MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 55 Xiu Enai's daily life of the wife and wife

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家长 After lunch, the parent activity day also ends here. There is no class in the afternoon in the kindergarten, and parents are directly taken home by their parents.

Qi Qi laughed and said that there were two lessons in the afternoon. Before Yang Wei left, he specifically explained that he could not leave Qi alone at home, so he had to take Qi Rang to school.

Qi Qi made him have the habit of going to bed after lunch. Qi smiled and carried him. When he parked the car in the Imperial University, he was already asleep in his seat.

Wu Qi smiled and considered for two seconds, but still did not wake him up, but hugged him. This time is the point of siesta. Most of the students rest in the bedroom, and the school is extra quiet. Qi Xiaoyan hugged Qi Rang across the campus, and the sun fell from the lush tree above his head, casting a mottled light spot on them.

I occasionally encountered a few students who had just returned from a meal, and when they saw Professor Qi holding the child, they all showed shocked and curious expressions, but as if they were afraid of waking the children, no one came to talk. A girl secretly filmed this scene with her mobile phone, and did not wait to return to the bedroom before posting a post on the campus forum.

God! I seem to see Professor Qi's son! The charm of the professor with his son is Max! HD Uncoded Pictures Be Careful!

Such a rippling title, of course, quickly attracted the same rippling classmates. Obviously it was a nap time, and the girls' bedrooms were boiling like chicken blood.

"Sleeping woolen yarn! Professor Qi has brought his son to school, so please hurry up!"

天 "Oh my God! The kids are so cute! Did Professor Qi do the same when he was a kid! I seem to have found the motivation to learn math again!"

"Are you sure that Professor Qi's arms are his son?"

"You can almost look no more, look at this clever little curly hair, look at these wise features, can it still be your son?"


Although the dormitory was boiling, Professor Qi had no idea. He was now putting the sleeping Qi on the sofa in the office.

I put on a coat of Qi Rang, Qi Xiaoyan walked back to his desk and planned to write a paper for a while.

The bright sun fell in the room, and time seemed to slow down. The wind that accidentally passed through the window, brushed the thick professional books on the table, and only the sound of the pages turning was left in the quiet space.

Some people's footsteps came from far away, and Professor Wu walked in happily from the outside: "Smile, I heard you brought your son to school?"

Qi Qi smiled and raised his eyebrows, looked up at him: "How do you know?"

Professor Wu raised his eyebrows, and handed him the mobile phone in his hand: "It's been crazy on the forum."

Qi Qi smiled and took the mobile phone, swiped on the screen, and saw the dense reply.

"It's unbelievable! Professor Qi has such a warm side! Can't he treat us better?"

"This is the difference between a son and a student, let's go upstairs ╮ (╯_╰) ╭"

"Children's skin is good! Can you pinch him if he gets a perfect score in math?"

"The first grade is here. Those who want to pinch, please line up according to the score."

"I really want to go to Professor Qi's arms qwq"

"Which class has Professor Qi's class in the afternoon !!! See me !!!"

"No thanks in Class 302 of Boya Building in the first and second quarter of the afternoon."

"... want to come to Professor Qi's class, did you really think about it [laugh cry]"

Qi Qi smiled for a while, and logged in with her own name to post a reply.

"Did you finish all of the homework I sent in the email last night? There will be 5 points off at the end of the period without replying to the email before class in the afternoon."

Uh ...

The post that was still hot just now became silent like death.

Wu Qi smiled and put Professor Wu's phone back on the table, and when he looked up, he saw that he was looking at his son with a smile on the sofa.

Wu Qi smiled and frowned, and said, "You stay away from my son, it's easy for you to lower his IQ like this."

Professor Wu Wu: "..."

Isn't his IQ better than a kindergarten kid? Even if the kid was the son of Professor Qi, he would not accept it!

Professor Wu left indignantly, Qi Xiaoyan wrote a dissertation for a while, and woke Qi Rang at two o'clock.

Qi Rang, who had just woke up, was obviously new to the new environment. He rubbed his hair a bit messy and sat on the sofa blankly.

"Drank the milk." Qi Xiaoyan passed a carton of milk, Qi Rang took a look, and drank it with a straw.

Qi Qi smiled and stood by the sofa watching him: "I have two lessons in the afternoon, what are you going to do?"

"Uh ..." Qi Rang looked around in the office and thought it would be too boring to stay here for two lessons. His father might have a paper for him to do, so he said, "I want to talk to you Go to class together. "

Qi Qi smiled and thought for a while: "Follow me to the class, but it can't disturb the class discipline."


Then Qi Rang went to class behind Qi Xiaoyan.

Qi Qi made great strides with a smile, and Qi Ran had to trot to keep up with him. Classmates walking around the campus holding books saw this scene, they were so adorable.

A female teacher from the Foreign Languages ​​Department came forward, and when she saw Qi Rang, she screamed in surprise: "Oh my God, Professor Qi, is this your son?"

Qi Qi nodded with a smile, and Qi Rang smiled at the female teacher with a smile: "Sister, good."

The female teacher covered her mouth and smiled, "Your son's mouth is so sweet, he doesn't look like you at all."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "Give me a Pi to my sister."

Qi Qi let his back up.

Maid teacher: "..."

Well, she admits that this is definitely the son of Professor Qi.

I bid farewell to the female teacher, Qi Xiaoyan continued to take Qi Rang on campus. When he was outside the 302 teaching room of Boya Building, Qi smiled subconsciously.

There was so much talk in the classroom that even some students stood in the corridor. Qi Rang stood beside Qi Xiaoyan and looked up at him: "Do you usually have so many students come to the class?"

Qi Qi smiled and didn't answer, and walked up into the classroom. Qi Rang followed him in, and felt that the whole classroom was twice as bright as before-that was the light emitted from the eyes of the students.

"Find a place to sit down by yourself." Qi laughed and the cold voice sounded above his head. Qi Rang looked at the crowded classroom and stood still.

"Children, sit in your sister's arms!" A girl with a round face waved his hands imposingly, and Chong Qi let out a loud voice. Qi Xiaoyan walked to the podium and gave her a quiet look. The girl laughed and said, "I mean, sit next to your sister."

"Don't go to that strange aunt, come here, my sister hurts you!" Another girl with a pair of ponytails threw an olive branch at Qi Rang, and the classroom was agitated. It seemed everyone was eager to try.

Qi Qi laughed and said condescendingly, "I hope that when I draw someone to solve the problem, you will be so positive."

Uh ...

The mood of eagerness to calm down instantly.

At last Qi Rang still sat next to the girl with a round face, attracting a lot of envious eyes.

The squad leader pushed his glasses and asked, "Professor Qi, is this your son?"

"Well, he came over to the next two lessons."

Squad leader: "..."

He looks like he is still in kindergarten! It's time to audit advanced mathematics! Is there something wrong!

The students' moods are a bit colorful, only the round-faced girl asked diligently: "Child, what's your name?"

Wu Qirang replied nicely: "My name is Qi Gou Egg."

Girls: "..."

"It's my father's name."

Girls: "..."

The image of Professor Qi Qi in her mind suddenly collapsed in half.

女生 A girl in the front row took out all the snacks in her bag and tempted Qi Rang: "Child, let your sister touch your head, these snacks are for you ~"

Wu Qirang looked at her and said, "My sister looks so beautiful, so I can touch her without giving me snacks."

The girl's heart was shot in an instant: "Hey! Is this really Professor Qi's son? It's so cute!" She rubbed Qi Rong's hair and was bubbling with happiness.

When the girls around him saw this, they touched Qi Rang's head with excitement, and even a few boys beside him were seduced by Qi Rong and wanted to touch his head.

Wu Qi let watching the boys stretch their hands towards themselves and shouted, "No movement!"

The boy's movement stopped stiffly.

Wu Qirang smiled naively at them, embarrassed and said, "Sorry, I'm a bit clean."

Boys: "..."

This is the son of Professor Qi! Born to be a natural enemy of men!

"Qi Rong, you can solve this problem." Qi Xiaoyan suddenly heard the cold voice from the podium, like a pot of ice water poured from his head.

The students looked at the complicated function problem on the blackboard, and they were silent collectively.

Wu Qirang: "..."

Professor Qi Qi abused his son and was not at all kind.

休息 During the break, the students surrounded Qi Rang group again. The round-faced girl sitting next to him showed the most loving smile in her life, and asked Qi Rang, "Children Qi, is your father so cold at home? Will he play games with you?"

Wu Qi asked: "Yes, he plays Sudoku with me every day."

Girls: "..."

I didn't say anything, she just wanted to rub Qi Qi into her arms and cruelly comforted her.

The squad leader next to him eagerly tried to say, "So let's play Sudoku, shall we?"

Wu Qi asked and nodded: "Okay."

女生 Some girls are dissatisfied: "What kind of man is you a big boy bullying a kindergarten child!"

Wu Qi asked: "It doesn't matter, if I lose, my father will avenge me."

Squad leader: "..."

He suddenly didn't want to play anymore.

He randomly found a sudoku problem on the mobile software, and then announced the start of the competition. Qi Rang took a pencil to write and write in the book for a while, and before the bell of the next class rang, he used his crisp childish voice to the monitor around him: "Brother, I'm done."

The squad leader left the last few blanks filled, and when he heard that, he almost didn't break his pen. He glanced at Qi Rong's Jiugongge filled with numbers, and opened the software to compare the answers, and none of them were wrong.

"This is impossible!" The class leader is not good as a whole. He even lost to a child in kindergarten while playing Sudoku. This is impossible!

The classmates next to him screamed at each other, and the squad leader sat in a sullen position and began to doubt life.

Wu Qirang patted the squad leader's shoulder and comforted him, "Dad practiced this with me every day, and he also timed me. I was just more proficient."

Squad leader: "..."

He didn't want to be comforted by a kindergarten kid at all.

Qi Qi smiled and watched the game all the way, and said to Sarang with satisfaction: "You can watch another ten minutes of animation tonight."

Squad leader: "..."

十 The subversion of his outlook on life in exchange for a ten-minute cartoon?

It is necessary for Professor Qi Qi to reflect on his education method!

After the two sessions, Qi Rang was surrounded by girls reluctantly, and everyone took a photo with him holding a mobile phone.

Wu Qi smiled and screwed him out of the pile of people, leaving without looking back.

On the road, Qi Xiaoyan looked at Qi Rang who was next to him and smiled. "It seems that you can integrate into college life more than kindergarten life."

Wu Qi asked: "The girls in kindergartens are bean sprouts. How can university sisters be beautiful?"

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

So who has inherited this?

The two went to the office to pick up things, and then returned to the house by car. When we got home, Yang Wei made a phone call.

Qi Qi smiled and told Yang Wei a few words, and the phone was snatched by Qi Rang again: "Mom, I'm your treasure!"

Yang Wei laughed at that end: "Cuan Baoguai, what did you do this afternoon?"

"I went to college with my dad in the afternoon, and I won their monitor."

"What did you do to win the monitor?"

"Sudoku competition."

Yang Wei: "..."

I don't know if the class leader is okay now.

Wu Qi smiled and snatched the phone back again: "Well, he got along very well with the girls in the class."

Wu Qirang: "..."

"I took pictures when I left. I will post a few of you later."

Wu Qirang: "..."

Yang Wei really received the picture sent by Qi Xiaoyan. The girls were surrounded by Bao Bao in the photo, and each of them also loved him.

薇 Yang Wei drew a corner of her mouth and locked her phone in the cabinet. Teacher Yao, who was changing clothes next to her, saw her bathing suit and looked disgustedly: "Will your swimsuit be too tightly packed? What age is this?

薇 Yang Wei shrugged: "Professor Qi is determined."

Teacher Yao Yao did not believe: "Professor Qi's aesthetics?"

"It has nothing to do with aesthetics. Professor Qi is purely fancy about its many fabrics."

Mr. Yao Yao: "..."

Evening dinner was made by Qi Xiaoyan. Although Qi made the children not want to admit it, his father's cooking was indeed better than his mother's.

After eating, Qi let Happily watch the cartoon for twenty minutes more than usual, and ran to the side to paint. Qi Xiaoyan came out after washing the dishes, glanced at the table and asked, "What are you painting?"

"Daddy is painting." Qi let his head go up, and continued to paint on the drawing paper. Qi Xiaoyan walked over and took a look. It was indeed the scene of his class. Whether it was the podium or the person standing on the podium, or even the function question on the blackboard, it was completely restored.

Wu Qi smiled and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you understand these symbols?"

"I don't understand, but remember."

Wu Qi smiled and rubbed his head: "You can understand when you grow up."

"Oh, how old did Dad understand?"


"I will understand at the age of thirteen."

Wu Qi smiled slightly and patted him, "Well, go wash and wash. Isn't you tired after playing for a day today?"

Wu Qirang finished the last stroke and ran to the bathroom to wash.

Qi Qi smiled and supervised him as he climbed to bed, Qi asked to cover the quilt, and said to Qi Xiao, "Good night, Dad."

Wu Qi smiled and kissed on his face and turned off the bedroom light: "Good night, Juan Bao."

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