MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 48 Start reading

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薇 On Wednesday afternoon, Yang Wei took a half-day vacation from the school and followed Qi Xiaoyan to the Civil Affairs Bureau for remarriage formalities.

的 The staff who was in charge of receiving them was the last one. He seemed to recognize Yang Wei as well, and after a moment he said, "Ah, you are the last Goldbach?"

Yang Wei: "..."

She smiled at the staff and said, "Goldbach and Euler eloped. Please help us with the remarriage procedure."

staff member:"……"

After collecting their information, he started the procedure. When they signed their names on the application, he couldn't help but sigh as the person who came over, "The establishment of a relationship requires a long period of torture with each other, the longer the , The deeper the relationship. Congratulations to the two remarriages. "

Yang Wei and Qi Xiaoyan signed their hands at the same time.

After waiting for the two to step out of the Civil Affairs Bureau's door, the divorce certificate in their hands has been changed back to the marriage certificate. Yang Wei opened the red book in her hand and looked at it, except that the date is different from before, there is nothing different.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Qi." Qi Xiaoyan stood beside her and looked at her with a little smile on her lips. Yang Wei gave him a whistle and packed the marriage certificate into the bag: "Congratulations on you, Mr. Qi, who is tangled."

He was said to be stubborn, and Qi Xiaoyan was not angry. After Yang Wei followed him for a few steps, he suddenly thought of something and stopped. Qi Xiaoyan looked at her side by side, a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Yang Wei swiped and said, "Curly, you still didn't propose to me."

I actually received the certificate with him so easily twice, and said that he would kneel on one knee!

Wu Qi smiled slightly and moved her eyebrows slightly and pulled Yang Wei into the car.

The peach blossoms on both sides of the road have already been defeated, and now only lush green leaves remain. The black Audi drove across the concrete road, picking up a few leaves on the street.

稍 A slightly older woman in the Civil Affairs Bureau winked at a colleague next to her and said with a smile: "Don't forget my hot strip."

Uh ...

Qi Qi laughed and drove the car back home, and said to Yang Wei, who was lying on the sofa, "I made an appointment for a photo studio, and I will take a wedding photo again this Saturday."

懵 Yang Wei froze, and sat cross-legged on the sofa: "Why re-take a wedding photo?" Compared to this, she hoped he would come down on one knee to propose marriage! There is also a big bunch of roses!

Qi Qi said with a smile: "You have painted me like that, are you going to hang like this all the time?"

Yang Wei thought about the wedding photo in the bedroom with a smile on her face: "I think it looks pretty good. It looks better than you."

Qi Qi looked at her with a smile, and suddenly pulled her lip line: "Then I will draw one for you tonight, anyway, I have been in your class for a semester, and I am still very confident."

Yang Wei: "..."

She flattened her mouth and said, "Should there be a reserve of the previous photos? Just print another one?"

"I want to take another photo." Qi Xiaoyan said at this time with a wayward manner like the children in her class, "Although I won't have another wedding, I want a new beginning."

Yang Wei is not unhappy thinking about it. After all, no girl does not like to wear a wedding dress. She can wear it twice in a lifetime, and the same person is standing beside her.

就 The matter was so finalized, Qi Xiaoyan went to the kitchen and cut an apple for her, and said, "Yes, my parents come over on Friday. Let's eat at home. Let me do it."

薇 Yang Wei picked up a small tooth apple and nodded: "Okay."

睡觉 Before going to bed at night, Yang Wei took a bath in the bathroom while Qi smiled and quietly took out the mobile phone hidden under the pillow to play. It's been a long time since she wrote a novel. When I saw Fang Chengran the day before yesterday, she remembered the novels she was chasing and didn't know where it was going.

I boarded the app. She went there and waited for three minutes. Although she experienced a horse turmoil, she still insisted on waiting for three minutes and then retired. This made Yang Wei very admired.

But she opened the article, only to find that there was no update for another three minutes.

It seems that his prenatal depression is very serious.

A long announcement hung on the copy of the article, Yang Wei read it carefully--

With the increase of dog abusers from all walks of life, the pattern of dog abuse is also endless, and single dogs who are weak and weak are facing a severe survival crisis. As a leader among single dogs, I deeply feel that it is difficult to walk in this world. Even if I just want to listen to music and relax, I can be abused without precaution. Here, I decided to devote myself to the great cause of defending single dogs, and I will dedicate all my enthusiasm and love to this cause-so I have no time to update :)

Yang Wei: "..."

She has seen a lot of authors, but it is the first time she has seen such a great story.

She looked at the latest comments under the article and was also very lively.

"Does n’t come back to update without falling in love? [Bye]"

"Don't be stupid, really talk about love will not come to update, okay."

"The last time I saw such a chic assertion, I further stated that it was still on Weibo with boiled lemon. [Bye]"

所以 "So it's true that Weibo said that broken love was not a crisis public relations (关 o⊙)?"

大大 "Daily, isn't your boyfriend an octopus ball? A good person like you is, of course, fat and water does not flow outsiders' fields :)"

I also had a young reader named Caihua's fox brother, who wrote him a long and long comment, caring for his broken love and trauma with a warm spring breeze, and said that he had a big embrace and could accommodate him at any time.

"What are you sneaking up on?" Qi Xiaoyan said when he had taken a shower and was behind Yang Wei, wiping his wet hair with a towel while looking down at her.

Yang Wei suddenly felt that the mobile phone in her hand had become a hot potato. She quickly buckled the screen on the bed and smiled at Qi Xiaoyan. "Sheng Lei wanted to ask me to have dinner on Friday. I told her I didn't have time. . "

Wu Qi smiled and raised an eyebrow, so he didn't believe it, but didn't ask again. Yang Wei breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Qi Xiaoyan, who was wiping her wet hair. He didn't wear a shirt, and all his beautiful muscles were exposed in front of Yang Wei's eyes.

The perfectly curved chin is connected to the stretched neck curve, the elbows and shoulders and necks are curved into a triangle, and the smooth lines look full of tension.

Yang Wei admired the picture of a beautiful man bathing for a while, and smiled with disappointment: "Curly, let me draw a painting again."

Qi Qi smiled and wiped her hair slightly, looking down at her: "What do you want to draw this time?"

"Of course it's a beautiful man taking a bath."

Wu Qi's eyebrows raised with an invisible eyebrow: "Need me to take off?"

不用 "No, it's fine now, half off and half left to make people think about it." Yang Wei quickly flipped out her pencil and blank paper, thinking that it was time for aesthetic education for Juan Bao.

Qi Qi smiled very well, Yang Wei asked him to pose whatever he wanted, even when Yang Wei proposed to touch his muscles and felt the hardness for easy understanding.

薇 Yang Wei's white and tender claws touched Qi Xiaoyan's upper body. Poke the pectoral muscles for a while and poke the abdominal muscles for a while. It took a lot of bargain, but there were few strokes on the paper.

Wu Qi laughed and told her to play with her hands. Anyway, he had a good memory. Where she touched now, he could touch it again later.

I waited until Yang Wei finally touched it, and finally painted it seriously. Like Qi Xiaoyan said before, she is very skilled in drawing him, and can paint a picture of him even with her eyes closed. After painting, she showed the finished product to Qi Xiaoyan, Yang Wei said with a little pride: "Curly, if I take your painting out of the album, it will definitely be hot."

Qi Qi responded with a smile and listened to Yang Wei: "But I won't take it out. These are my exclusive collections."

There was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, and Qi Xiaoyan seemed to smell the sweetness of cream. Thinking of it this way felt a bit dry, he bent down and couldn't wait to taste it.

Yang Wei was overwhelmed by the kiss and opened her mouth slightly in surprise. This action facilitated Qi Xiaoyan's tongue and broke directly into her mouth to gain more sweetness.

When Yang Wei returned to God, she was already pressed on the bed. Qi Xiaoyan said that because she was afraid of the treasures in her stomach, she did not put her weight on her, but he looked at his eyes, warmly. When Yang Wei just touched, she felt her cheeks hot.

宝宝 "Baby, did you hear what the staff member said today?"

Qi Qi's laughter sounded like sake. Although it tasted light, it was hot to the heart. Yang Wei's vague "Huh?", Qi Xiaoyan bent over, almost talking against her lips.

"Emotional establishment takes a long time to torture each other. You just tortured me for so long. Now it's time for me to torture you."

Yang Wei: "..."

Because of the seemingly non-existent but ubiquitous artifact, this torture can never be carried to the end. The ending is Yang Wei's end with her own hands.

Wu Qi smiled and fell on her shoulder, panting heavily, and Yang Wei herself was a little tired, her heart gently fluctuating. Qi Xiaoyan rolled over and fell beside her: "Baby ..."

"I'm not coming, I'm so tired." Yang Wei hurriedly refused before he asked anything. Qi Xiaoyan looked at her for a while, and a slight smile on her lip line: "So much sweat, let's take a bath."

He is talking about us, him, and Yang Wei.

Yang Wei was chased to the bathroom in the state of chaos, and naturally tortured each other again before finishing the bath.

After Qi Qi laughed and changed a sheet, Yang Wei climbed up to sleep exhausted. Qi Xiaoyan threw the sheets into the washing machine, followed her to climb up and hugged her to sleep.

On Friday, Qi Xiaoyan's parents came home as scheduled and brought a lot of supplements for pregnant women. The high-end bottles and jars are written in English and even French. Yang Wei doesn't understand it, but she still accepts it according to the order.

Yang Wei was actually worried about the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law during the early marriage with Qi Xiaoyan. After all, she was poisoned by various TV series of mother-in-law for so long. She subconsciously thought that her mother-in-law was fierce. But after meeting Qi Xiaoyan's mother, she was completely free of this worry-not to say how kind mother Qi is, but when your mother-in-law's education is too high, so high that she breaks down human genes every day When you know your heart, you will feel that your mother-in-law's problem is worse than the Chinese cabbage on the table.

Qi Xiaoyan ’s parents are all studying genetic engineering. Yang Wei, who is so bullying and cowardly, does n’t know much about it, so she does n’t understand most of her mother-in-law ’s words. For example, Qi Xiaoyan and him My parents sat and talked together, but Yang Wei only felt that it didn't sound too much like Mars.

While lamenting the horror of this family in her heart, she deeply reflected on how little she had read.

"Vivi." Qi mother suddenly called her, Yang Wei came back to her with a spirit. She only remembers the double helix structure and bases of genes. If the mother-in-law tests her base pairing, she may not be able to answer.

Yang Wei has a small fear in her heart. Looking at Qi's mother is not like looking at her mother-in-law.

"Pregnancy is a bit hard. It was good to survive. I had a lot of pain when I was laughing, but he was a good boy and kicked me without moving." Mother Qi just shared her childcare experience with her. The soft words made Yang Wei feel at ease.

The two chatted in the living room. Qi Xiaoyan got up and went to the kitchen to cook. Dad Qi also helped in the past, but made Yang Wei a little embarrassed. Qi's father in the kitchen could not help but urged Qi Xiaoyan to be more considerate of his wife, Qi Xiaoyan all responded one by one.

After eating dinner, Qi Xiaoyan's parents left, Qi Xiaoyan went to send them, and Yang Wei sat in the living room alone to study those bottles and jars.

After Qi Qi came back with a smile, she walked to her and sat down, naturally holding her in her arms. Yang Wei was holding an all-English manual in her hands, and she looked at it vigorously. Qi Xiaoyan looked at her and chuckled above her head: "Baby, do you really understand?"

"Of course I can understand!" Yang Wei wrinkled Xiu Mei and stared up at him. "Oh, I was also a person who was going to study abroad. My English grade has always been the top three in the whole year."

Qi Qi smiled and said that she thought about something, and held her tightly: "If you hadn't married me at the beginning, would you have gone abroad?"

"Should do it." After all, her dad has been very active in this matter.

Wu Qi smiled and pursed her lips with a low voice: "Did you blame me?"

当然 "Of course not, I don't really want to go abroad so much. I spent too long abroad when I was in elementary school. I don't have so much enthusiasm for going abroad."

Pu Qi's eyes were darkened, and she kissed in her ear: "I think I'm lucky to meet you at the best time."

"Of course you are lucky. Marry my witty and beautiful wife." Yang Wei said, turning her head, her black and white eyes dotted with sly smiles, "Speaking of which, why didn't you tell your parents about our divorce? Are you going to hide them forever? "

Wu Qi smiled and looked into her eyes, and suddenly smiled, just like a cloud seeing the sun: "Of course not, I just believe that we will still be together."

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