MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 88 Eighty-eighth palm

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Feng Fei originally thought that Haixiu would say "this is my brother" and it is a cheaper mouth. I don't want Haixiu's opening to be a killer. The peak is not pressed and the fire is not pressed. Finally, Haixiu is put aside. The wall was stunned for a long time.

Haixiu is both stunned and innocent. I don't know how I got rid of the peaks, and I won't resist. The red face was tossed for a while, and my heart liked it a bit, but I didn't mean to talk to Feng Fei.

Relatives for a while, the peak did not let go of Haixiu, whispered: "My dad has my mother there, it is definitely okay, waiting for my mother to talk to the aunt, this matter is over...etc. The application for the exam is over, let's go on a tour, this time there is nothing else."

Regarding the application, the two men joined Ni Meilin two days ago and talked about one day and one night.

The contradiction is that Haixiu still wants to be with the same school. Fengfei and Ni Meilin naturally cannot make him foolish. Ni Meilin is more calm, first analyzes from the long-term, and will bring the consequences of his self-destructive future. Listed for Hai Xiu.

After finishing the most ugly words, Ni Meilin began to introduce Haixiu to university life and explained to him the different departments of the same school. The probability of encountering each day is low. Ni Meilin said coldly: "Unless you report a major, you have to be in a class……"

At the time, Feng Fei was licking peaches (taken from the fruit basket they gave to Ni Meilin). He snorted and hurriedly waved: "Don't, I learn my finances, he learns his physics, if you let I reported that physics is worse than pushing me down from the window. I would rather go back to you for another year."

Haixiu's future professional is unreasonably dismissed and said: "I can also learn financial..."

"Don't we talk about it, your mother said, this is not for you, you are suitable for studying advanced theoretical things, or you will have a good brain, and your profession must continue to I didn’t want to go on, and I’m waiting for me at home, so finance is quite suitable for me.” Feng Fei advised, “The same profession is definitely impossible, then it’s not a profession, but also It’s really meaningless to squeeze into a school. If you don’t listen to the teacher, you may not be in a school district. Is it interesting?”

Hai Xiu actually understood all of it, but he always had a obsession in his heart. Now he can't let it go for a while, and one of the things he is most hesitant is that he is afraid that Feng Fei will feel guilty.

He couldn't stand the peaks because of his obsession.

Ni Meilin also got this point, and the blood will be seen when I export: "Think more about Feng Fei. This is originally your kindness. Let Feng Fei learn it carefully this year. I am afraid I am sorry, but now I have graduated. It’s down, and it’s the pressure you put on him.”

Feng Fei Emei: "What do you say about this..."

Ni Meilin said calmly: "No? Haixiu, mature."

Hai Xiu’s heart sinks, and he is most worried about what he cares most.

Feng is not afraid of Ni Meilin's words, the heavier and heavier, and he took a few words to take Haixiu away. On the way home, Haixiu thoroughly figured it out, and apologized to Fengfei, who regretted him and worried about it. On the side of the road, smiled: "Do you apologize? They don't understand, I understand."

Haixiu shyly shook his head down: "I'm sorry for the peak... I can't report to you with a school. I am afraid that I will do bad things in the future, or when the education is accused by others... You will be sad, I... I was really going to be with you..."

"Okay, are you really sincere, I don't know?" Feng did not smile at the head of Yan Haixiu. "If you are not sincere, you will not delay so much time on me. Maybe the score is still high... I Well, don't say that this score is now, it will be a hundred percent lower, and it is estimated that it will not be tested. Is it not because you have this result? In fact, this is also very good. Now the school is tentatively set. It’s pretty good, it’s so close.”

Haixiu still feels that she has no face to see the peak. If she says that she wants to report to a school, she will come and she will not say it.

But Feng is not clear in my heart. I can't go because I love myself. Although it is a bit bad, he actually enjoys Haixiu's struggle for him.

Two days later, Fengfei enjoyed the little boyfriend's wholeheartedly for his own pleasure, while playing the comforting scorpion, taking advantage of the time, and finally he took advantage of Haixiu's little struggle, and he also took advantage of it.

The last few minor contradictions have almost been solved. The peak is not debt-free, and Jiang Yuman said that something will not come. Lai is on Haixiu bed. He said: "I didn't sleep well yesterday, I am here. Can you not do it for a while?"

Haixiu certainly can't say no, he wants to give Fengfei a new pillow and a new quilt. Fengfei is also taking a person to the bed and smiles: "What new? You don't use me all the time in my life." ?"

"Then I will pull the curtains up, you sleep well." Haixiu pushes the peak. "The TV is still on, I am going to shut it down, or I will wake you up later."

Feng non-helplessly let go of him, Hai Xiuyan went to clean up, the TV was turned off, his mobile phone was muted, the curtains were pulled up, the air conditioner at home was always on, the air was too dry, Haixiu was afraid of the peak for a while Woke up thirsty, poured a glass of water in front of the bedside table, and wanted to drink water without smell, put a plate of fruit together.

Haixiu looked at the peak of the bed and hesitated. He rushed to the side of Fengfei. "My mother used to buy a candle for me to help me. I will give you a good one. Nothing tastes."

The peak is not blinking, and the corner of the mouth evokes: "Which light candle, give me two musk."

Haixiu blinked, not too clear.

Feng did not open his eyes, smiled and looked at him: "Auntie came back later, watching the house so quiet, the curtains are pulling, I am on the bed, a few wax on the table, for the fruit and pear, you What is it like?"

Haixiu snorted and Feng did not laugh.

Hai Xiu said: "No, I want you to..."

"I know that you want me to sleep better." Feng Fei returned to Hai Xiu and went back to his arms. "You are here, it works better than anything else."

Maybe I could sleep well with Hai Xiu. After a while, Feng Fei fell asleep.

Feng did not sleep well last night, but Hai Xiu is not.

Haixiu didn't have a trace of sleepiness. He didn't dare to move, squinting, watching the peaks not sleeping, and he couldn't help but go over and over again. How is Fengfei so handsome and so beautiful...

I watched it for an hour.

Hai Xiu’s arm was a little numb. He couldn’t move lighter and he reached into the pocket of his pajama pants.

His mobile phone is inside.

Haixiu is a little nervous, as if returning to the two people has not yet determined the relationship, he waited for the night to sleep and secretly kiss him, this is also the case.

But now it’s already together, and I’ve got the consent of the parents on both sides... can’t it be sneak?

Haixiu turned on the camera, adjusted to the self-timer mode, slowly moving the body, and gave himself a picture of Fengfei and himself.

Haixiu gently took the photo out and looked at it, very satisfied.

When the peak is not asleep, the momentum of the body is much weaker. When the eyes are closed, the eyelashes hang down, and the corners of the eyes are bent, like laughing, and looking gentler than usual.

Haixiu had long wanted to take a photo of a peak that was not sleeping.

Haixiu did not shoot himself again, but focused on taking a lot of Zhang Fengfei. He deleted the light, the bad angles were deleted, and the rest were all saved and the harvest was full.

The peak did not suddenly move, Haixiu busy holding his breath, waited for a moment, seeing the peak is not awake, could not help but took the opportunity to take a few shots... just shot the front, did not shoot the side face.

Haixiu didn't finish shooting. In the lens, Fengfei's mouth suddenly picked up. Haixiu was so scared that the phone fell to the bed.

The peak is not lazy and laughs: "How much do you want to shoot?"

Haixiu stuttered: "No... didn't take a few shots."

After sleeping for more than an hour, Feng Fei was not tired. He stretched out and sat up to prepare Hai Xiu for his water to drink. He spread his palm and the **** of his index finger moved: "Give your mobile phone I."

Hai Xiuzhen: "Don't delete it..."

Carrying the heart, or handing over the phone.

Peak is not eye-catching, look at Haixiu's photo album, eight or eight are themselves.

Feng Fei asked Hai Xiu: "Is it okay?"

Hai Xiu blushed.

The peak is not on one side of the button: "What do you mean by looking at the photo..." After all, Feng Fei put the phone on the side of the pillow, and Haixiu looked at it in the past - Feng Fei was in the video!

Before the sea show reacted, Feng Fei had already pushed him to the bed and kissed him.

Haixiu's neck is red, still in the video! ! !

Hai Xiu moved, Feng Fei first buckled his wrist, the other hand raised Hai Xiu's chin, Hai Xiu habitual obedience Zhangkou, Feng Fei gave him a deep kiss.

The two have been together for ten minutes.

Finally, Feng did not pick up the phone with a slap in the face, press the end button, and smiled: "How did I not think of this before... After that, when, what, when you record it for a while, OK?"

Haixiu buried her face in the pillow and didn't want to see anyone.

Peak is still talking, his cell phone rang.

Feng non-cell phone is on the bed, he took it - Lu Xiaoli.

Haixiu sat up and was nervous.


Feng Fei puts his index finger in his lips, Hai Xiu is busy closing his mouth, and the peak is not pressed.

"Feng is not?"

Feng Feidao: "Well, Mom."

Lv Xiaoli sighed with relief: "I just called Haixiu's mother."

Hai Xiu: "!"

Feng Fei glanced at him and said, "How? You don't mean to wait two days to fight again?"

"Your elder brother advised me to solve the problem early and let you feel at ease. I thought about it. I also think that his mother should be a very clear and rational person. We should be able to make a contribution and speak up. Sure enough..." Lu Xiaoli laughed. I communicated very well with her. Don't worry too much. She is reluctant to talk to me. She also understands me."

Hai Xiu swallowed a slobber, and my heart was sorry for my aunt. My mother already knew it.

Lv Xiaoli thought she had solved the biggest trouble for her son. She was in a good mood and her tone was relaxed. She sighed: "Hai Xiu's mother is not easy. It is normal for her not to accept you at first, but this kind of thing... also see one day. Long time, my son is so good, she knows more, she will like it."

Feng did not laugh, he did not dare to show too obvious, and restrained: "Yes."

"So I still have to look at yourself." Lu said, "Oh, I have to cry when I said it... We said it, wait for her two days to have time, let's have a meal together."

The peak is not busy: "Good, Mom... hard work for you."

"What do you have to pay." Lu Xiaoli hung up.

When the phone hangs up, Haixiu is over-excited, and the daring one has slammed a fist on Fengfei: "Agreeed to agree and agreed..."

The peak was not laughing, and Haixiu was returned to the bed. 2k novel reading network

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