MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 46

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One night without a word, the next morning, Feng Fei got up early, went out to run, and came back soon. When Haixiu washed down, Feng Feng was coming back. Feng Fei handed two packs of breakfast to Haixiu, went to take a bath and waited for him. When it came out, Haixiu had already packed up the breakfast and fruit, and sat at the table waiting for him.

The peak is not rubbing the water droplets between the necks, saying: "Wait for me, cool for a while, eat fast."

This story has not been said more than once, but as long as they are eating together, Haixi will never move chopsticks when he is not there, and he will wait for him if he is hungry.

How to make him so lucky, I found such a treasure.

Although this baby will occasionally hang him.

Feng Fei thinks about the last night or hate it, and wants Haixiu to do that again.

Feng Fei didn't eat very fast. It took me a few minutes to clean up the food in front of me. When Haixiu had not finished eating, he went to take the fresh-keeping box, put the leftover fruit and the two, and took another box. Put the brownie cake he just bought from outside, Fengfei put two crisper boxes in his bag, and wait for the big class to take it to Haixiu.

When the peaks were not packed, Hai Xiu also ate well. Feng Fei pushed the dishes to the dishwasher. The two changed clothes together and picked up the bags to go to school.

Two people walked to the school. When they approached the school gate, they happened to meet He Hao. He Hao saw the two people far away. They just wanted to pretend to walk away. They didn’t want to be seen by Feng Fei. They even called him, He Hao couldn’t stop, one stopped. The face was impatient waiting for the two to go together.

Feng Fei looked at He Haozhen's face and smiled. "What happened to you? Hey? Just told you to hear it?"

He Hao is too lazy, he nodded with Haixiu and said hello, and Fengfeng said: "Is it heard? Let's take time off."

Peak is not very interested: "A few days? I had heard that the last graduating class was put out for five days."

Speaking of this He Hao face a little smile, shaking his head: "I don't know who it is, we will report it to our school in advance, we are the focus here, the above is strict, the school did not dare to make up the class, other grades On a normal holiday, we can also spend half a month on the third year of high school."

Feng Fei’s first look at Hai Xiu, Hai Xiu’s eyes are also bright, and Feng is not busy asking He Hao: “When did you start?”

"On the beginning of the new year, the eighth day of the official school." He Hao counted, very satisfied, "Is there a half-month leave?"

Feng Fei looked at Hai Xiu: "Aunt's number is a holiday?"

Haixiu said: "A normal holiday, get thirty afternoons."

The peak of the mouth is a little bit of a smile: "Is there no one at home that year?"

"Yeah." Haixiu knows what Feng wants. In the face of He Hao, he is very embarrassed and can't stop being happy. "Before... my mother has to go to work."

Feng Fei gave Hai Xiu a tacit look. Hai Xiu bowed his head and did not speak on the snow. He Hao took two seconds to understand what the two were happy, and turned his eyes to make himself an air.

Feng Fei did not expect to have such a long holiday, no plans, and now I have to start thinking about it. He and Hai Xiu discussed: "Ski going? Will skiing?"

Haixiu shook his head: "I have been to my mother before, not very likely to play."

"It's okay, I teach you." But Feng didn't think about it, and felt a little lost. Even if he could teach Haixiu by hand, the two men's heavy ski suits would not be cheap, he suggested. "Or go to Sanya? It's warm, I was there over the Lunar Year last year."

Haixiu couldn't make up his mind and honestly said: "You...what do you think is good, just how."

Three people entered the school gate, He Hao coldly interjected: "The captain came back in a few days, said in the group, come back and ask us to eat grilled fish, you remember to come out for a day."

The peak was not smashed, and suddenly I remembered the board of the next squad leader who Haixi had told him last night.

Peak did not ask: "Who else?"

He Hao is not clear: "Who else? Who are the gangs of our school team, the captain and his girlfriend are coming, maybe with a girlfriend, what happened?"

Peak did not confirm: "Shao Yueying from the next class is coming?"

Haixiu’s momentary spirit, also looked at He Hao, He Hao frowned: “What is she doing?”

The peak did not let go of the heart, said: "Nothing, don't come."

Feng did not turn to look at Haixiu and asked: "Do you like to eat grilled fish?"

As long as he can follow Fengfeng, what is going on to eat what Haixiu really has no opinion, he nods: "Like."

"I guess you love to eat, people who love to eat fish are smart." Feng Fei suddenly remembered something, smiled and asked, "will you pick a fishbone?"

Haixiu had to admit: "I don't know how to pick it up. When I was a child, my mother took the thorns and gave it to me. I didn't let myself get it. I have never been..."

Feng is not humble and smiles: "I am quite sure. Really, I have never been picked up by me since I was young, but I have never eaten fish."

Waiting for Haixiu to praise the peak, He Hao can't help this light bulb: "I am stunned... Now this special fish can not be smashed and can be displayed? Is it ill?!"

The peak does not push the back door of the class. It is not too slow to add: "People who eat fish have flexible tongues."

The peak is not slightly eyebrows, look at Haixiu: "Yes, Haixiu?"

Haixiu stunned, smashed a big red face and hurriedly ran to his seat.

Feng non-mouthed and smirked, He Hao instantly expressed the meaning of "flexible tongue", and couldn't bear to roar: "I will see you stop **** me later!!"

Half a class turned around and looked at He Hao. The peak was not laughing. He took a picture of He Hao’s shoulder and returned to his seat.

Feng Fei sighed at the side of the work he was going to pay today: "He Hao is not teasing, he is anxious without saying two words."

Haixiu took a hot breath and lowered his head and did not speak. The peak did not touch him with his elbow and asked: "Come back to eat the grilled fish and say it?"

Haixiu’s incomprehensible words could not be said. He nodded and said that he had heard it. The peak was not arrogant and asked: “No problem? Then I told the captain that they are all people who know each other and play together. chant."

Haixiu continued to nod, and Feng Fei made a close smile: "If you are afraid of getting stuck, go back and help me practice?"

Hai Xiu was angry, and the red face was weak and the peak was not a glance. Feng did not smile and pleaded guilty: "I have not said anything, I just did not deliberately say it in front of him... This is not the case." Have you been together, don’t be funny to others in the future, do you?”

Haixiu is very good, and it is not good at all.

Feng Fei continued to discuss with Hai Xiu what he did a week ago. There were plans for business and quantity. Before the self-study, some students came to Hai Xiu and said that Ni Meilin told him to go to the office.


Haixiu opened the door of the office. In the office, only Ni Meilin was alone. He probed: "Mr. Ni?"

"Come in." Ni Meilin put down the pen in his hand and looked at Haixiu. "Come, inform you of one thing."

Haixiu approached: "You said."

"This is the case." Ni Meilin said, "This matter has not been notified yet, but many students should know that our graduating class basically does not make up the class this year, and the winter vacation should be suspended for half a month."

Haixiu nodded: "I heard that."

"According to the regulations, this is true, but in many counties' schools, or in the development zone... where they don't have much control, everyone is tutoring." Ni Meilin wrote a letter, "Others make up, we don't make up, don't equal Is it one step behind others?"

Haixiu can't understand this kind of Mandarin, only knows the nod of nod: "Yes..."

"So, our school leaders plan to open a small class, specifically for your students, rent a place near our school, give you a supplementary class, the class is the most qualified teacher of our grade, there are not many students The whole grade is also 30 people, and more afraid of being discovered, the class time is the same as usual." Ni Meilin looked at Haixiu, "just one week before, no problem?"

Hai Xiu was dumb and hesitated: "Can you... not go?"

Ni Meilin accidentally looked at Hai Xiu: "Why?"

Haixiu licked his lips and said, "I don't want to go."

"Hai Xiu, you are now the first place in our grade, the school leaders know you." Ni Meilin actually does not like this kind of differential treatment, but the school leaders have instructions, they have to persuade, "If you don't go, our grades Leaders will definitely notice that in fact, this kind of small-sized cram school is available in every school. You don’t have any burden. The teachers are one-on-one notifications. Don’t say it, other students won’t know. This tutorial will not accept your tuition fees, it is entirely for you."

"Thank you teacher..." Haixiu couldn't bear the good intentions of Ni Meilin, but still resigned, "I really don't want to go, I... I will read books seriously at home."

Ni Meilin did not think that Haixiu would be so resistant to this kind of thing. When she was trying to say something, she saw the reddish dents between Haixiu’s neck.

Ni Meilin instantly forgot what he was going to say.

Haixiu apparently did not realize that Ni Meilin quickly disguised his expression and looked down at the lesson. He paused and his tone became tough: "This is a school arrangement, although it is not mandatory, but it is also Didn't say that I can refuse, this is the case."

Hai Xiu still wants to say, Ni Meilin interrupted him: "Hai Xiu, don't let the school's good intentions and expectations for you, and, don't tell other students about this matter, lest it be difficult for me and the school to do it."

Ni Meilin said that he would stop listening to Haixiu and send people out.

After Haixiu’s departure, Ni Meilin put down a lesson that did not look into the book, leaning on the back of the chair, and the brow was locked.

However, ten minutes, not as Ni Meilin expected, Feng Fei hurried upstairs and knocked on the door of the office.

Ni Meilin took a deep breath and said: "In." 2k novel reading network