MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 27 Start reading

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Yang Wei had a big curly dog ​​in her dream, she always hugged herself, and when she woke up, she saw a curly ... man.

According to the mantra of Jianshuang University, it is enough to have no one to drink with. It is enough to have a man.

——From this point of view, Yang Wei is undoubtedly lucky. But if this man was using ... something very fantastic ... against himself, the situation would not be so wonderful.

Qi Qi laughed and said there were many animals when she woke up in the morning. Yang Wei had seen it, so she kept her posture with her eyes open, and tentatively called out, "Scroll?"

"Wife ..." The blurry and **** voice gently overflowed from Qi Xiaoyan's lips, and without opening his eyes, he kissed her lips following Yang Wei's voice. Yang Wei suddenly burst into a thunder in her heart, Qi smiled and called her wife, only one case.

Sure enough, when she hadn't felt the gentle touch on her lips, Qi Xiaoyan had rolled over and pressed her under her. The kiss on the lips deepened, and Yang Wei's lips were bitten by him, but she had no time to take care of it, because Qi Xiaoyan's dog claws had been stuck in her clothes!

Yang Wei's cold fingertips swept across her skin, and Yang Wei couldn't help shivering. This slight reaction seemed to please the person, and his movements became more unrestrained. Yang Wei panicked and pushed his shoulder hard, but the person on her body remained motionless. Feeling that each other's body temperature was rising rapidly, Yang Wei took a mouthful and took a bite at Qi Xiaoyan's mouth.

Qi Qi sighed in pain, Yang Wei grasped the gap and kicked him off the bed with one kick.

After the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground, Qi Xiaoyan supported his head with his right hand and slowly sat up from the floor. Slender fingers were inserted into the soft black hair, and there was a little scarlet on the corner of the bitten mouth. He looked up slightly and looked at Yang Wei's direction, his eyes seemed a little puzzled.

的 This picture of the beautiful man who was just stabbed has severely stimulated Yang Wei and almost evoked her heart.

Her alarm clock stopped her urge, and Qi Xiaoyan's eyes recovered a little bit.

The two met each other for half a minute, and Qi Xiaoyan asked, "Don't you turn off the alarm clock?"

Uh ...

Yang Wei dripped the alarm clock.

After Xu calmed down, the atmosphere was inexplicably awkward. Qi Xiaoyan touched the corner of his mouth, and when he saw the fingertips stained red, he looked a little unnaturally from the ground.

At this time, Tianguang was just right, and the soft morning light wrapped him in without hesitation ... when it was wrapped, it was no bag!

Yang Wei's eyes fell on him uncontrollably, smooth skin, streamlined muscles, inverted triangle figure, oh, and abdominal muscles and mermaid lines ... the sound of water in her ears echoed last night, She could even trace the trace of water flowing along his skin in her head ...


Yang Wei feels that she is getting more and more degraded. In order to hide her insignificance, she grabbed the quilt and threw it on Qi Xiaoyan: "Can you put on your clothes?"

Wu Qi smiled and hugged the quilt and glanced at her: "You too."

薇 Yang Wei subconsciously glanced down at her clothes. The buttons of her pajamas had been unbuttoned, and her neckline was wide open. With a flush on her face, she couldn't wait to kick Qi Xiaoyan out of the window: "You go!"

By the time Yang Wei came out of the bathroom after washing, Qi Xiaoyan was already neatly dressed. At this moment he was admiring Yang Wei's graffiti on the wedding photo.

薇 Yang Wei thought for a moment, she really did not expect Qi Xiaoyan to see this improvisation one day.

"Did I get a bit more handsome after being processed by me?" Yang Wei rushed before he taunted. Qi Xiaoyan turned her head and looked at her: "Why not treat yourself?"

"I seek natural beauty."

"Of course I see it, where is the beauty?"

Hmm ... who was making a brutal hair to me!

Qi Qi turned around with a smile, and walked out of the bedroom: "If you don't leave, you will be late." Yang Wei rolled her eyes quickly behind him, and then followed him out the door.

Qi Qi smiled and bought a cup of freshly ground soy milk and a milk bag to Yang Wei at the shop downstairs and drove her to school. Yang Wei took a bite of the milk bag in her hand and glanced at him: "Aren't you eating?"

"I want to drive and I will go to school to eat."

Yang Wei didn't hesitate, and took another bite of milk. Breakfast was eaten before school. When the car stopped in front of the school gate, Qi smiled and said, "I'll pick you up after work."

Yang Weiwei: "What?"

"I'll pick you up after work." Qi Xiaoyan repeated without expression.

薇 Yang Wei's mouth was a little drawn: "... I mean, why did you come to pick me up?"

Qi Qi smiled and raised her eyes, Meifeng converged slightly: "Did you meet someone this afternoon?"


"That's fine."

Yang Wei: "..."

She was thinking about discussing this issue with Qi Xiaoyan seriously, and He Can's mother came with He Can: "Mr. Yang ..."

Her expression was awkward, she seemed to have no idea how to speak. Qi Xiaoyan looked at them side by side, frowning sharply, and got out of the car: "You are the parent who scolded her because she had run away from home by two points?"

Yang Wei: "..."

Help me though I described it to you, but you do n’t have to say it in front of others!

He Can's mother's face suddenly seemed difficult to look at, but Qi Xiaoyan seemed to be unaware. A pair of cold eyes locked her tightly: "Do you know that intelligence is related to heredity? When did you pass the exam? What is the total score of your university? Have won several awards at provincial level or above? Have published several academic papers? If you think your child is not learning well, you may reflect on it before you ask her whether she is working hard enough Click on your genes. "

Yang Wei: "..."

Professor Qi Qi is worthy of Professor Qi, and it is a straight poke. How strong the mental capacity of his students is.

He Chan's mother was also questioned by him through a series of questions, and the shaking in her eyes seemed to be deeply introspecting her own genes.

Qi Qi laughed coldly again: "No matter how good a child's children are, they won't call your mother."

As soon as He Chan's mother was stunned, even He Can looked up at his head and stared at him, with a flash of worship that only a little girl could have.

After the mother and daughter entered the school, Yang Wei exhaled and said to Qi Xiao: "Professor Qi, how can you have such a big temper?" He usually quarrels with himself in a serious discussion about academics. Such simple and rough anger is rare.

Qi Qi smiled and did not answer. He turned and stepped onto Audi, reminding him before the car started: "I'll pick you up this afternoon."

Yang Wei stood at the gate of the school and watched the car drive far away, poked his lips, and entered the school with a smile as usual.

The office was so busy today, Yang Wei heard the voice in the corridor. When she entered, the crowd was suddenly quiet for a second, and then Teacher Yao fumbled to her side: "I heard that you were robbed last night? Did you get hurt?"

Teacher Luo also crowded over and asked, "Mr. Yang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Yang Wei smiled at them and walked to her place. "Should you give priority to He Chan over me?"

Teacher Yao Yao shrugged: "I was away from home when I was young, but I heard that the senior team leader was very angry last night."

听 "Who heard that?"

"Security at the door." Teacher Yao sat down in his chair and asked Yang Wei puns, "What have you lost?"

薇 Yang Wei drew his mouth and said, "Wallet and mobile phone."

老师 Ms. Yao opened her eyes and said, "Your wallet is worth tens of thousands?"

薇 Yang Wei covered her heart in pain: "Please don't mention it."

老师 Teacher Yao shut up in cooperation. Yang Wei packed her things and walked to the fifth-grade classroom.

The classroom is as lively as the office. Because Yang Wei called a classmate yesterday, it's no secret that He Can's leaving home. Yang Wei can tell that everyone in the whole year knows it within one morning.

Xun usually had a few girls who were better than He Can in the class around her. Even the class leader stood beside her to guide her honestly. Yang Wei clapped her hands, reminding him, "Okay, I went back to my seat and started reading early."

The students returned to their seats one after another, and Liang Mingchen sat in the last row and shouted to her, "Mr. Yang, were you robbed last night?"

薇 Yang Wei drew a dry smile: "The case has been reported, and students must pay more attention to their personal safety."

Gu Lei Mingming's Gu Lei in the front row asked in a hurry: "Is it money or color?"

Yang Wei took a deep breath and smiled at him: "Student Gu Lei, just now Teacher Dai said that you failed the last language test. You may need to give a speech at the podium alone at the parent meeting."

Gu Gulei: "..."

If he did, he would be killed unceremoniously by his dad.

"Mr. Yang, save one's life to win a seventh-level floating slaughter."

Yang Wei continued to smile: "You don't want to give a speech. You can go back today and copy" Yueyang Lou Ji "ten times and give it to me tomorrow."

愣 Gu Lei froze for a moment, then turned back and asked Liang Mingyu: "What is" Yueyang Tower "?"

He Liangming said, "Name the Daquan."

磊 Gu Lei turned back with some understanding.

After Yang Wei left, Liang Mingji took out her mobile phone and started 舅舅 texting: "Oh! Teacher Yang was robbed last night!"

After Liang Mingming finished sending the news, he didn't think he would see it at noon. After the first lesson, Fang Chengran called him directly. Liang Mingzhang hid in the men's restroom and secretly picked up the phone: "Well, I can't keep it if someone catches this candy bar."

Fang Chengran said directly, "Give the phone to you, Teacher Yang."

Mingliang Ming blinked, shoved the phone into his pants pocket, and ran to the office door and looked at it. Yang Wei was sitting there preparing for the lesson. He thought about it, yelled "Report" and rushed to Yang Wei.

Yang Wei looked up and looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

Liang Ming 灏 secretly shoved the phone into Yang Wei's hand and whispered, "I want to talk to you."

薇 Yang Wei hesitated a few times before he took the candy bar machine in his hand and walked to the window: "Fang Chengran?"

"Yang Wei? You were robbed last night? Are you all right? I can't get through to call you today."

Li Fang Chengran's tone sounded very anxious, Yang Wei responded, "I'm fine, my phone has been snatched, and I will contact you when I buy a new phone."

承 Fang Chengran on the other side of the phone seemed to exhale, and said for a few seconds, "I'll pick you up after school today."

"Ah?" Yang Wei's eyebrows moved. "No, I have already made an appointment this afternoon."


Yang Wei thought for a while and said, "A friend."

"Well then, if you need help, you can always find me."

"Okay, thank you." Yang Wei hung up the phone and returned the cell phone to Liang Mingying. "It's almost time for class. Come back to the classroom."

"Oh." Liang Mingying closed his eavesdropping ears, said goodbye to Yang Wei, and went out. Back in the classroom, he edited a text message to Fang Chengran: "Don't cry, come in my arms :)"

舅舅: "... Does your mother know that you scored 84 points in your language?"

Liang Ming 灏: "... you can't come to my arms, but you can't threaten people like this."

After a while, he sent another message in the past: "I can help you see who Mr. Yang has scheduled in the afternoon :)"

舅舅: "You still have to memorize the two ancient poems first :)"

Fang Chengran put down his phone and stared at the codeword software.

Alas ... I really want to write a newspaper article.

放 When school was off in the afternoon, Qi Xiaoyan's Audi was on time at the school gate. Although his Audi was not as eye-catching as Fang Chengran's Maserati, he attracted no less eyes than Fang Chengran.

Yang Wei also saw Qi Xiaoyan standing beside the car at a glance. Unlike Fang Cheng, he didn't lean on the door, but stood straight on the side.

I just stand and give a meticulous sense of rigor. Yang Wei couldn't help but chuckled, just like his favorite math.

Seeing Yang Wei come out, Qi Xiaoyan opened the door and followed her.

"Where are we going?" Yang Wei held Qi Xiaoyan's pillow on the car and turned her head to look at him. Qi Xiaoyan said the movement smoothly started the car and drove it out: "Shopping mall."

Audi passed by a bright black car parked on the side of the road, Fang Chengran pressed the window and frowned. Sitting next to him, Liang Mingzhang looked away from the window, and the other side insisted, "Well, cry when you want to cry. That person is more handsome than you."

Li Fang Chengran: "..."

而且 "And just by looking at your face, you know that IQ is higher than you."

Fang Chengran jumped from the corner of his eyes: "... who are you nephew?"

"If you can choose ..." Fang Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly dangerously, Liang Mingyun quickly completed the remaining half of the sentence, "I will definitely choose you!"

He thought for a while and said, "How can he look so much like the model Mr. Yang painted in class? Ah, yes, I heard it was his ex-husband!"

Fang Chengran closed the window and said to the driver in the front row: "Go ahead."

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