MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1426 Rolling

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"See how you block?"

Meng Tuo saw the leaf dust picking up one by one, the heart was stunned, the rotation speed became more and more rapid, the knife speed increased at least twice, before it was only his normal state, now it is an explosive state, the explosion state can not last, but It will still be possible for a while.


The dense Mars are intertwined, thick and sturdy like water, orange and red.

If you switch to other people, you may only be able to break the law and use several times the power to defeat Mengtuo, but Ye Chen does not intend to do this. This time I met Mengtuo. If I encounter Mengtuo next time, I will be stronger than Mengtuo. Tens of thousands of times of opponents, so there is no way to fight, after all, you can not get the upper hand every time.

When the sole of the foot touches the ground gently, the leaf dust fly back, and the dream expands to catch up, not giving the opportunity to open the distance.

However, for Ye Chen, it is enough to temporarily open some distance, and the sword in the hand is shaking. Nine invisible vortices are distributed around Mengtuo.

The third-style black hole type of time and space swordsmanship.

In the chaotic battlefield, the black hole can't create a real black hole, but it is still possible to create a vortex gravity. The power of this vortex gravity is not great, but it can affect the opponent's center of gravity.

as predicted.

"not good!"

Meng Tuo accidentally bumped into a whirlpool, and the center of gravity immediately changed, and the footsteps stunned.


Ye Chen is like a poisonous snake that is waiting for an opportunity to hunt. Tianjian turns into a light and rushes toward Mengtuo.

"Give me a drive!"

In the end, Meng Tuo has three arms and six arms. Even if the center of gravity is unstable, he can still use other arms to block the knife. This is the terrible thing of the ancient universe. Although the center of gravity is a weakness. But it is only relatively speaking, it is not that losing the center of gravity, there is no resistance, in that case, the ancient universe is not one of the powerful universe.

Ye Chen did not think that a sword could solve the other side. The first sword was only the beginning.


Previously, Meng Tuo attacked, and now it has become the main attack of Ye Chen, and the white swordsman spit. Meng Tuo is covered in Jianguang.


Two steps!


Ye Chen never gave Mengtu a chance to stabilize his center of gravity, let the other side shake and shake, and did not stand straight, but Ye Chen’s sword was slowly tearing open the protective net of Meng Tuo - Meng Tuo holding the knife six Only the arm.

"This is the time!"

The dream of the empty door is hidden, with the speed of the leaf dust, the six arms of Meng Tuo can be rescued without any arm.

With a bang, the blood spattered, and the leaf dust pierced the chest of Meng Tuo, and then the body shape floated out to give a feeling of being more than enough.

have to say. Dream Top is harder to deal with than the domineering universe, but overall. Ye Chen thinks that the hegemonic universe may be more powerful, immune to most physical attacks, this talent is too abnormal, and later encounters the ancient multi-cosmic life and the domineering universe life that is similar to his own strength, Ye Chen really dare not think that he has The grasp of victory.

"Everyone is together!"

Obviously, everyone did not give up and planned to go together. This is mainly because Ye Chen did not go all out. It seems that it is only stronger than Mengtuo and Zakli.

"excuse me!"

Meng Tuo's face is somewhat unnatural. Just now Ye Chen had a chance to kill him, but there is no way. The chaos is crucial, no one is willing to give up, and big people will not let others kill Ye Chen.


The shocking cosmic life with a long gun before it took the lead.

Ye Chen sneered, even if he did not move the law of water and the sword of the sky, he was not a group of rabble who could compete. The nine-order sword and golden soul made him have the capital of disdain.

Without any skill, Ye Chen is the simplest Sixiang sword in the crowd.

The four elephants are the first type of swordsmanship. They come from the swordsmanship without any skill. They only need a sword. The sword can either escape or resist.


The ground turbulent, the three populations squirted blood and flew out. Among them, the shocking cosmic life with a long gun broke the big tree and the body almost broke into two pieces.

boom! boom! boom!

There is no interval, and the leaf dust is pulled out by three swords. It is also the four elephants.

In the next moment, everyone will fly backwards. No one can be close to me. Even if Zakli is a hegemonic life, he can immunize most physical attacks. However, under absolute crushing, he still can't bear it. Fly out.


Meng Tuo and Zachary, who flew out, were shocked and suspected that they had hallucinations.

"Is he not only stronger than me?"

Dream extension dark road.

"Damn, he hides the strength. This kind of strength is definitely a semi-god level." Zachary’s heart still doesn’t understand, he and Meng Tuo are both legendary supreme, and only the quasi-god that can crush the legendary supreme .

The demigod does not appear, and the quasi-god can be said to be invincible.

In fact, above the quasi-god, there is a more powerful existence, which is against the heavens, and the anti-destination is not a demigod, but it has the strength to counter the demigod. Ye Chen is undoubtedly the anti-Japanese supreme.

Find the dumplings, Ye Chen took him immediately.


On the boundless sea, Ye Chen and the scorpion stand on the raft.

The big ship's leaf dust was not used, only one, and the raft was used up.

The weather on the sea is changing, and the wind is calm in the first moment. The next moment, the wind is blowing, the waves are soaring, and the clouds in the sky are pressing, which makes people breathless.

I feel that the raft is not very stable, and the leaf dust has to be replaced by a big ship.

The ship is 100 meters long and 40 meters wide. The deck is very spacious. As for the sails made of animal skins, it is very strong. At this moment, the sails are taken down to meet the storm.

The big wave took the boat to the top of the air for a while, and then drowned the boat. The scorpion hid in the cabin and clutched the handle on the wall. His face was tense. He was not a leaf dust and fell into the sea. He would die.


A chaotic color of electric light shines through the dark space, giving the sea a smoke.

Ye Chen always stood at the bow of the ship, and the ship that swayed violently could not pull him out.

Appreciating the storm on the chaotic sea, Ye Chen was amazed by the heart. For a long time, I have not felt this kind of oppressive atmosphere. In the twentieth years of the Xuanhuang universe, in addition to some initial challenges, the middle and late period is very calm, and the body seems to be rusting. Du Gu has always been eager for the chaos battlefield, in fact, he is not.

The sea was choppy, the wind was raging, the sea was calm, and the undercurrent was hidden. No one knew that a huge figure had quietly arrived under the big ship.

The storm on the chaotic sea, in addition to nature, there is actually a situation that can cause storms.

Six-level chaotic creatures - Chaos Thunder Whale.

Once the chaotic thunder whale wants to prey, it will form a storm. This kind of storm will come quickly and quickly.


The ship of the leaf dust was pulled out of a large hole, flying high, almost hitting the clouds in the sky. On the way, it broke into two sections, and the cross section was flashing and creaking. (To be continued.)

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