MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 45 Start reading

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Yang Wei was awakened by Qi Xiaoyan the next day. She fumbled her phone and looked at it, it was seven o'clock.

She felt a little startled, and Yang Wei said strangely, "Why didn't the alarm go off?" She remembered that she had been set at 6.40 and had not adjusted it.

Qi Qi smiled and stood by the bed and looked at her. It looked like she had finished washing: "The alarm clock is too noisy. I'm afraid I would scare you. I will wake you up later."

Yang Wei looked at him and blinked without expressing her feelings.

"Hurry up, breakfast is ready." Qi smiled and turned and went out. Yang Wei slowly climbed up and pulled out a navy blue vertical striped dress from the closet. Body. After washing, she walked to the dining room. On the table was a bowl of oatmeal, a small bowl of egg custard, and a small glass of milk.

Yang Wei opened the chair and sat down, raising her eyebrows and glancing at him: "So rich? When did you get up?"

"It won't take much time." Qi Xiaoyan had the same food as Yang Wei in front of her, except that she had more weight than her. He said, and gave her another glass of warm lemonade: "This is specially prepared for you to ease morning sickness."

Yang Wei took a sip of lemonade and was bubbling in her heart. This feeling is like the little girl turned over and became the mother of the palace.

Yang Wei hasn't vomited much this time, but her appetite is much better than before. Qi Xiaoyan was worried that she did n’t eat much, so she made fewer breakfasts for her, but judging from today ’s situation, she can prepare a normal breakfast for her tomorrow.

After Yang Wei had enough food and drink, she went into the room and combed her hair. When she came out, the black hair on one side was pinned behind her ears by the rhinestone hair clip that she had before, and she looked fashionable and pretty. She blinked at Qi Xiaoyan and asked, "Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful." Qi Xiaoyan bowed her head and kissed her, took her hand and walked to the door, "Unhappy, you will be late."

Yang Wei followed him in the car, Qi Xiaoyan said after starting the car: "I will pick you up after work."

Yang Wei thought for a while and thought, "Will it be inconvenient to run this way?" After all, Qi Xiaoyan also has a lot of things in the school, and the distance between Didu University and the city is not too close.

"It doesn't matter, I will talk to the school leaders today." With that said, he felt that he should also reflect the situation with Yang Wei's school. Thinking so, I met the fifth grade leader at the school gate.

The team leader of Grade is a middle-aged man. It looks like a gentle and intellectual type, but it is actually a temper tantrum. Yang Wei was a little scared of him subconsciously, so she was just as afraid of the class teacher when she was studying, but Professor Qi had no such concerns at all, and he and the head of the grade group talked very much at the school gate.

"What, Teacher Yang is pregnant?" The exclaim of the senior group leader attracted many passersby's eyes, and even the fat security guard at the door put his ears straighter.

Qi Qi smiled and nodded: "Well, so I hope the school can take care of her a little bit." Primary school students are not the same as colleges. It is a lively and active age, and he is really uneasy.

Although the leader of the Grade 10 team was hot-tempered, he still cared for teachers and students: "Mr. Qi, rest assured, we will definitely protect Teacher Yang from her hard work."

Yang Wei was a little embarrassed, but she was even more embarrassed. The senior group leader ran to the fifth grade second class in the early self-study and announced loudly, "Classmates, your teacher Yang is pregnant. Do n’t make her angry, and do n’t make trouble in the corridors and classrooms. If you hit Teacher Yang, you can only give yourself to her, she does n’t have to. ”

After listening to what he said, the classmates were silent for a moment, and then they started to make a noise. They looked at Yang Wei with a very curious look. Yang Wei felt a little stressed, and the grade leader came over and patted her shoulder: "Ms. Wang will be back next month, and you can relax by then."

薇 Yang Wei nodded and responded, and followed him back to the office.

Liang Ming 灏 finally came back from shock, didn't Teacher Yang have divorced? Why is she still pregnant? Who is the child? !!

He complained in his heart that the grade leader's speech would not focus on the point, secretly pulled out the candy bar from the schoolbag, and sent him a text message: "Well, Teacher Yang is pregnant, you are really dead :)"

Li Fang Chengran: "..."

看着 He looked at the text message for a long time, but still resisted the urge to call Yang Wei.

Only one morning, Yang Wei's pregnancy has spread throughout the entire grade. After class, Teacher Yao quickly walked to Yang Wei holding her English book and asked, "I heard the grade leader say she's pregnant. Really?"

Yang Wei frowned a bit of dry lips: "Really."

Teacher Yao Yao sat down beside her, holding her hand with excitement: "Who is the child?"

Yang Wei ripped the corner of her mouth and replied, "Qi Yanyan."

Teacher Yao opened her eyes in surprise and looked at her for a long time before she said, "But ... doesn't he like men?"

Yang Wei: "..."

She coughed and started to shift the topic: "Last time you said you went to a blind date, what happened?"

Teacher Yao Yao winked at her proudly: "I found a non-tiring and intellectual outdoor sports hobby."

Yang Wei was a little curious: "What?"

"Play majiang."

Yang Wei: "..."

So in the end, you guys have smoothly developed into ... brand friends?

She still gave her the "Grandson of War" in the drawer.

In the afternoon, Qi Xiaoyan came to pick her up from work on time, and worked diligently to make dinner after returning home. What did Yang Wei do in the living room? After Qi Xiaoyan brought the cooked dishes to the table, she walked to her and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Oh, this." Yang Wei looked up and handed him the brochure in her hand. "Someone sent me a leaflet saying it was a parent's classroom."

"Parents' classroom?"

"Well, it ’s the feeling of parents experiencing the classroom, specifically teaching prospective fathers and expectant mothers how to bring babies." Yang Wei looked at him and said, "I originally wanted to register, but this course requires two people to participate together."

Qi Xiaoyan looked at the brochure for a while and commented: "It looks pretty good, quite regular." He put the manual on the coffee table, and bent over her with his hands to support his body, "I will go with you. "

Yang Wei smiled: "I'll go to sign up."

"I'll do my report, now I'll wash my hands and eat."

The days of Qi lived under the auspices of Qi Xiaoyan. On Sunday, Professor Qi dressed up and bought Pu's favorite Pu'er tea. He went to the battlefield and went to the Yang family with Yang Wei.

薇 Yang Wei had mentioned this to her mother before, so the family is very special today, and even Yang Wei ran back home to see the fun.

Yang Wei looked at the parents who were sitting tightly and called out very charmingly; "Mom ~"

妈妈 Mother Yang voted her a helpless look, and today is the home of Father Yang. Qi Xiaoyan handed the beautifully packed gift box to Dad Yang: "Dad ..."

"Who is your dad!" He said a word, and was interrupted rudely by Father Yang, "You and our family Wei Wei have divorced, don't bark."

Qi Qi smiled and said she was still holding the gift box in her hand, and said without change: "I came to tell you about it today, and Yang Wei and I plan to remarry."

"When you say remarriage, you remarry, what is your family Weiwei!" Father Yang stood up from the sofa, looking at Qi Xiaoyan aggressively. Qi Xiaoyan put his gift box on the table and stared directly at Dad Yang: "We were so impulsive before the divorce. This time we remarried after careful consideration. We will not be as hasty as before."

"Thinking? I think you're going to think about it with the actress!" Father Yang got really upset, and really started. Suddenly, Ji Feiju jumped, and Qi Xiaoyan didn't dare to fight back, but could only stubbornly. Yang Wei looked anxiously on the side, and quickly protected Professor Qi's head, for fear that her dad would be dumb. That country might find their house to settle accounts.

"Dad! What do you do to kill the child in my stomach!"

A word of words reversed the whole situation, and Father Yang and Mother Yang looked at her in surprise. Yang Ye sat on the little sofa and drew his lips. My elder sister was quite good at it. After watching a few TV shows, this method?

After Dad Yang stunned for a moment, she quickly returned to God: "What children are in your stomach? Do you think I will believe such ghost words?"

"Really, the name is all right, called Qi Juanbao!" Yang Wei pulled away her bag and flipped out the contents. "Look, this is a hospital certificate, this is a doctor's prescription for me I take this medicine every day, and this one is my pregnant woman ’s manual. "

She put all these miscellaneous things on the table, and Mother Yang stared at the table for a while, looking up in surprise and joy and confusion: "Baby, are you really pregnant? But aren't you divorced? This When did it happen? "

Yang Wei touched the tip of her nose, a little awkward: "Well ... I was drunk once ..."

"What!" Father Yang jumped up again and hit Professor Qi, "You idiot! And bully my daughter while drunk, ah! I don't know the checkpoint after divorce, I can't beat you today!"

Yang Wei, while protecting Qi Xiaoyan, said, "Dad, can't you be civilized! What can't you say well!"

"I have nothing to say to him! I care what kind of rare animal he is!"

爸爸 Yang Yang's start is not too light. Qi Xiaoyan quickly pulled Yang Wei away and guarded him behind: "Baby, you stand to one side and wait for you."

Seeing this, Mother Yang quickly grabbed Father Yang: "I'm a dozen years old. Why are you just like Yuner! Do you really want Weiwei to be in trouble?"

Father Yang closed his hands indignantly, and stood there for a few breaths before frowning and looking at Yang Wei: "Really Qi Qibao?"

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