MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 13 Blind date

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According to the number given by my mother, this is number one, archeology professor.

Professor Wu looks a lot bigger than Qi Xiaoyan, and Yang Wei estimates that he is about forty. After introducing her elegantly to her, the professor began to understand her situation: "I heard that you teach fine art. In my opinion, fine art and archeology are both an art. Are you interested in archeology?"

Yang Wei said, "I read a novel called" Grave Digging Notes "when I was in high school. I was deeply attracted by the scene depicted therein. I almost reported to the Department of Archeology when I was in college.

Professor Wu asked, "Why is there no report?"

因为 "Because my mother said that the archeological ones are the rest of the digging graves."

Professor Wu: "..."

He groaned for a while, and then said, "Is the author of the novel you are calling Uncle Nanpai?"

Yang Wei looked at him in surprise: "Have you seen this novel?"

Professor Wu said: "The author was also a student of mine. Later, because he failed to pass the exam because he was unable to complete his studies, he switched to writing a novel."

Yang Wei: "..."

Don't you think this bull is too big ...

看着 She looked at the professor and asked with a smile: "Uncle Nanpai is his pen name, he is your student, you must know his real name?"

The professor covered his mouth and coughed, "Archaeology is a topic of great significance to human beings. Our team has unearthed several ancient tombs, and several of the mummy displayed in the Louvre were dug up by us. "

挖 Did you dig with an excavator? Yang Wei looked at the professor and said with a smile: "I heard that Pharaoh would curse people. Are your team members okay?"

Professor Wu said, "The curse is nonsense. Egypt and France are both very attractive countries. Have you been to these two places?"

薇 Yang Wei shook her head: "No."

Professor Tong regretted, "That's a shame, but I often go. Ask me anything you want to know."

薇 Yang Wei thought for a while and thought, "Is the taste of the Seine River the same as that of the Nile?"

Professor Wu: "..."

Professor Yun said he was going back to study the water quality of the Seine and Nile rivers, and left in a hurry.

Twenty-five hours later, the cafe door was pushed open again, and the adult in a smart suit came in. His shoes were polished so brightly that even his hair was smeared with wax, and a pure black briefcase was carried in his hand, exuding a strong elite field.

He went to sit opposite Yang Wei, raised his left hand and looked at the time: "Miss Yang, you are very punctual. I like to cooperate with punctual people."

Yang Wei: "..."

The president opened the briefcase, took out a thick pure black notebook from it, and spread it out on the table. He took out a golden fountain pen from his jacket pocket, and the president unscrewed the pen cap gracefully, and asked Yang Wei, "When do you usually get up?"

Yang Wei said, "6:40."

While writing notes in his notebook, the president also kept his comments: "I think you can get up ten minutes in advance so that you have enough time to prepare breakfast."

薇 Yang Wei drew his lips and said, "My breakfast is usually settled on the bus."

The president continued to take notes: "This habit is not good. It needs to be changed."

Yang Wei didn't want to smoke anymore.

The president continued to ask, "What hobbies do you usually have?"

Yang Wei said, "Draw and read novels."

President Wu's hand of taking notes quickly: "Painting is good, can cultivate sentiment, is fiction referring to romance novel?"


"You can consider switching to a world-famous book. It is best to read the original English version."

Yang Wei Hehe.

The president also said, "What sports do you like?"

"go to bed."

President Yun finally stopped the pen in his hand, raised his eyes and glanced at Yang Wei, and the evil charm went wild: "I like it too."

Yang Wei: "..."

Promise me a lot, okay?

薇 Yang Wei stood up and bowed to the president with a standard 45-degree bow: "This is the end of today's meeting. Thank you for your time.

Mr. President President: "..."

The third one to date ... Yang Wei temporarily called him an upstart. Although her mother said that this man is the son of the richest man in city a, the non-mainstream hairstyle and gold necklace with thumb thickness are closer to the upstart in any way.

"Hello Miss Yang." The upstart shook his hair flirtatiously and sat down opposite Yang Wei.

Yang Wei smiled and watched his hair fluttering in the wind without answering.

The upstart leaned forward, and as soon as he wanted to say something, his cell phone rang. He glanced at Yang Wei and said, "Sorry, I'll take a call first."

薇 Yang Wei nodded and motioned to him casually.

Then, she watched the upstart take out a mobile phone, two mobile phones and three mobile phones from her bag ... Until the seventh mobile phone, she finally found the ringing phone.

Yang Wei looked at the lined-up mobile phones on the table, all the peaches 10, the rainbow seven colors are all gathered.

The upstart took the golden mobile phone and connected the phone: "What, then the project needs to invest another one billion yuan? Why do n’t you invest? Just call me and ask me if I have a blind date!"

The upstarts clicked down the phone and smiled at Yang Wei: "The people under him really don't do anything, you don't mind."

Yang Wei smiled and said, "I don't mind."

The upstarts put the golden peach back on the table, and said to Yang Wei with interest, "These are all the latest peaches. I have deliberately assembled them. Is it good-looking?"

Yang Wei said, "Can you summon a dragon?"

The upstarts thought for a while: "I'll go back to try tonight." He paused, and smiled at Yang Wei, "These are not the ones I bought by selling kidneys."

薇 Yang Wei nodded and said, "I know, selling kidney is limited to two."

The upstart drew her a look of "you really know the market" and asked mysteriously, "Do you guess what my family does?"

Yang Wei said: "Maybe it was Kai Gundam."

The upstarts scoffed and said, "What's Kaifeng? We're much better than this."

Yang Wei looked at him admiringly: "Should your family sell tea eggs?"

"Hush!" The upstart quickly stopped her. "Be quiet! Don't be heard by others."

Yang Wei took a deep breath and said to him with a smile: "Since your family is so rich, why didn't you consider buying more IQ cards? You owe so long and look very distressed.

IQ recharge card? How could he not have such a high-end thing! So the upstart rushed out to buy the recharge card.

五 It was five o'clock when the last blind date man arrived. This should be the youngest of the four people who are in a blind date today, and it looks like he is in his early twenties. He had prince-like melancholy eyes, and even his hair was prince-like golden yellow.

So Yang Wei decided to call him a prince.

Prince Yun wore a white suit and came to her and bowed to her: "Beautiful lady, are you Yang Wei?"

薇 Yang Wei nodded and said, "I am."

"Oh, nice to meet you." The prince stood up and smiled at her. "You look at the sun outside the window. Are we really wasting this great time in this dull cafe?"

The waiter passing behind him flung him unmarkedly.

薇 Yang Wei stood up and asked, "What do you think is not a waste?" In general, she feels that meeting this date today is a huge waste.

Prince Yun looked at her with a smile: "I don't know if I have the honor to invite you to swim in the lake?"

Yang Wei understands that this is the same paragraph as Fang Chengran.

She went to a nearby park with the prince. Sure enough, there were many people on the artificial lake. In order to get closer to nature, the prince deliberately chose an open-top boat-the type of paddle.

Because of the high requirements for professional skills, they also assigned a boat 伕. The boat slowly rowed to the center of the lake. On the sparkling water, the prince breathed intoxicatedly and said to Yang Wei: "This beautiful environment makes me can't help but want to sing a song. Will you listen?

薇 Yang Wei turned her head to look at the rowing boat: "Would you like it?" She doesn't care, but if the boat can't stand the jump, she won't be able to row the boat back.

The funeral barge said, "Sing, I'm used to it."

Then the prince sang affectionately: "Let's swing-double sculls, push the boat-open * waves ~~"

Yang Wei: "..."

The boat funeral was also a bit unbearable: "This gentleman, I'm fine, but I'm afraid you can sing this lady and the lady will jump into the lake."

Prince Yun stopped singing and watched Yang Wei affectionately, "Youjump, Ijump."

Yang Wei: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion