MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 23 Start reading

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Qi Qi smiled at Audi and stopped at the hotel door. He opened the door of the front passenger seat and threw Yang Wei into it.

There was a small pink pillow on the front passenger seat, which was Yang Wei's. Yang Wei looked at the pillow slightly, and then heard Qi Xiaoyan slam the door behind her. Yang Wei pumped the corner of her mouth, put the pillow on her leg, and fastened her seat belt.

Qi Qi laughed and said that his face was still appalling after he got into the car. He drove the car out and said nothing along the way. He didn't speak, and Yang Wei didn't speak first. After a while, her cell phone rang. Fang Chengran called Yang Wei when she pulled out her phone from her bag.

She glanced at Qi Xiaoyan next to her, hung up the phone, and sent a text message: "I will contact you later."

The screen just showed that the sending was successful, and the phone rang again. This time, Sheng Lei: "How about you?"

Yang Wei whispered: "I have something temporarily, you go first, don't wait for me."

蕾 Sheng Lei at the end of the phone frowned. "What's going on so fast?"

薇 Yang Wei said, "I'll tell you later." She hung up the phone after talking, and continued to stare silently out the window.

Qi Qi laughed and dragged Yang Wei out in a hurry. At this time, she didn't know where to drive the car. When he turned to the third lap, Yang Wei finally couldn't help asking: "Are you lost?"

Qi Qi's eyebrows moved with a smile, and even Yu Guang didn't beat her, and continued to circle around the road. On the fifth lap, the traffic police in uniform stopped his car, knocked on the window and asked, "Sir, are you lost?"

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

"噗." Yang Wei couldn't stop laughing in the front passenger seat. The traffic police checked Qi Xiaoyan's driving license and driver's license before letting them go.

When the car drove out again, Qi Xiaoyan finally said, "What are you going to the hotel for?"

Yang Wei laughed, "Mr. Qi, did you open that hotel? No one is allowed to go in for dinner?"

Qi Qi asked with a smile, "Do I need to open a room for dinner?"

"That's not my house. Ask Fang Chengran."

Wu Qi smiled and moved her eyebrows and said a few moments of silence: "I'm here to meet my mother's friend, Song Jin met in the corridor."

Yang Wei swiped her lips: "Do you guess the reporter will believe it?"

"I don't care if the press will believe it."

Qi Qi's laughter sounded like broken glass and splashed into the compartment. Yang Wei silently squeezed the pillows into various shapes, and Qi Xiaoyan's cool voice rushed into her ears again: "Why did you cut your hair?"

问题 This problem is like a knife, stabbing Yang Wei's heart quickly. She took a sneer at Qi Xiaoyan and sneered, "Why, it's not like your first love, so Mr. Qi doesn't like it?"

Qi Qi's brow froze together without warning: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Yang Wei was irritable for no reason, and her attitude followed badly: "Do n’t you know what I said? Mr. Qi, didn't you just marry me by looking at me like Song Jin? What did you say at first sight, don't think If you have a high IQ, you can just flicker! "

Qi Qi smiled and tightened his hand on the steering wheel. He turned his head to the side and squinted his eyes at Yang Wei: "What formula did you use to reach this conclusion?"

薇 Yang Wei exploded instantly: "Don't mention Goldberg to me! The magazines have all been published and you still want to quibble ?!"

Qi Qi smiled and pursed her lips, turning back and not speaking again.

After the encounter, both people were extremely silent. Qi Xiaoyan's car drove into the campus of Imperial University, and finally stopped downstairs in his single dormitory at the school. Yang Wei pushed the door and got out of the car. She frowned and looked at the red brick building in front of her: "What are you doing here with me?"

Qi Qi smiled and closed the door, and walked to her with no expression: "Follow me."

"Why should I follow you?" Yang Wei's rebellious mental attack, standing still and refused to leave. Qi Xiaoyan looked at her, and asked without any hesitation, "Will you leave?"

"Don't go!" Yang Wei's attitude was firm.

Qi Qi smiled and stepped on her long legs. She walked to her in two steps and hugged her.

As soon as her feet left the ground, Yang Wei's heart seemed to hang in the air. She subconsciously circled Qi Xiaoyan's neck, and a beautiful wrath in her beautiful eyes: "What are you doing? Put me down!"

"Don't be noisy, Mrs. Qi." Qi laughed, and a piano-like voice sounded in her ears, and Yang Wei's cheek was slightly hot with her warm breath. Don't look away, don't look at Qi Xiaoyan's features and outlines that can easily arouse her emotions: "Mr. Qi, I'm not Mrs. Qi anymore."

Qi Qi smiled, squinting at the corner of her mouth, and said nothing. The elevator was so quiet that she could only hear each other's heartbeat. It seemed as if a century had passed, and the elevator door finally opened. Qi Xiaoyan went out and placed Yang Wei on the ground.

Yang Wei straightened her clothes and looked at Qi Xiaoyan's back. Many times, they all went home like this, and Yang Wei liked to walk into the house with him. Her nose was a little sour again, she sucked her nose and looked sideways.

"What are you still standing there for?" Qi Xiaoyan stood at the door and called her. Yang Wei bit her corner of the mouth and walked in fiercely.

Qi Qi smiled and smiled, closing the door behind her.

After entering the door, Yang Wei was standing still in the living room, but her eyes were constantly looking at Qi Xiaoyan's "new home". The single dormitory provided by the school to the professor is much better than the student dormitory, but it is a simple two-bedroom and one-living room, which is small in size and has no high-end decoration. There was not much furniture in the room. There was only a table and sofa in the living room, and several white shirts were hanging outside the window.

Yang Wei blinked, and it was really sinful for Professor Qi to bend to such a place.

Qi Qi smiled and kept rummaging in the bedroom as soon as she came back. Yang Wei walked to the door of the bedroom and looked at it with some impatience. "What are you looking for?"

Qi Qi laughed and pulled out an album from a cardboard box and patted the gray on it: "That's it."

He stood up, put his photo album on the computer desk, and said to Yang Wei, "Come here."

Yang Wei stood there for two seconds, and then walked up. Qi Xiaoyan's long fingers quickly flipped through the album, like a butterfly dancing in the flowers. Yang Wei looked dizzy, but fortunately Qi Xiaoyan stopped in time and pushed the album in front of her: "That's it, look at it."

瞟 Yang Wei glanced at him before looking down. The photo album is a group photo with the indoor basketball court in the background. At a glance, Yang Wei saw Qi Xiaoyan standing in the middle of the team. He was wearing a red and white jersey, and his hair was tied into a small bun behind his head, staring blankly at the camera.

"This is Song Jin, then the team manager."

The fingertips of Qi Qi smiled and nodded on a girl's body, and quickly gathered it back. Yang Wei looked at it subconsciously. The girls in the photo had sharp short hair, wearing loose T-shirts and Harem pants from Europe and the United States, holding a basketball in her arms and smiling coolly at the camera.

"Do you still think you look like her?"

Qi Qi's laughter sounded like a butterfly gently inflaming his wings, but a tiny movement could trigger a tsunami.

薇 Yang Wei's eyes moved a little, and she recovered her gaze from the photo.

I really don't look like anything at all. If Qi smiles and doesn't say anything, she won't recognize this as Song Jin.

"When I met Song Jin, she was also called Song Xiaofang. The song Jin you see now is just an idol packed by the company." Qi Xiaoyan closed the album and put it back in the carton.

薇 Yang Wei stood with her head lowered, and did not speak or move, just pulling on the small pendant on her shoulder bag.

"But your hairstyle is also pretty." Qi Xiaoyan's voice suddenly came from the opposite side, Yang Wei looked up at him, and the latter uncomfortably looked away.

薇 Yang Wei inadvertently smiled at the corner of her mouth. She looked at Qi Xiaoyan and admired, "Mr. Qi seems to have improved his aesthetic ability recently. I have also seen the photos. Can I let me go home now?"

Qi Qi smiled and thought, "Have you had lunch?"

Yang Wei said, "It was intended to eat, but you were dragged away halfway."

Qi Xiao said, "Then I will pay you a lunch." He walked into the kitchen after speaking, Yang Wei looked after him, and saw that he took out some vegetables and meat from the refrigerator and raised his eyebrows slightly. . Of course Qi Xiaoyan knows how to cook, and Qi Xiaoyan also does a very good job. It's just that she usually cooks most of the time. I want to eat the food that Professor Qi made by myself.

So Yang Wei is not in a hurry now. She is standing at the door, watching Qi Xiaoyan and asking, "Why are you still cooking yourself? The cafeteria is not far from here."

Qi Qi smiled and waited until the pool was full of water, and threw the vegetables on the chopping board: "Occasionally I do it myself."

薇 Yang Wei watched side by side without looking up, but didn't mean to come up to help. After standing for a while, she went directly to the living room to watch TV.

Wu Qi smiled and said that the meal was made very efficiently, and she got off the job in more than half an hour. Yang Wei looked at the three dishes and one soup on the table, and after trying each one, she deliberately said: "The stir-fried Phoenix tail is too salty, the green pepper is not hot enough, the green beans are still a little raw, and the tofu soup is completely tasteless. . "

Wu Qi smiled and picked up the chopsticks, and tasted every dish: "I personally think it is much better than you."

Yang Wei: "..."

I wo n’t eat it!

The dishes on the last plate were still eaten clean by two people. Yang Wei ate a happy meal and thought that the dinner tonight could probably be saved.

祁 While Qi Xiaoyan was washing the dishes in the kitchen, Yang Wei carrying Bao Chong shouted, "I'm going!" Before Qi Xiaoyan answered, she rushed out quickly.

I heard a slight closing noise, Qi Xiaoyan looked back, and then washed the dishes.

When Yang Wei returned home, she fell asleep until six in the evening. Thinking of classes later, Yang Wei finally got up from the bed and poked at the computer.

逛 Doing nothing for a while on Weibo, Yang Wei poked into the homepage for another three minutes. She has replaced the new avatar she gave her. Yang Wei swiped her mouse and saw that she updated a Weibo post in the afternoon-I was in a bad mood today, and the new article was not open. I just wanted to be quiet. [Bye]

一群 A group of readers in the comments asking who she is quietly, Yang Wei laughed and sent a private message to the past: "Great, are you swollen (⊙o⊙)?"

Wait another three minutes v: I am chasing my goddess, but the progress is not smooth (??  ̄,)

Yang Wei didn't care too much about the two words of the goddess, but just kindly encouraged: "Much better, Ren Yingying can chase Linghu Chong, Mu Guiying can also chase Yang Zongbao, you must be able to chase your goddess. ! "

等 Wait another three minutes v: Thank you, I feel a lot better ^ _ ^

One minute later, Yang Wei received a text message from Fang Chengran: "Are you free tomorrow? I want to invite you to watch a movie ^ _ ^"

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