei: Well, time and place.

Yang Yang: At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, at the gate, dress up nicely, do you love you? 3 =

Yang Wei: Buy it at 11 o'clock, I shut down!

薇 Yang Wei was preparing to shut down, and another new message came, this time Fang Chengran. She froze and clicked to check.

"Good night, good dream ^ _ ^"

The simple four words and an expression make Yang Wei's mood instantly complicated. Just the first two nights, she was still saying good night to herself. I didn't expect that so soon, someone would say good night to her before going to bed.

Her thumb moved on the screen and she typed, "Good night, good dream."

After she turned off her phone, she glanced at Qi Xiaoyan on the wedding photo across from her and closed her eyes.

Huh, don't tell you good night.

下 Under the same starry sky, Qi Xiaoyan was lying on the bed, looking at the contact list on the mobile phone, and whispering, "Good night, baby."

The next day, Yang Wei slept until ten o'clock before waking up. Thinking of having a brother for lunch at noon, Yang Wei was too lazy to have breakfast, and opened the closet and started to stir herself. Yang Yan is still in his junior year, pretending his girlfriend can't be too mature. She deliberately turned out her college dress and put it in front of her.

Zoe, the color is ok, the style is not out of date, this is it!

When I was about to make it, the call rushed by Yang Ye also arrived. Yang Wei went out while answering the phone: "I'm out now, I'm going to eat Lilith barbecue at noon."

茗 Yang Yang has a pain at the end of the phone, Yang Wei is really fierce. But thinking of the girl who had followed him for two weeks, he still put up.

Yang Wei went out of the community and took the subway to T University. This time is the time when most students wake up to find food, so there are many small vendors in front of the school. At a glance, Yang Wei saw Yang Yan waiting at the door. He wore a black hooded jacket with a white t-shirt, dark skinny jeans and a pair of black high-top shoes. Yang Wei gave him a compliment in his heart, and his younger brother became more and more handsome.

"Xiao Mingming ~" Yang Wei called sweetly and went up. Yang Zheng shook a bit, and when he looked back, his eyes were still a little twitched: "Wei Weier, today is the weekend, we don't draw wind."

薇 Yang Wei ripped the corner of her mouth and decided to take the queen route: "Xiao Mingzi, is the lunch appointment ready? I only eat fresh scallops."

Yang Yang smiled and put her shoulder on her shoulder. "No hurry, let's go to school first."

薇 Yang Wei followed him reluctantly, and his face still maintained a cold expression: "Not all schools are the same? I haven't had breakfast yet."

Yang Yang still smiles and smiles: "Tucking you around the school, there should be no girls annoying me in the next year."

薇 Yang Wei's Gao Leng's face was a little bit lost: "Don't you really like men?"

Yang said, "I'm just guarding my jade for my first love."

薇 Yang Wei's eyebrows jumped up abruptly: "Your primary school is at the same table? Do you love your parents early?"

Yangyang shrugged: "Of course they didn't know that they had abandoned me ruthlessly, unreasonably and irrationally, and only took their daughter abroad."

薇 Yang Wei's eyebrows jumped: "Do you have to say another ten years about this? How did you take you at the age of three ..."

"Hush." ​​Yang Ye interrupted Yang Wei suddenly, whispered in her ear, "appeared."

Yang Wei suddenly felt that she was filming a police bandit. She subconsciously held her breath and glanced back secretly. There was really a girl behind them who followed them not far and short hair with short ears, dressed cleanly and cleanly, and did not seem to follow people's perverts.

Suddenly, the girl's eyes met Yang Wei, and Yang Wei turned around in a hurry. She gasped softly, and heard the clatter of footsteps behind her.

Soon, the girls ran to them, blocking their way. Yang Yan frowned slightly, with a look of impatience: "What do you want?"

The girl just looked at Yang Wei, her eyes focused, and with a hint of imperceptibility: "Is this ... Are you Yang Ye's girlfriend?"

That look made Yang Wei unable to bear to lie to her, but felt that Yang Ye's hand on her shoulder was tightening. She quickly smiled and said, "I am, are you his classmate?"

The girl's face turned pale, as if she had suffered some grievance, and she bit her lower lip gently: "Are you really his girlfriend?"


The wind on the treetops seems to have stopped, and only the girls' skirts are still shaking uneasily.

Yang Wei today saw a stunt with tears for three seconds. The girl in front of her eyes became red, and "Wow--" she cried. Tears poured out like spring water, and the snot ran down unceremoniously. Yang Wei looked a little blank, and she hadn't cried like this since kindergarten.

Girls cried too sadly, and students passing by all looked at each other. Yang Wei embarrassedly wanted to come forward to comfort her for a few words, but the girl only looked at Yang Yan, crying and saying "I won't entangle you anymore", she ran away with a nose and a tear.

薇 Yang Wei and Yang Wei are still in their places, their expressions are a bit stiff. Yang Wei slapped Yang's hand on his shoulder and looked at him sideways: "Are we cruel?"

Yang Yang moved the corner of his mouth, his voice was dry: "... long pain is worse than short pain."

两个 Two girls came up to each other and were talking head to head-

"The girl was crying so sad just now. Was she broken?"

"I think so. Speaking of, have you heard that Professor Qi of Didu University is divorced?"

Yang Wei's heart is a little bit over, it's over! Has Professor Qi become so popular!

She hurriedly wanted to drag Yang Yan away. Yang Yan had already walked one step ahead of the two girls and frowned, "What did you say? Qi Xiaoyan divorced?"

"I, I also listened to the friends of the Imperial University ..." The talking girl looked at Yang Ye, why is this little handsome guy a fan of Professor Qi?

Yang Yang glanced back at Yang Wei, Yang Wei panicked, had no time to explain anything, Yang Yan had already rushed out. Yang Wei chased him out of the school gate. When he saw he got in a taxi, he also stopped a car and hurried up: "Help me follow the car in front, thank you!"

The driver hasn't encountered such a scene for a long time, and suddenly asked with excitement, "Do you chase your boyfriend?"

Yang Wei said, "Catch!"

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